McGee Air Services Workers Forge Tentative Agreement

McGee Air Services Workers Forge Tentative Agreement

Machinists Union Reaches Tentative Agreement for Over 2300 Members at McGee Air Services, a subsidiary of Alaska Airlines

WASHINGTON, Dec. 21, 2022 –The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) has reached a two-year tentative agreement extension with McGee Air Services, an Alaska Airlines subsidiary, that will put over 2300 IAM members at McGee Air Services workers at one of the highest pay scale levels for airline operation vendors in the industry.

The IAM organized McGee Air Services in July 2016. The tentative agreement extension covers IAM members who work in Phoenix, AZ; San Jose, CA; Portland, OR; Seattle, WA; San Francisco, CA; Oakland, CA; Los Angeles, CA; and Paine Field, WA.

If ratified by IAM members at McGee Air Services, the two-year extension would:

  • Provide a 5% wage increase at all steps in all locations on the date of ratification.
  • Additional wage steps for employees with +48 months and +60 months (an additional $.25 increase at each step.)
  • Contractual Pay raises in accordance with the contract in July 2024, July 2025, and during the amendable period.
  • $1275.00 ratification bonus payable within thirty (30) days of ratification.
  • Increased lead differential from $2.50 to $6.00
  • Increased PTO accruals and maximum hours banked.
  • 401k plan to be implemented 6/1/2023
  • $50,000life insurance policy for all employees paid for by Company effective 6/1/2023
  • Enhanced grievance procedure

Read the complete highlights of the tentative agreement here.

IAM members at McGee Air Services will vote on the tentative agreements in the coming weeks. During that period, IAM representatives will also hold contract educational meetings at the McGee Air Services stations.


“The IAM’s tentative agreement was long overdue for our members who give so much to carry out the mission of McGee Air Services,” said IAM Air Transport Territory General Vice President Richie Johnsen. “This agreement came about after meeting and listening to our member’s concerns during station visits this year. IAM members’ ramp service work is vital in making Alaska Airlines one of the top-performing airlines.”

“Excellent way to close out the year by presenting an agreement extension called for by the membership,” said IAM District 142 President and Directing General Chair John Coveny. “Once again, our IAM leadership provided the necessary resources to help obtain a tentative agreement that will impact other companies similar to McGee Air Services. I appreciate the dedication of our IAM negotiating committee and the entire support staff for their work in getting improved wages and benefits. The next steps include meeting with the members to answer any questions about this agreement extension.”

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers is one of the largest and most diverse industrial trade unions in North America, representing approximately 600,000 active and retired members in the aerospace, defense, airlines, railroad, transit, healthcare, automotive, and other industries. | @MachinistsUnion

Southwest Airlines Union Contract; Top Out Pay Rate $35 per hour

Southwest Airlines IAM Members Vote In Industry Leading Contract; Top Out Pay Rate $35 per Hour Justice at JetBlue16 December 2022IAM members at Southwest Airlines voted yesterday to approve an industry-leading contract. The four-year contract provides for the below...

JetBlue CEO Robin Hayes Extends his Contract

JetBlue CEO Robin Hayes Extends his ContractJustice at JetBlue14 December 2022In a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing yesterday, JetBlue Airways announced that CEO Robin Hayes’ CONTRACT has been extended two years to 2025. At the same time, JetBlue...

JetBlue Ground Workers to Vote for Machinists Union

JetBlue Ground Workers to Vote for Machinists UnionJustice at JetBlueFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASENovember 29, 2022, WASHINGTON DC—The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) today announced that the National Mediation Board (NMB), the federal...

Historic Union Alliance at Delta

Delta is now facing three of the largest unions in North American at the same time. Get ready for pizza parties. Historic Union Alliance Forms at DeltaGOIAM.org28 November 2022North America's three largest airline unions have formed a historic alliance to unify tens...

Union vs Non-Union Thanksgiving Pay

Working on Thanksgiving? How JetBlue GO Crewmembers Holiday Pay Compares to Other Unionized GO Workers Justice at JetBlue22 November 2022The airline industry, as we know, is a 24/7 operation, and working on a holiday is part of the job. However, how we are COMPENSATED...

JetBlue Hits More Turbulence

JetBlue is a company that has been mismanaged for years. Now, that poor management has invited numerous court actions and unwanted ire from the Justice Department. JetBlue Merger Hits More TurbulanceOrganizing7 November 2022JetBlue is facing mounting scrutiny over its...

