Machinist Member Brings Service, Support to Ukraine

Machinist Member Brings Service, Support to Ukraine

IAM Member Travels Across World, Puts Life at Risk to Aid Ukrainian People

30 May 2022

Since the war in Ukraine began in February, IAM Local 2379 (District 160) Recording Secretary Brian Urban has taken two trips to the war-torn country, spending more than a month total providing humanitarian aid to those in need.

Featured image: IAM Local 2379 Recording Secretary Brian Urban, in sunglasses with a black jacket and green shirt, attends a funeral for fallen Ukrainian soldiers.

Urban’s efforts, in conjunction with other volunteers, non-profit organizations and the Ukrainian people, have focused on transporting refugees to safety, providing medical supplies and training, and distributing other critical supplies such as encrypted radios.

Urban estimates he has helped transport nearly 2,000 people, mostly women and children, across the Ukrainian border into Poland and Romania. He’s even helped expose human trafficking of refugees and alert authorities of those in danger.

Like others providing aid in Ukraine, Urban, 42, has witnessed firsthand the dangerous reality of working in a war zone—and he’s no stranger to it. Before taking an IAM job at Alcoa Intalco Works in Ferndale, WA, a community where he lives and where the IAM is working to restore critical aluminum smelter jobs, Urban had worked as a civilian contractor in conflict zones around the world.

In Lviv, a rocket exploded only 500 yards away from him. 

“The opposition was targeting any humanitarian aid – any ambulances, any transport for refugees,” said Urban. “If there was a military vehicle and an ambulance, [the opposition] would hit the ambulance first.”

Urban traveled with a friend, Gerri, who found a man and a woman gravely injured by landmines in a field. With tourniquets and other donated medical supplies in hand, Gerri risked his own safety to go into the minefield and bring them to safety.

The woman survived but lost multiple limbs. The man passed away.

“When the opposition forces pull out of an area, they are using landmines and grenades, booby traps and nails in the roads—whatever they can do to inflict as much damage and pain as they can,” said Urban. “If we didn’t have eyes on something the whole time, we didn’t touch it.”

Urban credits support from his family and the community, including his fellow IAM Local 2379 members, for making the humanitarian trips possible through donations.

“I’m always amazed to see my Brothers and Sisters come together—it’s no different whether it’s Ukraine or someone who got injured at work,” said Urban. “I’m just blown away by their generosity and compassion.”

Local 2379’s Luke Ackerson, now a District 160 Business Representative, had instilled that spirit of giving, said Urban.

“It was a mindset that Luke had set for us in our Local,” said Urban. “I’m very proud to think back and realize that the IAM is supportive of that kind of stuff. It’s not just a one-time thing, it’s a cultural thing.”

“Brother Brian’s efforts to help the Ukrainian people are nothing short of heroic,” said IAM Western Territory General Vice President Gary R. Allen. “The IAM Western Territory, District 160 and Local 2379 are so proud to support Brian and his mission to deliver aid and comfort to people in need.”

The IAM is also engaged with labor allies in Ukraine and around the world to help provide aid, restore peace and preserve workers’ and human rights.

“The IAM will always stand with the people of Ukraine and for freedom and democracy,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr., who recently had a call with Ukrainian labor leaders. “Our entire union will always be grateful for Brian’s bravery and determination to help our Ukrainian Brothers and Sisters.”

Urban also thanks his family—his wife, Stacia, two sons, Austen and Jordan, and a daughter, Elizabeth—for supporting and blessing his trips.

It is those on the ground, seeing their homeland under siege in Ukraine, whom Urban has grown to admire and respect immensely.

“It’s complete and utter destruction,” said Urban.

He marvels at seeing both the “absolute best” and the “absolute worst of mankind” in Ukraine.

While providing aid across the country, Ukrainians have offered Urban the last of their little bit of food out of gratitude for his help.

“It’s so humbling and it’s so amazing,” said Urban. “They have opened their arms for help, but they definitely don’t want a handout.”

The Ukrainians he has worked with, both with and without combat experience, “are second to none,” Urban said.

“I love them to death,” said Urban. “They are amazingly brave. If I pushed forward, they were right there with me.”

And Urban plans to go to Ukraine again. After telling his father that he was planning a third trip, his dad asked him if he had “left something [in Ukraine].”

“Yes,” replied Urban. “I left some good people.”

Want to help? Urban’s personal recommendations are to give to the Freedom Shield Foundation and Waterfall, which are both providing direct aid to Ukrainians right now.

