“United Next” Will Build a Bigger United and a Stronger IAM

“United Next” Will Build a Bigger United and a Stronger IAM

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United is placing the biggest new aircraft order in its history, a total of 200 MAX jets from Boeing plus 70 aircraft from Airbus, and will hire 25,000 new employees in the next 5 years to support that investment in their fleet.

Read the Official Announcement

25,000 New Hires, 500 New Planes.

“United Next” Will Build a Bigger United and a Stronger IAM

United’s CEO went on a media blitz this week with bullish news on how he wants to direct the airline post-pandemic.  

Scott Kirby began his day on Tuesday with early morning interviews on CNBC and other news outlets, before he joined members of his executive suite at Hangar 54 at Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey for twin live presentations. The first event was reserved for VIPs and media, while the second had an in-person audience of United employees and was also live-streamed on the airline’s intranet. Admission to both events was by invitation only.  

As the temperature in Newark hit 100 degrees Fahrenheit at noon, Kirby shed his suit jacket to share the good news: United is placing the biggest new aircraft order in its history, a total of 200 MAX jets from Boeing plus 70 aircraft from Airbus, and will hire 25,000 new employees in the next 5 years to support that investment in their fleet. The news was welcomed by representatives of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers at both United and Boeing. The IAM represents 28,000 airport and call center workers at United, the largest group of unionized workers at the carrier. The union also has 30,000 members at the Boeing Renton, Washington facility where the MAX aircraft are made.  

Assistant General Chairs Mitch Buckley and Erik Stenberg represented District 141 at the events. Buckley joined representatives from 4 labor unions on the stage during the live stream where Kirby thanked them for the important role organized labor played in the airline’s quick return to profitability as the country rises from the coronavirus pandemic. After losing $7 million last year, Kirby announced separately on Monday he expects the company to show a pre-tax earnings profit in July 2021. 

Kirby praised the decisions of his team, specifically that of grounding fewer aircraft than other major carriers in the Spring of 2020, which facilitated the return to flying to fit demand when markets opened and customers returned when vaccines became widely available this year. All labor unions at United lobbied Congress and got $54 billion in federal payroll support for US airlines in exchange for keeping workers employed and receiving benefits such as health insurance during the pandemic. Throughout 2020, thousands of airline workers also accepted early retirement packages or took voluntary leaves of absence, saving companies millions in payroll.

Jon Roitman, United’s Chief Operating Officer, wore a safety vest as he answered a question about the job security of employees not covered by collective bargaining agreements when the Payroll Support Program expires in September. “It remains to be seen,” said Roitman, pointing out that the airline is still “reconciling” what resources would be needed, and their timing.

District 141 stood firm and defended every clause in our contracts during the worst crisis in the history of commercial aviation, and sued United in federal court to stop the involuntary downgrade of thousands of workers to part-time status. Every IAM member at United enjoys peace of mind knowing their livelihood will be protected by a legally binding contract even after the expiration of the Payroll Support Program. 

The positive news set the stage for a successful post-pandemic United, which made District 141 members and leadership look to brighter days ahead. AGC Mitch Buckley said, “This is very exciting, especially for our members at EWR,” pointing out how the “United Next” plan calls for significant growth in that hub city. For AGC and District 141 Safety Chair Erik Stenberg, the most important part of the plan is how “Our members will have great opportunities at United Airlines.” 

Carmelo Benedicto, a United Lead Ramp Services Agent at EWR who is an active member and Organizer at Local 914 said, “It will be great to go into negotiations with a company that’s not broke.”  

Three IAM Family Members Awarded 2021 Union Plus Scholarships

Three IAM Family Members Awarded 2021 Union Plus Scholarships

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Three IAM Family Members Awarded 2021 Union Plus Scholarships

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Three IAM families are celebrating what it means to be union after winning 2021 Union Plus scholarships. Recipients are being recognized for their academic achievements and union values.

Many thanks to the Machinists & Aerospace journalists at GOIAM.org who wrote and originally published this story. 

  • Lauren Grace Evans of Cullman, AL. Evans, whose father, Drew Evans, is a member of IAM Local 44, has been awarded a $1,000 scholarship.
  • Macy ONeill of Hickory, KY. O’Neill, whose father, Clarence O’Neill, is a member of IAM Local 1969, has been awarded a $1,000 scholarship. Macy was a 2020 Union Plus Scholarship recipient.
  • Sydney Pizzinato of Gilbert, AZ. Pizzinato, whose father, Angelo Pizzinato, is a member of IAM Local Lodge 764, has been awarded a $1,000 scholarship.