JetBlue Lies Exposed in MCO

JetBlue's VP of Airport Experiences tried to convince Ground Ops Crewmembers to give the airline another year to fix things. JetBlue Lies Exposed in MCOOrganizing4 November 2022Vice President of Airports Experience, Dana Shapir, has been hitting the road since GO...

Airline Profits: Union Made

Record summer airline profits are proof that workers are assets that should be invested in, not liabilities that should be limited. Summer 2022 Airline Profits: Union MadeOrganizing31 October 2022Unions create a workplace where workers take their jobs seriously,...

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United Ground Express (UGE) Negotiations Update

 Many of you have asked what happens when our contract reaches its amendable date on March 5, 2025. We want to be clear: your contract does not expire on that date. United Ground Express (UGE) Contract Negotiations Update7 March 2025 Dear Sisters and Brothers at...

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Your IAM District 141 negotiating team and United Airlines management continued contract negotiations last week in Orlando, Florida, for seven different contracts. The Fleet Technical Instructor and Related (FTI) sub-committee joined us to work on their contract...

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The 2025 Adolph Stutz Scholarship Essay Contest is NOW UNDERWAY!

District Lodge 141 Announces the 2025 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest!IAM District 141 is now accepting applications for the 2025 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest, which awards $8,000 in scholarships to IAM members and their families....

Machinists Union Reaches Tentative Agreement for Over 2300 Members at McGee Air Services, a subsidiary of Alaska Airlines

WASHINGTON, Dec. 21, 2022 –The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) has reached a two-year tentative agreement extension with McGee Air Services, an Alaska Airlines subsidiary, that will put over 2300 IAM members at McGee Air Services workers at one of the highest pay scale levels for airline operation vendors in the industry.

The IAM organized McGee Air Services in July 2016. The tentative agreement extension covers IAM members who work in Phoenix, AZ; San Jose, CA; Portland, OR; Seattle, WA; San Francisco, CA; Oakland, CA; Los Angeles, CA; and Paine Field, WA.

If ratified by IAM members at McGee Air Services, the two-year extension would:

  • Provide a 5% wage increase at all steps in all locations on the date of ratification.
  • Additional wage steps for employees with +48 months and +60 months (an additional $.25 increase at each step.)
  • Contractual Pay raises in accordance with the contract in July 2024, July 2025, and during the amendable period.
  • $1275.00 ratification bonus payable within thirty (30) days of ratification.
  • Increased lead differential from $2.50 to $6.00
  • Increased PTO accruals and maximum hours banked.
  • 401k plan to be implemented 6/1/2023
  • $50,000life insurance policy for all employees paid for by Company effective 6/1/2023
  • Enhanced grievance procedure

Read the complete highlights of the tentative agreement here.

IAM members at McGee Air Services will vote on the tentative agreements in the coming weeks. During that period, IAM representatives will also hold contract educational meetings at the McGee Air Services stations.

“The IAM’s tentative agreement was long overdue for our members who give so much to carry out the mission of McGee Air Services,” said IAM Air Transport Territory General Vice President Richie Johnsen. “This agreement came about after meeting and listening to our member’s concerns during station visits this year. IAM members’ ramp service work is vital in making Alaska Airlines one of the top-performing airlines.”

“Excellent way to close out the year by presenting an agreement extension called for by the membership,” said IAM District 142 President and Directing General Chair John Coveny. “Once again, our IAM leadership provided the necessary resources to help obtain a tentative agreement that will impact other companies similar to McGee Air Services. I appreciate the dedication of our IAM negotiating committee and the entire support staff for their work in getting improved wages and benefits. The next steps include meeting with the members to answer any questions about this agreement extension.”

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers is one of the largest and most diverse industrial trade unions in North America, representing approximately 600,000 active and retired members in the aerospace, defense, airlines, railroad, transit, healthcare, automotive, and other industries.

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The 2025 Adolph Stutz Scholarship Essay Contest is NOW UNDERWAY!

District Lodge 141 Announces the 2025 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest!IAM District 141 is now accepting applications for the 2025 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest, which awards $8,000 in scholarships to IAM members and their families....

Southwest Airlines Union Contract; Top Out Pay Rate $35 per hour

Southwest Airlines Union Contract; Top Out Pay Rate $35 per hour

Southwest Airlines IAM Members Vote In Industry Leading Contract; Top Out Pay Rate $35 per Hour 

Justice at JetBlue
16 December 2022

IAM members at Southwest Airlines voted yesterday to approve an industry-leading contract.

