This is why we're Fighting

  IAMAW District 141


District 141 Dept info

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Find digital copies of all District 141 Contracts and follow ongoing negotiations here.

Contact Information

Get contact information for all District 141 Officers and lookup Local Lodge Information here. 

Democracy in Action

Find governing body rules, election information, and District By-Laws here. 

District 141 Events

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Union Forms Library

Download Lost Time Forms, Grievance Documents, Steward Notes and many other official union forms here. 

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Implementation Timeline

Implementation Timeline

New Agreements: TimelineBetween The International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers, District 141 and United Airlines Holdings, Inc.Important Dates  May 1st contract goes into effect. May 1st Lead seniority goes into effect. May 7th new pay...

Florida Bill Gives Politicians Power to Disband Unions

Florida Bill Gives Politicians Power to Disband Unions

Lawmakers in the Florida House have advanced a bill that would decertify teachers' unions if they fall below a 60% membership rate within their workplaces. The bill has already cleared the State Senate, and now it is headed to Governor Ron DeSantis, who is expected to...

April Helping Hands: Alcohol Awareness Month

April Helping Hands: Alcohol Awareness Month

EAP Peers:         April is acohol awareness month. The National Institute of Health (NIH) is a great resource for information about substance use disorders. I encourage all of you to take a look at their web site: Most of the information is free and...


IAMAW District 141 Newsletter