This year, Union Plus awarded $250,000 in scholarships to 199 students representing 37 unions. The 2021 group of winners includes university, college and trade or technical school students from 42 states.

Lauren Grace Evans

Troy (AL) University

Cullman (AL) High School (2020)

Lauren Grace Evans recently completed her first year as a nursing major at Troy and expects to complete her Bachelor of Science in Nursing in 2024. She hopes to attend graduate school with the goal of becoming a certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA). She decided to attend Troy after representing CHS at a Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Summit hosted by the university. Evans worked at Cullman County Center for the Developmentally Disabled while in high school, and her family has assisted with socially distanced chores at the facility during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Evans’ father has held several IAM leadership roles, including serving as president of the Alabama State Council of Machinists. She appreciates her father’s work to assist other union members.

“There are times when my dad has gone on strike to help those around him, and he has always taken pride in that,” said Evans. “IAM establishes loyalty, dignity, and a strong work ethic into each of its members and their families by extension. I hope someday to take part and create better opportunities for those around me.”

Macy O’Neill

Western Kentucky Community and Technical College (WKCTC)

Graves County (KY) High School

Macy O’Neill is a nursing major at WKCTC and plans to eventually pursue bachelor’s and master’s degrees with aspirations of being a nurse practitioner. She is following the footsteps of her mother, who is a nurse.

In addition to his IAM membership, O’Neill’s father is an International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) member. She saw the value of his union memberships in 2012 when an injury prevented him from working.

“My father received much-needed disability pay during this time,” said O’Neill. “Union membership helped my family when we needed it most. I am thankful unions exist to help hardworking men and women who want a better and brighter future.”

Sydney Pizzinato

Arizona State University (ASU)

Highland (AZ) High School, Gilbert, AZ

Sydney Pizzinato will return to ASU this fall for her senior year as an English literature major. She spent her first year at Mesa (AZ) Community College (MCC), transferred to ASU for the 2019-20 school year, and took classes at Northern Arizona University (NAU) this past year. Sydney expects to graduate in May 2022 and hopes to enter ASU’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication for graduate school. She is interested in journalism, technical writing, or academia as potential career paths. Pizzinato finished her first book when she was 14 and has published eight young adult books.

Both of Pizzinato’s parents work in the airline industry. In addition to her father’s IAM membership, her mother is an Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA-CWA) member. Pizzinato’s mother set up the crisis center for airline crew members at Vancouver International Airport following the events of Sept. 11, 2001.

“From their salary to benefits, my parents’ union memberships have enabled our family to have a better lifestyle with a roof over our heads, food on our table, insurance benefits, and much more,” Pizzinato said.

Action Alerts

TAKE ACTION: Scholarships Available Now!

/// The Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest is Now Accepting Applications

Tell Your Senators to Support the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (PRO Act) Now! 

///The PRO Act will make it easier for working people to bargain together and win good contracts because it will: Empower workers to exercise our freedom to organize and bargain. Repeal “right to work” laws. Ensure that workers can reach a first contract quickly after a union is recognized.

Recent Articles

Do You Qualify for Monthly Child Tax Credit Payments? FACT SHEET

Do You Qualify for Monthly Child Tax Credit Payments? FACT SHEET

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Do You Qualify for Monthly Child Tax Credit Payments? FACT SHEET

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The Machinists Union fought hard for the passage of the American Rescue Plan to bring relief to working families. One piece of relief coming soon for most IAM families will be the increased Child Tax Credit.

Many thanks to the Machinists & Aerospace journalists at GOIAM.org who wrote and originally published this story. 

The Child Tax Credit in the American Rescue Plan provides the largest Child Tax Credit ever and will make a big difference for many working Americans.

Starting on July 15, nearly all IAM members with children will receive an increased Child Tax Credit. The Child Tax Credit will deliver $300 per child each month for families with a shared income of $150,000 or $112,5000 for a single-parent household. So, in its simplest terms, help is on the way for IAM working families.

