141 Report: Sean Rosario, Educator at United Lodge 914

141 Report: Sean Rosario, Educator at United Lodge 914

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Brother Sean Rosario is a 14-year veteran of Continental/United, and as a Lead Ramp Services Agent, has served as a Safety Advocate at EWR for 10 years.

141 Report: Sean Rosario, Educator at United Lodge 914

Dave Lehive stopped by a Shop Steward training class at Local 914 recently, and impressed by what he saw, he returned via Zoom to speak with Sean Rosario, Educator, Safety Advocate, and Shop Steward for the United Lodge 914 in Newark, New Jersey.

Brother Sean Rosario is a 14-year veteran of Continental/United, and as a Lead Ramp Services Agent, has served as a Safety Advocate at EWR for 10 years. He is also a Shop Steward and has represented his local as a delegate to several IAMAW conferences and conventions. Inspired by his experience at the William W. Winpisinger Center, he became the Local Lodge 914 Educator in January 2021.

In his role as Safety Advocate, Sean engaged with his co-workers in “peer-to-peer” education, but after he completed Leadership classes at the Winpisinger Center, he took to heart the call to “take this knowledge and information and share it with the members,” and sought a more active role as Local Lodge Educator.

He began teaching Shop Steward classes this year, which have been well received by both new and experienced Shop Stewards. With the support of Mac McGovern, District 141 Director of Education, and the district’s Education Representatives, Sean uses a hybrid model where some topics are discussed in-person, and they handle others via Zoom on a big screen. Local Lodge 914 is housed in a large space near Newark Liberty Airport that can accommodate classes following safety protocols of masking and physical distancing. Sean’s creative style includes breaking out the group into smaller units to do role play and solve problems.

Sean has taught initial Shop Steward training for UGE Stewards, and an Advanced Shop Steward class that has proven invaluable, especially for Stewards who took leaves of absence during the height of the pandemic and are returning to active duty at EWR. In the wake of many retirements in 2020, there is also a need to train new Stewards who were appointed to represent members in Customer Service, Ramp, Stores, and UGE.

We hear from Paulina Ganhito, a Shop Steward in Customer Service for 10 years, who says “We never stop learning,” and from Raymond Ortega, who has represented his coworkers on the EWR ramp for just 3 months. Sean describes Ray as “a rising star, very passionate,” and someone who took the next step and became a Shop Steward after filing many grievances to defend his rights and his coworkers.’

Eager to return to the Winpisinger Center for the Train the Trainer course that will complete his IAM Leadership education, Sean will continue to motivate members to follow in his footsteps so they can also become a valued resource for the membership.

141 Report: PHX Committee Grows in Strength

141 Report: PHX Committee Grows in Strength

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Trina David, Committee Chair, with Dan Robinson and Brian Harrison, who serve as Committee Representatives, are elected to represent over 1,000 members working at American Airlines in Phoenix.

141 Report: PHX Committee Grows in Strength

Census numbers released this week show that the city of Phoenix, Arizona is the fastest-growing large city in the United States. Dave Lehive talks to members of the Grievance Committee at Sky Harbor Lodge 2559 to find out how the area’s growth and the challenges presented by the coronavirus in the past year have affected their work. 

Trina David, Committee Chair, with Dan Robinson and Brian Harrison, who serve as Committee Representatives, are elected to represent over 1,000 members working at American Airlines in Phoenix. 

IAM members at American Airlines ratified an industry-leading contract in March 2020, just before the United States and most of the world had to pause to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

Brother Brian Harrison, who also serves as an Education Representative for District 141, points out that as a “right to work” state, Arizona has low union density, so many IAM members are working in a union workplace for the first time. Most of them, unlike their counterparts in the East or Midwest, did not grow up in a union household, so the Committee educates members about the role of unions and their value for working people. These anti-worker laws do not apply to workers in the airline industry, which operates under the Railway Labor Act, but their effect on the work culture is still damaging. Dave reminds viewers that the PRO Act, significant pro-labor legislation currently making its way through Congress, would eliminate these state laws and would strengthen organized labor across the nation. 

The Committee members and Shop Stewards of Sky Harbor Lodge 2559 represent members at American Airlines working at the PHX ramp, tower, and cargo. In the past 18 months, the Committee has seen a surge of interest from members who want to become more involved as Shop Stewards. Trina says these members are eager to defend and preserve the benefits of the contract that were hard-won through a years-long negotiation process. 

