PAL Agents Secure New Contract with Locked-In Raises and Retro Pay

PAL Agents Secure New Contract with Locked-In Raises and Retro Pay

PAL Agents Secure New Contract with Locked-In Raises and Retro Pay
Philippine Airlines (PAL) Customer Service Agents and Sales Representatives have ratified a new collective bargaining agreement at the airline. The deal will deliver six years of 3% yearly add-on raises from 2019-2024 for union members in Customer Service, who will also get back pay and additional benefits. Sales Representatives, who are relatively new to the Machinists Union, recognized on February 9, 2022, will get back pay from that date.

The agreement provides two more holidays per year, improved paid leave, increased company retirement contributions, and an increased travel allowance. For the first time, sales representatives at PAL have been covered by contractual language, which outlines their rights and working conditions. The retroactive pay for the agreement will be up to $2,600 for some sales reps and up to $11,000 for all other unified agents.

The vote was held Monday, February 13, through Wednesday, February 15, and was conducted electronically. The deal covers Philippine Airlines agents’ Customer Service and Sales Representatives in Honolulu, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York.

Despite being one of the smaller bargaining units represented in Machinists Union District 141, PAL’s workgroup negotiated a contract that met the priorities of union members and won unanimous ratification.

Mike Klemm, the district president of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) that represents PAL’s sales representatives and other agents, praised the agreement, saying, “This new contract provides our members with the fair pay and benefits they deserve for their hard work and dedication to Philippine Airlines. We’re pleased that the company recognized the value of their employees and the importance of investing in their future.”

The IAM represents over half a million workers in the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico aviation, aerospace, and defense industries. The union has been fighting for fair pay, benefits, and working conditions for its members despite significant challenges facing the airline industry, including increased competition, rising fuel costs, and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Klemm emphasized the power of collective bargaining and the importance of workers and management coming together to reach a fair agreement. “This agreement shows what can be achieved when workers and management find common ground. It’s a testament to the power of union solidarity and the importance of collective bargaining in the airline industry.”

The successful ratification of the collective bargaining agreement is a significant victory for commercial airline workers, demonstrating the importance of unions in negotiating fair pay, benefits, and working conditions for workers, even in difficult economic times.

Union negotiator Shannon Robello expressed his satisfaction with the deal, saying, “This new collective bargaining agreement provides the fair compensation and benefits our members deserve, recognizing their important contributions to the company’s success.”

Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the commercial aviation industry is rebounding in a big way. The number of passengers passing through TSA checkpoints has been steadily increasing in recent months, with more people traveling for business and leisure as restrictions ease and vaccinations become more widespread. Although ticket prices have risen in response to pent-up demand, consumers are still eager to fly, reflecting the renewed sense of the value and reliability of air travel.

“Sean Ryan, Kaleb Rosa, John Burgwinkel, and everyone that helped work on the Negotiating Committee did a fantastic job,” said Robello. “These guys deserve enormous respect for their hard work developing this agreement.”

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Chicago 1487 Golfers Tee Off to Aid Guide Dogs of America

Morning thunderstorms did little to quell the enthusiasm of the 144+ golfers at the annual Golf Outing to benefit Guide Dogs of America. The event, hosted each year by Chicago's Local Lodge 1487, raised an estimated $20,000 for the charity. Chicago 1487 Golfers Tee...

Stay up to date with all the latest news and information from the Machinists Union

PAL Agents Secure New Contract with Locked-In Raises and Retro Pay

February 17, 2023

Philippine Airlines (PAL) Customer Service Agents and Sales Representatives have ratified a new collective bargaining agreement at the airline. The deal will deliver six years of 3% yearly add-on raises from 2019-2024 for union members in Customer Service, who will also get back pay and additional benefits. Sales Representatives, who are relatively new to the Machinists Union, recognized on February 9, 2022, will get back pay from that date.

The agreement provides two more holidays per year, improved paid leave, increased company retirement contributions, and an increased travel allowance. For the first time, sales representatives at PAL have been covered by contractual language, which outlines their rights and working conditions. The retroactive pay for the agreement will be up to $2,600 for some sales reps and up to $11,000 for all other unified agents.

The vote was held Monday, February 13, through Wednesday, February 15, and was conducted electronically. The deal covers Philippine Airlines agents’ Customer Service and Sales Representatives in Honolulu, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York.

Despite being one of the smaller bargaining units represented in Machinists Union District 141, PAL’s workgroup negotiated a contract that met the priorities of union members and won unanimous ratification.

