Helping Hands June: Suicide Prevention

Helping Hands June: Suicide Prevention

Helping Hands June: Suicide Prevention

EAP Peers:

      Helping Hands addresses suicide this month. We feature the 988 hotline that was funded and put in place last July. Since then, calls have increased over 800%! The line is a good resource and can help each of us when we aren’t sure about what to do. Of course, always consult your upline EAP Peer – every time you have a potential suicide. I always call a fellow EAP whenever there is a potential suicide – to insure that I am covering all of the bases. Your regional reps, along with Tony Rodriguez, Chris Davis and now Christine Mahoe on Hawaiian and I are always available to talk. Please welcome Chris as a part of our leadership team! 
       There are some signs and symptoms covered this month – those are the entry point for talking with someone your are concerned about. Again – consult consult consult!  

       Thank you for being there for your co-workers! You are all doing critical work! 


Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.

Meet Christine Mahoe, the New EAP Chairperson at Hawaiian

Meet Christine Mahoe, the New EAP Chairperson at Hawaiian

Meet Christine Mahoe, the New EAP Chairperson at Hawaiian

Christine Mahoe, a seasoned professional from Local Lodge 1979, has been appointed as the new Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Coordinator at Hawaiian Airlines. With her extensive experience as a Chief Cargo Agent, a Customer Service Agent, and an impressive 15-year career in social work, Christine is uniquely positioned to build an effective EAP to guide and support the Machinists Union members through their professional and personal challenges.

Christine’s journey in social work began in 1995 and spanned across various sectors such as domestic violence, family courts, drug rehabilitation, and high-risk youth programs. Her ability to transition between programs during times of budget cuts enriched her expertise across multiple social work domains. Her roles demanded a readiness to assist youths in trouble and to reunite them with their families, skills that will serve her well in her new position. She also served in homeless shelters, learning to identify and leverage resources available within the community, a proficiency that will benefit her in the EAP role.

As the EAP Coordinator, Christine will draw on her past experience to ease the stress and confusion that can sometimes arise from workplace changes. Inspired by the mantra “Be the Change,” she plans to use her extensive experience to guide frontline employees navigating difficult times.

The EAP is a voluntary, work-based program that offers support to employees in resolving personal issues that may adversely impact their work performance, health, and overall well-being. These issues can range from stress, substance abuse, and major life events to financial or legal troubles. The EAP provides free and confidential assessments, short-term counseling, referrals, and follow-up services to employees.

Understanding the unique circumstances of Hawaii, where different stations are located on various islands, Christine aims to build a resource base for connecting members to services within their communities, a task that aligns well with her past experience in locating resources over several islands. She will also conduct visits to these stations to educate members about the EAP and the significant benefits it provides.

District President Mike Klemm applauded the new appointment, stating, “Christine’s passion and commitment to the well-being of union members is inspiring. We’re excited to have her drive the Employee Assistance Program at Hawaiian Airlines, providing crucial support for our Machinists Union members during these transformative times.”

EAP Director Bryan Hutchinson echoed Klemm’s sentiments. “Christine has demonstrated exceptional dedication and capability in her previous roles,” he said. “We have full faith in her ability to lead the EAP and bring a positive impact to our community.”

“Looking ahead, we anticipate the continued growth and success of the EAP with Christine on the team,” he continued. Machinists Union Members are welcome to reach out to Christine directly or via email at More information about the Employee Assistance Program can be found online at

In the words of Christine, “When I was growing up, my father worked on the sugar plantation and was heavily involved with the union. I watched my dad help so many people who were treated poorly by management. He taught all of my siblings and I to always stand up for what we believed in and to defend those that could not defend themselves. He was my inspiration.”

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United Airlines’ Denver Hiring Spree Draws Hundreds from Guam

United Airlines’ Denver Hiring Spree Draws Hundreds from Guam

United Airlines officials announced today that 460 residents of Guam have relocated to Denver after accepting positions as ramp agents, following a 2-day job fair held on the island in January.United Airlines' Denver Hiring Spree Draws Hundreds from

Stay up to date with all the latest news and information from the Machinists Union

Meet Christine Mahoe, the New EAP Coordinator at Hawaiian

June 6, 2023

Christine Mahoe, a seasoned professional from Local Lodge 1979, has been appointed as the new Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Coordinator at Hawaiian Airlines. With her extensive experience as a Chief Cargo Agent, a Customer Service Agent, and an impressive 15-year career in social work, Christine is uniquely positioned to build an effective EAP to guide and support the Machinists Union members through their professional and personal challenges.

