Welcome to 2021

Welcome to 2021

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In this challenging year, we were not without significant, and even historic successes. We should be proud of the work we did to protect our jobs, benefits, and pay in the courts and in the halls of Congress.

-Mike Klemm,
IAMAW District 141 President & Directing General Chair

Welcome to 2021

Mensaje en Español  ///

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Dear Sisters and Brothers,

As we see the year 2020 finally come to an end, we can reflect on how our industry and our work have survived the toughest year in anyone’s memory. The ravaging effects of a global pandemic have challenged every one of us and our families, and as frontline workers, you have had to step up to build strength and solidarity like never before. Who could have possibly imagined how this year would unfold? Faced with so much uncertainty and hardship, our bonds in solidarity only got stronger. 

In this challenging year, District 141 achieved significant, and even historic successes. We should be proud of the work we all did to protect our jobs, benefits, and pay in the courts and in the halls of Congress. Our ability to mobilize at the grassroots level to leverage all the resources and support that our Grand Lodge made available, along with the strength of our contracts and our unbreakable unity made the difference. Next month, we will welcome back our members who were furloughed and will recommit to preventing future job cuts with every tool available. No other industry can say they succeeded in protecting their members like we did in the midst of a catastrophe. 

We chose unity when there were so many forces that wanted to divide us. As we move into a New Year with battle scars and lessons learned, let us not forget the power in this unity.

My heart goes out to the families who will miss a loved one during the holidays. Please know that our District 141 EAP peer counselors are committed to helping ease your pain in any way they can. Do not hesitate to reach out if you need someone who will listen and help.

We are now transporting vaccines and medical equipment that will end this pandemic once and for all, which shows the important role we play as the front line essential workers our nation depends on during this time of crisis. 

Throughout this enormously difficult year, I have had many reasons to feel proud of the work that the many dedicated unionists in every local have done to preserve safety, ensure our contracts are honored, and to take care of each other as Brothers and Sisters. Of course I’d be remiss if I didn’t give a special shout out to my entire District Lodge 141 Executive Board for the countless hours of work and dedication they put in this year on behalf of members. 

I am confident we will see brighter days in 2021, and that whatever challenges the New Year brings, we will overcome, and together, we will thrive.

Happy New Year!

With warmest wishes in Unity,

Mike Klemm,
President and Directing General Chair,
IAMAW District 141

TWU/IAM Association Leads on Relief for Transportation Employees

TWU/IAM Association Leads on Relief for Transportation Employees

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TWU/IAM Association Leads on Relief for Transportation Employees

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After months of delays and false promises, Congress has finally agreed to another round of much needed COVID economic relief. Although votes are still pending in the House and Senate, the stimulus package has benefits for TWU/IAM Association represented American Airlines employees, as well as important funding for distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, assistance to small businesses and additional stimulus checks for individuals who qualify.

“The Association leadership, TWU and IAM membership and our legislative teams have been working tirelessly with other AFL-CIO unions since last May to secure additional relief for our Association members as well as our respective other air and rail members,” said TWU International Executive Vice President Alex Garcia and IAM General Vice President Sito Pantoja. “Thousands of TWU and IAM
member emails, phone calls and other meetings with Senators and House members across the country made sure the transportation industry and our Association members were not forgotten in this round of economic relief.”

The new stimulus package includes extended and enhanced unemployment benefits for railroad employees, plus an extension of waiver of the 7-day waiting period. Amtrak is restricted from furloughing additional employees. The passenger rail carrier is also required to recall workers to their former position when rail service is restored and prevents Amtrak from contracting out the work of furloughed

Important for airline workers is securing an extension to the critical airline Payroll Support Program (PSP) until March 31, 2021. This extension prohibits any airline accepting additional PSP funds from involuntarily furloughing employees for the duration of the program.

The program extension also requires participating airlines to recall the tens of thousands of airline employees furloughed following the expiration of the original PSP program on September 30, 2020. The legislation mandates that any carrier receiving the additional payroll assistance send a recall notice to all involuntarily furloughed employees.