Mike Klemm, the district president of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) that represents PAL’s sales representatives and other agents, praised the agreement, saying, “This new contract provides our members with the fair pay and benefits they deserve for their hard work and dedication to Philippine Airlines. We’re pleased that the company recognized the value of their employees and the importance of investing in their future.”

The IAM represents over half a million workers in the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico aviation, aerospace, and defense industries. The union has been fighting for fair pay, benefits, and working conditions for its members despite significant challenges facing the airline industry, including increased competition, rising fuel costs, and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Klemm emphasized the power of collective bargaining and the importance of workers and management coming together to reach a fair agreement. “This agreement shows what can be achieved when workers and management find common ground. It’s a testament to the power of union solidarity and the importance of collective bargaining in the airline industry.”

The successful ratification of the collective bargaining agreement is a significant victory for commercial airline workers, demonstrating the importance of unions in negotiating fair pay, benefits, and working conditions for workers, even in difficult economic times.

Union negotiator Shannon Robello expressed his satisfaction with the deal, saying, “This new collective bargaining agreement provides the fair compensation and benefits our members deserve, recognizing their important contributions to the company’s success.”

Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the commercial aviation industry is rebounding in a big way. The number of passengers passing through TSA checkpoints has been steadily increasing in recent months, with more people traveling for business and leisure as restrictions ease and vaccinations become more widespread. Although ticket prices have risen in response to pent-up demand, consumers are still eager to fly, reflecting the renewed sense of the value and reliability of air travel.

“Sean Ryan, Kaleb Rosa, John Burgwinkel, and everyone that helped work on the Negotiating Committee did a fantastic job,” said Robello. “These guys deserve enormous respect for their hard work developing this agreement.”


Chicago 1487 Golfers Tee Off to Aid Guide Dogs of America

Chicago 1487 Golfers Tee Off to Aid Guide Dogs of America

Morning thunderstorms did little to quell the enthusiasm of the 144+ golfers at the annual Golf Outing to benefit Guide Dogs of America. The event, hosted each year by Chicago's Local Lodge 1487, raised an estimated $20,000 for the charity. Chicago 1487 Golfers Tee...

Machinists Union emerges as leader in US labor organizing

Machinists Union emerges as leader in US labor organizing

Machinists Union emerges as leader in US labor organizing

According to data from Bloomberg Law, the Machinists Union, an affiliate of the AFL-CIO, has emerged as the leading union in the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) union election victories in the United States over the past five years.

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) won an impressive 314 union elections out of 422 held under the NLRB from 2018 through 2022, the highest number among the 58 AFL-CIO affiliate unions. IAM’s success can be attributed to the union’s proactive approach to organizing, which involves investing heavily in organizing campaigns and mobilizing its members and supporters to participate in these efforts. The Machinists Union has successfully organized workers in both traditional and emerging industries.

One of the benefits of union organizing campaigns is incentivizing employers to raise wages and improve benefits to prevent workers from joining a union. Employers are often hostile towards unions, viewing them as threatening their profits and power. This leads them to engage in union avoidance tactics, such as intimidation, coercion, and misinformation. However, when workers begin to show signs they are seriously attempting to unify their workplaces, employers may respond by offering better pay, benefits, and working conditions to prevent workers from joining a union.

This practice is known as the “union effect,” It has been shown to benefit not only union members but also non-union workers. By forcing employers to raise wages and improve benefits, union organizing campaigns help to establish better standards for all workers in a given industry or sector. Unification efforts positively impact the overall economy by reducing income inequality, increasing consumer purchasing power, and improving the overall quality of life for workers and their families.

The Machinists Union’s success in NLRB elections can be partly attributed to its proactive approach to organizing.

“The IAM set out to make growing our strength in numbers our first priority—and the results continue to show,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “We are organizing in both our core industries and new ones, and we are so grateful to the IAM Organizing Department and organizers across our union for continuing to fight for justice on the job for new members.” .

The IAM recently committed to boosting organizing resources at its 40th Grand Lodge Convention in October 2022.

“I’m so proud of every IAM organizer for the job they do each and every day,” said IAM Organizing Director Vinny Addeo. “Our work is paying off for working people and we look forward to growing our capabilities even further.”

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Chicago 1487 Golfers Tee Off to Aid Guide Dogs of America

Chicago 1487 Golfers Tee Off to Aid Guide Dogs of America

Morning thunderstorms did little to quell the enthusiasm of the 144+ golfers at the annual Golf Outing to benefit Guide Dogs of America. The event, hosted each year by Chicago's Local Lodge 1487, raised an estimated $20,000 for the charity. Chicago 1487 Golfers Tee...

