No Thanks, No Giving. United Negotiations Update

No Thanks, No Giving. United Negotiations Update

No Thanks, No Giving

3 December 2022

IAM District 141 and United Airlines management met in Orlando, Florida, this week and continued contract negotiations. Both parties remain very far apart on the most vital issues: job security and wages.

United management’s refusal to provide acceptable job security and wage rates for IAM-represented workers is unacceptable and disgraceful. IAM members at United Airlines have spoken loudly and clearly that the issues of wages and job security are paramount to any acceptable tentative agreement. Unfortunately, after almost a year of “expedited negotiations,” United management has yet to put forth adequate proposals that could lead to a tentative agreement. While United management sits on their hands in negotiations, ground workers employed at American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, and Alaska Airlines are earning higher hourly wages than United ground workers. At Southwest Airlines, IAM members will soon vote on a tentative agreement that provides the airline industry’s highest wage rates.

At the same time, United management continues to throw the success that we create in our faces. United proudly announced that the carrier just had its third-best Thanksgiving ever. IAM members ensured almost 3 million customers could connect with family and friends during the Thanksgiving holiday. And how does United thank us? They refuse to protect our jobs and pay us what we’re worth.

But why? Why the disrespect? Is it because CEO Scott Kirby thinks the economic future is uncertain and United must be cautious? No. Here’s part of what Scott said during United’s most recent earnings call: “Our operation is firing on all cylinders. In fact, based on most metrics, it’s running better than ever […] there are three industry tailwinds prevailing the COVID recovery for aviation and United that are currently overcoming those macro headwinds and we believe will continue to do so in 2023.”

Scott is very bullish on United’s financial future, and he should be: United made almost a $1 BILLION profit in the most recent quarter. Unfortunately, he’s not bullish on our financial future. The fact is, our hard work and dedication have been the drivers of United’s success. And that financial success directly lines Scott’s pockets and the pockets of the rest of United’s overpaid executives. CEO Kirby’s raise for 2022 was 67 percent, from $10 million in 2021 to $16.7 million in 2022. Greed at its finest.

I have called an emergency meeting of IAM District 141’s Executive Board next week in Houston, Texas. It is necessary to convene the District Executive Board to discuss the status of negotiations and plan our next steps, so we can appropriately deal with the unprecedented greed and arrogance that now permeates United’s management team.

We will advise of next steps.

In Solidarity,

Your Negotiating Committee

Olu Ajetomobi
Joe Bartz
Victor Hernandez
Barb Martin
Andrea’ Myers
Terry Stansbury
Faysal Silwany
Erik Stenberg
Sue Weisner

Mike Klemm

President and Directing General Chair,
IAMAW District 141
Recording Secretaries: Please print and post on all Union Bulletin Boards.
Read Machinists Union Open Letter to JetBlue CEO

Read Machinists Union Open Letter to JetBlue CEO

Machinists Union Open Letter to JetBlue CEO

16 November 2022

Via U.S. Mail and Email

Robin Hayes, CEO, JetBlue Airways Inc.
27-01 Queens Plaza North
Long Island City, NY 11101

Dear CEO Hayes:

On September 23, 2022, the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, AFL-CIO (“IAM”), submitted an application to represent the JetBlue Fleet Service employees. The National Mediation Board (“NMB”) has docketed that matter as case number R-7602.

On September 26, 2022, the NMB provided JetBlue with the notices that must be posted in all stations. According to the information we have received, JetBlue has failed to post the notice in at least three locations in a timely manner, including JFK Airport, Orlando, and Los Angeles. Please confirm that you will immediately post these notices today.

That notice is important because it reminds all workers, including JetBlue supervisors, that the carrier must maintain the status quo under federal law at this time.

“All employees are free to express their desire to be represented by a labor organization or to be unrepresented. The Carrier is not permitted to influence, interfere or coerce employees in any manner in an effort to induce them to participate or refrain from participating in an election should there be one.”

Unfortunately, we are receiving reports that there may be efforts to influence or intimidate employees at JetBlue by Vice President of Airports Experience, Dana Shapir, and perhaps others.

We are advised that despite the fact that JetBlue has a well-established schedule of pay increases, Ms. Shapir has threatened that workers would not receive the 2023 scheduled raises if the workers support the union.

First, we should be clear. The IAM does NOT object to JetBlue providing the already scheduled pay increases. Indeed, it is our position you are legally obligated to do so until we negotiate a new Collective Bargaining Agreement for the workers. Second, please remind your managers that threatening employees with removing benefits because of their support for the union violates federal law.