The four-year contract provides for the below industry-best wage rates on 12/15/22. Thereafter, all pay rates at every step will increase by 3% every year to 12/15/26. Please check out where you would fall on the below pay scales and compare your pay with what IAM members at Southwest Airlines negotiated.

Southwest IAM members will also receive a signing bonus of $200 for each year of service, with a minimum of $1,000. For example, if you have 15 years of service, you will receive $3,000.

All MSEs are paid at double time. All part-time workers receive time and a half for all voluntary overtime up to 12 hours and double-time for any overtime hours worked in excess of 12 hours.

Any pick-up of another Crewmember’s mandatory overtime assignment will be paid at double-time as well. 

Southwest Airlines Union Contract; Top Out Pay Rate $35 per hour

Southwest Airlines IAM Members Vote In Industry Leading Contract; Top Out Pay Rate $35 per Hour Justice at JetBlue16 December 2022IAM members at Southwest Airlines voted yesterday to approve an industry-leading contract. The four-year contract provides for the below...

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JetBlue CEO Robin Hayes Extends his ContractJustice at JetBlue14 December 2022In a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing yesterday, JetBlue Airways announced that CEO Robin Hayes’ CONTRACT has been extended two years to 2025. At the same time, JetBlue...

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JetBlue Ground Workers to Vote for Machinists UnionJustice at JetBlueFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASENovember 29, 2022, WASHINGTON DC—The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) today announced that the National Mediation Board (NMB), the federal...

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JetBlue is a company that has been mismanaged for years. Now, that poor management has invited numerous court actions and unwanted ire from the Justice Department. JetBlue Merger Hits More TurbulanceOrganizing7 November 2022JetBlue is facing mounting scrutiny over its...

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JetBlue's VP of Airport Experiences tried to convince Ground Ops Crewmembers to give the airline another year to fix things. JetBlue Lies Exposed in MCOOrganizing4 November 2022Vice President of Airports Experience, Dana Shapir, has been hitting the road since GO...

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Record summer airline profits are proof that workers are assets that should be invested in, not liabilities that should be limited. Summer 2022 Airline Profits: Union MadeOrganizing31 October 2022Unions create a workplace where workers take their jobs seriously,...

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United Ground Express (UGE) Negotiations Update

 Many of you have asked what happens when our contract reaches its amendable date on March 5, 2025. We want to be clear: your contract does not expire on that date. United Ground Express (UGE) Contract Negotiations Update7 March 2025 Dear Sisters and Brothers at...

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The 2025 Adolph Stutz Scholarship Essay Contest is NOW UNDERWAY!

District Lodge 141 Announces the 2025 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest!IAM District 141 is now accepting applications for the 2025 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest, which awards $8,000 in scholarships to IAM members and their families....

Southwest Airlines IAM Members Vote In Industry Leading Contract; Top Out Pay Rate $35 per Hour

16 December 2022

IAM members at Southwest Airlines voted yesterday to approve an industry-leading contract.

The four-year contract provides for the below industry-best wage rates on 12/15/22. Thereafter, all pay rates at every step will increase by 3% every year to 12/15/26. Please check out where you would fall on the below pay scales and compare your pay with what IAM members at Southwest Airlines negotiated.

Southwest IAM members will also receive a signing bonus of $200 for each year of service, with a minimum of $1,000. For example, if you have 15 years of service, you will receive $3,000.

All MSEs are paid at double time. All part-time workers receive time and a half for all voluntary overtime up to 12 hours and double-time for any overtime hours worked in excess of 12 hours.

Any pick-up of another Crewmember’s mandatory overtime assignment will be paid at double-time as well.

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United Ground Express (UGE) Negotiations Update

United Ground Express (UGE) Negotiations Update

 Many of you have asked what happens when our contract reaches its amendable date on March 5, 2025. We want to be clear: your contract does not expire on that date. United Ground Express (UGE) Contract Negotiations Update7 March 2025 Dear Sisters and Brothers at...

United Negotiations Update

United Negotiations Update

Your IAM District 141 negotiating team and United Airlines management continued contract negotiations last week in Orlando, Florida, for seven different contracts. The Fleet Technical Instructor and Related (FTI) sub-committee joined us to work on their contract...

The 2025 Adolph Stutz Scholarship Essay Contest is NOW UNDERWAY!

The 2025 Adolph Stutz Scholarship Essay Contest is NOW UNDERWAY!