“The IAM continues to push for legislation that benefits IAM members and their families,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “During the pandemic, it was workers and their families who made it possible for this country to survive and heal. The Child Tax Credit gives those hardworking families a benefit they truly deserve.”

Do you qualify for monthly child tax credit payments? 

The Machinists Non-Partisan Political League fights to advance the interests of front-line workers at the legislative level. This work is funded solely through voluntary contributions from members like you. If you support this work, please consider signing up for regular, recurring donations of any amount today. Every dollar helps. THANK YOU.

Action Alerts

TAKE ACTION: Scholarships Available Now!

/// The Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest is Now Accepting Applications

Tell Your Senators to Support the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (PRO Act) Now! 

///The PRO Act will make it easier for working people to bargain together and win good contracts because it will: Empower workers to exercise our freedom to organize and bargain. Repeal “right to work” laws. Ensure that workers can reach a first contract quickly after a union is recognized.

Recent Articles

141 Report: EAP Always There

141 Report: EAP Always There

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Joe Washburn was recently appointed to oversee EAP volunteers in the Southeast region that includes BWI, DCA, FLL, IAD, MCO, PHL, RSW, and TPA. He provides them with training and the resources they need to serve members and their families to assist them when they need help with a variety of issues, including child custody, caregiving, and other domestic disputes, and will find help even for those lacking health insurance. 

Contact the EAP

EAP Services are free, confidential, and compassionate. 

141 Report: EAP Always There

Dave interviews Joe Washburn, District 141 EAP Coordinator for the Southeast Region about the resources available to IAM members and their families to help them overcome personal troubles.

The past 16 months have presented challenges to the way we work and conduct our everyday lives, and for many people, they have intensified problems they may have been able to manage in the past. 

Joe talks about how Employee Assistance Program Peer Coordinators have seen an increase in the number of members seeking help to cope with mental health and financial problems. In his previous experience, the most common concerns were alcohol and drug abuse. 

Brother Joe Washburn began his airline career at United Airlines Cabin Services at IAD in 1991 and later transferred to Ramp Services in PHL. He became active in the union as a Shop Steward but has always been connected to the EAP program. 

He completed the EAP Coordinator training at the IAMAW Winpisinger Center and also holds a certification as a Peer Counselor from the Labor Assistance Professionals, a trade labor organization. Joe was part of the first group to complete the IAM’s Critical Incident Training that responded to an active shooter event at an IAM-represented worksite in Aurora, IL. 

His interest in helping others is rooted in his own experience, and he credits the EAP program at his previous job for “being there when I needed them.” Joe has been sober for 35 years.

EAP Peer Counselors are “on the field with the members and they sometimes can tell if something is going on,” he said. But his priority is to make sure members know there are many resources available to them when they are going through hard times. 

Joe was recently appointed to oversee EAP volunteers in the Southeast region that includes BWI, DCA, FLL, IAD, MCO, PHL, RSW, and TPA. He provides them with training and the resources they need to serve members and their families to assist them when they need help with a variety of issues, including child custody, caregiving, and other domestic disputes, and will find help even for those lacking health insurance. 

The first step to find help is to visit the EAP page on the District 141 website: https://iam141.org/141eap/

Members can expect respectful, non-judgemental, and professional treatment that is strictly confidential.

“We do not turn anyone down.” 

IAM Calling on Congress for Rail Safety and Job Creation

IAM Calling on Congress for Rail Safety and Job Creation

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IAM Calling on Congress for Rail Safety and Job Creation

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The Machinists Union is strongly urging Congress to help secure the livelihood of the nearly 40,000 IAM members working in the rail industry by passing the INVEST in America Act.

Many thanks to the Machinists & Aerospace journalists at IAM Transportation Newswire who wrote and originally published this story. 

This legislation will improve safety, create thousands of good-paying union jobs, and provide much-needed stability and growth to the freight and passenger rail industry.
“This legislation improves safety and creates thousands of good-paying union jobs, while providing much-needed security, stability and growth to the freight and passenger rail industry” said Chief of Staff to the International President Richard Johnsen. “The INVEST in America Act is a great first step forward in protecting and securing the livelihood of the members we represent.”
The Act addresses a wide variety of issues, including responding to dangerous changes and the deployment of new technologies in freight railroad operations, ensuring that the Federal Railroad Administration is a safety-first agency that works in tandem with rail workers, and requiring the necessary presence of a certified engineer and certified conductor on most freight trains.
The bill also includes significant investments in passenger rail, including historic funding levels for Amtrak and its operational and capital needs. It supports the growth of new rail operations, including high-speed rail.
Earlier this month, The IAM along with a coalition of rail labor organizations wrote a letter to House leadership expressing strong support for the INVEST in America Act.