Machinists Union emerges as leader in US labor organizing
According to data from Bloomberg Law, the Machinists Union, an affiliate of the AFL-CIO, has emerged as the leading union in the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) union election victories in the United States over the past five years. The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) won an impressive 314 union elections out of 422 held under the NLRB from 2018 through 2022, the highest number among the 58 AFL-CIO affiliate unions. IAM’s success can be attributed to the union’s proactive approach to organizing, which involves investing heavily in organizing campaigns and mobilizing its members and supporters to participate in these efforts. The Machinists Union has successfully organized workers in both traditional and emerging industries.

One of the benefits of union organizing campaigns is incentivizing employers to raise wages and improve benefits to prevent workers from joining a union. Employers are often hostile towards unions, viewing them as threatening their profits and power. This leads them to engage in union avoidance tactics, such as intimidation, coercion, and misinformation. However, when workers begin to show signs they are seriously attempting to unify their workplaces, employers may respond by offering better pay, benefits, and working conditions to prevent workers from joining a union.

This practice is known as the “union effect,” It has been shown to benefit not only union members but also non-union workers. By forcing employers to raise wages and improve benefits, union organizing campaigns help to establish better standards for all workers in a given industry or sector. Unification efforts positively impact the overall economy by reducing income inequality, increasing consumer purchasing power, and improving the overall quality of life for workers and their families.

The Machinists Union’s success in NLRB elections can be partly attributed to its proactive approach to organizing.

“The IAM set out to make growing our strength in numbers our first priority—and the results continue to show,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “We are organizing in both our core industries and new ones, and we are so grateful to the IAM Organizing Department and organizers across our union for continuing to fight for justice on the job for new members.”

The IAM recently committed to boosting organizing resources at its 40th Grand Lodge Convention in October 2022.

“I’m so proud of every IAM organizer for the job they do each and every day,” said IAM Organizing Director Vinny Addeo. “Our work is paying off for working people and we look forward to growing our capabilities even further.”

Southwest Airlines Executives Get Raises After Cancelling 16,700 Flights

Southwest Airlines Executives Get Raises After Cancelling 16,700 Flights

Southwest Airlines Executives Get Raises After Cancelling 16,700 Flights

The worst airline meltdown in the history of American commercial aviation happened over the past holiday season, as Southwest Airlines canceled more than 16,700 flights. The failures left millions of travelers stranded, often without their luggage and most of their belongings, and forced to pay for days worth of hotels and overpriced airport food.

In response, Southwest announced this week that the executives responsible for the catastrophic breakdowns would not lose their jobs but would instead be promoted and given healthy raises.

Five executives at the airline, including the VPs of network planning and customer service, will be given expanded roles at the carrier, sometimes in addition to their current jobs.

Adam Decaire, who oversaw the scheduling breakdowns that left so much of Southwest’s networks paralyzed, will now be elevated from Vice President of Network Planning to a Senior position in the Department. Decaire was initially promoted to Network Planning at the carrier after working only four years as a Southwest ramp agent.

Tony Roach, who steered the efforts at the airline to apologize to millions of stranded passengers, investors, and Federal Regulators, will likewise move up to Senior Vice President of Customer Service.

The slate of promotions is happening following a decision by the Department of Transportation to issue very few airline fines over the past two years.

The Transportation Secretary, Pete Buttigieg, is facing increased criticism from Congress and watchdog groups who believe that the Department under his leadership did not take enough steps to prevent the massive flight cancellations during the holidays. The source of the problem is said to be a combination of long-term airline consolidation, greed, and allegations the Department is in the pocket of billion-dollar airlines.

According to Dylan Gyauch-Lewis, a spokesperson for the Revolving Door Project, the promotions indicate a complete disregard for Federal Regulators, passengers, and front-line workers.

“The Southwest debacle is what happens when corporations feel like they won’t face any serious regulatory oversight,” he said. He pointed to large airlines’ political influence as one of the main reasons for the lax federal response to air travel outrages.

“Pete Buttigieg chose to let nearly every domestic airline off scott free after they were caught completely flat-footed earlier this year,” he said in a press release issued after the airline’s debacle. “Despite rampant cancellations and widespread violation of federal law by giving travel vouchers instead of cash refunds, the only domestic airline to face any regulatory scrutiny was the small, politically weak Frontier.”

The Revolving Door Project is a consumer-focused watchdog group.

But, where fines and federal oversight may be lacking, Unions at the airline are issuing a direct challenge to executives who have delayed contract negotiations.

