This is why we're Fighting

  IAMAW District 141


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Contact Information

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Democracy in Action

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District 141 Events

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Union Forms Library

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141 Member Spotlight: Community Service in Action

141 Member Spotlight: Community Service in Action

This edition of the 141 Member Spotlight features three of our District 141 Community Service leaders so we can learn about some of the important work they are doing. The video features Noelle Sakamoto from Local Lodge 1781 in Burlingame, California, Debbie Inverno...

Chris Lusk Named District 141 Vice President, West

Chris Lusk Named District 141 Vice President, West

Chris Lusk, (shown here with daughter Shayla) is a District 141 Educator and Vice President of Local Lodge 1781. He has been named District 141 Vice President, West, by a unanimous vote of the district’s Executive Board. He previously served as a District Auditor. ...

Video Report: Tony Rodriguez is the UA EAP Chairman

Video Report: Tony Rodriguez is the UA EAP Chairman

This week on the 141 Report, we travel via zoom to Denver, Colorado for a conversation with the new District 141 United Airlines Employees Assistance Program Chairperson, Tony Rodriguez. Brother Tony takes over the position from Kathy Furgeson, who has retired.  The...

Machinist History: The Founding of the IAM Civil Rights Program

Machinist History: The Founding of the IAM Civil Rights Program

IAM Family at the District 5 Labor Day outing Thirteen years after President Lyndon Johnson signed the landmark Civil Rights Act, IAM delegates made history at the 1976 Grand Lodge Convention in Hollywood, FL by voting for the creation of a union-wide civil rights...

United Airlines to Reduce Emissions by 100%

United Airlines to Reduce Emissions by 100%

[supsystic-social-sharing id='3']United Airlines announced a plan to reduce the carrier's greenhouse gas emissions by 100% by 2050. In a statement released earlier this week, CEO Scott Kirby said that the program would combine several strategies to reduce the...

Here’s How to Find a Vaccine Near You

Here’s How to Find a Vaccine Near You

The pandemic has nearly destroyed the commercial aviation industry. Many airlines did not survive. Let's kill this virus once and for all. Wear masks. Keep a safe distance from others. Avoid crowds. And, get vaccinated. Help others get vaccinated. Do your part in...


IAMAW District 141 Newsletter