Action Alerts

TAKE ACTION: Scholarships Available Now!

/// The Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest is Now Accepting Applications

Tell Your Senators to Support the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (PRO Act) Now! 

///The PRO Act will make it easier for working people to bargain together and win good contracts because it will: Empower workers to exercise our freedom to organize and bargain. Repeal “right to work” laws. Ensure that workers can reach a first contract quickly after a union is recognized.

Recent Articles

Member Activists: The Key to Unionizing Workers

Member Activists: The Key to Unionizing Workers

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Member Activists: The Key to Unionizing Workers

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Americans want unions. According to a recent Gallup study, an estimated 65% of American workers have a favorable view of unions and would support unionization efforts at their workplaces. However, only 10% of workers are fortunate enough to actually be union members themselves.


Here are some stories of how workers were able to win union membership and create a more just and democratic workplace. 

Many thanks to Machinists and Aerospace journalists at GOIAM.org, who originally published this article. 


Liala Amin is sitting in her art studio at Var West Gallery in Walker’s Point, a neighborhood south of downtown Milwaukee, where she drives to safely escape COVID-19. It’s full of sunlight, next to a patio and serves as her safe haven during a time of uncertainty. Wearing a sweater due to the 29-degree outside temperature, Amin surrounds herself with art hanging on the walls, symbolic of her colorful life. She wears as much color as possible, whether it be her favorite turban or fun earrings, celebrating her life as a multidisciplinary artist.

Furloughed from the Milwaukee Art Museum, Amin can access her studio every day, but longs to return to the place that gave her hope after 141 employees voted to join the Machinists Union last November.

“I really do miss it,” said Amin. “I’m hoping this voice that employees now have will be taken into consideration moving forward.”

Amin had worked in the museum’s education department for nearly five years and knew security guards there had a Machinists Union contract.

“The security guards have a union and receive incredible benefits from it,” said Amin.

Fellow employee Ryan Jann approached one of the guards, Adam Dudenhoefer, who served as the shop chair.

“It was after a crappy day at work and being broke for however many weeks in a row and I just had enough and said ‘we need to do something here,’” Jann said. “He got me in touch with the organizer for our local lodge.”

Warren Enstrom, an Audio/Visual tech, didn’t know that Jann had spoken with Dudenhoefer, when he answered an online message from the guard. Enstrom said that it would be great to have a union and Dudenhoefer said there was another group of employees already thinking the same thing.

“Having the guards on-site allowed us the opportunity to point to a department and say ‘they’re unionized, they receive pay raises every year, they had a voice in how the layoffs were conducted,’” said Enstrom. “By and large, the workers in that department are very supportive of our union and what it does in terms of the contract, the benefits… they really love it and that was really helpful in convincing people to vote yes.”

Brittany Walker, a Visitor Services Associate, agrees.

Brittany Walker is a Visitor Services Associate.

“Adam has an incredible reputation and a wealth of union experience and with his knowledge and support, I was confident from the beginning,” said Walker.

Communication was key, along with an awareness of current events.

“A lot of us were paying close attention to the wave of unionization that was happening in the museum world, so that was our inspiration,” said Jann. “We saw that it’s possible and we pursued it.” The museum assumes that working in a prestigious, world-class institution is enough to make up for a lack of compensation, but Jann and his coworkers disagree.

 “We have this beautiful building we get to go to work in every day and even though I’m just a front desk person… I was only making $10.71 for three years before I got the promotion to reception,” he said. Jann says his activism started with the pay.

One of their slogans during the campaign was “Courage is Contagious.” Jann and his colleagues took that courage to a new level and it paid off.

“The thing that makes it contagious is when we’re at a nonunionized workplace, everyone kind of has this veneer of professionalism, and kind of distance, but with unionism, you have to talk to each other and not only are you talking together, you’re strategizing together, acting together, ” said Jann.

Walker returned to work in early March, hoping the rest would follow.

“My hopes for this very essential relationship with the IAM are a more noticeably just workplace,” said Walker.