Christine’s journey in social work began in 1995 and spanned across various sectors such as domestic violence, family courts, drug rehabilitation, and high-risk youth programs. Her ability to transition between programs during times of budget cuts enriched her expertise across multiple social work domains. Her roles demanded a readiness to assist youths in trouble and to reunite them with their families, skills that will serve her well in her new position. She also served in homeless shelters, learning to identify and leverage resources available within the community, a proficiency that will benefit her in the EAP role.

As the EAP Coordinator, Christine will draw on her past experience to ease the stress and confusion that can sometimes arise from workplace changes. Inspired by the mantra “Be the Change,” she plans to use her extensive experience to guide frontline employees navigating difficult times.

The EAP is a voluntary, work-based program that offers support to employees in resolving personal issues that may adversely impact their work performance, health, and overall well-being. These issues can range from stress, substance abuse, and major life events to financial or legal troubles. The EAP provides free and confidential assessments, short-term counseling, referrals, and follow-up services to employees.

Understanding the unique circumstances of Hawaii, where different stations are located on various islands, Christine aims to build a resource base for connecting members to services within their communities, a task that aligns well with her past experience in locating resources over several islands. She will also conduct visits to these stations to educate members about the EAP and the significant benefits it provides.

District President Mike Klemm applauded the new appointment, stating, “Christine’s passion and commitment to the well-being of union members is inspiring. We’re excited to have her drive the Employee Assistance Program at Hawaiian Airlines, providing crucial support for our Machinists Union members during these transformative times.”

EAP Director Bryan Hutchinson echoed Klemm’s sentiments. “Christine has demonstrated exceptional dedication and capability in her previous roles,” he said. “We have full faith in her ability to lead the EAP and bring a positive impact to our community.”

“Looking ahead, we anticipate the continued growth and success of the EAP with Christine on the team,” he continued. Machinists Union Members are welcome to reach out to Christine directly or via email at More information about the Employee Assistance Program can be found online at

In the words of Christine, “When I was growing up, my father worked on the sugar plantation and was heavily involved with the union. I watched my dad help so many people who were treated poorly by management. He taught all of my siblings and I to always stand up for what we believed in and to defend those that could not defend themselves. He was my inspiration.”


Airline Worker Injuries on Rise

Airline Worker Injuries on Rise

As heatwaves plague the country, few places are hotter than Phoenix. Workers and city officials gathered at Phoenix Sky Harbor on Wednesday to share heat-related health and safety concerns. Sky Harbor Local Lodge 2559, which represents several hundred Machinists Union...

United Airlines’ Denver Hiring Spree Draws Hundreds from Guam

United Airlines’ Denver Hiring Spree Draws Hundreds from Guam

United Airlines officials announced today that 460 residents of Guam have relocated to Denver after accepting positions as ramp agents, following a 2-day job fair held on the island in January.United Airlines' Denver Hiring Spree Draws Hundreds from

Corporate Judge Blocks Paid Sick Leave Law

Corporate Judge Blocks Paid Sick Leave Law

Corporate Judge Blocks Paid Sick Leave Law

Federal Judge Strikes Down Massachusetts’ Paid Sick Leave Law for Airline Workers, Leaving Thousands of Workers Without a Vital Benefit

A federal judge has ruled in favor of a group of major airlines, blocking the enforcement of Massachusetts’ paid sick leave law for their flight and ground crewmembers. The ruling is a blow to thousands of workers who are denied the right to earn sick time and take care of their health and families.

The lawsuit was filed in 2018 by Airlines for America (A4A), a trade association that represents American Airlines, United, Southwest, JetBlue, and other carriers. A4A argued that the state law, which requires employers to provide one hour of sick leave for every 30 hours worked, up to 40 hours per year, was unconstitutional and preempted by federal law.

The judge agreed with A4A, saying that the law would impose an undue burden on interstate commerce and interfere with the airlines’ prices, routes, and services. The judge also said that the law would cause flight delays and cancellations and create a patchwork of different state sick leave requirements.