“This is particularly impactful, in a positive way, for our furloughed Association members. Included in the new relief is the requirement that furloughed employees be restored to on payroll status retroactive to December 1 st . We wish this could have been completed before any airline workers were furloughed, but the current dysfunctional Congress made that impossible,” said Garcia and Pantoja. “The Association, TWU and IAM will continue to lead the way among organized labor when the new Congress begins work, advocating that they continue taking steps to help working families and our entire country recover from COVID’s wake of destruction.”

Printable Version >>

History: American Airlines Workers Launch Vaccine Shipments From ORD to MIA

History: American Airlines Workers Launch Vaccine Shipments From ORD to MIA

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This week, American Airlines ground crews began moving some of the first shipments of vital and urgently needed COVID-19 vaccine.


History: American Airlines Workers Launch Vaccine Shipments From ORD to MIA

The American Airlines Cargo team carried its first shipment of coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine Sunday evening. In close collaboration with pharmaceutical and cargo partners, the airline received the shipment by truck at Chicago O’Hare International Airport (ORD) and loaded the shipment onto a Boeing 777-200 aircraft flying to Miami International Airport (MIA). The vaccine shipment arrived at its final destination a few hours later in a U.S. territory in the Caribbean. With this flight, American follows United Airlines as the two largest carriers transporting the priceless cargo.

“Make no mistake, our Association membership and other airline workers are on the front lines of history at this moment,” said IAMAW District 141 President, Mike Klemm. “These women and men are safely, efficiently, and quickly moving massive amounts of life-saving vaccines throughout this nation, as part of the work they do,” Klemm said. “These essential, front-line workers are truly integral to this effort,” he continued. “This is why these jobs are so critical to our nation. There is simply no other way to move as much vaccine as safely,  as quickly, and to as many destinations, as you can though our nation’s air transportation system.” 

“I am incredibly proud of the work that airline workers are doing to end this pandemic, and restore some sense of normalcy to the world,” Klemm said.

American Airlines began conducting trial flights in November to simulate the conditions required to transport the COVID-19 vaccine, stress testing the thermal packaging and operational handling process to ensure it remains stable in transit.

American has the largest dedicated temperature-controlled pharmaceutical shipping facility operated by an airline in the United States. From the time a shipment arrives at one of American’s facilities, it is tracked throughout its journey on the ground and from the airline’s Cargo Control Center, located within its Integrated Operations Control in Fort Worth, Texas.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, America Airlines Workers have been transporting hundreds of thousands of pounds of personal protective equipment (PPE), medical equipment, COVID-19 test kits, and pharmaceuticals to help battle the coronavirus, as well as components for Phase III COVID-19 vaccine trials.

The COVID-19 pandemic has devastated the airline industry, dropping daily passenger counts to less than half of normal levels and has led to tens of thousands of furloughs and layoffs. The job losses and cutbacks have hit non-union airline workers particularly hard, with those who are still on the job dealing with half-wages and many lost benefits.

Since February, over 300,000 Americans have perished from COVID-19, including thousands of workers in healthcare and other essential services like transportation. 

The vaccines are expected to start becoming available for most Americans in early 2021.

Sources: AA Newsroom

Lawmakers Shouldn’t Go On Vacation if Mitch McConnell Can’t Do His Job, Pass Relief

Lawmakers Shouldn’t Go On Vacation if Mitch McConnell Can’t Do His Job, Pass Relief

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Lawmakers Shouldn’t Go On Vacation if Mitch McConnell Can’t Do His Job, Pass Relief

WASHINGTON, Dec. 11, 2020 – IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. issued the following statement regarding the current state of COVID-19 relief negotiations:

“Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans must pass long-overdue, comprehensive COVID-19 relief legislation before Congress takes yet another vacation. Millions of working people are out of jobs, going hungry, being evicted from their homes, and losing hope. The failure to pass desperately needed relief is squarely on the shoulders of Senate Republicans, who are more interested in playing games with people’s lives and going on vacation than fulfilling their obligations to the American people. It is outrageous.

“As the largest airline, defense, and aerospace union in North America, we have seen Machinists Union members act heroically during this pandemic to keep our nation and our economy moving. It has been a slap in face to them and their families to allow critical lifelines, like the airline Payroll Support Program, to expire and put hundreds of thousands of hardworking men and women out of a job. These are the working people who will continue to be critical front-line workers as we undertake the massive task of distributing the COVID-19 vaccine to hundreds of millions of Americans. We need relief now for them and every working family struggling through no fault of their own.

