This is why we're Fighting

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Official Notice of Nomination and Election

Official Notice of Nomination and Election

2018 MACHINISTS DISTRICT LODGE 141 OFFICER ELECTION Candidate Eligibility Requirements Nomination Process Local Lodge Endorsement Vote Officer Election Absentee Ballot Process Protest Procedures District Lodge 141 has entered into a Voluntary Compliance Agreement with...

Official Notice of Nomination and Election

District Lodge 141 Officer Nomination and Election Notice

Sisters and Brothers: Pursuant to a Voluntary Compliance Agreement between the United States Department of Labor – Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS) and the International Association of Machinists District Lodge 141 (DL 141), signed on October 21, 2016, DL...

Is Being Exhausted at Work as Dangerous as Being Drunk at Work?

Is Being Exhausted at Work as Dangerous as Being Drunk at Work?

For some workers, going to work chronically fatigued might be more dangerous than being at work drunk, according to a sleep expert speaking at the IAM141 2017 Safety Conference this week. Airline union activists, managers, and safety advocates learned a surprising...

Association, AA Executive Session Negotiations Continue

Association, AA Executive Session Negotiations Continue

Brothers and Sisters, The Executive Negotiating Committee met face to face with American Airlines this week in Dallas. All groups concentrated on internal discussions and deliberations in concert with the Association legal team on Scope language that will protect our...


IAMAW District 141 Newsletter