The ruling ignores the benefits of the law for workers and public health, especially during a pandemic. The law, which took effect in 2015, was passed by voters as a ballot initiative with overwhelming support. The law aims to protect workers from losing their jobs or wages when they are sick or need to care for a family member. The law also helps prevent the spread of illnesses and infections in workplaces and communities.

The ruling also disregards the evidence that paid sick leave laws do not harm businesses or the economy. According to a report by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, paid sick leave laws have not led to job losses, reduced hours, or lower wages in states and cities that have adopted them. On the contrary, paid sick leave laws have been associated with improved productivity, reduced turnover, and increased consumer spending.

The ruling is a victory for powerful corporations and industry lobbyists who put profits over people. A4A has been fighting against paid sick leave laws across the country, including in Washington state, where it filed a similar lawsuit in 2018. A4A has also opposed other measures that would benefit workers and passengers, such as increasing the minimum wage, enhancing safety standards, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The ruling in Massachusets is expected to weaken similar rulings in every state that has enacted them. 

The ruling is a setback for working people and their advocates, who have been fighting for fair and humane labor standards. The Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office, which defended the law in court, said it was disappointed with the decision and is considering its options. The office said it remains committed to protecting workers’ rights and enforcing the law.

The ruling is not final and could be appealed or overturned by Congress or the Supreme Court. In the meantime, airline workers in Massachusetts will continue to face uncertainty and hardship when they get sick or need to care for their loved ones.

The Judge Who Oversaw the Case

The judge who oversaw the case was U.S. District Judge Allison D. Burroughs. She was appointed by President Barack Obama in 2014 and confirmed by the Senate in 2015. She is one of only two women judges on the U.S. District Court that includes Massachusetts.

Judge Burroughs has a record of ruling against workers’ rights and in favor of corporate interests. In 2019, she dismissed a class action lawsuit by former employees of Dunkin’ Donuts who alleged that they were misclassified as independent contractors and denied overtime pay and other benefits. 

In contrast, Judge Burroughs has sided with big businesses in several cases involving antitrust claims, patent disputes, and trademark infringement. She has also granted injunctions to prevent state regulations from affecting corporate operations.

Judge Burroughs’ ruling in favor of A4A is consistent with her pro-business bias and her disregard for workers’ welfare. She ignored the testimony of experts who testified that paid sick leave laws do not cause significant disruptions or costs for airlines. She also failed to consider the impact of her ruling on public health and social justice.

Judge Burroughs’ ruling is an example of how corporate power seems to reliably influence judicial decisions and undermine democracy. It shows why workers need to organize and fight for their rights at every level of government.

The Impact of the Ruling on Working People in Massachusetts

The court ruling that exempts airline workers from Massachusetts’ paid sick leave law has serious consequences for working people in the state. The ruling deprives thousands of workers of a basic benefit that is essential for their well-being and economic security.

Paid sick leave is a vital protection for workers who face health challenges, either for themselves or their family members. Without paid sick leave, workers may have to choose between going to work while sick or staying home without pay, risking their health, income, and job security. This choice can have negative effects on workers’ physical and mental health, as well as their financial stability.

Paid sick leave also benefits public health and the economy. By allowing workers to stay home when sick, paid sick leave helps prevent the spread of contagious diseases, such as COVID-19, influenza, and other infections. This reduces the burden on the healthcare system and saves lives. According to various studies, paid sick leave also boosts worker productivity, reduces turnover, and increases consumer spending.

Despite these benefits, many workers in the U.S. lack access to paid sick leave, especially low-wage workers, women, people of color, and part-time workers. The U.S. is the only developed country that does not guarantee paid sick leave to all workers at the national level. While some states and cities have passed their own paid sick leave laws, these laws vary widely in terms of coverage, eligibility, and generosity.

Massachusetts’ paid sick leave law is one of the most progressive in the country. It covers nearly all workers in the state, regardless of employer size or industry. It allows workers to earn up to 40 hours of paid sick leave per year at their regular rate of pay. It also protects workers from retaliation or discrimination for using their sick time.

