Gary Welch Appointed DL141 Vice President at Large

Gary Welch Appointed DL141 Vice President at Large

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Brother Gary Welch worked for over a decade to get a union in his workplace on the ramp at IAH. He began his airline career with Continental Airlines in 1996 and quickly became an IAM Shop Steward after the merger of Continental and United Airlines in 2011. Four years later, he was elected Ramp Services Committee Representative. 

Gary Welch Appointed DL141 Vice President at Large

Mensaje en Español  ///

Gary Welch, an experienced organizer and Grievance Committee Chair from Local 811 in Houston, Texas, was named District 141 Vice President at Large by a unanimous vote of the district’s Executive Board. He had previously served as a District 141 Trustee.

Brother Gary Welch worked for over a decade to get a union in his workplace on the ramp at IAH. He began his airline career with Continental Airlines in 1996 and quickly became an IAM Shop Steward after the merger of Continental and United Airlines in 2011. Four years later, he was elected Ramp Services Committee Representative. 

His steady and effective leadership has protected the rights, working conditions, and benefits of the members of IAM Local 811, one of the largest and most active locals in District 141. Using his excellent negotiation and communication skills, Gary has helped preserve the health and safety of workers and has saved the jobs and livelihoods of dozens of Machinists Union members.

Gary was elected District 141 Trustee and also Local 811 Grievance Committee Chair in 2018. He is serving a second term as Committee Chair after his reelection in January 2021.

“I am pleased to announce the promotion of Gary Welch to Vice President at Large for District 141,” said Mike Klemm, President and Directing General Chair. “Gary’s organizing skills and his passion for democracy and justice on the job set an example for all of us. I am excited to work more closely with Gary so our contracts are respected and we continue to build power for working people,” said Klemm.

141 Report: Al Yamada, President of Sea-Tac Local 1351

141 Report: Al Yamada, President of Sea-Tac Local 1351

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In his two decades as local president, Brother Al has prioritized members’ education and skills development. Several members have taken early retirement in the past year, so he is working closely with the local’s vice president and younger members who have stepped up to fill leadership roles to continue the essential work of representing members.  

141 Report: Al Yamada, President of Sea-Tac Local 1351

A 35-year veteran of United and second-generation Machinist, Al Yamada keeps building the leadership team at Local 1351.

We travel via Zoom to Sea-Tac to speak with the president of one of the oldest local lodges in District 141. When it was founded in 1941, members of IAM Local 1351 worked at airlines that are now part of history, like Flying Tigers, Northwest, and TWA. Today, the local represents 315 members who work for United, American, and Hawaiian Airlines at SEA and UGE workers at Payne Field (PAE). 

Local 1351 President Al Yamada worked for United in Chicago and San Francisco before he settled in Seattle and became active in the Machinists Union. He has roots in the area, as the son of a Machinists Union member who worked at Boeing for 30 years. Al served as Shop Steward and Conductor-Sentinel before he was elected president 20 years ago. 

In his two decades as local president, Brother Al has prioritized members’ education and skills development. Several members have taken early retirement in the past year, so he is working closely with the local’s vice president and younger members who have stepped up to fill leadership roles to continue the essential work of representing members.  

“Solidarity and strength in numbers makes the union go,” Al tells Dave. We couldn’t agree more. 

Arno Hohn Named District 141 Trustee

Arno Hohn Named District 141 Trustee

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Since he was appointed Alternate Shop Steward for Ramp Services at LAX in 1993, Brother Arno Hohn has continuously served IAM members in several capacities. Arno Hohn grew up in South Carolina and earned a Bachelor’s degree in History from the University of South Carolina.


Arno Hohn Named District 141 Trustee

Mike Klemm, President and Directing General Chair announced the appointment of Arno Hohn as District 141 Trustee by a unanimous vote of the district’s Executive Board.

Since he was appointed Alternate Union Steward for Ramp Services at LAX in 1993, Brother Arno Hohn has continuously served IAM members in several capacities. Arno Hohn grew up in South Carolina and earned a Bachelor’s degree in History from the University of South Carolina. After graduation, he moved to Los Angeles and in 1986 began working as a Part-Time Ramp Services Employee for United Airlines. In 1989 he took Military Leave from United to serve in the US Navy as an Aviation Electronics Technician aboard the USS Nimitz on the Persian Gulf. After his Honorable Discharge In 1993, Arno returned to United and was appointed Alternate Union Steward. He was later elected Union Steward and Chief Union Steward. His work gained him broad support in the LAX Ramp Services Employee group and they elected him to serve as Grievance Committee Secretary, Ramp & Stores Committeeperson, and in 2013 Arno was elected Chairperson of the LAX Fleet Service Grievance Committee, a position he currently holds.

He is also active in Local Lodge 1932, having served as Conductor-Sentinel, and previously held the position of District 141 Auditor. Arno successfully completed all Leadership and EAP courses at the William W. Winpisinger Education & Technology Center.

Mike Klemm praised Arno’s dedication and advocacy on behalf of IAM members when announcing the promotion, and said, “Arno has been a tremendous asset for District 141 who has used his skills to improve working conditions and save jobs for our members. I am very pleased to see the board recognize his hard work, and I look forward to working closely with him, confident that he will become a valued member of our leadership team.”

