Association EAP Contacts

Association EAP Contacts

Sisters and Brothers,

This year has been an emotional rollercoaster and stressful year for all of us. We have experienced periods of high stress coupled with periods of good news. Contentious contract talks, ratified contract, COVID 19, CARES Act passes, pandemic resurges and now the WARN notices. We know that stress is cumulative and any life issues we are experiencing do not go away while we are dealing with adverse industry conditions. The fact that certain aspects of the pandemic and how serious it is have become politicized may lead to stressful situations. We all bring our own life story and unique individual circumstances into our current work environment. For some members this can become overwhelming.

One area where we absolutely excel is watching out for and taking care of each other. If you would like to talk with someone your EAP is here for you. If you see a fellow Brother or Sister who appears to be having a difficult time, please remind them they do not have to go it alone. If they are reluctant to ask for help, we can reach out to them. We would rather call a hundred members who really do not need our help than leave one member to suffer alone.

Take Care and Stay Safe
Ken Morse AA TWU Tech Ops EAP Director 815-483-8585
Mark Scroggins AA TWU FSC EAP Director 817-800-2623
Chris Davis DL 141 EAP Director 704-572-4859
Paul Shultz DL 142 EAP Director 704-907-3563

We recognize that these are tough and stressful times. Life does not have many guarantees but we can guarantee that excessive drinking or drug use will NOT fix or solve any of life’s problems. If possible, concentrate on the good things in your life and take good care of yourself through healthy eating, exercise and sleep.


Please print and post on all IAMAW bulletin boards.

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Philadelphia Remembers IAMAW Brother, Mike Byrd

Philadelphia Remembers IAMAW Brother, Mike Byrd

Philadelphia Remembers Mike Byrd

AM Local 1776 American Airlines members say goodbye to our departed brother, Mike Byrd.

Crowds of co-workers gathered on Thursday afternoon to say goodby to longtime union member and friend, Mike Byrd.

Escorted by his parents, Mike was sent to his resting place near Los Angeles by a solemn gathering of friends and co-workers.

“We just want to say that we love him,” said ABR Lead Larry Smith, who spoke in remembrance of Mike at the planeside observance. “Our heartfelt prayers go out to him and his family,” he said. “We want everyone to realize that we are here for the same reason; and we need to love up to one another, and look out for one another.” 

“We never know what someone is going through,” he continued. “A few words from the heart to someone could mean so much to them.”

Mike was a close personal friend of IAMAW Special Representative, Gil Simmons, who attended the service alongside Smith. 

Smith asked that Mike be remembered for his brotherly spirit, his kindness, and his faith. Leading a prayer, he said, “We say thank you, we say ‘Peace’ to each and every one of you, and we love you.”

Mike Byrd had worked for American Airlines for 35 years. 

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San Francisco Local Union Activists Offer Education, Preparations for This Fall

San Francisco Local Union Activists Offer Education, Preparations for This Fall

SFO Local 1781 and 1782 Conduct 3 Days of Briefings to Help Members Prepare 

Chris Lusk, IAM District 141 Educator and Vice President of 1781, briefs the membership about efforts their local is taking to prepare for the potential of large-scale labor that major airlines are planning for this fall.

Members discussed the potential impact that impending furloughs are likely to have on airline workers in the region. IAMAW  Union activists also helped educate each other on how best to prepare, and shared ideas for how other local lodges can hold similar meetings for their members, as well. 


Union Plus Hardship Help

As we collectively battle the Coronavirus pandemic, our team at Union Plus is focused on providing you with resources to support you and your family. Participants in our Union Plus Mortgage, Credit Card, Personal Loan or supplemental insurance programs may be eligible for additional hardship assistance through our Mortgage Assistance Program or other Union Plus hardship assistance programs.

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Machinists and Aerospace Workers Call for Clean Extension of Airline Payroll Support Program

Machinists and Aerospace Workers Call for Clean Extension of Airline Payroll Support Program

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Over the last four months, we have experienced the devastating effects of COVID-19. Many of us have lost family and friends, and just about all of us know someone whose life was cut short due to this vicious virus. In addition to the human suffering we have witnessed, we have also experienced the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, which has disproportionately impacted the global airline industry with record low air travel demand.