It takes Michael Graham about 30 minutes to drive home after his day shift. He’s been a hydraulic press operator for nearly 10 years at Lisle Corporation, the Clarinda, Iowa company that manufactures specialty mechanic tools. A colleague, who later became a good friend, approached him and mentioned the Machinists Union.

“I’m not sure,” Graham said, at first. “I’ve got to think about it.”

Graham wasn’t sure how dues worked, but wanted to learn more. That’s a common scenario in “right-to-work” states, where unions exist, but growing membership is a challenge. Sometimes, all you have to do is ask.

After an incident at work, where the union investigated and found that proper procedure wasn’t followed, Graham learned the value of unions, first-hand. “This is why we have a union,” said Graham.

Michael Graham is a hydraulic press operator.

“A lot of people have a misunderstanding, I believe, on what our union is,” he said. “They just run off conspiracies or misconceptions. As a result, a lot of people are skeptical about the union, what it’s about, why it is in place and what it can actually do if set in place properly. If we are strong, we can benefit even more from what it is.”

Graham was so enthused that he joined the organizing drive committee, passing out fliers, going to meetings and encouraging others to do the same, in order to increase the number of dues-paying members. “We’re trying to create a stronger union.”

One-by-one, members are talking to each other, spreading the word about the benefits of the Machinists Union and it’s working.

“If the union is strong,” said Graham, “it keeps the benefits in place.”



You don’t want to produce scrap. Stacey Craig knows that better than anyone, as a Journeyman Patternmaker at CLOW Foundry for 33 years. He’s been working in the trade for 35 years, building patterns for blueprints, prototype tooling and troubleshooting to reduce scrap and make jobs run better.

He says the problem started with management turnover.

“It was odd,” said Craig. “We couldn’t figure out why a lot of salary people were leaving.”

During the last five years, the company hired a new vice resident. The new VP’s attitude is what Craig noticed the most.

“He didn’t really give us the impression of caring for the employees much. He rubbed you the wrong way.”

More and more people quit, including the plant manager and assistant plant manager. Some wages were frozen and little things started adding up. When Craig and his coworkers found out they’d have to start paying for health insurance with little warning, they had had enough. An increase in health benefit costs equates to a pay cut, without a corresponding increase in wages.

Stacey Craig has been a Journeyman Patternmaker at CLOW Foundry for 33 years.

Some employees worked at Clow Foundry because of the free health insurance.

“The vice president said, ‘Here are four plans you get to choose from’ and basically, they gave us like eight days to choose something,” said Craig. “They didn’t give us any kind of opportunity to do any research.”

Several more workers quit.

“Our sister facility across town is a machine shop. They’ve been union all this time,” Craig said about nearby Clow Valve plant members who have enjoyed the benefits of being IAM for decades. “One of the gentlemen behind the scenes reached out to our machine shop union president over there. We were kind of scared. We didn’t  know what to do.”

Things moved quickly. Local 1498 President Dean Schultz spoke with a few workers and put them in touch with Chris Tucker, a Special Representative with the Machinists Union’s Midwest Territory, who held a meeting with all those interested.

Just a month had gone by between that first meeting in December 2020 and the vote to join the Machinists Union this past January.

“They put a lot of thought into it,” said Tucker. “They wanted this.”

The workers have chosen their stewards and negotiating committee members. Training began in mid-March.

“It feels good. We have a voice and support, so this won’t happen again,” said Craig.

His advice for anyone trying to unionize their workplace?

“Listen to your fellow workers,” said Craig. “It’s just not about you, it’s about everybody… it’s never gonna hurt to talk to a union rep.”

Craig’s commute is only about five minutes. He said half the workers live about 20 miles away. His close-knit group at Clow Foundry knows that they have their  IAM brothers and sisters at the machine shop on the other side of town. Together, they’re ready to fight for workers’ rights and protections all workers deserve.

“Congratulations and welcome to all of our newly-organized IAM members,” said IAM Midwest Territory General Vice President Steve Galloway. “The recognition goes to our organizers, their teams and the IAM activists who helped get each of these campaigns started.

“The purpose of unionizing is not just to help workers in need of union representation,” said Galloway. “It’s also about tapping into workers’ sense of activism – recognizing what drives them – and providing them the tools needed to create real change within their workplace and within their communities.”

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