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New Labor Board: Giving Unions a Fair Shake

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New Labor Board Outlook Gives Unions a Fair Shake

IAM Journal
26 May 2022

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is the governing body that regulates labor law outside the transportation industry, which is governed by the National Mediation Board under the Railway Labor Act. However, what happens at the NLRB tends to influence events and policies at the NMB and vice versa, which makes changes at one agency important at both. 

 “Workers everywhere are looking for protections that only a union can give them,” said IAM Midwest Territory General Vice President Steve Galloway. “Reaching a first contract is really the ultimate win of an organizing campaign.” Improving lives is at the heart of organizing, fighting for higher pay, better benefits and job security. But, removing barriers has been challenging, especially from 2017 through 2020. With each change in federal government administration, workers can get caught in the middle. According to a 2019 report from the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), employers are charged with violating federal law in 41.5% of all union election campaigns.

“That’s unacceptable,” said Galloway. “We need to reduce that number to zero to make sure union representation elections are fair and adhere to the letter of the law.” In 2021, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) handled 1,016 representation elections, up from 940 the year before. That statistic is good news amid a volatile climate of unethical, illegal union-busting. The IAM’s Midwest Territory is fighting such practices with all its might. One example is Motor Appliance Corporation in Washington, MO. The IAM was first approached by unhappy workers there in December 2021. By February, union supporters were organizing. But the company ran an egregious anti-union campaign that included a captive audience meeting, nearly 30 minutes of which was recorded via audio. Such a meeting is required by employers and designed to discourage union membership.

A hired company consultant who only called himself “Alex the union-buster” ran that meeting. The behavior exposed on the recording caught the attention of our union and later the NLRB. After listing to the audio, the IAM noted at least a dozen violations of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) and filed unfair labor practice charges almost immediately. Last year, a sweeping change took place when new NLRB General Counsel Jennifer Abruzzo issued a 10-page memo laying out her agenda, which includes aggressively enforcing the National Labor Relations Act.

“One of the things that labor has always complained about is that there’s no real teeth in the act,” said IAM General Counsel Carla M. Siegel. GC Abruzzo is “looking for ways to impose more penalties when warrented and, therefore, more teeth in the act… to really make it painful for somebody to violate the act.” The difference between the current administration and the prior one is night and day, according to Siegel.

“Now, under this administration, we know that there’s somebody who will fairly look at the facts and determine whether there’s an unfair labor practice or not,” she explained. “Under the Trump administration, we didn’t have a fighting chance. The most egregious things they would say wasn’t an unfair labor practice, when it clearly violated the statute.” She said the current Board won’t always rule in unions’ favor, but we’re going to get a fair shake.

IAM Organizer Bob Beloit recognized a change when it came to the speed at which the NLRB reacted to the unfair labor charges at Motor Appliance Corp. He said normally it takes two to three weeks for affidavits, but this time around charges were filed on a Wednesday and the NLRB was ready to interview witnesses within five days. “They were very swift,” he said.

“What the anti-union consultant did inside this facility was so heinous,” Beloit said. “These people were so divided and so scared, but the core group of union supporters was really strong.” One of the unfair labor practice charges included discharging employees because of their union activities. Another charged the employer with interfering in the exercise of the employees’ rights, leading to what the NLRB calls constructive discharges, or constructive terminations. Those occur when employees feel forced to resign due to such intolerable or hostile working conditions. “To the person that’s lost their job and wondering where their next meal is going to come from, how they’re going to keep making their house payments,” Beloit said, “speed is very important. “When you can have that kind of speed, that puts the individual that’s been wronged at ease and it calms the rest of the group [of workers].”

Speed is also important because the more time that goes by, the greater potential for workers to be demoralized by a company’s immoral tactics. Organizers are fully aware of this scenario. Past consequences of unfair labor practices included posting a notice stating that workers’ rights were violated, but the IAM considers that a slap on the wrist. “When they put the notice up, they’re saying ‘I’m sorry we got caught,’” said Beloit. Fixing the broken labor law system in the United States will take time and strategic, collective action by all labor unions in North America. “We have a duty to call out any inadequacies in our government agencies, from the top down,” said Galloway. “This is a chance to right the wrongs against workers in a way that motivates future behavior.” “The Midwest Territory is amazing,” said Beloit. “General Vice President Galloway has a great team. We bounce ideas off one another. We meet monthly as organizers and get updates on the NLRB and that’s where we found out about this memo that came out.”