Although passenger counts have increased since the lows in April, the industry as a whole is only moving approximately 25 percent of the amount of passengers who were flying one year ago. And while there was some optimism in June that increased bookings would continue to rise, that does not appear to be the case due to some states issuing quarantine orders and halting re-opening plans as a result of increased rates of COVID-19 infections, hospitalizations, and deaths. Sisters and brothers, we are facing unprecedented layoffs in October, which could put hundreds of thousands of airline workers on the unemployment line literally overnight.

On October 1, 2020, the Payroll Support Program (PSP) component of the CARES Act expires and airlines that participated in the PSP will be permitted to furlough workers. Led by the IAM, along with our sister airline unions, we have proposed a “clean extension” of the PSP, which would provide additional funding to airlines to keep workers employed through March 31, 2021.

In late June, airline labor sent a letter to congressional leaders to request that Congress pass the PSP extension. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is for every single IAM member to contact their elected officials and demand that the PSP be extended through March, 31, 2021. Please ask your family members to have their voices heard, as well.


The airline industry was set for a record year of air travel in 2020. The industry produces about $1.7 trillion in economic activity and drives approximately 10 million jobs. We cannot cut the cord on this most critical industry and allow it to implode. We must act to save our jobs and to ensure that when air travel rebounds, and it will, that we are there to facilitate a seamless transition, which will be beneficial for our industry and the economy as a whole.

Over the last four months I have never been so proud of being a representative of the Machinists Union. Under unbelievably difficult circumstances, you have courageously answered the bell and facilitated the transportation of essential goods and services to a nation in need, and you continue to do so day in and day out. You exemplify the best of our nation and you are truly the backbone of this country.

We will only be successful if ALL of our voices are heard. Our representatives need to hear from us and they need to listen to us. While we are certainly going to have to navigate some turbulent times in the near term, we WILL get through this crisis as we have others. That’s exactly what the Fighting Machinists do.


Sincerely and fraternally,

Sito Pantoja
General Vice President IAM Transportation Department



The Adolph Stutz Scholarship Essay Deadline Has Been Extended

The Adolph Stutz Scholarship Essay Deadline Has Been Extended

The deadline for entering the Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest has been extended to July 24th, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  

District 141 of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers is offering six $1,000 scholarships and one $2,000 scholarship to the winners of its yearly Adolph Stutz Memorial essay contest. The contest is open to select union members and their families.

Children, spouses, and dependent grandchildren of members with one year or more of good standing in District Lodge 141 who are graduating high school seniors or who are currently enrolled full time and/or commencing college full time. The competition is also open to any members with one year or more of good standing in District Lodge 141 who are enrolled in college with a minimum of six units per semester.

Applications must be signed by a Local Lodge Recording Secretary to ensure that the sponsoring member qualifies for the scholarship program. District union officers, their families, and previous winners are not eligible.

This year’s topic is, “What I Look For in a Leader in This Election Year.” Applicants, including graduating high school seniors or college students, are asked to submit essays with at least 700 words and a maximum of 1,000 words.

Entries must be printed on standard-sized paper (8.5″ x 11″) and must also be submitted as a Microsoft Word Document. The entrant’s name or other identification should appear on each page, with the title of the essay at the top of the paper. All entries should include a recent image of the applicant.

Six essays will be selected to win $1,000 scholarships, and one will be selected for the $2,000 top prize. In addition to the money, the top essay will be featured in the  District 141 quarterly Newsletter.

The competition ends on July 24, 2020, and winners will be announced by August 1, 2020.

Click Here for full contest rules and a printable application >>


Union Plus: Standing Up For Union Members

Union Plus: Standing Up For Union Members

Standing Up For Union Members: Keith T.W. Anderko Explains How Union Plus Can Help 

Keith T.W. Anderko is the IAMAW’s Union Service Representative at Union Plus, which provides invaluable member-only benefits and discounts. 

Long before joining Union Plus, Keith was a campaign field organizer to elect labor-friendly candidates for public office.  He then worked with National Nurses United, organizing health care professionals in Right-To-Worse states across the US.  Keith used the Union Plus discount programs as a way to enhance his organizing campaigns, which brought over 5,000 RNs into the labor movement. 

He is proud of his labor heritage as a fourth-generation union member.  He lives in Silver Spring, Maryland with his wife, two children, and five cats. 

Union Plus Hardship Help

As we collectively battle the Coronavirus pandemic, our team at Union Plus is focused on providing you with resources to support you and your family. Participants in our Union Plus Mortgage, Credit Card, Personal Loan or supplemental insurance programs may be eligible for additional hardship assistance through our Mortgage Assistance Program or other Union Plus hardship assistance programs.

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