Machinists Join Coalition to Combat Air Rage

Machinists Join Coalition to Combat Air Rage

IAM and Other Transportation Unions Raise Concerns About Assault on Airline Workers

Transportation Newswire
14 February 2022

The IAM joined other transportation unions in raising urgent concerns regarding assaults against passenger service agents working across airports in the United States. The letter was addressed to President Biden, U.S. Homeland Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, U.S. Attorney General Merrick B. Garland, and U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. 

The letter urges governmental action to address the increase in assaults against passenger service agents, including the prosecution of abusive passengers.
“Airline gate agents are a vital part of a multilayered airline security and safety process at the airport,” reads the letter. “Our members are responsible for checking passengers into their flights, checking luggage to comply with airline weight and balance limits, and boarding passengers onto the aircraft in an orderly and structured way.”
Over the past few months, passenger service members across the country have experienced serious physical and verbal assault and harassment incidents, with few repercussions for the offending passenger imposed by law enforcement.
The FAA has reported a total of 5,981 passenger incidents in 2021, which is up sharply from previous years.
“The IAM supports the push for more substantial penalties against unruly passengers who assault passenger service agents and other airline workers,” said Richard Johnsen, IAM Chief of Staff to the International President.
“Our union continues to ring the alarm and highlight the need of enforcing the laws for assault against all airline workers. The best way to curb these unfortunate incidents is for the interagency working group to listen to the impacted workers in the airline industry. We must all work together to end the assaults that afflict our members.” 
The labor coalition expressed the need for all frontline gate agents to expect a safe workplace, free from the threat of violence, and increased cooperation is required to improve the safety of these employees.

The Machinists Non-Partisan Political League seeks to advance public policy that benefits airline and aerospace workers. To support the work of the MNPL, please consider recurring, automatic donations of any amount today. Click Here to start supporting this important work.

The Union

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United Invests $32 Million into IAH Stores Expansion

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Air Rage: Congressman Crenshaw Loses it Over Pet Carrier

Air Rage: Congressman Crenshaw Loses it Over Pet Carrier

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Machinists Union Contract Will Remain In Effect After Spirit / Frontier Merger

Machinists Union Contract Will Remain In Effect After Spirit / Frontier Merger

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8 February 2022

Machinists Union Contract Will Remain In Effect After Spirit / Frontier Merger

As you are aware, Spirit Airlines has entered into a merger agreement with Frontier Airlines. First and foremost, I want you to know that our newly-ratified contract with Spirit remains in full force, including essential provisions that protect ramp workers’ jobs, seniority, and wages, among other vital protections, during a merger. 

Article One (Section G) of the Agreement between your union and Spirit Airlines contains Merger Protections that will specifically protect the seniority rights of union members. Our contract requires that any seniority integrations with non-union employees at Frontier be fair and that all union rights be respected. Additionally, Article Three (Section I) states very clearly, “The Company shall not outsource any Ramp Service work at its FLL station during the term of this Agreement.” 

Undergoing a merger can be stressful for non-union employees who lack the protection of a legally-binding union contract. However, I want to reassure all union members that our agreement will remain legally binding for the new company. I encourage everyone to study these contractual rights and how well they protect union members at Spirit. Machinists Union Members can find the Spirit Agreement online at Look for the Spirit Contract under the “Airlines and Agreements” tab. 

Over the next few weeks, we will be working with Spirit to ensure that the rights of Machinists Union members are respected and that every provision of our collective bargaining agreement is honored. If you have any questions or concerns about this topic, please do not hesitate to contact Assistant General Chair Tony Gibson by email at or by phone at (313) 815-9622.

In Solidarity,

Michael G. Klemm

President & Directing General Chair,
IAMAW District 141

Recording Secretaries: Please print and post on all IAMAW bulletin boards.

AROUND THE UNION: Huge Investment for IAM Aerospace Workers

AROUND THE UNION: Huge Investment for IAM Aerospace Workers

Huge Investments for Machinists Union Aerospace Workers
2 February 2022

Qatar Airways announced this week that they would purchase 34 new Boeing 777X freighters and a surprise purchase of Boeing 737 MAX, both of which are built by IAM members. These orders will significantly impact IAM members at Boeing in the Pacific Northwest and IAM aerospace members throughout the nation.