The court ruling that blocks the enforcement of this law for airline workers undermines the intent and purpose of the law. It creates a two-tier system of workers’ rights, where some workers have access to the states’ paid sick leave, and others do not. It also creates confusion and inconsistency for employers and employees who operate in multiple states with different laws.

The court ruling also sets a dangerous precedent for other industries that may seek to challenge state-paid sick leave laws on similar grounds. It opens the door for more lawsuits that could erode workers’ rights and benefits across the country.

The court ruling is a reminder that working people need stronger federal protections for paid sick leave. While some temporary measures were enacted during the pandemic, such as the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, they have since expired or been scaled back. A permanent national paid sick leave policy is needed to ensure that all workers have access to this essential benefit, regardless of where they work or what they do.

Working people deserve dignity and respect in their jobs. They deserve to be able to take care of themselves and their loved ones without fear of losing their livelihoods. They deserve paid sick leave.

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United Airlines’ Denver Hiring Spree Draws Hundreds from Guam

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United Airlines officials announced today that 460 residents of Guam have relocated to Denver after accepting positions as ramp agents, following a 2-day job fair held on the island in January.United Airlines' Denver Hiring Spree Draws Hundreds from

Stay up to date with all the latest news and information from the Machinists Union

Corporate Judge Blocks Paid Sick Leave Law

June 5, 2023

Federal Judge Strikes Down Massachusetts’ Paid Sick Leave Law for Airline Workers, Leaving Thousands of Workers Without a Vital Benefit

A federal judge has ruled in favor of a group of major airlines, blocking the enforcement of Massachusetts’ paid sick leave law for their flight and ground crewmembers. The ruling is a blow to thousands of workers who are denied the right to earn sick time and take care of their health and families.

The lawsuit was filed in 2018 by Airlines for America (A4A), a trade association that represents American Airlines, United, Southwest, JetBlue, and other carriers. A4A argued that the state law, which requires employers to provide one hour of sick leave for every 30 hours worked, up to 40 hours per year, was unconstitutional and preempted by federal law.

The judge agreed with A4A, saying that the law would impose an undue burden on interstate commerce and interfere with the airlines’ prices, routes, and services. The judge also said that the law would cause flight delays and cancellations and create a patchwork of different state sick leave requirements.

The ruling ignores the benefits of the law for workers and public health, especially during a pandemic. The law, which took effect in 2015, was passed by voters as a ballot initiative with overwhelming support. The law aims to protect workers from losing their jobs or wages when they are sick or need to care for a family member. The law also helps prevent the spread of illnesses and infections in workplaces and communities.

The ruling also disregards the evidence that paid sick leave laws do not harm businesses or the economy. According to a report by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, paid sick leave laws have not led to job losses, reduced hours, or lower wages in states and cities that have adopted them. On the contrary, paid sick leave laws have been associated with improved productivity, reduced turnover, and increased consumer spending.

The ruling is a victory for powerful corporations and industry lobbyists who put profits over people. A4A has been fighting against paid sick leave laws across the country, including in Washington state, where it filed a similar lawsuit in 2018. A4A has also opposed other measures that would benefit workers and passengers, such as increasing the minimum wage, enhancing safety standards, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The ruling in Massachusets is expected to weaken similar rulings in every state that has enacted them. 

The ruling is a setback for working people and their advocates, who have been fighting for fair and humane labor standards. The Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office, which defended the law in court, said it was disappointed with the decision and is considering its options. The office said it remains committed to protecting workers’ rights and enforcing the law.

The ruling is not final and could be appealed or overturned by Congress or the Supreme Court. In the meantime, airline workers in Massachusetts will continue to face uncertainty and hardship when they get sick or need to care for their loved ones.

The Judge Who Oversaw the Case

The judge who oversaw the case was U.S. District Judge Allison D. Burroughs. She was appointed by President Barack Obama in 2014 and confirmed by the Senate in 2015. She is one of only two women judges on the U.S. District Court that includes Massachusetts.

Judge Burroughs has a record of ruling against workers’ rights and in favor of corporate interests. In 2019, she dismissed a class action lawsuit by former employees of Dunkin’ Donuts who alleged that they were misclassified as independent contractors and denied overtime pay and other benefits. 

In contrast, Judge Burroughs has sided with big businesses in several cases involving antitrust claims, patent disputes, and trademark infringement. She has also granted injunctions to prevent state regulations from affecting corporate operations.