Captain Tom Nekoue, a spokesperson for the Southwest Pilots Union, issued a blunt message to executives at the carrier and laid the blame directly at the feet of CEO Gary Kelly.

“During Gary Kelly’s tenure as CEO, Southwest Airlines has returned approximately $12 billion to shareholders while increasing his own total annual compensation by more than 700%,” the letter read. He pointed out that the lion’s share of the money was used to buy back stock shares. Buying back stocks was previously against the law and doesn’t help a company financially. However, the practice raises stock prices, increasing executive pay based on the stocks. According to the union, this was the wrong investment choice when IT and network awareness was so outdated.

“It is clear that Southwest management is circling the wagons as they have always done in the past,” he said in a blunt letter to the Union. “No acknowledgment of the magnitude of the mistakes they have made. No attempt to hold the responsible decision-makers accountable. No indication that there will be a course correction in the future,” he continued.

In January, Southwest Pilots called for authorization to hold a strike vote. “This historic action on the part of the pilot union comes in the wake of Southwest’s largest meltdown and the utter lack of meaningful progress on contract negotiation,” said Union President Casey Murray.

If a strike gets Union members’ approval, the pilots will still need clearance from the National Mediation Board before an actual work stoppage can happen. The vote is scheduled for May.

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Chicago 1487 Golfers Tee Off to Aid Guide Dogs of America

Morning thunderstorms did little to quell the enthusiasm of the 144+ golfers at the annual Golf Outing to benefit Guide Dogs of America. The event, hosted each year by Chicago's Local Lodge 1487, raised an estimated $20,000 for the charity. Chicago 1487 Golfers Tee...

Stay up to date with all the latest news and information from the Machinists Union

Southwest Airlines Executives Get Raises After Cancelling 16,700 Flights

February 10, 2023

The worst airline meltdown in the history of American commercial aviation happened over the past holiday season, as Southwest Airlines canceled more than 16,700 flights. The failures left millions of travelers stranded, often without their luggage and most of their belongings, and forced to pay for days worth of hotels and overpriced airport food.

In response, Southwest announced this week that the executives responsible for the catastrophic breakdowns would not lose their jobs but would instead be promoted and given healthy raises.

Five executives at the airline, including the VPs of network planning and customer service, will be given expanded roles at the carrier, sometimes in addition to their current jobs.

Adam Decaire, who oversaw the scheduling breakdowns that left so much of Southwest’s networks paralyzed, will now be elevated from Vice President of Network Planning to a Senior position in the Department. Decaire was initially promoted to Network Planning at the carrier after working only four years as a Southwest ramp agent.

Tony Roach, who steered the efforts at the airline to apologize to millions of stranded passengers, investors, and Federal Regulators, will likewise move up to Senior Vice President of Customer Service.

The slate of promotions is happening following a decision by the Department of Transportation to issue very few airline fines over the past two years.

The Transportation Secretary, Pete Buttigieg, is facing increased criticism from Congress and watchdog groups who believe that the Department under his leadership did not take enough steps to prevent the massive flight cancellations during the holidays. The source of the problem is said to be a combination of long-term airline consolidation, greed, and allegations the Department is in the pocket of billion-dollar airlines.

According to Dylan Gyauch-Lewis, a spokesperson for the Revolving Door Project, the promotions indicate a complete disregard for Federal Regulators, passengers, and front-line workers.

“The Southwest debacle is what happens when corporations feel like they won’t face any serious regulatory oversight,” he said. He pointed to large airlines’ political influence as one of the main reasons for the lax federal response to air travel outrages.

“Pete Buttigieg chose to let nearly every domestic airline off scott free after they were caught completely flat-footed earlier this year,” he said in a press release issued after the airline’s debacle. “Despite rampant cancellations and widespread violation of federal law by giving travel vouchers instead of cash refunds, the only domestic airline to face any regulatory scrutiny was the small, politically weak Frontier.”

The Revolving Door Project is a consumer-focused watchdog group.

But, where fines and federal oversight may be lacking, Unions at the airline are issuing a direct challenge to executives who have delayed contract negotiations.

Captain Tom Nekoue, a spokesperson for the Southwest Pilots Union, issued a blunt message to executives at the carrier and laid the blame directly at the feet of CEO Gary Kelly.

“During Gary Kelly’s tenure as CEO, Southwest Airlines has returned approximately $12 billion to shareholders while increasing his own total annual compensation by more than 700%,” the letter read. He pointed out that the lion’s share of the money was used to buy back stock shares. Buying back stocks was previously against the law and doesn’t help a company financially. However, the practice raises stock prices, increasing executive pay based on the stocks. According to the union, this was the wrong investment choice when IT and network awareness was so outdated.