District Lodge 141 Announces the 2025 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest!IAM District 141 is now accepting applications for the 2025 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest, which awards $8,000 in scholarships to IAM members and their families....

JetBlue CEO Robin Hayes Extends his Contract

JetBlue CEO Robin Hayes Extends his Contract

JetBlue CEO Robin Hayes Extends his Contract

Justice at JetBlue
14 December 2022

In a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing yesterday, JetBlue Airways announced that CEO Robin Hayes’ CONTRACT has been extended two years to 2025.

At the same time, JetBlue management, under Hayes’ direction, has put on a full-court press to convince GO Crewmembers that we don’t need a CONTRACT.

Management says that the “direct relationship” is good enough for us. If a legally binding CONTRACT is good for Mr. Hayes, then why isn’t it good for us? Why doesn’t Robin trust the “direct relationship” with the Board of Directors when it comes to his salary, benefits, and working conditions? Why doesn’t Robin just accept what the Board of Directors offers him without having the right to negotiate? 

Southwest Airlines Union Contract; Top Out Pay Rate $35 per hour

Southwest Airlines IAM Members Vote In Industry Leading Contract; Top Out Pay Rate $35 per Hour Justice at JetBlue16 December 2022IAM members at Southwest Airlines voted yesterday to approve an industry-leading contract. The four-year contract provides for the below...

JetBlue CEO Robin Hayes Extends his Contract

JetBlue CEO Robin Hayes Extends his ContractJustice at JetBlue14 December 2022In a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing yesterday, JetBlue Airways announced that CEO Robin Hayes’ CONTRACT has been extended two years to 2025. At the same time, JetBlue...

JetBlue Ground Workers to Vote for Machinists Union

JetBlue Ground Workers to Vote for Machinists UnionJustice at JetBlueFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASENovember 29, 2022, WASHINGTON DC—The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) today announced that the National Mediation Board (NMB), the federal...

Historic Union Alliance at Delta

Delta is now facing three of the largest unions in North American at the same time. Get ready for pizza parties. Historic Union Alliance Forms at DeltaGOIAM.org28 November 2022North America's three largest airline unions have formed a historic alliance to unify tens...

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JetBlue is a company that has been mismanaged for years. Now, that poor management has invited numerous court actions and unwanted ire from the Justice Department. JetBlue Merger Hits More TurbulanceOrganizing7 November 2022JetBlue is facing mounting scrutiny over its...

JetBlue Lies Exposed in MCO

JetBlue's VP of Airport Experiences tried to convince Ground Ops Crewmembers to give the airline another year to fix things. JetBlue Lies Exposed in MCOOrganizing4 November 2022Vice President of Airports Experience, Dana Shapir, has been hitting the road since GO...

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Record summer airline profits are proof that workers are assets that should be invested in, not liabilities that should be limited. Summer 2022 Airline Profits: Union MadeOrganizing31 October 2022Unions create a workplace where workers take their jobs seriously,...

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United Ground Express (UGE) Negotiations Update

United Ground Express (UGE) Negotiations Update

 Many of you have asked what happens when our contract reaches its amendable date on March 5, 2025. We want to be clear: your contract does not expire on that date. United Ground Express (UGE) Contract Negotiations Update7 March 2025 Dear Sisters and Brothers at...

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United Negotiations Update

Your IAM District 141 negotiating team and United Airlines management continued contract negotiations last week in Orlando, Florida, for seven different contracts. The Fleet Technical Instructor and Related (FTI) sub-committee joined us to work on their contract...

The 2025 Adolph Stutz Scholarship Essay Contest is NOW UNDERWAY!

The 2025 Adolph Stutz Scholarship Essay Contest is NOW UNDERWAY!

District Lodge 141 Announces the 2025 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest!IAM District 141 is now accepting applications for the 2025 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest, which awards $8,000 in scholarships to IAM members and their families....

JetBlue CEO Robin Hayes Extends his Contract

14 December 2022

In a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing yesterday, JetBlue Airways announced that CEO Robin Hayes’ CONTRACT has been extended two years, to 2025.

At the same time, JetBlue management, under Hayes’ direction, has put on a full court press to convince GO Crewmembers that we don’t need a CONTRACT. Management says that the “direct relationship” is good enough for us.

If a legally binding CONTRACT is good for Mr. Hayes, then why isn’t it good for us? Why doesn’t Robin trust the “direct relationship” with the Board of Directors when it comes to his salary, benefits and working conditions? Why doesn’t Robin just accept what the Board of Directors offers him without having the right to negotiate? 