We further understand that supervisors in Boston have been asking workers about their union support. We expect JetBlue to remind their supervisors that interrogation of workers regarding their union support is also unlawful.

The IAM will protect the right of these employees to organize and join together for the purpose of representation and collective bargaining, and it is our firm commitment to defend such rights to the fullest extent of the law.

By law, these employees are granted the following rights:

  • The right to join the union and to ask others to join the union.
  • The right to attend union meetings and to ask others to attend union meetings.
  • The right to wear a union pin on the job so long as it does not carry a controversial slogan or violate company policy or uniform requirements.
  • The right to hand out union leaflets on the employee’s own time in non-work areas and break rooms and to post such leaflets and information on the employees’ bulletin board in break rooms.
  • The right to assist in, and encourage others to support, the union, so long as such efforts do not interfere with work or violate posted company policy.
  • The right to discuss the union during work just the same as they can talk about family, the weather, the latest sports scores, or industry news.
  • The right to engage in organizing activity, like urging coworkers to vote for the union, before and after work, and during breaks, in break rooms, parking lots, and other non-work areas at the airport.

If, in the course of this election, you have any questions or concerns about the IAM’s activities, please do not hesitate to contact our Assistant Airline Coordinator, James Carlson at 202-500-3916. We look forward to a peaceful and smooth election.


Richard Johnsen,
General Vice President, Air Transport Territory


Edison Fraser, COS
Tom Regan, AC
James Carlson, AAC

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Machinists Union Open Letter to JetBlue CEO

16 November, 2022

Via U.S. Mail and Email

Robin Hayes, CEO, JetBlue Airways Inc.
27-01 Queens Plaza North
Long Island City, NY 11101

Dear CEO Hayes:

On September 23, 2022, the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, AFL-CIO (“IAM”), submitted an application to represent the JetBlue Fleet Service employees. The National Mediation Board (“NMB”) has docketed that matter as case number R-7602.

On September 26, 2022, the NMB provided JetBlue with the notices that must be posted in all stations. According to the information we have received, JetBlue has failed to post the notice in at least three locations in a timely manner, including JFK Airport, Orlando, and Los Angeles. Please confirm that you will immediately post these notices today.

That notice is important because it reminds all workers, including JetBlue supervisors, that the carrier must maintain the status quo under federal law at this time.

“All employees are free to express their desire to be represented by a labor organization or to be unrepresented. The Carrier is not permitted to influence, interfere or coerce employees in any manner in an effort to induce them to participate or refrain from participating in an election should there be one.”

Unfortunately, we are receiving reports that there may be efforts to influence or intimidate employees at JetBlue by Vice President of Airports Experience, Dana Shapir, and perhaps others.

We are advised that despite the fact that JetBlue has a well-established schedule of pay increases, Ms. Shapir has threatened that workers would not receive the 2023 scheduled raises if the workers support the union.

First, we should be clear. The IAM does NOT object to JetBlue providing the already scheduled pay increases. Indeed, it is our position you are legally obligated to do so until we negotiate a new Collective Bargaining Agreement for the workers. Second, please remind your managers that threatening employees with removing benefits because of their support for the union violates federal law.

We further understand that supervisors in Boston have been asking workers about their union support. We expect JetBlue to remind their supervisors that interrogation of workers regarding their union support is also unlawful.

The IAM will protect the right of these employees to organize and join together for the purpose of representation and collective bargaining, and it is our firm commitment to defend such rights to the fullest extent of the law.

By law, these employees are granted the following rights:

  • The right to join the union and to ask others to join the union.
  • The right to attend union meetings and to ask others to attend union meetings.
  • The right to wear a union pin on the job so long as it does not carry a controversial slogan or violate company policy or uniform requirements.
  • The right to hand out union leaflets on the employee’s own time in non-work areas and break rooms and to post such leaflets and information on the employees’ bulletin board in break rooms.
  • The right to assist in, and encourage others to support, the union, so long as such efforts do not interfere with work or violate posted company policy.
  • The right to discuss the union during work just the same as they can talk about family, the weather, the latest sports scores, or industry news.
  • The right to engage in organizing activity, like urging coworkers to vote for the union, before and after work, and during breaks, in break rooms, parking lots, and other non-work areas at the airport.

If, in the course of this election, you have any questions or concerns about the IAM’s activities, please do not hesitate to contact our Assistant Airline Coordinator, James Carlson at 202-500-3916. We look forward to a peaceful and smooth election.


