IAM Local 2741 Members Ratify Contract at Alstom Transportation

IAM Local 2741 Members Ratify Contract at Alstom Transportation

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IAM Local 2741 Members Ratify Contract at Alstom Transportation

340 IAM Local 2741 members last week overwhelmingly voted to ratify a five-year agreement with Alstom Transportation at their Hornell, NY plant

The contract provides wage increases for both entry level and long-term employees, protects overtime and double time rates, freezes healthcare costs at their current levels until January, 2022 while maintaining the single-tier healthcare contributions. The accord also includes enhanced paid personal time off, with language in the agreement greater than the recently passed New York State law requiring all employees to receive mandatory paid sick time.
“The improvements in this contract were attained because of the unity the members of Local 2741 displayed throughout negotiations,” said Transportation General Vice President Sito Pantoja. “I congratulate our members, the Local 2741 Negotiating Committee, District 19 President Directing General Chairman Mike Perry, Grand Lodge Representatives Gary Naylor and Brianna Gregory and Assistant President Directing General Chairman Kyle Loos for overcoming the obstacles of these trying times to achieve this great contract.” 
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Local 2741 Negotiating Committee participated in an online negotiation prep class given by Transportation GLR Brianna Gregory.  
This agreement comes on the heels of the recent announcement that the Northeast Illinois Regional Commuter Rail Corp. (METRA) will have Alstom build up to 500 state of the art bi-level railcars. These cars will be the first bi-level cars ever built by Alstom in the United States.

Arno Hohn Named District 141 Trustee

Arno Hohn Named District 141 Trustee

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Since he was appointed Alternate Shop Steward for Ramp Services at LAX in 1993, Brother Arno Hohn has continuously served IAM members in several capacities. Arno Hohn grew up in South Carolina and earned a Bachelor’s degree in History from the University of South Carolina.


Arno Hohn Named District 141 Trustee

Mike Klemm, President and Directing General Chair announced the appointment of Arno Hohn as District 141 Trustee by a unanimous vote of the district’s Executive Board.

Since he was appointed Alternate Union Steward for Ramp Services at LAX in 1993, Brother Arno Hohn has continuously served IAM members in several capacities. Arno Hohn grew up in South Carolina and earned a Bachelor’s degree in History from the University of South Carolina. After graduation, he moved to Los Angeles and in 1986 began working as a Part-Time Ramp Services Employee for United Airlines. In 1989 he took Military Leave from United to serve in the US Navy as an Aviation Electronics Technician aboard the USS Nimitz on the Persian Gulf. After his Honorable Discharge In 1993, Arno returned to United and was appointed Alternate Union Steward. He was later elected Union Steward and Chief Union Steward. His work gained him broad support in the LAX Ramp Services Employee group and they elected him to serve as Grievance Committee Secretary, Ramp & Stores Committeeperson, and in 2013 Arno was elected Chairperson of the LAX Fleet Service Grievance Committee, a position he currently holds.

He is also active in Local Lodge 1932, having served as Conductor-Sentinel, and previously held the position of District 141 Auditor. Arno successfully completed all Leadership and EAP courses at the William W. Winpisinger Education & Technology Center.

Mike Klemm praised Arno’s dedication and advocacy on behalf of IAM members when announcing the promotion, and said, “Arno has been a tremendous asset for District 141 who has used his skills to improve working conditions and save jobs for our members. I am very pleased to see the board recognize his hard work, and I look forward to working closely with him, confident that he will become a valued member of our leadership team.”

Winpisinger Center Enrolling for Online Leadership Classes

Winpisinger Center Enrolling for Online Leadership Classes

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Winpisinger Center Enrolling for Online Leadership Classes

The Machinists Union isn’t letting a global pandemic keep from educating members and future leaders. The William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center is offering an online adaptation of their Leadership I program June 14-25 and July 12-23, 2021.

The programs are scheduled to accommodate varying work shifts and time zones with the June class beginning in the evening and the July class beginning in the morning. Both classes include 17 hours of online sessions and approximately 7 hours of off-line assignments over a two-week period. Participants must enroll through their local or district lodges.

“I’m very excited to see this program put into action,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “Education of our membership has always been the cornerstone of our union and we can’t wait for it to be safe to travel and gather in large groups to provide it to them. Thank you for the Winpisinger Education Staff for their tireless efforts in getting this up and running.”

Business Representatives and Local Officers can enroll members using this link W3 Online Class Registration and selecting the appropriate Program via the dropdown menu. Participants who complete a program will receive a certificate and are eligible to participate in next level leadership program either online or in person. As is the case with in-person Leadership Programs, availability of lost time for participants solely at the discretion of the enrolling local or district lodge.

In addition to the online Leadership I Program, the Winpisinger Center is also providing online programming for full-time staff centering on critical bargaining and arbitration skills.

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For Workers’ Rights: Kelly Hughes, IND Committee Chair

For Workers’ Rights: Kelly Hughes, IND Committee Chair

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Sister Kelly Hughes has lived through the ups and downs of the airline business, and her experiences have made her a strong and dedicated unionist. Kelly, known as “Queen” completed studies as a paralegal and never stops studying contracts and learning to make sure she’s prepared for any issues she or the members she represents may face. She is committed to “keep growing in the union and keep fighting for our rights.”


For Workers’ Rights: Kelly Hughes, IND Committee Chair

Today’s 141 Report travels via Zoom to Indianapolis, to talk to Kelly Hughes, Committee Chairperson for Local 511. 