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United Ground Express (UGE) Negotiations Update

United Ground Express (UGE) Negotiations Update

 Many of you have asked what happens when our contract reaches its amendable date on March 5, 2025. We want to be clear: your contract does not expire on that date. United Ground Express (UGE) Contract Negotiations Update7 March 2025 Dear Sisters and Brothers at...

United Negotiations Update

United Negotiations Update

Your IAM District 141 negotiating team and United Airlines management continued contract negotiations last week in Orlando, Florida, for seven different contracts. The Fleet Technical Instructor and Related (FTI) sub-committee joined us to work on their contract...

The 2025 Adolph Stutz Scholarship Essay Contest is NOW UNDERWAY!

The 2025 Adolph Stutz Scholarship Essay Contest is NOW UNDERWAY!

District Lodge 141 Announces the 2025 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest!IAM District 141 is now accepting applications for the 2025 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest, which awards $8,000 in scholarships to IAM members and their families....

JetBlue Ground Workers to Vote for Machinists Union

JetBlue Ground Workers to Vote for Machinists Union

JetBlue Ground Workers to Vote for Machinists Union

Justice at JetBlue

November 29, 2022, WASHINGTON DC—The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) today announced that the National Mediation Board (NMB), the federal agency that conducts union representation elections in the airline industry, has determined that an election for almost 3,000 JetBlue ground operations workers will take place. The voting period will be scheduled shortly by the NMB.

“I congratulate all JetBlue Ground Operations workers on their upcoming vote,” said IAM Air Transport General Vice President Richie Johnsen. “JetBlue Ground Ops workers have spoken loudly that they want a voice and a vote in their future. These workers deserve the respect and dignity that comes with collective bargaining rights and a union contract.”

JetBlue Ground Operations workers reignited their campaign to gain IAM representation late last year and filed for a union representation election in late September, 2022 with the NMB. The federal agency today determined that JetBlue Ground Operations workers have attained the requisite showing of interest to participate in a union representation election. Federal law requires that at least 50 percent of workers in a specific work classification request a union vote be called.

“I want every JetBlue Ground Ops worker to know that the IAM will stand with you 100 percent to win this election and attain the union contract that reflects your hard work and value to JetBlue Airways,” continued Johnsen. “JetBlue will be a better place to work once these brave workers have a real say in their wages, benefits and working conditions via a legally binding employment contract. If a contract is good for JetBlue CEO Robin Hayes, then a contract is good for the almost 3,000 Ground Ops workers who actually make the airline run.”

JetBlue Ground Operations workers have cited below standard pay, benefits and working conditions as reasons to unionize with the IAM. Union contracts in the airline industry provide workers with better pay, health and wellness benefits, flexibility and working conditions.

The IAM is largest airline union in North America and has over 600,000 active and retired members.

Recording Secretaries please print and post on all IAMAW bulletin boards.

Get Printable Copy >>

JetBlue Ground Workers to Vote for Machinists Union

JetBlue Ground Workers to Vote for Machinists UnionJustice at JetBlueFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASENovember 29, 2022, WASHINGTON DC—The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) today announced that the National Mediation Board (NMB), the federal...

Historic Union Alliance at Delta

Delta is now facing three of the largest unions in North American at the same time. Get ready for pizza parties. Historic Union Alliance Forms at DeltaGOIAM.org28 November 2022North America's three largest airline unions have formed a historic alliance to unify tens...

Union vs Non-Union Thanksgiving Pay

Working on Thanksgiving? How JetBlue GO Crewmembers Holiday Pay Compares to Other Unionized GO Workers Justice at JetBlue22 November 2022The airline industry, as we know, is a 24/7 operation, and working on a holiday is part of the job. However, how we are COMPENSATED...

JetBlue Hits More Turbulence

JetBlue is a company that has been mismanaged for years. Now, that poor management has invited numerous court actions and unwanted ire from the Justice Department. JetBlue Merger Hits More TurbulanceOrganizing7 November 2022JetBlue is facing mounting scrutiny over its...

JetBlue Lies Exposed in MCO

JetBlue's VP of Airport Experiences tried to convince Ground Ops Crewmembers to give the airline another year to fix things. JetBlue Lies Exposed in MCOOrganizing4 November 2022Vice President of Airports Experience, Dana Shapir, has been hitting the road since GO...

Airline Profits: Union Made

Record summer airline profits are proof that workers are assets that should be invested in, not liabilities that should be limited. Summer 2022 Airline Profits: Union MadeOrganizing31 October 2022Unions create a workplace where workers take their jobs seriously,...