“It is clear that Southwest management is circling the wagons as they have always done in the past,” he said in a blunt letter to the Union. “No acknowledgment of the magnitude of the mistakes they have made. No attempt to hold the responsible decision-makers accountable. No indication that there will be a course correction in the future,” he continued.

In January, Southwest Pilots called for authorization to hold a strike vote. “This historic action on the part of the pilot union comes in the wake of Southwest’s largest meltdown and the utter lack of meaningful progress on contract negotiation,” said Union President Casey Murray.

If a strike gets Union members’ approval, the pilots will still need clearance from the National Mediation Board before an actual work stoppage can happen. The vote is scheduled for May.


Chicago 1487 Golfers Tee Off to Aid Guide Dogs of America

Chicago 1487 Golfers Tee Off to Aid Guide Dogs of America

Morning thunderstorms did little to quell the enthusiasm of the 144+ golfers at the annual Golf Outing to benefit Guide Dogs of America. The event, hosted each year by Chicago's Local Lodge 1487, raised an estimated $20,000 for the charity. Chicago 1487 Golfers Tee...

“Go Red” Luncheon Raises Awareness of Heart Disease

“Go Red” Luncheon Raises Awareness of Heart Disease

“Go Red” Luncheon Raises Awareness of Heart Disease

Heart disease is a devastating threat to women in the United States, claiming the lives of a staggering 314,186 women in 2020 alone – accounting for one out of every four female deaths. 

On Wednesday, the Local 1487 Women’s Committee of Chicago hosted a landmark event to raise awareness of the impact of heart disease on women. The “Go Red” luncheon brought together a diverse group of reservations, customer and fleet service agents, and other airline workers dressed in their best red attire. The women shared deeply moving personal stories of their encounters with cardiovascular disease and learned how to attain CPR certification. Attendees were also treated to a mime flag tribute dance performed by Christine Byrd and Charlene Allen. A red wine-tasting table was sponsored by Coopers Hawk, a notable local winery and restaurant in the Chicago area. And a range of heart-healthy food options was on offer. 

April Walker, one of the lead organizers helping to put the event together, reminded the gathering to “Remember your numbers!” before a raffle drawing. “Not just your raffle numbers!” she said to laughter.

Over healthy and delicious food options, the women learned about the symptoms of heart disease and the steps they can take to protect themselves. The atmosphere was boisterous and cheerful, as the women were empowered with the knowledge and inspiration to take charge of their health and wellness.

The American Heart Association reports that nearly half of all women, 44%, live with some form of cardiovascular disease. Despite this, most women remain unaware of the dangers of heart disease and the gender-specific risks created by life stages such as pregnancy and menopause.

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), the lack of understanding surrounding heart disease in women can be attributed to a significant gap in research and outreach. Much of the literature and outreach efforts regarding heart disease are geared toward men, leaving women underrepresented and their specific needs ignored.

Data released by the AHA shows that nearly 70% of postgraduate medical students report minimal to no training on gender-specific medical treatment. Only 42% of cardiologists feel adequately prepared to assess cardiovascular issues specific to women.

This lack of representation can have devastating consequences. Candice Schafer, Senior Development Director of Chicago’s Go Red for Women, explains that heart disease presents differently in women than in men. “A lot of women are turned away from hospitals when they are actually in cardiac distress,” she says. “In women, a heart attack presents very differently. It shows up as fatigue or sometimes a headache.” These symptoms can go on for days, making it essential for doctors to recognize the signs of cardiac distress in women.

However, there is cause for optimism. According to Shaeffer, 80% of cardiac health can be improved through lifestyle choices. By raising awareness and improving the representation of women in research and outreach efforts, women can take control of their heart health and reduce their risk of heart disease.

“The disparity in representation and understanding of heart disease in women is a significant issue that needs to be addressed,” said Shaeffer. “Through increased awareness and better representation in research and outreach efforts, women can take charge of their heart health and reduce their risk of heart disease.”

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Chicago 1487 Golfers Tee Off to Aid Guide Dogs of America

Chicago 1487 Golfers Tee Off to Aid Guide Dogs of America

Morning thunderstorms did little to quell the enthusiasm of the 144+ golfers at the annual Golf Outing to benefit Guide Dogs of America. The event, hosted each year by Chicago's Local Lodge 1487, raised an estimated $20,000 for the charity. Chicago 1487 Golfers Tee...