Judge Burroughs’ ruling in favor of A4A is consistent with her pro-business bias and her disregard for workers’ welfare. She ignored the testimony of experts who testified that paid sick leave laws do not cause significant disruptions or costs for airlines. She also failed to consider the impact of her ruling on public health and social justice.

Judge Burroughs’ ruling is an example of how corporate power seems to reliably influence judicial decisions and undermine democracy. It shows why workers need to organize and fight for their rights at every level of government.

The Impact of the Ruling on Working People in Massachusetts

The court ruling that exempts airline workers from Massachusetts’ paid sick leave law has serious consequences for working people in the state. The ruling deprives thousands of workers of a basic benefit that is essential for their well-being and economic security.

Paid sick leave is a vital protection for workers who face health challenges, either for themselves or their family members. Without paid sick leave, workers may have to choose between going to work while sick or staying home without pay, risking their health, income, and job security. This choice can have negative effects on workers’ physical and mental health, as well as their financial stability.

Paid sick leave also benefits public health and the economy. By allowing workers to stay home when sick, paid sick leave helps prevent the spread of contagious diseases, such as COVID-19, influenza, and other infections. This reduces the burden on the healthcare system and saves lives. According to various studies, paid sick leave also boosts worker productivity, reduces turnover, and increases consumer spending.

Despite these benefits, many workers in the U.S. lack access to paid sick leave, especially low-wage workers, women, people of color, and part-time workers. The U.S. is the only developed country that does not guarantee paid sick leave to all workers at the national level. While some states and cities have passed their own paid sick leave laws, these laws vary widely in terms of coverage, eligibility, and generosity.

Massachusetts’ paid sick leave law is one of the most progressive in the country. It covers nearly all workers in the state, regardless of employer size or industry. It allows workers to earn up to 40 hours of paid sick leave per year at their regular rate of pay. It also protects workers from retaliation or discrimination for using their sick time.

The court ruling that blocks the enforcement of this law for airline workers undermines the intent and purpose of the law. It creates a two-tier system of workers’ rights, where some workers have access to the states’ paid sick leave, and others do not. It also creates confusion and inconsistency for employers and employees who operate in multiple states with different laws.

The court ruling also sets a dangerous precedent for other industries that may seek to challenge state-paid sick leave laws on similar grounds. It opens the door for more lawsuits that could erode workers’ rights and benefits across the country.

The court ruling is a reminder that working people need stronger federal protections for paid sick leave. While some temporary measures were enacted during the pandemic, such as the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, they have since expired or been scaled back. A permanent national paid sick leave policy is needed to ensure that all workers have access to this essential benefit, regardless of where they work or what they do.

Working people deserve dignity and respect in their jobs. They deserve to be able to take care of themselves and their loved ones without fear of losing their livelihoods. They deserve paid sick leave.


Airline Worker Injuries on Rise

Airline Worker Injuries on Rise

As heatwaves plague the country, few places are hotter than Phoenix. Workers and city officials gathered at Phoenix Sky Harbor on Wednesday to share heat-related health and safety concerns. Sky Harbor Local Lodge 2559, which represents several hundred Machinists Union...

United Airlines’ Denver Hiring Spree Draws Hundreds from Guam

United Airlines’ Denver Hiring Spree Draws Hundreds from Guam

United Airlines officials announced today that 460 residents of Guam have relocated to Denver after accepting positions as ramp agents, following a 2-day job fair held on the island in January.United Airlines' Denver Hiring Spree Draws Hundreds from

Guam Delegate Challenges United’s ‘Absurd’ Prices

Guam Delegate Challenges United’s ‘Absurd’ Prices

Guam Delegate Challenges United’s ‘Absurd’ Prices

Guam Del. James Moylan is seeking more information on flights into and out of Guam, including the reasons behind “absurd” prices for United Airlines tickets in the aftermath of Typhoon Mawar. He has written two letters, one to United Airlines CEO and President John Kirby and the other to Guam International Airport Authority Executive Manager John Quinata.

In his letter to Kirby, Moylan took issue with current prices for flights to Guam, which he said ranged between $4,000 and $7,000. He questioned whether price gouging was occurring and stated that these fares warrant congressional intervention and review from the Guam Attorney General.