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Tentative Deal at Southwest: Historic Pay, Overtime Protections

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United Ground Express (UGE) Negotiations Update

United Ground Express (UGE) Negotiations Update

 Many of you have asked what happens when our contract reaches its amendable date on March 5, 2025. We want to be clear: your contract does not expire on that date. United Ground Express (UGE) Contract Negotiations Update7 March 2025 Dear Sisters and Brothers at...

United Negotiations Update

United Negotiations Update

Your IAM District 141 negotiating team and United Airlines management continued contract negotiations last week in Orlando, Florida, for seven different contracts. The Fleet Technical Instructor and Related (FTI) sub-committee joined us to work on their contract...

The 2025 Adolph Stutz Scholarship Essay Contest is NOW UNDERWAY!

The 2025 Adolph Stutz Scholarship Essay Contest is NOW UNDERWAY!

District Lodge 141 Announces the 2025 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest!IAM District 141 is now accepting applications for the 2025 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest, which awards $8,000 in scholarships to IAM members and their families....

JetBlue Ground Workers to Vote for Machinists Union


NOVEMBER 29, 2022, WASHINGTON DC—The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) today announced that the National Mediation Board (NMB), the federal agency that conducts union representation elections in the airline industry, has determined that an election for almost 3,000 JetBlue ground operations workers will take place. The voting period will be scheduled shortly by the NMB.

“I congratulate all JetBlue Ground Operations workers on their upcoming vote,” said IAM Air Transport General Vice President Richie Johnsen. “JetBlue Ground Ops workers have spoken loudly that they want a voice and a vote in their future. These workers deserve the respect and dignity that comes with collective bargaining rights and a union contract.”

JetBlue Ground Operations workers reignited their campaign to gain IAM representation late last year and filed for a union representation election in late September 2022 with the NMB. The federal agency today determined that JetBlue Ground Operations workers have attained the requisite showing of interest to participate in a union representation election. Federal law requires that at least 50 percent of workers in a specific work classification request a union vote be called.

“I want every JetBlue Ground Ops worker to know that the IAM will stand with you 100 percent to win this election and attain the union contract that reflects your hard work and value to JetBlue Airways,” continued Johnsen. “JetBlue will be a better place to work once these brave workers have a real say in their wages, benefits and working conditions via a legally binding employment contract. If a contract is good for JetBlue CEO Robin Hayes, then a contract is good for the almost 3,000 Ground Ops workers who actually make the airline run.”

JetBlue Ground Operations workers have cited below standard pay, benefits and working conditions as reasons to unionize with the IAM. Union contracts in the airline industry provide workers with better pay, health and wellness benefits, flexibility and working conditions.

The IAM is largest airline union in North America and has over 600,000 active and retired members.

Recording Secretaries please print and post on all IAMAW bulletin boards.

Get Printable Copy >>

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United Ground Express (UGE) Negotiations Update

United Ground Express (UGE) Negotiations Update

 Many of you have asked what happens when our contract reaches its amendable date on March 5, 2025. We want to be clear: your contract does not expire on that date. United Ground Express (UGE) Contract Negotiations Update7 March 2025 Dear Sisters and Brothers at...

United Negotiations Update

United Negotiations Update

Your IAM District 141 negotiating team and United Airlines management continued contract negotiations last week in Orlando, Florida, for seven different contracts. The Fleet Technical Instructor and Related (FTI) sub-committee joined us to work on their contract...

The 2025 Adolph Stutz Scholarship Essay Contest is NOW UNDERWAY!

The 2025 Adolph Stutz Scholarship Essay Contest is NOW UNDERWAY!

District Lodge 141 Announces the 2025 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest!IAM District 141 is now accepting applications for the 2025 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest, which awards $8,000 in scholarships to IAM members and their families....

Historic Union Alliance at Delta

Historic Union Alliance at Delta

Delta is now facing three of the largest unions in North American at the same time. Get ready for pizza parties.

Historic Union Alliance Forms at Delta
28 November 2022

North America’s three largest airline unions have formed a historic alliance to unify tens of thousands of workers at Delta Air Lines.

Unlike most commercial airlines, most workers at Delta are unorganized and have no union rights or bargaining power. Airlines’ management has worked hard to keep it that way, spending a fortune to protect its ability to dominate employees one-on-one instead of as a group. The airline even killed Northwest’s heavily union tradition when it merged with the smaller carrier nearly a decade ago. 

