Machinists Join Coalition to Combat Air Rage

Machinists Join Coalition to Combat Air Rage

IAM and Other Transportation Unions Raise Concerns About Assault on Airline Workers

Transportation Newswire
14 February 2022

The IAM joined other transportation unions in raising urgent concerns regarding assaults against passenger service agents working across airports in the United States. The letter was addressed to President Biden, U.S. Homeland Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, U.S. Attorney General Merrick B. Garland, and U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. 

The letter urges governmental action to address the increase in assaults against passenger service agents, including the prosecution of abusive passengers.
“Airline gate agents are a vital part of a multilayered airline security and safety process at the airport,” reads the letter. “Our members are responsible for checking passengers into their flights, checking luggage to comply with airline weight and balance limits, and boarding passengers onto the aircraft in an orderly and structured way.”
Over the past few months, passenger service members across the country have experienced serious physical and verbal assault and harassment incidents, with few repercussions for the offending passenger imposed by law enforcement.
The FAA has reported a total of 5,981 passenger incidents in 2021, which is up sharply from previous years.
“The IAM supports the push for more substantial penalties against unruly passengers who assault passenger service agents and other airline workers,” said Richard Johnsen, IAM Chief of Staff to the International President.
“Our union continues to ring the alarm and highlight the need of enforcing the laws for assault against all airline workers. The best way to curb these unfortunate incidents is for the interagency working group to listen to the impacted workers in the airline industry. We must all work together to end the assaults that afflict our members.” 
The labor coalition expressed the need for all frontline gate agents to expect a safe workplace, free from the threat of violence, and increased cooperation is required to improve the safety of these employees.

The Machinists Non-Partisan Political League seeks to advance public policy that benefits airline and aerospace workers. To support the work of the MNPL, please consider recurring, automatic donations of any amount today. Click Here to start supporting this important work.

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AROUND THE UNION: Huge Investment for IAM Aerospace Workers

AROUND THE UNION: Huge Investment for IAM Aerospace Workers

Huge Investments for Machinists Union Aerospace Workers
2 February 2022

Qatar Airways announced this week that they would purchase 34 new Boeing 777X freighters and a surprise purchase of Boeing 737 MAX, both of which are built by IAM members. These orders will significantly impact IAM members at Boeing in the Pacific Northwest and IAM aerospace members throughout the nation.

The deal’s announcement occurred at a White House signing ceremony attended by IAM District 751 President and Directing Business Representative Jon Holden.

“The IAM represents tens of thousands of members in the aerospace industry who welcome this long-term investment,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “This investment, championed by the administration, signals an understanding of the impact of one of our nation’s most vital manufacturing sectors. IAM District 751 members are some of the most dedicated and skilled workers in the world, thanks in large part to being part of a union that gives them a voice in strengthening the aerospace industry. Today’s announcement gives hope to so many communities that will benefit from the good union jobs this investment will create.”


“Today’s investment recognizes the partnerships that helped make Washington state the hub for the Aerospace industry,” said IAM District 751 President and Directing Business Representative Jon Holden. “The IAM has trained aerospace workers since 1935, and it was made possible through collaboration. We help provide pathways into aerospace jobs in our communities through aerospace training and state-registered apprenticeship programs. The Puget Sound community will benefit from the good-paying family-wage jobs. On behalf of IAM District 751, I want to thank all parties for not only the future investment in our community but in our nation.”

“The world is beginning to see what we’ve always known – that Ohio workers are the best at what they do, and that the future of advanced manufacturing is in our state,” said U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH)“GE Aviation has been driving that innovation and growth for years, building on Ohio’s rich aviation heritage. They’re such an asset to Ohio, and this deal is a huge win for the Ohio workers who are part of GE.”

READ: Qatar seals Boeing freighter deal with surprise 737 order Reuters

“I along with our Brothers and Sisters in the Puget Sound and the entire aerospace industry welcome the great news on the new orders,” said IAM Western Territory General Vice President Gary R. Allen. “The aerospace industry is one of the best sectors in the Western Territory that provides good-paying jobs. Jobs that help build strong communities throughout the West including the Puget Sound area.”

“Another boost to our members working in the aerospace industry,” said IAM Aerospace General Vice President Mark Blondin. “Once again, this proves how much our members’ skillsets are valued in the industry. We continue to build the best products in the world, and this investment is proof.” 

“I am proud of the role our members throughout the nation play in making this type of investment possible,” said IAM Eastern Territory General Vice President Brian Bryant. “The impact will be felt not only in the Puget Sound but also in IAM stronghold states such as Kansas, Connecticut, and Ohio.”


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MLK Would Call on Us to Protect Our Democracy

MLK Would Call on Us to Protect Our Democracy

MLK Would Call on Us to Protect Our Democracy >
17 January 2022

Dear Sisters, Brothers, and Friends of the IAM,

This weekend, we honor the life and legacy of an iconic civil rights activist. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was an early proponent of voting rights and a tireless advocate for the working class and the oppressed around the world.

I call on you to celebrate the legacy of Dr. King by taking action to secure our right to vote. Please call on your Senators to urge their support to preserve and protect our democracy.

Here’s how you can help:

  • Send a message to your Senators asking them to end the filibuster and support the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act.
  • Call your Senators using our toll-free hotline at 1-877-607-0785.

The Freedom to Vote Act will usher in much-needed changes to election and campaign finance laws. The John Lewis Voting Rights Act, named for the late Georgia congressman and civil rights icon, will restore the power of the federal government to oversee state voting laws to prevent discrimination against minority voters.

The IAM shares the same ideals as Dr. King, and we stand together stronger because of it. Let’s continue to live his legacy each and every day.