Communication is a key element of a successful local lodge and committee, and Local 2559 uses a variety of tools, including Facebook Messenger, Slack, and a Google voice hotline. There is a Committee Representative available in person at the airport for 12 hours daily. At the beginning of the pandemic, they also recorded video briefings to keep members informed as information changed quickly. The local has a large space that allows them to continue in-person training sessions with social distancing and following safety protocols. 

Committee members stress the importance of working together with Committees from other stations, and they maintain close contact with their counterparts in CLT, PHL, DEN, and DFW. This helps maintain consistency in the policies at different stations. Committee Chair Trina David mentions that as a “fairly new” committee, these interactions are very important. They also rely on the guidance of AGC Pat Rezler and “Cool Uncle” AGC Mike Maiorino.

“There’s no guidebook,” says Trina, so they learn from leaders and each other.

141 Report: Interview with Mike Klemm, PDGC of District 141

141 Report: Interview with Mike Klemm, PDGC of District 141

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Dave Lehive gets District 141 President and Directing General Chair Mike Klemm on record with updates and news on negotiations, COVID recovery and vaccinations, and other hot topics. This 141 Report is a must-see! 

141 Report: Interview with Mike Klemm, PDGC of District 141

Dave Lehive gets District 141 President and Directing General Chair Mike Klemm on record with updates and news on negotiations, COVID recovery and vaccinations, and other hot topics. This 141 Report is a must-see! 

We begin with Mike telling his story about how he “grew up” at JFK Airport in New York City and first became a Shop Steward at Local Lodge 1322 in 1999. He was elected Grievance Committee Representative two years later, and in 2006 won election as Committee Chair for JFK and LGA. He was later elected Assistant General Chair of District 141, becoming President and Directing General Chair in 2015. 

The conversation goes right into contract negotiations, beginning with the successful joint collective bargaining agreement signed with American Airlines 18 months ago. That agreement raised the bar for wages, benefits, and work rules for the entire airline industry, earning the highest rate of approval for ratification of any contract in the history of District 141. 

Assistant General Chair Tony Gibson is leading negotiations with Spirit Airlines, seeking improvements to the first contract reached with that carrier. The process is expected to continue through the fall. 

We move on to Hawaiian Airlines, where ongoing expedited negotiations are modeled after the successful process that was used with United Airlines in 2016. Delays due to COVID restrictions have slowed down the process, and both sides differ on key issues, such as wages, benefits, job protections, and scope. Mike is looking forward to a quick resolution at the next scheduled meeting in the next 4 to 6 weeks. If an agreement is not reached, the union will end expedited negotiations and will proceed to negotiations per Section 6 of the Railway Labor Act, which sets the legal framework for collective bargaining in the airline industry. 

United Airlines presents the biggest challenge to successful negotiations because of the airline’s business model, which relies heavily on business and international travel – two areas that have been the slowest to see a post-COVID recovery. United is still operating fewer flights and offering lower fares than in 2019, although executives predicted a return to profitability in the third and fourth quarters of 2021. These factors, along with the new executive leadership at the airline, require a careful assessment of conditions before jumping into a full negotiations process. The negotiations were paused in 2020 due to COVID restrictions, and to dedicate resources to protecting jobs and scope during the pandemic. 

Mike reminds us that United enjoyed the highest profits in its history before the pandemic thanks to the hard work and dedication of Machinists Union members. District 141 plans to survey members before deciding if expedited negotiations are still the best alternative to reach an industry-leading contract that rewards that hard work. Negotiators will evaluate how many issues need to be addressed to have a more defined agenda before a planned meeting with United negotiators in the fall. 

Klemm also comments on United’s policy announced today that will require all US-based employees to be fully vaccinated against COVID by October 25, 2021. As an incentive, the company is offering a paid day off for employees who upload vaccination records to the United intranet before September 20, 2021. 

Today’s announcement reverses Kirby’s statement he made in January of this year when he said, “I don’t think United will get away with and can realistically be the only company that requires vaccines and makes them mandatory. We need some others…to show leadership, particularly in the healthcare industry.” District 141 stands by the position shared with members at that time, encouraging incentives, not mandates. “We expected better collaboration between United’s executives and the airline’s unions on this critical issue. Clearly, we are working with a different regime, the Oscar Muñoz style of management is over,” said Klemm.

In related news, contract negotiations with Flagship Facility Services in SFO progressed quickly under the leadership of AGC Troy Rivera and members there ratified a contract in June. 