When individual employees are isolated and left to negotiate with billion-dollar corporate giants such as Delta, they are usually forced into a “take it or leave it.” offer that often results in exploitation. Disunity among workers allows companies to impose arbitrary and unfair terminations and pay cuts and issue scheduling demands that disrupt workers’ personal lives. Additionally, companies can violate legal workplace protections with near impunity, knowing that individual employees can rarely afford to take violators to court.

Abusive policies at one airline can have spillover effects on other carriers, even those protected by the ability of union workers to take group action. Other airlines can use Delta’s ability to dominate workers to justify similar policies to “remain competitive” in contract negotiations.

Ground workers at Delta have enlisted the Machinists and Aerospace Workers Union’s (IAMAW) help to gain union status for years. Likewise, flight crews have reached out to the Association of Flight Attendants (AFA). Now, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters is joining the fight and working to organize the airlines’ Tech Ops workers. 

At the IAMAW Grand Lodge Convention earlier this year, General Vice President Richard Johnsen condemned union rivalries and called for more unified action. Johnsen, who heads the Air Transport Territory, said at the time, “We have to stop fighting other unions,” Johnsen told Machinists union members. “Delta Air Lines — one of the most anti-union companies in the country — has successfully kept unions off their property for their lifetime.”

“Let Delta Air Lines come after the whole labor movement instead of targeting one of us,” he said.

In a statement issued after the alliance was announced, Johnsen laid out the key factors driving the organizing effort for Delta ground workers. Foremost among the changes needed at the airline were consistent work rules, pensions, adequate staffing and safety policies, and a healthier work-life balance. 

The statement continued, “With a union contract, Delta won’t be able to change vacation accrual schedules or anything else unilaterally because, with a union, you have a voice in determining your destiny. With a union comes a union safety committee that can fight for adequate staffing, proper and well-maintained equipment, and union representatives whom you elect and fight for you—not corporate shareholders.”

Delta responded by saying management would prefer to pit individual employees against the company one at a time, in what the airline called a “direct relationship.” Kelly Yamanouchi, writing for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, quoted the airline as saying that this tactic would lead to a “stronger, faster, and more effective way to drive improvements than AFA, IAM, or Teamsters representation would be.” 

The move at Delta comes as employees are unifying at an unprecedented rate across America. According to the National Labor Relations Board, new union filings have shot up by 53% over the last year. This increase is the highest single-year jump since 2016. 

It’s also happening as Ground Operations Crew Members at JetBlue have filed a petition with the National Mediation Board to join the Machinists Union. The Machinists Union is North America’s largest group of transportation, aviation, and aerospace workers. The union’s largest single commercial aviation district, District 141, led by Union President Mike Klemm, is currently negotiating multiple contracts with United Airlines. The agreements cover fleet and customer service workers, security guards, instructors, and load planners at the airline.

Previous contracts negotiated by Machinists Union airline workers include historic pay increases at Alaska Airlines, American Airlines, Hawaiian, and Southwest. However, increasingly, workers are asking for workplace improvements, not more money. More and more, a healthier work-life balance has begun to rise to the top of employee priorities. 

At Spirit, workers gained the highest pay rates in the history of the airline, and part-time workers also gained the ability to take vacations – another first for ground workers at the airline. “For some of these workers, this will be the first time they’ve been able to take a paid vacation,” District President Mike Klemm said. “It’s hard to believe that working people are still fighting for things like vacation time in the modern age, but here we are,” he continued. 

Other Machinists Union Contracts negotiated by Machinists Union members include provisions that make mandatory overtime much more expensive and give workers more flexibility in their work schedules. To Klemm, these priorities reflect a new way of thinking about the modern workplace. While wages and job security remain critical factors, unions also address concerns that help build a better life overall.

“Family comes first,” President Klemm said of the shift in union values. “Family comes first, second and third,” he continued, pointing out the importance of giving workers the ability to earn high enough wages that afford them the ability to spend more time off the clock. “Delta workers and JetBlue Ground Operations are overworked and undervalued,” he said. “Workers at United, American, Southwest, Hawaiian, and Spirit are ready and willing to fight side by side with them and help win the legally-binding union contracts they deserve.”

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Historic Union Alliance Forged at Delta

28 November 2022

Delta must now contend with an alliance of the three largest airline workers’ unions in North America. Let the pizza parties commence. 

North America’s three largest airline unions have formed a historic alliance to unify tens of thousands of workers at Delta Air Lines.