“I am writing this letter to express my concerns with the absurd costs for one to travel to and from Guam, especially as we face the aftermath of major natural disaster in Guam, which will surely impact our economic activity in an adverse manner over the coming weeks and months,” Moylan wrote in the letter to United.

He shared that in his search for a flight home, the lowest airfare he could get carried a price tag of more than $5,000. Moylan said the airfare cost to Guam after Typhoon Mawar was also the focus of intense Hawaii media coverage.

“In 2022, mainland flight would cost $2,500 to Guam and now those seats exceed $3,000. We need some answers because these types of fares will certainly warrant congressional intervention and review from the Guam Attorney General,” Moylan stated in the letter to Kirby.
Although the nonvoting delegate to the U.S. House of Representatives said he understood factors such as demand and supply impact airfare costs, he told United that the company needs “to show some compassion.”

United routes between Guam and the mainland are not subject to market forces. The carrier holds a monopoly on all flights connecting the island to the United States.

“Island residents should not be penalized with absurd costs to travel to and from Guam, which is exactly what’s taking place,” Moylan asserted in the letter. He asked Kirby to look at the airfare costs and work with him on a solution.

In his letter to Quinata, Moylan requested a status update on the airport facility and a definite date for inbound and outbound travel to resume. While GIAA announced the airport would be operational by the end of May, Moylan said he wanted to confirm that time frame with the head of the airport.

There have been “too many stories and theories circulating in the community” about when passenger flights will be back, the delegate wrote.

“While I understand that the scheduled date of May 31 as an opening was previously announced, our office would like to know if this is definite,” Moylan asked Quinata.

United Airlines, which enjoys a monopoly on direct flights from Guam to the mainland United States, has come under fire recently for its inflated ticket prices. In comparison to prices for similar distances, United’s Guam-mainland fares stand out as significantly higher. The problem has been exacerbated in the wake of the super typhoon that hit the island.

United Airlines ticket prices have shown no signs of decreasing. This has significant socio-economic implications for the residents of Guam, many of whom depend on these connections for commerce, family visits, and in times like these, recovery support. The call is out for United to voluntarily lower its fares or congressional intervention to prevent such monopolistic price gouging.

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Airline Worker Injuries on Rise

Airline Worker Injuries on Rise

As heatwaves plague the country, few places are hotter than Phoenix. Workers and city officials gathered at Phoenix Sky Harbor on Wednesday to share heat-related health and safety concerns. Sky Harbor Local Lodge 2559, which represents several hundred Machinists Union...

United Airlines’ Denver Hiring Spree Draws Hundreds from Guam

United Airlines’ Denver Hiring Spree Draws Hundreds from Guam

United Airlines officials announced today that 460 residents of Guam have relocated to Denver after accepting positions as ramp agents, following a 2-day job fair held on the island in January.United Airlines' Denver Hiring Spree Draws Hundreds from

Stay up to date with all the latest news and information from the Machinists Union

Guam Delegate Challenges United’s ‘Absurd’ Prices

June 2, 2023

Guam Del. James Moylan is seeking more information on flights into and out of Guam, including the reasons behind “absurd” prices for United Airlines tickets in the aftermath of Typhoon Mawar. He has written two letters, one to United Airlines CEO and President John Kirby and the other to Guam International Airport Authority Executive Manager John Quinata.

In his letter to Kirby, Moylan took issue with current prices for flights to Guam, which he said ranged between $4,000 and $7,000. He questioned whether price gouging was occurring and stated that these fares warrant congressional intervention and review from the Guam Attorney General.

“I am writing this letter to express my concerns with the absurd costs for one to travel to and from Guam, especially as we face the aftermath of major natural disaster in Guam, which will surely impact our economic activity in an adverse manner over the coming weeks and months,” Moylan wrote in the letter to United.

He shared that in his search for a flight home, the lowest airfare he could get carried a price tag of more than $5,000. Moylan said the airfare cost to Guam after Typhoon Mawar was also the focus of intense Hawaii media coverage.

“In 2022, mainland flight would cost $2,500 to Guam and now those seats exceed $3,000. We need some answers because these types of fares will certainly warrant congressional intervention and review from the Guam Attorney General,” Moylan stated in the letter to Kirby.
Although the nonvoting delegate to the U.S. House of Representatives said he understood factors such as demand and supply impact airfare costs, he told United that the company needs “to show some compassion.”