The deal’s announcement occurred at a White House signing ceremony attended by IAM District 751 President and Directing Business Representative Jon Holden.

“The IAM represents tens of thousands of members in the aerospace industry who welcome this long-term investment,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “This investment, championed by the administration, signals an understanding of the impact of one of our nation’s most vital manufacturing sectors. IAM District 751 members are some of the most dedicated and skilled workers in the world, thanks in large part to being part of a union that gives them a voice in strengthening the aerospace industry. Today’s announcement gives hope to so many communities that will benefit from the good union jobs this investment will create.”


“Today’s investment recognizes the partnerships that helped make Washington state the hub for the Aerospace industry,” said IAM District 751 President and Directing Business Representative Jon Holden. “The IAM has trained aerospace workers since 1935, and it was made possible through collaboration. We help provide pathways into aerospace jobs in our communities through aerospace training and state-registered apprenticeship programs. The Puget Sound community will benefit from the good-paying family-wage jobs. On behalf of IAM District 751, I want to thank all parties for not only the future investment in our community but in our nation.”

“The world is beginning to see what we’ve always known – that Ohio workers are the best at what they do, and that the future of advanced manufacturing is in our state,” said U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH)“GE Aviation has been driving that innovation and growth for years, building on Ohio’s rich aviation heritage. They’re such an asset to Ohio, and this deal is a huge win for the Ohio workers who are part of GE.”

READ: Qatar seals Boeing freighter deal with surprise 737 order Reuters

“I along with our Brothers and Sisters in the Puget Sound and the entire aerospace industry welcome the great news on the new orders,” said IAM Western Territory General Vice President Gary R. Allen. “The aerospace industry is one of the best sectors in the Western Territory that provides good-paying jobs. Jobs that help build strong communities throughout the West including the Puget Sound area.”

“Another boost to our members working in the aerospace industry,” said IAM Aerospace General Vice President Mark Blondin. “Once again, this proves how much our members’ skillsets are valued in the industry. We continue to build the best products in the world, and this investment is proof.” 

“I am proud of the role our members throughout the nation play in making this type of investment possible,” said IAM Eastern Territory General Vice President Brian Bryant. “The impact will be felt not only in the Puget Sound but also in IAM stronghold states such as Kansas, Connecticut, and Ohio.”


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The 2022 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest is NOW OPEN!

The 2022 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest is NOW OPEN!

The 2022 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest is NOW OPEN!

1 February 2022

Thousands of dollars in scholarship money will go out.

Union members and their families can compete for $8,000 in scholarship money through the 2022 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship contest.

The Essay Competition will launch on March 1, 2022, and end at midnight on July 1, 2022. Judges are planning to announce the winners on August 1.

Funded by Machinists and Aerospace Union (District 141), the contest awards six $1,000 checks and two $2,000 prizes to eligible students each year.

The topic of the 700 to 1,000-word essays will be, “Why are Labor Unions Important in the 2020s?” An impartial Scholarship Committee will judge the submissions.

“Our union’s mission has always been to lift working people so they can build better lives for themselves and their loved ones,” said District President Mike Klemm. “We are proud to offer the Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship as one way our District helps members and their families achieve their dreams.”


The District 141 Education Department is dedicated to providing our members a greater understanding of how our union works and ensuring that our Union Stewards are as highly trained as possible.

To do this, we are proud to offer in-person training classes at your local lodge. To find out about scheduling training at your location, contact your Local Lodge leadership, or the Director of Education for District 141, Mac McGovern.

Mac McGovern  |   |   (570) 350-0497

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MLK Would Call on Us to Protect Our Democracy

MLK Would Call on Us to Protect Our Democracy

MLK Would Call on Us to Protect Our Democracy >
17 January 2022

Dear Sisters, Brothers, and Friends of the IAM,

This weekend, we honor the life and legacy of an iconic civil rights activist. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was an early proponent of voting rights and a tireless advocate for the working class and the oppressed around the world.