Unlike most commercial airlines, most workers at Delta are unorganized and have no union rights or bargaining power. Airlines’ management has worked hard to keep it that way, spending a fortune to protect its ability to dominate employees one-on-one instead of as a group. The airline even killed Northwest’s heavily union tradition when it merged with the smaller carrier nearly a decade ago. 

When individual employees are isolated and left to negotiate with billion-dollar corporate giants such as Delta, they are usually forced into a “take it or leave it.” offer that often results in exploitation. Disunity among workers allows companies to impose arbitrary and unfair terminations and pay cuts and issue scheduling demands that disrupt workers’ personal lives. Additionally, companies can violate legal workplace protections with near impunity, knowing that individual employees can rarely afford to take violators to court. 

Abusive policies at one airline can have spillover effects on other carriers, even those protected by the ability of union workers to take group action. Other airlines can use Delta’s ability to dominate workers to justify similar policies to “remain competitive” in contract negotiations.

Ground workers at Delta have enlisted the Machinists and Aerospace Workers Union’s (IAMAW) help to gain union status for years. Likewise, flight crews have reached out to the Association of Flight Attendants (AFA). Now, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters is joining the fight and working to organize the airlines’ Tech Ops workers. 

At the IAMAW Grand Lodge Convention earlier this year, General Vice President Richard Johnsen condemned union rivalries and called for more unified action. Johnsen, who heads the Air Transport Territory, said at the time, “We have to stop fighting other unions,” Johnsen told Machinists union members. “Delta Air Lines — one of the most anti-union companies in the country — has successfully kept unions off their property for their lifetime.”

“Let Delta Air Lines come after the whole labor movement instead of targeting one of us,” he said.

In a statement issued after the alliance was announced, Johnsen laid out the key factors driving the organizing effort for Delta ground workers. Foremost among the changes needed at the airline were consistent work rules, pensions, adequate staffing and safety policies, and a healthier work-life balance. 

The statement continued, “With a union contract, Delta won’t be able to change vacation accrual schedules or anything else unilaterally because, with a union, you have a voice in determining your destiny. With a union comes a union safety committee that can fight for adequate staffing, proper and well-maintained equipment, and union representatives whom you elect and fight for you—not corporate shareholders.”

Delta responded by saying management would prefer to pit individual employees against the company one at a time, in what the airline called a “direct relationship.” Kelly Yamanouchi, writing for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, quoted the airline as saying that this tactic would lead to a “stronger, faster, and more effective way to drive improvements than AFA, IAM, or Teamsters representation would be.” 

The move at Delta comes as employees are unifying at an unprecedented rate across America. According to the National Labor Relations Board, new union filings have shot up by 53% over the last year. This increase is the highest single-year jump since 2016. 

It’s also happening as Ground Operations Crew Members at JetBlue have filed a petition with the National Mediation Board to join the Machinists Union. The Machinists Union is North America’s largest group of transportation, aviation, and aerospace workers. The union’s largest single commercial aviation district, District 141, led by Union President Mike Klemm, is currently negotiating multiple contracts with United Airlines. The agreements cover fleet and customer service workers, security guards, instructors, and load planners at the airline.

Previous contracts negotiated by Machinists Union airline workers include historic pay increases at Alaska Airlines, American Airlines, Hawaiian, and Southwest. However, increasingly, workers are asking for workplace improvements, not more money. More and more, a healthier work-life balance has begun to rise to the top of employee priorities. 

At Spirit, workers gained the highest pay rates in the history of the airline, and part-time workers also gained the ability to take vacations – another first for ground workers at the airline. “For some of these workers, this will be the first time they’ve been able to take a paid vacation,” District President Mike Klemm said. “It’s hard to believe that working people are still fighting for things like vacation time in the modern age, but here we are,” he continued. 

Other Machinists Union Contracts negotiated by Machinists Union members include provisions that make mandatory overtime much more expensive and give workers more flexibility in their work schedules. To Klemm, these priorities reflect a new way of thinking about the modern workplace. While wages and job security remain critical factors, unions also address concerns that help build a better life overall. “Family comes first,” President Klemm said of the shift in union values. “Family comes first, second and third,” he continued, pointing out the importance of giving workers the ability to earn high enough wages that afford them the ability to spend more time off the clock. “Delta workers and JetBlue Ground Operations are overworked and undervalued,” he said. “Workers at United, American, Southwest, Hawaiian, and Spirit are ready and willing to fight side by side with them and help win the legally-binding union contracts they deserve.”

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