This is why we're Fighting

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Contact Information

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Democracy in Action

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District 141 Events

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Union Forms Library

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20 Years Later, the IAMAW Remembers 9/11

20 Years Later, the IAMAW Remembers 9/11

IAM members, like so many, has a close connection to the tragedy of 9/11. Twenty years later, we remember and reflect.   Recounted by IAMAW District 141 Legislative Director, David Roderick. During the September 11 attacks in 2001, 2,977 people were killed, 19...

Labor Day a Time of Celebration, Remembrance

Labor Day a Time of Celebration, Remembrance

This week, unions and working people around the nation celebrated Labor Day with outdoor cooking, gatherings, and some old-fashioned politicking. It was also a time of reflection, as the date also marks the 20th Anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.  This week,...

Garcia-Keim Appointed Education Representative at Winpisinger Center

Garcia-Keim Appointed Education Representative at Winpisinger Center

[supsystic-social-sharing id='3']IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. has appointed Ines Garcia-Keim from District 141 as Education Representative at the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center in Hollywood, MD, effective September 1, 2021....

VIDEO: Passenger Screams at Flight Crews, Chews Mask, Gets Arrested

VIDEO: Passenger Screams at Flight Crews, Chews Mask, Gets Arrested

[supsystic-social-sharing id='3']The meltdown tantrum adds to a year of record levels of violent attacks on airline workers. 61-year-old Timothy Armstrong was arrested and released with a citation for public intoxication and disorderly conduct.(Play Video on Tik Tok)...

Most Employers Plan to Require Vaccinations

Most Employers Plan to Require Vaccinations

[supsystic-social-sharing id='3']A majority of US companies are planning to require employee vaccinations within the next four months, according to a survey of nearly 1000 employers. So far, about 22% of employers in the US have some form of vaccine requirement...

Disaster Assistance Resources

Disaster Assistance Resources

Disaster Assistance Resources AvailableAround the nation, our IAMAW Sisters and Brothers are dealing with several historic natural disasters simultaneously. Over a million residents are without electricity, access to clean water, and basic supplies on the Gulf Coast....


IAMAW District 141 Newsletter