I call on you to celebrate the legacy of Dr. King by taking action to secure our right to vote. Please call on your Senators to urge their support to preserve and protect our democracy.

Here’s how you can help:

  • Send a message to your Senators asking them to end the filibuster and support the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act.
  • Call your Senators using our toll-free hotline at 1-877-607-0785.

The Freedom to Vote Act will usher in much-needed changes to election and campaign finance laws. The John Lewis Voting Rights Act, named for the late Georgia congressman and civil rights icon, will restore the power of the federal government to oversee state voting laws to prevent discrimination against minority voters.

The IAM shares the same ideals as Dr. King, and we stand together stronger because of it. Let’s continue to live his legacy each and every day.

In solidarity,


Robert Martinez Jr.
International President

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District 141 Board Appoints Two New Officers

District 141 Board Appoints Two New Officers

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District 141 Board Appoints Two New Officers

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The IAMAW District 141 Executive Board voted unanimously to appoint Derrick Monk to the position of District Trustee and named Tony Colina District Vice President At-Large, effective January 1. District President Mike Klemm announced the new appointments on Monday. 

“These are two high-caliber union advocates,” Klemm said in reporting the new district staff members. “Over the years, they have both played an outsized role within our union, representing our membership with an energy, creativity and level of effectiveness that has been unsurpassed,” he continued. “I am excited to see what they bring to the District level.”

Pastor Derrick Monk, IAMAW 141 Trustee

Monk will be filling a trustee position left open after President Klemm elevated Gary Welch to Special Representative. As trustee, Monk will become part of a three-member team that oversees District finances, for district officers and staff and expenses such as lost-time charges for union members that are required to miss time from work to perform union duties. 

In 2008, when he worked at USAirways in Philadelphia International Airport for over a year, Derrick had a “run-in” with a manager. He was so impressed with the work of Gil Simmons, Local 1776 Committee Chair at the time (now IAMAW Grand Lodge Representative), that he decided he would pay it forward. “The Union was there for me, and so I wanted to be sure to do my part to help my brothers and sisters in the union.”

His dedication to his Brothers and Sisters of the IAMAW and the larger Philadelphia community has earned him several awards and recognition. 

As a young student, his parents enrolled him in a desegregation program where he was bussed to better-funded schools in northeast Philadelphia. He found his calling in the intersection of faith and activism and became an ordained minister. He currently serves as the Senior Pastor of the Divine Covenant Outreach Center in Philadelphia and many community service projects he leads. 

In 2017, our Brother Derrick received the Irv Sannit Labor Volunteer Award from the United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania for his community service work with IAM Local 1776 and with the Solid Hearts Foundation, a non-profit he co-founded, helped to expand the reach of his union community service work. The foundation provides emergency financial assistance and academic scholarships to families in need in the greater Philadelphia area.

Derrick Monk draws inspiration from the work of civil and labor rights leaders who came before him and continues to pay it forward. Currently, Derrick Monk, in his role as Senior Pastor,  provides invocation ceremonies at District 141 events, such as conferences and conventions. 

Tony Colina, IAMAW District 141 Vice President At-Large.

As Vice President At-Large, Tony Colina will be tasked with a vast range of administrative and representational assignments on behalf of District members. 

Colina started his airline career in August 1996 with Continental Airlines, where he worked at the Reservations foreign language desk taking Spanish calls at the reservations building in Houston, Texas. After spending a decade working at reservations, he transferred to IAH airport in Houston to work as a Customer Service Representative. In this role, he became heavily involved in the organizing campaign to promote the IAMAW at the airline. Calling union representation at the airline, “much-needed” Colina was instrumental in introducing unionism to the employees at Continental. Fueled by the successful IAM representational win, Colina became one of the first Shop Stewards at IAH with United Airlines.

Colina was elected to the Local 2198 Grievance Committee in 2015, where he participated in contract enforcement for “Above the Wing” Customer Service Agents at Houston. In 2018, he was appointed Vice President for local Lodge 2198, which had become one of the largest locals in District 141. In 2019, he became President of his Lodge, a position he was re-elected to in 2021. Colina was elected to serve as both Local 2198 President and IAH Grievance Committeeman. 



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