Fleet Service Contract Talks Continue

Fleet Service Contract Talks Continue

Fleet Service Contract Talks Continue This Week in DFW
March 25, 2016
Sisters and Brothers,

The TWU-IAM Association Fleet Service Negotiating Committee passed the Company the following proposals this week:

Grievance Procedures – Following multiple passes, which were particularly difficult based on the complexity of language in both agreements, the current counter-proposal has narrowed the differences considerably. We await the Company’s response.

Hours of Work – the Association passed the first proposal to the Company on this article.

Meal Periods – the Association passed this proposal to the company and we are awaiting their response.

Recognition of Rights and Compliance – the Association passed this proposal to the company and are awaiting their response.

Training, Travel Pay and Meal Per Diem – the Association passed this proposal to the company and are awaiting their response.

To date, the Fleet Committee has tentative agreements on the following Articles:

  • Representation
  • Field Work
  • System Board of Adjustment
  • Uniforms
  • Absence from Duty
  • No Strike No Lockout
  • Fitness for Duty
  • Bulletin Boards
  • Probation
  • Safety and Health
  • Purpose of Agreement
  • Preamble

The Association received notification regarding the profit sharing announcement moments before it was released. We are still awaiting plan details and will communicate those to the membership once they are received.

The Association continues to make steady progress and will be meeting again next week in DFW; there are an additional nine weeks scheduled with the company.

We thank the membership for its continued support and solidarity as we progress in these joint contract negotiations.


Mark Baskett, Mike Fairbanks, Pete Hogan,

Tim Hughes, Mike Mayes, Steve Miller,

Brian Oyer, Pat Rezler, Art Risley,

Andre Sutton, Rodney Walker, Bill Wilson

American Continue Fleet Service Talks

American Continue Fleet Service Talks

Association, American Continue Fleet Service Talks in New York This Week
Fleet Service Committee Update, March 18, 2016
Sisters and brothers,

The TWU-IAM Association Fleet Service Negotiating Committee and American Airlines continued joint contract negotiations this week in New York. Your Committee exchanged proposals with the Company regarding the following contract articles:

  • System Boards
  • Representation
  • Recognition of Rights and Compliance
  • Field Work
  • Training, Travel Pay and Meal Per Diem

Your Committee reached tentative agreement with the Company on the following articles:

  • System Boards
  • Field Work
  • Representation

We are awaiting the Company’s response to our proposal on Leaves of Absence.

Both the Fleet Service and Mechanic & Related/Stores Negotiating Committees will meet with American the next two weeks in Dallas and we are in the process of finalizing additional dates.

Thank you for your patience and continued solidarity as we work towards achieving the fair contract we all deserve.


Machinists Union Supports Munoz Strategy at United Airlines

Machinists Union Supports Munoz Strategy at United Airlines

Machinists Union Supports Munoz Strategy at United Airlines, 08 March 2016

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) District Lodge 141 President Mike Klemm today extended his support to United Airlines Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Oscar Munoz’ strategic plan to make United the preeminent global airline in the face of a challenge from a group of investors looking to appoint six new directors to the United Continental Holdings, Inc. (UAL) Board.

“CEO Munoz has demonstrated by his actions, not merely words, that he believes employees make the difference in the success of an airline,” said IAM District 141 President Mike Klemm. “The progress we have already made in working with his team is proof of his commitment to United’s most important asset – its employees. This challenge to United’s board has the potential to distract the Company and derail the progress we have made.”

Late last year the IAM and United entered into limited issue, expedited discussions to extend contracts covering approximately 28,000 IAM members at United. As a condition for the IAM to enter those talks, United agreed to halt all outsourcing of work performed by IAM-represented workers until at least January, 2019. These negotiations are proceeding at an unprecedented pace.

“It’s our members who make sure United’s customers get to where they’re going safely and on time, in all types of conditions,” continued Klemm. “If the people who make that happen aren’t treated properly, the product suffers. Oscar Munoz and his team have helped United turn the corner in improving employee relations and that ultimately benefits employees, shareholders and passengers alike.”

The IAM is the world’s largest airline union and the largest union at United Airlines. More information about the IAM at United airlines is available at www.iam141.org.

American Airlines Negotiations

American Airlines Negotiations

Association, American Airlines Negotiations Continue in Dallas
Fleet Service Committee Update, March 4, 2016
The Fleet Service Negotiating Committee met this week in Dallas/Fort Worth and continued joint contract negotiations with American Airlines.

The Association Fleet Committee passed the following proposals to the company:

  • Uniforms
  • No Strike No Lockout
  • Absence from Duty
  • Leaves of Absence

The Association Fleet Committee reached TA’s with enhancements on the following articles:

  • No Strike No Lockout
  • Absence from Duty
  • Uniforms

The TWU-IAM Association is the largest union at American and your Negotiating Committees remain in solidarity to provide the membership with exceptional contracts for all workgroups.

The next negotiating session is scheduled for the week of March 14th in New York, which will begin 3 consecutive weeks of bargaining.

The Committee remains dedicated to attain the fair joint contract all TWU-IAM members deserve. We will continue to fight for improvements in all articles we discuss.

In closing, your continued support is appreciated and will be necessary as we move forward in negotiations to obtain a new JCBA. Updates to the membership will continue after each session.

In solidarity,

Mark Baskett, Mike Fairbanks, Pete Hogan,

Tim Hughes, Mike Mayes, Steve Miller,

Brian Oyer, Pat Rezler, Art Risley,

Andre Sutton, Rodney Walker, Bill Wilson