United routes between Guam and the mainland are not subject to market forces. The carrier holds a monopoly on all flights connecting the island to the United States.

“Island residents should not be penalized with absurd costs to travel to and from Guam, which is exactly what’s taking place,” Moylan asserted in the letter. He asked Kirby to look at the airfare costs and work with him on a solution.

In his letter to Quinata, Moylan requested a status update on the airport facility and a definite date for inbound and outbound travel to resume. While GIAA announced the airport would be operational by the end of May, Moylan said he wanted to confirm that time frame with the head of the airport.

There have been “too many stories and theories circulating in the community” about when passenger flights will be back, the delegate wrote.

“While I understand that the scheduled date of May 31 as an opening was previously announced, our office would like to know if this is definite,” Moylan asked Quinata.

United Airlines, which enjoys a monopoly on direct flights from Guam to the mainland United States, has come under fire recently for its inflated ticket prices. In comparison to prices for similar distances, United’s Guam-mainland fares stand out as significantly higher. The problem has been exacerbated in the wake of the super typhoon that hit the island.

United Airlines ticket prices have shown no signs of decreasing. This has significant socio-economic implications for the residents of Guam, many of whom depend on these connections for commerce, family visits, and in times like these, recovery support. The call is out for United to voluntarily lower its fares or congressional intervention to prevent such monopolistic price gouging.


Airline Worker Injuries on Rise

Airline Worker Injuries on Rise

As heatwaves plague the country, few places are hotter than Phoenix. Workers and city officials gathered at Phoenix Sky Harbor on Wednesday to share heat-related health and safety concerns. Sky Harbor Local Lodge 2559, which represents several hundred Machinists Union...

United Airlines’ Denver Hiring Spree Draws Hundreds from Guam

United Airlines’ Denver Hiring Spree Draws Hundreds from Guam

United Airlines officials announced today that 460 residents of Guam have relocated to Denver after accepting positions as ramp agents, following a 2-day job fair held on the island in January.United Airlines' Denver Hiring Spree Draws Hundreds from

Standing Strong: Guam’s Resilience in the Aftermath of Super Typhoon Mawar

Standing Strong: Guam’s Resilience in the Aftermath of Super Typhoon Mawar

Standing Strong: Guam’s Resilience in the Aftermath of Super Typhoon Mawar

Amid the extensive damage caused by Super Typhoon Mawar, the District Vice President of the Machinists Union in Guam, is encouraging residents to seek help from the Machinists Union Disaster Relief Fund.

Vice President Sharon Sugiyama said the fund offers immediate support to union members and their families following natural disasters. Sugiyama has committed to helping affected Union Members find and complete the paperwork to apply for assistance.

Sugiyama underscored the high need for assistance among the approximately 800 United employees on the island, some of whom had suffered damage to homes, and many others prevented from working due to the storm.

“Right now, there’s an urgent need for things like gas and water, and especially electricity,” she said of the damage left in the wake of the storm. “Lines for gas are unbelievable,” she continued, adding that cars are waiting hours in lines more than four miles long. “We’re missing things like ice and water,” she added.

Established to provide swift assistance in instances of natural disasters, the IAM Disaster Relief Fund has been a lifeline for its members and their families in times of need. It assists those impacted by natural disasters, often before other sources of aid can react.

The Disaster Relief assistance program is funded by direct, voluntary contributions from Machinists Union Members.

The Pacific Island of Guam, a U.S. territory, is undergoing an extensive cleanup following last week’s devastation caused by Typhoon Mawar. When the Typhoon made landfall, its projected continuous winds of 140 mph led to the destruction of homes, upended vehicles, and caused the demolition of wind sensors at the airport, which recorded a gust of 105 mph. The breadth of the damage is such that only aerial images can genuinely illustrate the vast extent of the destruction.

The Governor of Guam, Lou Leon Guerrero, said in a social media post that the island had endured “an alarming ordeal unmatched in over twenty years.”

In the Western Pacific, typhoons are tropical cyclones with intensity equivalent to hurricanes.