Sister Kelly Hughes has lived through the ups and downs of the airline business, and her experiences have made her a strong and dedicated unionist. She left her job at United in IND less than a year after she had started, uncertain of her future there in the aftermath of 9/11. She returned in 2007, only to be furloughed two years later. Determined to make things work, she transferred to STL where her outspoken and direct style was recognized, and she became a Shop Steward.

In 2015, Kelly was recalled to IND, where she was soon elected Committee Chairperson and was appointed Secretary-Treasurer of Local 511. She currently serves members in both positions.

IND Local 511 is an amalgamated local that joins all three transportation districts. Founded as a railroad local, it now has 241 members who work at United, Southwest, and Alaska Airlines, in addition to Amtrak and CSX.

Kelly, known as “Queen” completed studies as a paralegal and never stops studying contracts and learning to make sure she’s prepared for any issues she or the members she represents may face. She is committed to “keep growing in the union and keep fighting for our rights.” Summarizing why she is passionate about her work, Kelly said, “The only way we can bring about change is by being involved,” 

Machinists Union Launches Groundbreaking Program to Increase Women Involvement in Union

Machinists Union Launches Groundbreaking Program to Increase Women Involvement in Union

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Machinists Union Launches Groundbreaking Program to Increase Women Involvement in Union

Throughout its history, the IAM has always acknowledged and respected the role of women in the labor movement, even when doing so marked our union as radical. In fact, in 1911, nearly eight years before women were granted the right to vote by the 19th Amendment, the Machinists Union had already opened its doors to women with equal rights, setting the bar for others to follow.

In this tradition, the Machinists Union is rolling out its newest venture, called the “LEADS” program, which stands for “Leadership Excellence Assembly of Dedicated Sisters.” The LEADS Program is a mentoring program designed to continue the advancement of IAM women by offering new pathways to leadership for the sisters of our union family.

“The IAM always leads by example. We have increased participation of women at the local and district levels and many of our Grand Lodge departments are headed by women, but we can always do more,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “When the women of the IAM succeed, so too does this union and the labor movement as a whole. That’s why we created the LEADS program, to ensure that the IAM continues to set the bar when it comes to creating the next generation of women union leaders.”

Right now, nearly 20 percent of the IAM membership are women, but that percentage is not reflected in the ranks of Business Representatives and General Chairs. The Machinists want to change that, providing more avenues for women to achieve leadership roles in the union. This mentoring program will provide IAM sisters with the tools and training needed for leadership positions.

Soon, the Machinists Union will create an assembly consisting of at least four women from each district. This group will participate in monthly education and career programs offered by the IAM’s Women’s Department and the William W. Wipinsinger Education and Technology Center, learning the nuances of the various leaderships positions in the union.

Everything from local lodge governance to grievance handling to collecting bargaining and negotiations will be covered in order to fully train the next generation of women leaders in the Machinists Union. They will also receive on-the-job training by shadowing a mentor in the field, participating in shop floor visits, meeting with employees and attending meetings and negotiations.

The LEADS program will offer access and opportunity for the women of the Machinists Union, making sure our union leadership mirrors that of our membership, and setting the IAM on a trajectory for future success and growth.

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Belinda Hawkins New District 141 Employee Assistance Program Regional Coordinator

Belinda Hawkins New District 141 Employee Assistance Program Regional Coordinator

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Help Can Start Now

The District 141 EAP can quickly and confidentially connect you to counseling, crisis intervention, and other wellbeing services. 

Belinda Hawkins New District 141 Employee Assistance Program Regional Coordinator

Belinda Hawkins has been named the new District 141 Employee Assistance Program Regional Coordinator for the South Central region. She is replacing Bahiyya Wright, who has retired.

Belinda began working for Continental Airlines three decades ago when she was hired into the Claims Department. It turns out, filing lost luggage claims for Continental was an excellent way for her to hone her already-sharp “people skills.” Belinda would deal with passengers that had lost keepsakes, prized souvenirs, and more. Handling these cases in a patient and empathetic way was something that came naturally to her.

“We lost Sammy Davis, Jr’s sunglasses,” she recalled. “I got to talk to his road manager,” she said with a smile. “He was upset because the most we could pay out was $1,250, and he had sunglasses in his lost bag that were worth $10,000.”

Belinda later took a position at Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston to work at AOAC. There, she began working in the resource office helping people solve FMLA issues. “FMLA is confusing for a lot of people, and they make you do everything exactly right. I would help them make sure that everything was in order and correct mistakes when they happened,” she said. Again, Belinda was working to help people under stress, and sometimes help them with very private and personal issues. “I like people,” she said. “I’m helping people from the heart. I’ve always found myself caring about those around me.”

In 2006 Belinda became a Customer Services Employee, where she became active in her union as a Steward. In 2018, she became a Peer Coordinator with the District 141 Employee Assistance Program. Her familiarity with company policies and procedures combined with her encyclopedic knowledge of union contracts made her an instant standout at Local 2198.

Bahiyyah Wright, who has retired from the position that Belinda now holds, praised the decision. “We’ve been friends for decades, and I can’t think of anyone better suited for this job,” she said. “Belinda has a beautiful spirit and is one of the kindest people. She’s also tough. She’s a smart and effective employee advocate. I know her to be resolute in upholding the principles of our IAM EAP Program.”

Belinda says she’s excited to get to work. “God instilled this in me. My whole life has been dedicated to raising up those around me. It’s something that’s in my heart.”

The District 141 Employee Assistance Program can connect you to professional services that can help you deal with a wide range of personal challenges. EAP services are free, compassionate, and completely confidential. To speak with someone today, please visit the EAP PAGE >>