Stay up to date with all the latest news and information from the Machinists Union

“Go Red” Luncheon Raises Awareness of Heart Disease

February 8, 2023

Heart disease is a devastating threat to women in the United States, claiming the lives of a staggering 314,186 women in 2020 alone – accounting for one out of every four female deaths. 

On Wednesday, the Local 1487 Women’s Committee of Chicago hosted a landmark event to raise awareness of the impact of heart disease on women. The “Go Red” luncheon brought together a diverse group of reservations, customer and fleet service agents, and other airline workers dressed in their best red attire. The women shared deeply moving personal stories of their encounters with cardiovascular disease and learned how to attain CPR certification. Attendees were also treated to a mime flag tribute dance performed by Christine Byrd and Charlene Allen. A red wine-tasting table was sponsored by Coopers Hawk, a notable local winery and restaurant in the Chicago area. And a range of heart-healthy food options was on offer. 

April Walker, one of the lead organizers helping to put the event together, reminded the gathering to “Remember your numbers!” before a raffle drawing. “Not just your raffle numbers!” she said to laughter.

Over healthy and delicious food options, the women learned about the symptoms of heart disease and the steps they can take to protect themselves. The atmosphere was boisterous and cheerful, as the women were empowered with the knowledge and inspiration to take charge of their health and wellness.

The American Heart Association reports that nearly half of all women, 44%, live with some form of cardiovascular disease. Despite this, most women remain unaware of the dangers of heart disease and the gender-specific risks created by life stages such as pregnancy and menopause.

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), the lack of understanding surrounding heart disease in women can be attributed to a significant gap in research and outreach. Much of the literature and outreach efforts regarding heart disease are geared toward men, leaving women underrepresented and their specific needs ignored.

Data released by the AHA shows that nearly 70% of postgraduate medical students report minimal to no training on gender-specific medical treatment. Only 42% of cardiologists feel adequately prepared to assess cardiovascular issues specific to women.

This lack of representation can have devastating consequences. Candice Schafer, Senior Development Director of Chicago’s Go Red for Women, explains that heart disease presents differently in women than in men. “A lot of women are turned away from hospitals when they are actually in cardiac distress,” she says. “In women, a heart attack presents very differently. It shows up as fatigue or sometimes a headache.” These symptoms can go on for days, making it essential for doctors to recognize the signs of cardiac distress in women.

However, there is cause for optimism. According to Shaeffer, 80% of cardiac health can be improved through lifestyle choices. By raising awareness and improving the representation of women in research and outreach efforts, women can take control of their heart health and reduce their risk of heart disease.

“The disparity in representation and understanding of heart disease in women is a significant issue that needs to be addressed,” said Shaeffer. “Through increased awareness and better representation in research and outreach efforts, women can take charge of their heart health and reduce their risk of heart disease.”


Chicago 1487 Golfers Tee Off to Aid Guide Dogs of America

Chicago 1487 Golfers Tee Off to Aid Guide Dogs of America

Morning thunderstorms did little to quell the enthusiasm of the 144+ golfers at the annual Golf Outing to benefit Guide Dogs of America. The event, hosted each year by Chicago's Local Lodge 1487, raised an estimated $20,000 for the charity. Chicago 1487 Golfers Tee...

Helping Hands February: Relationships

Helping Hands February: Relationships

Helping Hands February: Relationships

EAP Peer Volunteers:

       February is the month to focus on relationships. A definition of relationship is included as well as how to enhance relationships, how to keep a healthy relationships and how to handle conflict in a relationship. Communication is of course the most important component of a healthy relationship. Please communicate about the EAP and that your co-workers can come to you to find resources to help them with any issue they may be experiencing. 
      Chris Davis, Tony Rodriguez and all of the Regional Representatives (and me too) are all here to support you and all of our members to help. Please let us know ho awe can help! 

     Thank you for your efforts in keeping everyone around you healthy and well! 


Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.

Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.
EAP Director
Cell: 303-229-5117

4 Things Most People Don’t Know About MLK

4 Things Most People Don’t Know About MLK

4 Things Most People Don’t Know About MLK

Today is the day Americans celebrate the life and legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. There are many aspects of his life that everyone knows, such as his prominent role in the Civil Rights Movement of the ’60s, his work as a pastor and union organizer, and the near-constant harassment and conspiracy theories he had to endure. Yet, there are still many chapters of his biography that remain largely unknown. Here are five things most people still don’t know about the Human Rights icon. 

Martin Luther King Jr.’s birth name was actually Michael King Jr.