The Protecting the Right to Organize Act (PRO Act) has the ability to correct unlawful practices by expanding labor protections, making captive audience meetings unfair labor practices, and prohibiting employers from taking adverse actions against employees who exercise their legal labor rights. Beloit encourages organizers to document everything, pay attention to details and stay organized. “You cannot document enough,” said Beliot. “Save everything, every email, meeting sign-in sheets.” He says what organizers do in the beginning of the campaign gives them something to work with if unfair labor practices charges arise. “We’re here at this point because of a phenomenal group of people that had a dream,” said Beloit. “They knew it was legally obtainable, they put faith in the system. They wanted to give it a try and they had a chance of being successful because of the amazing leadership this union has.” Unions are only as strong as the members that hold them together. “Stronger unions mean stronger communities,” Galloway said. “It’s a very important time in labor’s history.” 

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Find out why Apple Workers in Maryland are Organizing with the Machinists Union.

The Apple Coalition of Organized Retail Employees (CORE), a group of Apple retail employees in Towson, MD, filed for an election to join the IAM—and many are taking notice.

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The group sent a letter to Apple CEO Tim Cook informing him of the decision to organize their union, listing “access to rights we do not currently have” as a driving reason for the move, which has strong support from a majority of the workers.

In that letter, CORE requested for Apple to follow the same neutrality requirement laid out in its Supplier Code of Conduct under the section “Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining” so that employees can obtain their rights to information and collective bargaining that the law affords through unionization.

“The supplier code of conduct is on our damn website. It’s this international agreement that we’ve signed onto, and anybody who is a vender or a factory or whatever, if those workers decide to unionize or organize, Apple has a contract that says ‘we can’t get involved.’ You can’t do anything to stop that,” says CORE organizer Billy Jarboe in the video.

Vice reported a leaked memo from Apple to its store managers with anti-union talking points, revealing that the tech giant is coaching store managers to discourage workers from unionizing, saying unionization would mean workers could lose career opportunities, merit-based promotions, and time off. In the memo, Apple calls the union a “third-party,” even though the union organizers are Apple store employees.

“Apple has all the power, influence, and money to be able to make a significant change in what labor is. It’s an opportunity, like, they didn’t start it, they didn’t begin this initiative—we did. All they have to do is follow up,” says CORE organizer Christie Pridgen in the video.

Apple has also hired a known union-busting law firm, Littler Mendelson. Starbucks Corporation is another one of Littler Mendelson’s more recent clients amid a new wave of unionization in customer service.

On May 13 Apple’s Vice-President of Retail and People Deirdre O’Brien did an unannounced walk-through of the Townson Apple store to “listen” to workers.

CORE union organizers are not discouraged.

“Apple has the resources to really take care of its employees. Use what you have for good. You could actually do good. You could bring dignity to this work,” said Pridgen.

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We Want Your Incredible Pics!

We Want Your Incredible Pics!

Send Us Your Amazing Photography!

Activism and Media
Summer, 2022

Machinists Union Members at our Nation’s Airlines are some of the most talented workers in the world! We want to put those talents in focus for everyone to see!

We are always looking for high-quality photos on all our media platforms! Your pictures could appear in our print, online and social media, showcasing your talent and workplace pride. Select images will be proudly displayed at our District Headquarters in Chicago, Illinois!

Images should be high-quality, but we’re not looking for perfection – newer cellphone shots are great! Pics of Machinists Union Members in action, loving our work and doing it better than anyone else are precisely the images we’re looking for.

Remember to tell us your name, work area, and local lodge so we can give you the credit you deserve!

SEND YOUR HIGH-QUALITY ACTION SHOTS TO US WITH THE FORM BELOW! (Or email them to us at Whichever’s easier.)



Photography Submission Form

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I attest that these images were captured in accordance with any applicable laws, regulations, policies, or rules. I attest that I am sending the image(s) in my capacity as an individual, and am not portraying myself to be an agent of any company, business or enterprise that may be depicted. As far as I am aware, all persons depicted are 18 years of age or older, or are not shown in a reckless or scandalous manner that might bring any disrepute to them or their guardians.