Winpisinger Center Enrolling for Online Leadership Classes

Winpisinger Center Enrolling for Online Leadership Classes

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Winpisinger Center Enrolling for Online Leadership Classes

The Machinists Union isn’t letting a global pandemic keep from educating members and future leaders. The William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center is offering an online adaptation of their Leadership I program June 14-25 and July 12-23, 2021.

The programs are scheduled to accommodate varying work shifts and time zones with the June class beginning in the evening and the July class beginning in the morning. Both classes include 17 hours of online sessions and approximately 7 hours of off-line assignments over a two-week period. Participants must enroll through their local or district lodges.

“I’m very excited to see this program put into action,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “Education of our membership has always been the cornerstone of our union and we can’t wait for it to be safe to travel and gather in large groups to provide it to them. Thank you for the Winpisinger Education Staff for their tireless efforts in getting this up and running.”

Business Representatives and Local Officers can enroll members using this link W3 Online Class Registration and selecting the appropriate Program via the dropdown menu. Participants who complete a program will receive a certificate and are eligible to participate in next level leadership program either online or in person. As is the case with in-person Leadership Programs, availability of lost time for participants solely at the discretion of the enrolling local or district lodge.

In addition to the online Leadership I Program, the Winpisinger Center is also providing online programming for full-time staff centering on critical bargaining and arbitration skills.

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Local 914 Spreads Sweet Spring Cheer in Newark

Local 914 Spreads Sweet Spring Cheer in Newark

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For the past three years, Local 914 has sponsored 15 children at the Vashti School for Future Leaders, a free after-school program founded by Nicole Washington in 2007. Ms. Nicole, as she is known to the program participants, works as the Youth Development Director at the Newark YMCA, which is how she and Debbie Inverno first met.

Local 914 Spreads Sweet Spring Cheer in Newark

Celebrating the arrival of the Spring season, Local 914’s Community Service Committee Chair Debbie Inverno organized two events to bring smiles and cheer to children at the Vashti School mentoring program in Newark, New Jersey. 

Sister Debbie knows well that need knows no season, so the Local 914 Community Service Committee keeps a donation box by the Customer Service time clocks at Terminal C in Newark. They routinely collect non-perishable food and supplies, but Debbie likes to do something special for holidays. In early March, she organized a candy drive for the Vashti School Saint Patrick’s Day celebration. The teens who take part in the program loved the treats, and Debbie gleefully wrote on the local’s Facebook group how great it was to show that “Local 914 will not forget the Vashti School.” When she delivered the treats to Nicole Washington, who directs the after-school program, they began talking about how to spread more cheer for the upcoming Spring celebrations and Easter. 

Debbie put out a call for donations for Easter baskets, and Local 914 responded in true Machinists’ “Service to the Community” fashion. After weeks of work, Debbie and fellow committee member Lee Carpenter collected enough candy and small gifts to put together not just 15 baskets for the Vashti School, but also 4 giant baskets with enough treats for 300 children in foster care currently housed at the Newark YMCA.

Debbie made her requests for donations and kept Local 914 members informed on the committee’s progress through regular posts on the local’s Facebook group. “I am thankful for the kindness of my union Brothers and Sisters, and for the support of our leadership, from Shop Stewards, officers, President Bill Gula, and I can always count on our District 141 AGC Rich Creighton and Community Service Director Cristina Odoardi. We worked together to spread a little joy. Thank you!” she wrote.  

For the past three years, Local 914 has sponsored 15 children at the Vashti School for Future Leaders, a free after-school program founded by Nicole Washington in 2007. Ms. Nicole, as she is known to the program participants, works as the Youth Development Director at the Newark YMCA, which is how she and Debbie Inverno first met. The two women developed a strong alliance and friendship which has helped identify needs and target some community service activities at the local to reach underserved children and families. The Vashti School of Future Leaders recognized the commitment of the Local 914 members to the program’s mission by presenting them with the Community Impact Business Award, and Debbie Inverno with the Humanitarian Award at their fundraising event in 2019. 


Recent Articles

Tony Licciardi Joins District 141 Board as Trustee

Tony Licciardi Joins District 141 Board as Trustee

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In a unanimous vote, the IAMAW District 141 Executive Board appointed Local Lodge 1487 President Tony Licciardi to the position of District 141 Trustee.


Tony Licciardi Joins District 141 Board as Trustee

Mensaje en español>>

IAMAW District 141 President Mike Klemm announced the appointment of Tony Licciardi to the position of District Trustee, effective March 1st. The Executive Board of District 141 voted unanimously for Licciardi to replace Barb Martin, who took over responsibilities as Vice President, East. 

Brother Licciardi, President of Local 1487 in Chicago, Illinois, was initiated into the IAM when he began working at United Airlines in 1997. Less than a year later, he was an active union member and was elected Shop Steward. Over the next 23 years, Tony has served IAM members as Conductor-Sentinel, Trustee, and Vice President before he was elected President of his local lodge in 2000. 

IAMAW District President and Directing General Chair Mike Klemm praised the appointment, calling Licciardi a “modern, active unionist.”

“I congratulate Tony Licciardi and welcome him as the newest District 141 Trustee,” Klemm said. “As president of the largest local lodge in the district, Tony has demonstrated extraordinary leadership, has increased member participation in committees and activities and has modernized his local lodge building while maintaining the financial stability of Local 1487. He is well qualified for this new role and I am confident will perform his new duties with excellence.” 

As District Trustee, Tony Licciardi is responsible for the administration, safeguarding, and oversight of the financial assets of District 141.