Every year on the third Monday of January, America celebrates the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a champion of civil rights and a symbol of peace. However, very few people are aware that this historic leader was born under another name: Michael King Jr. Martin Luther only adopted his famous name after his father, a prominent Pastor in Atlanta, GA, changed both their names to Martin Luther in honor of Protestant reformist Martin Luther following an extended tour of Europe and Germany in 1934. While the exact reasons for the change remain a topic of debate, the elder King swiftly replaced “M.L.” or “Mike” King with “Martin Luther King, Sr.”

The younger King was more reticent about the name change. His original birth certificate was filed on January 15, 1929, when he was already five years old. He did not start referring to himself by “Martin,” in his letters until well into the 1950s, preferring instead to sign off with the initials “ML.” The first time he seems to have formally used the name Martin was in a July 18, 1952, letter to his then-girlfriend and future wife, Coretta. He ends the beautiful missive with “Eternally Yours, Martin.”

His name was formally changed when his birth certificate was updated with “Martin Luther” on July 23, 1957, when he was 28. 

Read more here >>


He was nearly assassinated a decade before his actual assassination

One of the stranger stories about King’s life happened on a cool September afternoon in the shoe section of a bustling Harlem department store when he was 29. King had become a national figure following the Atlanta bus Boycotts triggered by Rosa Parks’ refusal to sit at the back of a bus. King had written a book about the event called Stride Toward Freedom. While promoting the book, a 42-year-old black woman named Izola Ware Curry stepped forward and stabbed King in the center of his chest with a pen knife. She stabbed him with so much force that the blade broke off in his chest and remained there as the shocked crowd jumped to restrain her. 

Photos from the attempt on his life are eery. In the most famous, King is shown calmly having a wound on his hand treated while the blade juts from his chest, a small circle of blood spreading under his otherwise clean white shirt. (Take another look at the photo above.)

Curry was arrested, and it was later determined that she was mentally unwell. She died in 2015 after spending the rest of her life struggling with paranoid schizophrenia.

Read more here >>

His “I Have A Dream” speech was not originally planned.

The “I Have A Dream” speech delivered at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC, is one of the most iconic speeches of all time. But interestingly enough, it was largely off-script; the words were mostly improvised. Before delivering the speech on August 28, 1963, in front of an estimated 250,000 people, King wrote a 20-page manuscript that his advisors had reviewed. However, throughout his speech, he made substantial changes – substituting facts with emotional appeals to rally civil rights supporters to action. The words “I have a dream” do not appear in his speech notes. 

The “I have a dream” section was almost entirely improvised and was based on a sermon that his parishioners knew well. Towards the end of the remarks, a voice can be heard calling for him to “do, ‘I have a dream! Tell them about the dream, Martin!” 

That voice belonged to Mahalia Jackson, a vocalist who had sang hymns to the crowd before King was scheduled to speak. King had often performed versions of what would later become the “I have a dream” speech at engagements around the South. But, he had not included it in his address at the Lincoln Memorial because he didn’t think he could fit it in. Hearing Jackson’s calls to him changed his mind, and King delivered remarks that would be recited for centuries. 



He was arrested more than 30 times.

King was regularly denounced as a “criminal,” a “Communist,” and a “troublemaker.” And police at the time were not reluctant to arrest him for any and every accusation made against the human rights leader. Over his career, King was arrested after being accused of standing illegally outside a government building, lying under oath, driving 5 miles over the speed limit, and tax evasion, among many other accusations. Notably, King was also regularly acquitted of these allegations by all-white juries that prosecutors had hoped would hand down lengthy prison sentences.

Exasperated, in December 1959, the Governor of Georgia, Ernest Vandiver dropped all pretense and simply outlawed Dr. King altogether. Claiming that King’s presence anywhere in the state would disrupt the “good relations between the races,” and that “wherever M. L. King, Jr., has been there has followed in his wake a wave of crimes including stabbings, bombings, and inciting riots, barratry, destruction of property, and many others” he placed him under constant police surveillance. 

While King certainly had powerful enemies but also friends in high places. Among them were John F Kennedy, Jr. and his brother, Robert Kennedy, who regularly made calls for his release from jail. Moreover, the arrests led to some of the most poignant writing in American history, as they allowed King to use his considerable skills to create such works as “Letters From Birmingham Jail.”

Listen to the Letters Here >>

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4 Things Most People Don’t Know About MLK

Today is the day Americans celebrate the life and legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. There are many aspects of his life that everyone knows, such as his prominent role in the Civil Rights Movement of the ’60s, his work as a pastor and union organizer, and the near-constant harassment and conspiracy theories he had to endure. Yet, there are still many chapters of his biography that remain largely unknown. Here are five things most people still don’t know about the Human Rights icon. 

