Letters: Why We Passed the PRO Act

Letters: Why We Passed the PRO Act

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Letters: Why We Passed the PRO Act

Congressman Marc Pocan represents Wisconsin’s 2nd District, which includes the capitol of Madison. A union member himself, he is among the strongest supporters of working people in Congress, and a leading proponent of the PRO Act.

The PRO Act will modernize the American Labor Movement by making it easier to organize, and harder for companies to retaliate against union supporters.

Congressman Pocan sent the following letter to IAMAW Members working to advance this important legislation in the Senate, now that it has passed in the House of Representatives.

I’m Congressman Mark Pocan, a small business owner and proud union member of the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades.

I support working people, and this is why I voted to pass the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act:

  1. Collective bargaining gives workers a voice on wages, working conditions and benefits.
  2. Employers should face consequences if they retaliate against workers who are organizing.
  3. We need stronger and up-to-date labor laws to protect workers.

President Joe Biden urged Congress to send the PRO Act to his desk. So on March 9, my colleagues and I passed the PRO Act in the House.

Now it’s the Senate’s turn.

This week, the AFL-CIO is holding a Week of Action for the PRO Act. There will be virtual and in-person events. You can also learn more about how the PRO Act:

We must get this passed in the Senate. Join us and support the PRO Act.

In Solidarity,

Congressman Mark Pocan

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141 Report: Bill Huston and Capital Lodge 1759

141 Report: Bill Huston and Capital Lodge 1759

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Brother Bill Huston has worked in a variety of functions both below and above the wing in his 51-year career at United Airlines. He started working on the ramp in Norfolk while he was attending college and later transferred to customer service at IAD.

141 Report: Bill Huston and Capital Lodge 1759

In this 141 Report, we speak with the president of one of the oldest airline locals in the IAM, Capital Lodge 1759, based in Herndon, VA, just outside Dulles International Airport. 

Brother Bill Huston has worked in a variety of functions both below and above the wing in his 51-year career at United Airlines. He started working on the ramp in Norfolk while he was attending college and later transferred to customer service at IAD. Since the CS group joined the IAM in 1999, Bill has served as Shop Steward, Building Committee Rep, Trustee, and Vice President before he became president of the local. He also currently serves as a Safety Advocate in IAD.

Capital Local 1759, named after Capital Airlines, whose workers founded the local, represents 2,000 members who work for 5 airlines at 7 airports in four states. Capital Airlines merged with United in 1961, and the local also represents workers at Southwest, American, Alaska, and British Airways, and also airline support workers from Ogden, Menzies, and UGE.

Bill values the proud history of the IAM and works to ensure all members see the importance of solidarity. “We are as strong as the weakest member,” he says, which is why he devotes time to member education and mentoring. 

Dave wraps up the interview recognizing the work that Local 1759 members do in community service. In 2018, they held a golf outing honoring the late District 141 AGC and Local 1759 member Rich Pascarella, which raised $70,000 for Guide Dogs of America. As we resume in-person events after COVID, Bill is looking forward to planning events like that one.  


Will the New Congress Make Dues Tax Deductible?

Will the New Congress Make Dues Tax Deductible?

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Will the New Congress Make Dues Tax Deductible?

Four years after the income tax deduction for union dues was ripped out of the U.S. tax code, pro-worker lawmakers are fighting to bring it back and, for the first time, make it available without itemizing.

Many thanks to the award-winning union journalists at the IBEW Media Center, who wrote and originally published this story. 

The Tax Fairness for Workers Act would also restore the deduction for other unreimbursed employee expenses, including travel and the cost of tools and uniforms, that were killed in the 2017 package of tax breaks for the rich.

The bill was announced April 15 by Democratic Senators Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, Chuck Schumer of New York, Patty Murray of Washington state, and Sherrod Brown of Ohio.

“In 2017, Republicans eliminated tax deductions for workers and instead gave massive tax cuts for large, profitable corporations,” Casey said. “This legislation would put money back in the pockets of working families.”

Specifically, the bill would:

  • Make the deduction for union dues “above the line,” meaning union taxpayers can claim it without itemizing.
  • Lift the suspension of the deduction for unreimbursed employee expenses, including money spent out of pocket on tools, uniforms and other necessary supplies, travel costs and job search expenses.

“As our economy recovers from the pandemic it is critical we ensure all Americans can provide for their families,” Pennsylvania Rep. Conor Lamb said. “This commonsense bill ensures that our tax code treats workers and union members fairly.”

Lamb is introducing a companion bill in the House and, together with Casey, has been at forefront of the battle to restore and expand worker-friendly provisions of the tax code.

Making the case for the proposals in an article last fall, the Center for American Progress said the pro-union reforms “would be an important step forward in increasing the number of workers with access to unions and collective bargaining and should be part of any effort to create a more progressive tax framework.”

Until then, the authors said the tax code is one more roadblock to justice for working people.

“Legal barriers against workers extend well beyond labor policy,” they wrote. “For a country that prides itself on the tenacity of its workforce, the U.S. legal code is steeped in rules that hinder workers’ ability to prosper.

“One need look no further than the Internal Revenue Code, which contains several provisions that further tilt power away from unions and toward corporations. Tax law allows businesses to deduct the costs of fighting unions, prevents workers from deducting the costs of joining a union, and facilitates companies that misclassify employees as independent contractors, which denies workers their right to unionize.”

CAP went into greater detail about the dues deduction in an earlier article, arguing that it needs to return without delay.

“Unions and the workers they represent should not have to wait for this eminently fair tax treatment,” senior tax policy director Alexandra Thornton wrote. “If an above-the-line deduction for union dues were enacted now on a permanent basis, workers and unions would not be caught up in the decision that Congress will face in 2026—whether or not to allow the law to automatically revert (to pre-2017 tax law) for a range of individual income tax provisions.”

