This is why we're Fighting

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Contact Information

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Democracy in Action

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District 141 Events

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Union Forms Library

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William Wilson Named Assistant General Chair

William Wilson Named Assistant General Chair

A principal member of the negotiating team at American Airlines, Wilson will serve as Assistant General Chair for District 141. Mike Klemm, President and Directing General Chair announced the appointment of William “Billy” Wilson as Assistant General Chair at the...

Helping Hands February: Shame

Helping Hands February: Shame

The experience of shame—a feeling of being unworthy, bad, or wrong—can be extremely uncomfortable. Shame has the potential to change the way we see ourselves and may lead to long-lasting social, professional, and other difficulties. The word “shame” means different...

Association Bulletin – Contract Language Update

February 15, 2020 Contract Language Update The Association negotiating team met this week with the company in Dallas, TX to continue finalizing contract language to bring our Agreements in Principle (AIPs) back to the membership as complete Tentative Agreements for...

Finding True Love in the Union

Finding True Love in the Union

There was a time long ago, before dating sites and apps on the internet, when the only way to meet someone was to go out and interact with people. As union members who believe in solidarity, we do this all the time. But how does solidarity turn into true love? To...


IAMAW District 141 Newsletter