Martin Luther King Jr.’s birth name was actually Michael King Jr.

Every year on the third Monday of January, America celebrates the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a champion of civil rights and a symbol of peace. However, very few people are aware that this historic leader was born under another name: Michael King Jr. Martin Luther only adopted his famous name after his father, a prominent Pastor in Atlanta, GA, changed both their names to Martin Luther in honor of Protestant reformist Martin Luther following an extended tour of Europe and Germany in 1934. While the exact reasons for the change remain a topic of debate, the elder King swiftly replaced “M.L.” or “Mike” King with “Martin Luther King, Sr.”

The younger King was more reticent about the name change. His original birth certificate was filed on January 15, 1929, when he was already five years old. He did not start referring to himself by “Martin,” in his letters until well into the 1950s, preferring instead to sign off with the initials “ML.” The first time he seems to have formally used the name Martin was in a July 18, 1952, letter to his then-girlfriend and future wife, Coretta. He ends the beautiful missive with “Eternally Yours, Martin.”

His name was formally changed when his birth certificate was updated with “Martin Luther” on July 23, 1957, when he was 28. 

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He was nearly assassinated a decade before his actual assassination

One of the stranger stories about King’s life happened on a cool September afternoon in the shoe section of a bustling Harlem department store when he was 29. King had become a national figure following the Atlanta bus Boycotts triggered by Rosa Parks’ refusal to sit at the back of a bus. King had written a book about the event called Stride Toward Freedom. While promoting the book, a 42-year-old black woman named Izola Ware Curry stepped forward and stabbed King in the center of his chest with a pen knife. She stabbed him with so much force that the blade broke off in his chest and remained there as the shocked crowd jumped to restrain her. 

Photos from the attempt on his life are eery. In the most famous, King is shown calmly having a wound on his hand treated while the blade juts from his chest, a small circle of blood spreading under his otherwise clean white shirt. (Take another look at the photo above.)

Curry was arrested, and it was later determined that she was mentally unwell. She died in 2015 after spending the rest of her life struggling with paranoid schizophrenia.

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His “I Have A Dream” speech was not originally planned.

The “I Have A Dream” speech delivered at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC, is one of the most iconic speeches of all time. But interestingly enough, it was largely off-script; the words were mostly improvised. Before delivering the speech on August 28, 1963, in front of an estimated 250,000 people, King wrote a 20-page manuscript that his advisors had reviewed. However, throughout his speech, he made substantial changes – substituting facts with emotional appeals to rally civil rights supporters to action. The words “I have a dream” do not appear in his speech notes. 

The “I have a dream” section was almost entirely improvised and was based on a sermon that his parishioners knew well. Towards the end of the remarks, a voice can be heard calling for him to “do, ‘I have a dream! Tell them about the dream, Martin!” 

That voice belonged to Mahalia Jackson, a vocalist who had sang hymns to the crowd before King was scheduled to speak. King had often performed versions of what would later become the “I have a dream” speech at engagements around the South. But, he had not included it in his address at the Lincoln Memorial because he didn’t think he could fit it in. Hearing Jackson’s calls to him changed his mind, and King delivered remarks that would be recited for centuries. 



He was arrested more than 30 times.

King was regularly denounced as a “criminal,” a “Communist,” and a “troublemaker.” And police at the time were not reluctant to arrest him for any and every accusation made against the human rights leader. Over his career, King was arrested after being accused of standing illegally outside a government building, lying under oath, driving 5 miles over the speed limit, and tax evasion, among many other accusations. Notably, King was also regularly acquitted of these allegations by all-white juries that prosecutors had hoped would hand down lengthy prison sentences.

Exasperated, in December 1959, the Governor of Georgia, Ernest Vandiver dropped all pretense and simply outlawed Dr. King altogether. Claiming that King’s presence anywhere in the state would disrupt the “good relations between the races,” and that “wherever M. L. King, Jr., has been there has followed in his wake a wave of crimes including stabbings, bombings, and inciting riots, barratry, destruction of property, and many others” he placed him under constant police surveillance. 

While King certainly had powerful enemies but also friends in high places. Among them were John F Kennedy, Jr. and his brother, Robert Kennedy, who regularly made calls for his release from jail. Moreover, the arrests led to some of the most poignant writing in American history, as they allowed King to use his considerable skills to create such works as “Letters From Birmingham Jail.”

Listen to the Letters Here >>

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