Richard Johnsen,
General Vice President, Air Transport Territory


Edison Fraser, COS
Tom Regan, AC
James Carlson, AAC

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Recording Secretaries – Please print and post on all IAMAW Bulletin Boards. GET PRINTABLE COPY >>

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Association Update: Holiday Arbitration

 November 7, 2022 

TO: TWU/IAM Association Members 

RE: Holiday Arbitration 

At the end of last week, we were informed by Arbitrator Dana Eischen that he needs to reschedule the Article 22 – Holiday Arbitration scheduled to start on December 1, 2022. At his request, we have rescheduled the hearing to begin on February 2 and, if necessary, Feb 3, 2023. 

We understand the frustration this delay poses; however, the change in schedule is beyond our control. 


Recording Secretaries: Please print and post on all IAMAW bulletin boards.

JetBlue Lies Exposed in MCO

JetBlue Lies Exposed in MCO

JetBlue’s VP of Airport Experiences tried to convince Ground Ops Crewmembers to give the airline another year to fix things.

JetBlue Lies Exposed in MCO

4 November 2022

Vice President of Airports Experience, Dana Shapir, has been hitting the road since GO Crewmembers filed for a union representation election. Over the last couple of weeks, Dana has been visiting GO Crewmembers and trying to convince us that the “direct relationship” is better than GO Crewmembers gaining union representation and a legally enforceable contract.

She’s having a tough time telling the truth and she had an even tougher time dealing honestly with the questions MCO Crewmembers asked her on Wednesday. VP Shapir parroted what JetBlue’s high-priced, union-busting attorneys trained her to say about the “direct relationship.” While she was begging for one more year to fix all the things that she admitted are wrong for Crewmembers at JetBlue, she claimed that “together we can fix these things through the direct relationship.” 

Really? The “direct relationship” is a stone cold sham. The same “direct relationship” that took away profit sharing? The “direct relationship” that took away monetary lifts and performance bonuses? The same wonderful “direct relationship” that took away the lead program? The same “direct relationship” that lied about Labor Day being a paid holiday? The “direct relationship” that took $2 BILLION in federal aid from the federal government to maintain our salaries, benefits and jobs during the pandemic and then cut our hours and stole our pay? Do you mean that “direct relationship”? 

VP Shapir also either lied or had no knowledge of the NMB voting process, which in either case is pretty bad. While attempting to explain the National Mediation Board (NMB) process to conduct union representation elections, VP Shapir said, “The IAM will mail out the ballots. They have your addresses.”

Huge lie. The NMB mails out the ballots to all eligible voters to the addresses supplied to the NMB by JetBlue. The IAM does not get the addresses, nor does the IAM have anything to do with the mailing of the ballots.

She also feigned ignorance, or admitted wrongdoing, regarding other questions. When asked why it’s ok for JetBlue to spend millions of dollars a year on dues to belong to a union of airlines, Airlines for America, Ms. Shapir wouldn’t even answer the question. She claimed she has no knowledge of Airlines for America and just moved on. Visit for more information. 

When asked about JetBlue management cutting the pay and hours of Crewmembers during the pandemic, contrary to federal law, Ms. Shapir just shrugged and said “we did what we had to do…”

The IAM will update all Crewmembers on the status of holding JetBlue management accountable for violating the terms of the Payroll Support Program (PSP) by cutting the hours and pay, which was not permitted by the PSP component of the Cares Act.

It’s time for all Crewmembers to unify, to VOTE YES when the time comes, and speak our minds. We have a federally protected right to join a union, and to show our support for unionizing! We are on our way sisters and brothers!

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JetBlue Management Lies Exposed at MCO

4 November 2022

JetBlue’s VP of Airport Experiences tried to convince Ground Ops Crewmembers to give the airline another year to fix things.

Vice President of Airports Experience, Dana Shapir, has been hitting the road since GO Crewmembers filed for a union representation election. Over the last couple of weeks, Dana has been visiting GO Crewmembers and trying to convince us that the “direct relationship” is better than GO Crewmembers gaining union representation and a legally enforceable contract.

She’s having a tough time telling the truth and she had an even tougher time dealing honestly with the questions MCO Crewmembers asked her on Wednesday. VP Shapir parroted what JetBlue’s high-priced, union-busting attorneys trained her to say about the “direct relationship.” While she was begging for one more year to fix all the things that she admitted are wrong for Crewmembers at JetBlue, she claimed that “together we can fix these things through the direct relationship.”

Really? The “direct relationship” is a stone-cold sham. The same “direct relationship” that took away profit sharing? The “direct relationship” that took away monetary lifts and performance bonuses? The same wonderful “direct relationship” that took away the lead program? The same “direct relationship” that lied about Labor Day being a paid holiday? The “direct relationship” that took $2 BILLION in federal aid from the federal government to maintain our salaries, benefits and jobs during the pandemic and then cut our hours and stole our pay? Do you mean that “direct relationship”?