Brother Mike Klemm leads the largest district in the IAMAW, which has doubled its membership numbers since 2008, when most of the executive board members took office. Yet, the leadership is focused on the needs of every member and returns every call and answers every email. The efforts of district officers to date have saved the jobs of 29 members who were wrongly terminated in 2021, with 1,200 jobs saved since 2008. They have also won over $190,000 in bypass and back pay in 2021, and close to $3 million since 2008. 

Dave and Mike describe how every department in the District serves an important function for members, from Safety to Education, Legislative and MNPL, Community Service, and EAP.

During Klemm’s tenure, he has led a team that has implemented the GSAP safety program at American, has made member education available to all locals, has increased fundraising to support our allies in elected office, and is currently expanding community service programs so they serve the needs of the communities where our members live. The Employee Assistance Program serves members facing many mental health issues besides alcohol and drug abuse that have become more prevalent during the pandemic. And the Communications team keeps everyone informed because an informed union member is a powerful union member. 

Finally, Mike and Dave speak about the importance of organizing and how it relates to everything District 141 does. Non-union carriers like jetBlue and Delta spend millions every year to keep out unions because they know we will negotiate a seat at the table, respect, and a better quality of life for workers. When we negotiate contracts, they set a higher standard for non-union workers as well. 

“Could you imagine how powerful we would be if everybody in the airline industry was in a union?” asks Mike, in a call to action. 

There’s no time to waste, we have work to do. 

141 Report: “A Proper Send-Off” in SFO Celebrates Retirements and Solidarity

141 Report: “A Proper Send-Off” in SFO Celebrates Retirements and Solidarity

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What began as a plan to have a small retirement party for 49 Storekeepers who chose United’s voluntary separation programs turned into a day-long celebration for all Machinists Union members in SFO.

141 Report: “A Proper Send-Off” in SFO Celebrates Retirements and Solidarity

Over 1,000 union members from Local Lodges 1781 and 1782 in Burlingame, CA enjoyed food, live music, games, and camaraderie while saluting their brothers and sisters moving on to new horizons after their service at United, American, Hawaiian and other carriers.

Dave Lehive talks with Chris Lusk, Committee Chair and Vice President of Local 1781, who also serves as Vice President, West of District 141, and with Olu Ajetomobi, Assistant General Chair for District 141.

AGC Troy Rivera joins the conversation on a video clip, where he tells how his plan blossomed into a celebration and proper send-off for 285 retirees that all members could enjoy. The original group of 5 planners turned into an organizing committee that had 35 volunteers on the day of the event. “It was a pretty well-oiled machine,” said Chris Lusk.

The organizers had gathered 650 RSVPs on their social media posts, but once they shared pictures of the setup on the morning of the event, phones and social media websites exploded with excitement and more RSVPs. Attendance numbers are not finalized, but they expect they had “well over” 1,000 participants. The event was open to all IAM members working at United, American, Hawaiian, and Flagship Services in SFO. 

Four food trucks, which earned “rave reviews,” kept members and their families well fed, along with a beautifully displayed dessert table featuring the IAM logo. Members also enjoyed live music, games, and raffles. 

The most popular feature was a “dunk tank” where members had the opportunity to hit a target that sent their favorite AGC or local officer into a water tank for good fun and to raise money for Guide Dogs of America, the Machinists Union favorite charity. Cristina Odoardi, District 141 Community Services Director, was on hand and helped coordinate that part of the event.  

There were also opportunities for members to learn more about the Machinists Non-Partisan Political League (MNPL), the Retiree Club, and other ways to stay involved in the union. 

Brother Olu Ajetonobi says many retirees “just drop by,” but members of the Retiree Club are active in the local’s community service events, such as food drives. 

The celebration left IAM members, guests, and families wanting more. Hearing comments such as “when’s the next event, what can I do to help?” encouraged Chris to declare that ”this will be an ongoing event.” He encouraged every local to take time to celebrate our bonds and solidarity. 

141 Report: The IAM Members Who Train Flight Crews

141 Report: The IAM Members Who Train Flight Crews

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Did you know that IAM members train United pilots and flight attendants?

This highly skilled and specialized group of 150 IAM members design programs and provide training in aircraft systems and emergency procedures for United’s flight crews.

141 Report: The IAM Members Who Train Flight Crews

Did you know that IAM members train United pilots and flight attendants?

This highly skilled and specialized group of 150 IAM members design programs and provide training in aircraft systems and emergency procedures for United’s flight crews. Most of the group is based in Denver, but they also work in facilities in San Francisco and Chicago.