“My message to Mitch McConnell is this—it is time for you to make the needs of our people a priority and put aside petty politics. We need passage of comprehensive economic relief now.”

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) is among the largest industrial trade unions in North America and represents nearly 600,000 active and retired members in the manufacturing, aerospace, defense, airlines, transportation, shipbuilding, woodworking, health care, and other industries.

goIAM.org | @MachinistsUnion

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Machinists Mobilize for Pro-Worker Candidates in Georgia

Machinists Mobilize for Pro-Worker Candidates in Georgia

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IAM members in Georgia and from across the country are voluntarily campaigning for two pro-labor candidates in Georgia.  The race is particularly crucial for union members, since it will decide which party controls the closely-divided Senate.

Machinists Mobilize for Pro-Worker Candidates in Georgia

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The IAMAW is urging members to pack the polls and elect two pro-worker US Senators: John Ossoff and Rev. Rafael Warnock, to carry out a working family agenda in Washington.

Union members believe that a progressive Senate will do a better job of solving critical problems like the COVID-19 Pandemic and rebuilding the economy, top concerns for IAMAW District 112 President Reggie Dixon and Assistant to the President (IAMAW District 19) Andrew Sandberg. “We’re coming up with more positivve cases, and more deaths, because of the way this virus is being handled… or not handled,” said Sandberg.

IAM Political advocates also want Congress to pass the PRO Act, which will ban anti-union “Right to Work” laws nationwide. The bill has already passed the House of Representatives and could pass the Senate if Ossof and Warnock win in the Georgia runoffs. “This is one of the most important peices of legislation to come down for unions in 80 years,” said Jim Clements, the Georgia State Council of Machinists Presidents. “I have not seen anything that has the potential to have as much impact on me personally, on everybody that works in my shop, and everybody that works in a union or wants to work in a union,” he said.

“This is the future of what could happen to unions,” said IAMAW District 141 Legislative Director, David Roderick. “I really don’t want to see the demise of unions,” he continued.

Along with the anti-worker JANUS v AFSCME Supreme Court Decision, Right to Work Laws have made it possible to confiscate union property, including services and expertise, without paying for their use. Under these laws, union members must perform work for free, on demand, a set-up intended to bankrupt employee groups. Shifting control of the Senate could reverse these policies.

Early voting in Georgia begins on December 14.

In Georgia, runoff elections occur when candidates do not win a required majority of votes in a regular election. The US Senate is closely divided, and if both Ossoff and Warnock win in the Peach State, Democrats will hold a slight majority.

To learn more about how to get involved in IAMAW Legislative Action, or to get more information about how the MNPL is funded and operates, contact IAMAW District 141 Legislative Director, David Roderick at IAM141.org/Advocacy.

141 Report: Union Educators Adapt to Virtual Formats to Support Members

141 Report: Union Educators Adapt to Virtual Formats to Support Members

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To find out about scheduling training at your location, Contact Mike “Mac” McGovern, Director of Education. Your Local Lodge can set everything up with Mac and your AGC or Committee Person.

Any questions, please contact Mac at:

570-350-0497 or mac@iam141.org

141 Report: Union Educators Adapt to Virtual Formats to Support Members

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District 141 Communications Representative Dave Lehive recently sat in a class with District 141 Educator Kim Krasani, to see how the Education Department continues their work during the pandemic using virtual tools. 

A 20-year veteran at United Airlines and an active member of Local 1776 in Philadelphia, Kim talks about her background and shares her experience leading union classes via Zoom. Dave also interviews a class participant, Jordan Kausin, a newly appointed Shop Steward from Monterey, California. Jordan speaks about why he volunteered to represent his coworkers during these challenging times.

Kim credits the quick actions of Mac McGovern, District 141 Education Director, who recognized early on that travel restrictions during the pandemic created a need for new ways to reach members and continue the department’s mission. With the full support of District PDGC Mike Klemm, and his assistant Ann Clifford, who makes sure participants receive all supporting materials for classes on time, District 141 Educators continue to provide the resources needed to represent members effectively.

For more information about virtual training classes or to sign up, contact your local lodge leadership or District 141 AGC, who will coordinate with Director Mac McGovern and District 141 educators to best serve your needs.