VP Shapir also either lied or had no knowledge of the NMB voting process, which in either case is pretty bad. While attempting to explain the National Mediation Board (NMB) process to conduct union representation elections, VP Shapir said, “The IAM will mail out the ballots. They have your addresses.”

Huge lie. The NMB mails out the ballots to all eligible voters to the addresses supplied to the NMB by JetBlue. The IAM does not get the addresses, nor does the IAM have anything to do with the mailing of the ballots.

She also feigned ignorance, or admitted wrongdoing, regarding other questions. When asked why it’s ok for JetBlue to spend millions of dollars a year on dues to belong to a union of airlines, Airlines for America, Ms. Shapir wouldn’t even answer the question. She claimed she has no knowledge of Airlines for America and just moved on. Visit for more information.

When asked about JetBlue management cutting the pay and hours of Crewmembers during the pandemic, contrary to federal law, Ms. Shapir just shrugged and said “we did what we had to do…”

The IAM will update all Crewmembers on the status of holding JetBlue management accountable for violating the terms of the Payroll Support Program (PSP) by cutting the hours and pay, which was not permitted by the PSP component of the Cares Act.

It’s time for all Crewmembers to unify, to VOTE YES when the time comes, and speak our minds. We have a federally protected right to join a union, and to show our support for unionizing! We are on our way sisters and brothers!

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IAM 141, United Continue Contract Talks Amid Massive Profit Announcement

IAM 141, United Continue Contract Talks Amid Massive Profit Announcement

IAM 141, United Continue Contract Talks Amid Massive Profit Announcement

24 October 2022

IAM District 141 negotiators and United management met last week in Chicago. We resumed contract talks, which broke off in late July due to United management’s refusal to provide the job security and compensation necessary to move the process forward.

Negotiations focused again on job security. Both sides discussed ways to achieve the industry-best job security United IAM members prioritized. Both sides’ positions are still far apart.

It’s essential to understand the job security and scope proposals we’re making are not revolutionary. Other airlines already have similar language in their collective bargaining agreements. Our proposals are reasonable. United’s refusal to include basic job security provisions disrespects every IAM member at United.

Both sides also discussed the idea of a short, one or two-year extension of the existing Agreement. We repeat; any agreement, of whatever duration, must include the significant improvements in job security and overall compensation that IAM members deserve.

Also during the week, United reported almost a $1 billion net profit for the third quarter on nearly $13 billion in revenue, which is 13 percent higher than the same quarter of 2019, before the pandemic. CEO Kirby cheered and called this past season “by most metrics, the best operational quarter in our history.”

The 25,000 IAM-represented ground workers are the largest part of United’s operation. The mega-profits United is bragging about would not have been possible without our membership. It’s time for CEO Kirby and the rest of United management to put their money where their mouths are and do the right thing. In Solidarity,

Your Negotiating Committee

Olu Ajetomobi
Joe Bartz
Victor Hernandez
Barb Martin
Andrea’ Myers
Terry Stansbury
Faysal Silwany
Erik Stenberg
Sue Weisner

Mike Klemm

President and Directing General Chair,
IAMAW District 141
Recording Secretaries: Please print and post on all Union Bulletin Boards.
Labor-Friendly Legislation the Topic at Chicago Local 1487

Labor-Friendly Legislation the Topic at Chicago Local 1487

The Machinists Non-Partisan Political League fights for Pro-Union legislation within the airline industry. To find out how you can help with this critical work, please CLICK HERE >>

Labor-Friendly Legislation the Topic at Chicago Local 1487

12 October 2022

On Tuesday, October 11, the Machinists Non-Partisan Political League (MNPL) gathered at the local lodge to learn and discuss how politics influences the workplace and what front-line union members can do to influence these policies.

The topics included a history of some early events in US Rail labor history that led to the creation of the Railway Labor Act in 1926, how the Railway Labor Act applies to the airline industry, and questions frequently asked by members, such as “How do these negotiations work?” “How do we choose which politicians and policies we support?” and dispelling common myths. This event was part of MNPL’s continuing effort to educate members on issues impacting our jobs and families. MNPL is an affiliate of the International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers (IAMAW), AFL-CIO.

“It is important for us to understand how policies can affect us in the workplace by helping and hurting our membership,” said Richard Jakubowski, Local 1487 Legislative Committee Chairperson, who led the discussion. “This event and future events like it aim to ensure the members are informed about what their representatives are doing.”