Dave talks to Chip Wilson and Verne Luxemburg, two IAM members of Local 1886 in Denver, Colorado who work as Fleet Technical and Emergency Procedures Instructors. These crafts are covered by the Fleet Technical Instructors and Related Employees Agreement between United Airlines and IAMAW District 141. 

When the interview begins we find Chip Wilson as “captain” of an Airbus A320 on the approach to SFO over the Golden Gate Bridge.

Instructors are specialized in each of United’s fleets. Chip oversees the group that trains pilots on Airbus A319 and Airbus A320 aircraft, while Vern specializes in the Boeing 787. Their training covers “every button, every switch,” besides emergency systems and procedures. 

Chip Wilson, an Army veteran, began working with United in 1992 and has been an Instructor since 1996. When the IAM was elected to represent the group in 1997, he became active as a Shop Steward, and currently serves as Committee Representative.  

Verne Luxenburg has a long history with United and the IAM. Since 1977, he has worked in LAX, LGA, JFK, and Denver Stapleton Airport before he transferred to SAN. He became active in the IAM and served as Committee Chair before rising to Assistant General Chair, a post he held from 2002 to 2010. Verne later became an Emergency Procedures Instructor, training flight attendants throughout the United system, before becoming a Fleet Technical Instructor. 

Brother Verne describes his close call with COVID, after contracting the virus in March 2020. He had to be hospitalized and placed on a ventilator to save his life. Fortunately, he’s made great strides and is back at work, although he has lingering problems that sometimes require him to use oxygen. After not seeing his parents for almost 2 years, he is ready to visit them after he completes his vaccination regimen in August. 

The benefits and job security that the IAM contract provides are “incredibly important,” says Chip. He recalls the furloughs they endured after 9-11 and credits their IAM contract with preventing furloughs “to zero,” preserving positions, and more importantly, the rights to the core work.

United has announced ambitious plans for expansion as we emerge from the pandemic, which is great news for the members of the Fleet Instructors group. “United Next” calls for a historic investment in over 200 new aircraft, and the hiring of over 25,000 new employees to support the new fleet. The company has been hiring Flight Training Instructors during the past year, and brothers Verne and Chip encourage qualified IAM members to apply. 

141 Report: DEN Local 1886 Committee for American Airlines

141 Report: DEN Local 1886 Committee for American Airlines

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Brothers Nic Haberman (Secretary), Mark Chavez (Chairman), and Ed Horvath (Assistant Committee Chair) show that while they represent a smaller group of members at DEN when compared with their counterparts at United, their commitment, activism, and dedication are strong.

141 Report: DEN Local 1886 Committee for American Airlines

Dave returns to Denver International Airport to speak via Zoom with Local 1886 Grievance Committee members from American Airlines.

Brothers Mark Chavez, Chairman, Nic Haberman, Secretary, and Ed Horvath, Assistant Committee Chair show that while they represent a smaller group of members at DEN when compared with their counterparts at United, their commitment, activism, and dedication are strong. One of the larger field stations in the American system, DEN has a very active group of union representatives.  

These three union brothers are veterans of airline mergers, and as a result, have worked in other cities during their careers. Their experiences have shown them the importance of having a sense of ownership of work and how this builds solidarity and pride amongst unionized workers.

Besides the essential work of identifying and resolving grievances, each one of these Committee members also takes part in other aspects of union work. Committee Chair Chavez also serves as a Safety Rep, Secretary Haberman is a local Trainer, and Horvath is an EAP Representative. They incorporate these skills into their leadership roles to solve problems at the lowest level. “If the problem never happens, that’s the lowest level,” says Haberman, stressing the value of a proactive approach. 

The conversation covers many areas of interest, including how the GSAP program is proving to be an effective tool to promote safety. Mark points out how the program provides for training and non-punitive solutions to problems and incidents that members report voluntarily. 

American Airlines is expanding operations in DEN, and Nic states that with transfers and new hires, the station has surpassed the pre-COVID number of employees. The station has a mixed IAM/TWU Association membership, with a majority as IAM and about 9% members of TWU. He proudly stated that out of a recent group of preferential hires who had the option, all chose to remain members of the IAM. 

Always a trainer, Nic never misses an opportunity to educate airport workers who approach him to ask questions about the IAM. He specifically calls out workers from jetBlue who claim they are too busy to learn about the union and sign an authorization card. He also engages in inside organizing and mentions the dangers of internal divisions that give company executives opportunities to take advantage of workers.   

Mark speaks about the importance of communication between stations to ensure consistency in the way issues are handled. This is another way we can build strength in numbers and solidarity within our union.