Nearly 98% of Guam experienced a power outage during the Typhoon. The governor told news agencies it took almost two days for the Guam Power Authority to fully restore power to the Guam Memorial Hospital. Workforces are operating on round-the-clock shifts to reestablish electricity throughout the island.

A National Weather Service meteorologist provided a disturbing description of the aftermath in a Facebook video update after the storm’s departure, saying, “As we observe from our doors, what once was a lush jungle now resembles a forest of splintered wood.”

Guam serves as an essential base for U.S. forces in the Pacific, with approximately 6,800 service members stationed on the island. In response to the storm, military officials executed evacuation procedures for personnel, dependents, and employees, dispatched ships to safer waters, and either relocated aircraft off the island or secured them in protective hangars.

United Airlines, a significant employer on the island, has approximately 800 employees in Guam and many hundreds more across national airports who hail from the North Pacific Island.

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Standing Strong: Guam’s Resilience in the Aftermath of Super Typhoon Mawar

June 1, 2023

Amid the extensive damage caused by Super Typhoon Mawar, the District Vice President of the Machinists Union in Guam, is encouraging residents to seek help from the Machinists Union Disaster Relief Fund.

Vice President Sharon Sugiyama said the fund offers immediate support to union members and their families following natural disasters. Sugiyama has committed to helping affected Union Members find and complete the paperwork to apply for assistance.

Sugiyama underscored the high need for assistance among the approximately 800 United employees on the island, some of whom had suffered damage to homes, and many others prevented from working due to the storm.

“Right now, there’s an urgent need for things like gas and water, and especially electricity,” she said of the damage left in the wake of the storm. “Lines for gas are unbelievable,” she continued, adding that cars are waiting hours in lines more than four miles long. “We’re missing things like ice and water,” she added.

Established to provide swift assistance in instances of natural disasters, the IAM Disaster Relief Fund has been a lifeline for its members and their families in times of need. It assists those impacted by natural disasters, often before other sources of aid can react.

The Disaster Relief assistance program is funded by direct, voluntary contributions from Machinists Union Members.

The Pacific Island of Guam, a U.S. territory, is undergoing an extensive cleanup following last week’s devastation caused by Typhoon Mawar. When the Typhoon made landfall, its projected continuous winds of 140 mph led to the destruction of homes, upended vehicles, and caused the demolition of wind sensors at the airport, which recorded a gust of 105 mph. The breadth of the damage is such that only aerial images can genuinely illustrate the vast extent of the destruction.

The Governor of Guam, Lou Leon Guerrero, said in a social media post that the island had endured “an alarming ordeal unmatched in over twenty years.”

In the Western Pacific, typhoons are tropical cyclones with intensity equivalent to hurricanes.

Nearly 98% of Guam experienced a power outage during the Typhoon. The governor told news agencies it took almost two days for the Guam Power Authority to fully restore power to the Guam Memorial Hospital. Workforces are operating on round-the-clock shifts to reestablish electricity throughout the island.

A National Weather Service meteorologist provided a disturbing description of the aftermath in a Facebook video update after the storm’s departure, saying, “As we observe from our doors, what once was a lush jungle now resembles a forest of splintered wood.”

Guam serves as an essential base for U.S. forces in the Pacific, with approximately 6,800 service members stationed on the island. In response to the storm, military officials executed evacuation procedures for personnel, dependents, and employees, dispatched ships to safer waters, and either relocated aircraft off the island or secured them in protective hangars.

United Airlines, a significant employer on the island, has approximately 800 employees in Guam and many hundreds more across national airports who hail from the North Pacific Island.


Airline Worker Injuries on Rise

Airline Worker Injuries on Rise

As heatwaves plague the country, few places are hotter than Phoenix. Workers and city officials gathered at Phoenix Sky Harbor on Wednesday to share heat-related health and safety concerns. Sky Harbor Local Lodge 2559, which represents several hundred Machinists Union...

United Airlines’ Denver Hiring Spree Draws Hundreds from Guam

United Airlines’ Denver Hiring Spree Draws Hundreds from Guam

United Airlines officials announced today that 460 residents of Guam have relocated to Denver after accepting positions as ramp agents, following a 2-day job fair held on the island in January.United Airlines' Denver Hiring Spree Draws Hundreds from