I hereby grant the IAMAW District 141, its directors, officers, employees, agents, and designees (collectively “The Union, The District, the IAM, The IAMAW, etc.”) non-revocable permission to use my image and likeness in videotapes, motion pictures, recordings, or any other media (collectively “Images”). I acknowledge that District 141 will own such Images and further grant the District 141 permission to copyright, display, publish, distribute, use, modify, print and reprint such Images in any manner whatsoever related to Union business, including without limitation, publications, advertisements, brochures, web site images, or other electronic displays and transmissions thereof. I further waive any right to inspect or approve the use of the Image by District 141 prior to its use. I forever release and hold District 141 harmless from any and all liability arising out of the use of the Images in any manner or media whatsoever, and waive any and all claims and causes of action relating to use of the Images, including without limitation, claims for invasion of privacy rights or publicity.

I hereby warrant that I am eighteen (18) years old or more and competent to contract in my own name or, if I am less than eighteen years old, that my parent or guardian has signed this release form below. This release is binding on me and my heirs, assignees and personal representatives.

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Lufthansa Workers in Puerto Rico Vote to Join the Machinists Union

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Lufthansa Technik Workers in Puerto Rico Vote to Join the Machinists Union

WASHINGTON, May 5, 2022 –More than 200 mechanics and related who work in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico, at Lufthansa Technik, Puerto Rico, LLC. voted to join the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), the largest airline and transportation union in North America.

“This election is the voice and feeling of all of our co-workers who desire to progress here on the island without the need to abandon our families.,” said Lufthansa Technik Senior Aircraft Mechanic Jonathan Diaz. “It is very important for those who in the beginning and after so much training to try and reach their dream to feel proud of working in the aviation industry. A dream of many but at the same time so few attain it in the country. We will demonstrate that in Puerto Rico we do good and be better not only as humans but as workers.”

“We congratulate the Lufthansa mechanics and related work for choosing to join the Machinists Union,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “This victory is a win not just for the Lufthansa workers, but for all workers in Puerto Rico who are trying to make their lives better. We urge Lufthansa to respect the decisions its workers have made and come to the negotiating table in good faith. I want to thank the amazing IAM team on the ground, including Javier Almazan, José “Lole” Rodríguez-Báez, and Juan Negron, for their dedication to getting the Lufthansa workers an opportunity for union representation.”

The National Mediation Board (NMB) election results come months after aggressive tactics and appeal to stop Lufthansa Technik workers’ right to join the IAM. Last year, Lufthansa mechanics and related sought IAM representation due to various workplace issues, including reduced work hours, irregular work rules, and inadequate wages and benefits. 

“The highly skilled aircraft mechanics and related at Lufthansa Technik have overcome many challenges over the past two years,” said Juan Negron, IAM Special Assistant to the International President. “I am proud of their courage and strength. It is time to sit down at the table and get a first contract to benefit the workers and their families. We will utilize the IAM’s full resources to ensure the workers at Lufthansa get what they deserve with a voice in the workplace and respect and dignity on the shop floor.”

“The Lufthansa Technik workers have spoken loud and clear,” said IAM Southern Territory General Vice President Rickey Wallace. “They now have the legal right to negotiate a contract that will improve their quality of life and give them respect and dignity. The IAM is fully committed to achieving a first contract at Lufthansa Technik.” 

Lufthansa Technik mechanics and related provided service for United Airlines, Allegiant, Spirit, Avianca, and JetBlue until recently. 

“Today we are full of hope because finally after overcoming so many obstacles, the day is here that we the Lufthansa Technik employees in Puerto Rico are united in one voice,” said Lufthansa Technik Aircraft Mechanic Carlos Santiago. “With this victory, all the employees working at Lufthansa will gain better working conditions.”

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) is among the largest industrial trade unions in North America and represents nearly 600,000 active and retired members in the manufacturing, aerospace, defense, airline, railroad, transportation, shipbuilding, woodworking, health care, and other industries. | @MachinistsUnion


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May Helping Hands: Overcoming the Stigma of Mental Illness

May Helping Hands: Overcoming the Stigma of Mental Illness

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May Helping Hands: Overcoming the Stigma of Mental Illness

EAP Peer Volunteers:

Stigma about mental health has become a very hot topic. This month we address what stigma is and some things you can do to address stigma. The Mayo Clinic has some good information that is included. 

As EAP peer volunteers we can have an impact on mental health and the stigma that is often associated with a mental health issue. Being accepting and inclusive of people experiencing a mental health issue can help others see that mental health issues are treatable and are often short term. Many of the longer term mental health issues can be managed very effectively. Let’s be the people who help others along the way and treat each other with acceptance and patience!

     Thank you for being there for others. Zit is important work you are doing!  


Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.

Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.
EAP Director
Cell: 303-229-5117

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