In solidarity,


Robert Martinez Jr.
International President

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Machinists Union Advocacy: More Funding for More Jobs

Machinists Union Advocacy: More Funding for More Jobs

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Machinists Union Advocacy: More Funding for More Jobs

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The Machinists Non Partisan Political League seeks to advance public policy that benefits airline and aerospace workers. To support the work of the MNPL, please consider recurring, automatic donations of any amount today. Click Here to start supporting this important work.

The IAM successfully lobbied for the 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to fund military programs. Together, the programs support more than 100,000 IAM aerospace, defense, and shipbuilding jobs.

This article first appeared at >>

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) has passed and been signed into law by President Biden. The legislation totals $768 billion for national defense programs, including extensive funding for IAM-built programs.

“The Machinists Union is the largest defense labor union in the United States and we tirelessly fought for all of the Machinists Union priorities included in this bill,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “This act will go a long way to ensuring our members and their families have a stable future. The legislation will also provide much-needed wage increases for our military men and woman while expanding their healthcare benefits, parental leave, and in-home child care.

Thanks to the IAM’s lobbying efforts, the 2022 NDAA authorizes funding for the following IAM- built and maintained programs:

  •  85 F-35 Joint Strike Fighters
  • 12 F-18 Super Hornets
  • 4 C-130J Super Hercules
  • 17 F-15 Eagles
  • 14 KC-46 Tankers
  • Two P-8 Poseidons
  • Three DDG-51 Arleigh Burke-class Destroyers
  • Two Virginia-class Attack Submarines
  • Robust funding for ramp up of Columbia-class Ballistic Submarine program

Other highlights include:

  • Renews, expands and improves oversight into domestic content in critical defense acquisition programs.
  • Supports Administration efforts to increase public availability of Department of Defense reporting on waivers of certain domestic preference requirements.
  • Establishes strong, recurring oversight mechanisms to detect and deter egregious violations of domestic preference laws.
  • Improves the legal framework to mitigate risk in critical defense supply chains and across the broader acquisition process, using leading-edge digital tools, technology, and approaches to enhance supply chain transparency.
  • Tightens restrictions on acquisitions of certain printed circuit boards for which supply chains may be susceptible to interference by the Chinese government.


The law also authorizes $27.8 billion for nuclear weapons activities allotted for the Department of Energy and fully funds the Department of Defense budget for the National Security Launch Program.

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A Girl, a Scholarship, and a Dream

A Girl, a Scholarship, and a Dream

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The IAMAW Scholarship Competition is open each year to members of the IAM and their children throughout the United States and Canada under procedures and rules of eligibility explained in this Announcement. The IAM Scholarship Fund, which is used exclusively to make possible these awards, was established by the delegates of the 1960 IAM Grand Lodge Convention. More information can be found here.

A Girl, a Scholarship, and a Dream

As Rachel Steele prepares to earn her doctorate in 2022, she looks back on how much an IAM scholarship meant to her back in 2003. Her father, Thomas Steele, was working for Boeing that year and she was featured in the IAM Journal as one of several scholarship winners.  The younger Steele feels the timing of her PhD candidacy, her dad’s retirement, and the current call for scholarship applicants is special.

She says her father ”worked tirelessly when we were growing up. He had to travel a lot, so he wasn’t always home and now as an adult, I realize how much of a sacrifice that was.”

Rachel originally wrote to IAM District 837 President and Directing Business Representative Tom Boelling, looking for a way to thank her dad in a follow-up to the 2003 edition of the IAM Journal.

“We’re so proud of Rachel and what she’s accomplished,” Boelling said. “We congratulate her on reaching the highest academic level of her educational career and congratulate her father, Thomas, on his retirement from Boeing.”

“Thank you for having the foresight for creating a scholarship,” Rachel said. 

Her advice for applicants? “Have confidence, especially if you’re a first-generation student. You deserve the recognition. It’s an amazing privilege. Be true to yourself. Tell your story in your own voice. Everyone has a story.”

“Congratulations to both Rachel on her upcoming doctorate and Thomas on his much-deserved retirement,” said IAM Midwest Territory General Vice President Steve Galloway. “The IAM has always placed a high value on education, from funding scholarships for IAM members and their families to advocating for a national investment in skills training. Rachel’s story shows how important the IAM Scholarship is to so many IAM families. Any eligible members or their children may apply for this life-changing scholarship to college or technical school.”

To apply for the 2022 IAM Scholarship Competition, your packet must be completed and postmarked by February 11, 2022.

Machinists Union Communications Wins Labor Journalism Awards

Machinists Union Communications Wins Labor Journalism Awards

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Machinists Union Communications Wins Labor Journalism Awards

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The IAM Communications Department has been recognized as one of the best communications teams in the labor movement by winning three awards in the International Labor Communications Association’s 2021 Labor Media Contest.

The annual ILCA Labor Media Awards Contest recognizes excellence among union publications, websites, film, video, and other media. It is the first and largest competition exclusively for labor journalists. The 2021 winners represent the best work in labor communications and promote the highest standards of labor journalism during the 2020 calendar year.

The IAM Communications Department won awards from the IAM Journal, earned media and in video production.

ILCA’s Saul Miller award highlights writing related to some of the key activities of unions: organizing, collective bargaining and political action. The awards honor the late Saul Miller, a director of the AFL-CIO Department of Information and a founder of ILCA.

Here are the awards received by the IAM:

First Place

Writing – Saul Miller Awards – Collective Bargaining

Local S6 Built is Best Built

Andrew Hounshell

Second Place

Best Use of Earned Media

IAM Local S6 Strike

Jonathan Battaglia and Hasan Solomon

Second Place

Electronic Media – Best Longform Video

Broken Promise: Harley-Davidson in Missouri

Valana Cochran and Deirdre Kaniewski

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