The absence of union dues and job expense deductions came as an ugly surprise to many IBEW members and workers across the board when they filed their 2018 tax returns two years ago, the first tax season affected by the 2017 law.

“That was real money, for some people hundreds of dollars or more stolen from their household budgets to line the pockets of billionaires and corporations that didn’t need it, didn’t share it and didn’t invest it,” International President Lonnie R. Stephenson said. “The Tax Fairness for Workers Act would go a long way toward righting those wrongs.”

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IAM Transportation Territory Files to Represent National Airlines Flight Attendants

IAM Transportation Territory Files to Represent National Airlines Flight Attendants

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IAM Transportation Territory Files to Represent National Airlines Flight Attendants

The IAM Transportation Department has filed an application with the National Mediation Board (NMB) to investigate a representation dispute among Flight Attendants at National Airlines.

A group of National Airlines Flight Attendants sought out the IAM’s assistance to form a union at the carrier and gain collective bargaining rights.
“I congratulate these brave Flight Attendants for standing up for themselves and demanding the equal treatment and respect only collective bargaining rights can bring,” said General Vice President Sito Pantoja. “I want to assure National Airlines Flight Attendants that the IAM will stand side by side with them and spare no resource to see that they win this election and bargain a fair first contract.”
The Flight Attendants, approximately 35, cited a lack of respect from National management, poor work rules and sub-standard pay and benefits as reasons to form a union.
“I am proud that the National Flight Attendants chose the IAM to aid in their quest for respect and fairness on the job,” said Grand Lodge Representative Joe Stassi, who spearheaded the campaign. “National Flight Attendants fly across the globe day in and day out providing essential services worldwide, including transporting US military.”
The NMB will docket the case, investigate whether a representation dispute exists and then schedule a representation election if over 50 percent of National Flight Attendants support a representation election be conducted.
National Airlines, an Orlando-based carrier, has supported industry and governments, aided military forces and provided subsistence logistics solutions to some of the most remote global locations. National Airlines has grown from a small, regional U.S. cargo airline, to one of the world’s leading air cargo carriers, and ultimately into a passenger airline.
The IAM is the largest airline union in North America, representing approximately 100,000 airline workers.

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First Association vs American Airlines Fleet Arbitration Case

First Association vs American Airlines Fleet Arbitration Case

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First Association vs American Airlines Fleet Arbitration Case

April 20, 2021

The Association presented its first arbitration case.  At issue is the Control Crew Chief work that American Airlines transitioned from Crew Chiefs to management.   Testimony was given by representatives of the TWU and the IAM far-reaching from across the country, from Charlotte to Dallas and Los Angeles to Phoenix. 

The Association strongly defended the Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement and our membership.  We anticipate receiving the arbitrator’s decision sometime in mid to late summer.

We would like to extend our thanks to everyone who was involved in the preparation and presentation of the case, including the  Local Presidents, Assistant General Chairs, Crew Chiefs, Fleet Service Agents, and the law firm of Phillips, Richard, and Rind, P.A.  The firm put on an aggressive, comprehensive, and hard-fought case, as our members deserve.

While this was an Association Fleet dispute, it was fully supported by all elements of our Association.

141 Member Spotlight: Community Service in Action

141 Member Spotlight: Community Service in Action

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This edition of the 141 Member Spotlight features three of our District 141 Community Service leaders so we can learn about some of the important work they are doing. The video features Noelle Sakamoto from Local Lodge 1781 in Burlingame, California, Debbie Inverno from Local Lodge 914 in Newark, New Jersey, and Tamara Sass from Local Lodge 1885 in Portland, Oregon. 

141 Member Spotlight: Community Service in Action

As members of the Machinists Union, we are called to expand our footprint beyond the workplace and engage with the communities we call home. Finding these intersections between work and home is a vital part of creating modern unions that are more in touch with the needs of real people, according to IAMAW District 141 Community Service Director Cristina Odoardi.

This edition of the 141 Member Spotlight features three of our District 141 Community Service leaders so we can learn about some of the important work they are doing. The video features Noelle Sakamoto from Local Lodge 1781 in Burlingame, California, Debbie Inverno from Local Lodge 914 in Newark, New Jersey, and Tamara Sass from Local Lodge 1885 in Portland, Oregon. 

The Community Service Chairs describe the challenges they faced in the past year, and how they have continued to work safely to address the diverse needs in their areas. Local 1781 runs a food distribution program twice a month in partnership with other unions in the Bay Area to help hundreds of families experiencing food insecurity. They have organized supplies in a shelter for victims of domestic violence and are planning an event to recognize health care workers for their heroic work in the past year. In Newark, Local 914 members regularly contribute to a food pantry and soup kitchen and provide monthly support for a youth mentoring program. In Portland, committee members collected donations to benefit a women and children’s shelter and to purchase gift cards for troops traveling through the airport during the holidays. Local 1885 alternates their drives to benefit food banks in Oregon and Washington since their members live in both states.     

Cristina Odoardi joins the conversation and explains the huge negative impact the coronavirus pandemic has had on the Machinists Union’s favorite charity, Guide Dogs of America and Tender Loving Canines. Dozens of events have been canceled due to restrictions on large gatherings of people to avoid spreading the virus. She and Dave urge members to continue to support the work of GDA as we look forward to events scheduled for later this year as COVID restrictions are relaxed. 

Any union member who wants to work to spread goodwill in their community should contact Director Cristina Odoardi or reach out to their local president, AGC, or community service committee chair. She summarizes other community service activities that have taken place at different local lodges around the country, and she stressed how important it is to just do something. “Every area is different, but any small gesture of kindness to give back to the community helps everyone,” said Odoardi. “There’s nothing too small, and together we can make a difference.”