Following a presentation by Jakubowski, members participated in an open floor discussion. Members could ask and answer each other’s questions and comment on various topics. Union members focused on issues including the voting record of elected representatives across the state to ensure the passage of legislation like the PRO Act, the Global Aircraft Maintenance Safety Act, the Protection from Abusive Passengers Act, and the looming midterm elections next month. Attendees also had conversations about the effect the Supreme Court has historically had on Labor and pending cases that can affect workers’ lives across Illinois and the country.

Focusing on Illinois, members discussed the confusion around the referendum vote on Amendment 1, which has been called the Workers’ Rights Amendment. Confusion surrounding this pro-worker amendment which would enshrine the right to organize and collectively bargain into the state constitution, comes from the similarity of its name to Right to Work laws found in surrounding anti-worker states. The members asked great questions regarding the information being put out by supporters and opponents of the amendment.

“…A couple of things, like strikes, past law, and other rights I didn’t have an understanding of… I have a better understanding of those key subjects.” said Dakota Harrison, a shop steward for the ramp. Nick Stanfa, another shop steward on the ramp, added, “It was informative, and tied past and modern politics to the contract and work regulations, and on how the local, federal, and judicial systems of government can affect our contract going forward.” All attendees expressed excitement to bring this information back to the ready rooms and look forward to future events like this covering more topics important to the membership.

The Machinists Non-Partisan Political League supports members of any political party willing to side with the union on issues critical to working people. The work of the League is funded entirely through voluntary donations from union members. To learn more, please visit

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Top: Attendees listen to a talk by Richard Jakubowski, Local 1487 Legislative Committee Chairperson. Bottom: Jakubowski guiding a discussion about the legislative interests of airline workers. Photo Credit: Daniel Rocano.

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Labor-Friendly Legislation the Topic at Chicago Local 1487

12 October, 2022

On Tuesday, October 11, the Machinists Non-Partisan Political League (MNPL) gathered at the local lodge to learn and discuss how politics influences the workplace and what front-line union members can do to influence these policies.

On Tuesday, October 11, the Machinists Non-Partisan Political League (MNPL) gathered at the local lodge to learn and discuss how politics influences the workplace and what front-line union members can do to influence these policies.

The topics included a history of some early events in US Rail labor history that led to the creation of the Railway Labor Act in 1926, how the Railway Labor Act applies to the airline industry, and questions frequently asked by members, such as “How do these negotiations work?” “How do we choose which politicians and policies we support?” and dispelling common myths. This event was part of MNPL’s continuing effort to educate members on issues impacting our jobs and families. MNPL is an affiliate of the International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers (IAMAW), AFL-CIO.

“It is important for us to understand how policies can affect us in the workplace by helping and hurting our membership,” said Richard Jakubowski, Local 1487 Legislative Committee Chairperson, who led the discussion. “This event and future events like it aim to ensure the members are informed about what their representatives are doing.”

Following a presentation by Jakubowski, members participated in an open floor discussion. Members could ask and answer each other’s questions and comment on various topics. Union members focused on issues including the voting record of elected representatives across the state to ensure the passage of legislation like the PRO Act, the Global Aircraft Maintenance Safety Act, the Protection from Abusive Passengers Act, and the looming midterm elections next month. Attendees also had conversations about the effect the Supreme Court has historically had on Labor and pending cases that can affect workers’ lives across Illinois and the country.

Focusing on Illinois, members discussed the confusion around the referendum vote on Amendment 1, which has been called the Workers’ Rights Amendment. Confusion surrounding this pro-worker amendment which would enshrine the right to organize and collectively bargain into the state constitution, comes from the similarity of its name to Right to Work laws found in surrounding anti-worker states. The members asked great questions regarding the information being put out by supporters and opponents of the amendment.

“…A couple of things, like strikes, past law, and other rights I didn’t have an understanding of… I have a better understanding of those key subjects.” said Dakota Harrison, a shop steward for the ramp. Nick Stanfa, another shop steward on the ramp, added, “It was informative, and tied past and modern politics to the contract and work regulations, and on how the local, federal, and judicial systems of government can affect our contract going forward.” All attendees expressed excitement to bring this information back to the ready rooms and look forward to future events like this covering more topics important to the membership.

The Machinists Non-Partisan Political League supports members of any political party willing to side with the union on issues critical to working people. The work of the League is funded entirely through voluntary donations from union members. To learn more, please visit

Top: Attendees listen to a talk by Richard Jakubowski, Local 1487 Legislative Committee Chairperson. Bottom: Jakubowski guiding a discussion about the legislative interests of airline workers. Photo Credit: Daniel Rocano.

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