Hilton Rosemont, Chicago O’Hare
2020 District Lodge 141 Local Committee Chairperson’s Conference – Event Cancelled
I hope you are all keeping well under these very difficult circumstances. As you are aware District 141 Committee Conference was scheduled to be held in early May here in Chicago. In light of the unprecedented events surrounding our industry, our members and our communities due to the COVID-19 pandemic we requested and were granted dispensation from our General Vice President to cancel this year’s conference.
We always look forward to having all our committee people and chairpersons together every year but know you will understand the difficult decision that was made.
All registrations and donations that were made via Eventbrite will be refunded back to the individuals and the Hilton Rosemont advised me that as soon as they release the space then all room reservations will be canceled and all monies paid in the form of deposits etc will be refunded. (This may have already happened)
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. On behalf of Mike and the entire Executive Board, thank you and please be safe.
Ann Clifford
Assistant to the President & Directing General Chairman- Michael Klemm
Director of Meetings & Events
IAMAW, District Lodge 141
1771 Commerce Drive, Suite 103
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Office:847-640-2222 ex 119
Cell: 650-554-1024
Fax: 800-630-2640
2020 District Lodge 141 Airline Worker’s Convention
Cancellation Expected
IAMAW District 141 Events & News

Why the Machinists Honor Juneteenth
Why the Machinists Honor JuneteenthGoIAM.org19 June 2022Dear Sisters, Brothers, and Friends of the IAM, We have had a whole year to prepare our nation for Juneteenth as a federal holiday. A holiday that remembers June 19, 1866, the day Afro-Texans gathered to...

Machinists Union Supports Bill to Toughen Safety Rules for Foreign Repair Stations
Machinists Union Supports Bill to Toughen Safety Rules for Foreign Repair StationsGoIAM.org17 June 2022Washington, June 16, 2022 – The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) applauds the U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure...

Machinists Union Sisters on the Frontlines
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United Negotiations Update: Job Security Talks Continue
United Negotiations Update: Job Security Talks Continue Contract negotiations continued this week in Chicago, IL. IAM and United negotiators focused exclusively on IAM members' top priority, which is job security. We are cautiously optimistic we can reach...

Ken Thiede Recognized for 65 Years of Machinists Union Action
Ken Thiede Recognized for 65 Years of Machinists Union ActionRetirees Club10 June 2022Chicago's Local 1487 honored Ken Thiede for his 65 years of service to the Machinists Union.Longtime Labor leader Ken Thiede was honored this week for 65 years of service to the...

Spirit Delays Shareholder Decision on JetBlue, Frontier Merger
Spirit Delays Shareholder Decision on JetBlue, Frontier MergerJustice at JetBlue9 June 2022Both Frontier and JetBlue want to merge with Spirit Airlines. The Spirit Board wants a deal with Frontier, but Shareholders are looking hard at the money JetBlue is...

I Just Became a Union Steward – Now What?
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This Fly is About to Have a Direct Relationship With a Flyswatter
The Fly is About to Have a Direct Relationship With A SwatterJustice at JetBlue4 June 2022A recent misleading flyer by JetBlue management claims that the “direct relationship” between JetBlue management and Crewmembers is the best way to “soar highest.” The flyer...

Machinists Union Supports Historic United Route to South Africa
The Machinists Union Calls on Biden Administration to Approve New United Route to Cape Town, South AfricaiMail23 May 2022United Airlines is asking the Biden Administration to approve a new route from Washington, Dulles International, to Cape Town South...

Machinist Member Brings Service, Support to Ukraine
IAM Member Travels Across World, Puts Life at Risk to Aid Ukrainian PeopleiMail30 May 2022Since the war in Ukraine began in February, IAM Local 2379 (District 160) Recording Secretary Brian Urban has taken two trips to the war-torn country, spending more than a month...
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