Association to Parker/ Get Back to the Table

Association to Parker/ Get Back to the Table

[gdlr_video url="" ]   TWU-IAM Association demands that Doug Parker and American Airlines get back to the negotiating table and finish joint contract bargaining for 30,000 workers at American...

NMB Calls for Status Meeting

NMB Calls for Status Meeting

[gdlr_stunning_text background_color="#f3f3f3" button="Download PDF" button_link="" button_background="#184ab9" button_text_color="#ffffff" button_border_color="#0d2a6b" title="NMB Calls for...

Hawaiian Airlines – Call for Contract Proposals

Hawaiian Airlines – Call for Contract Proposals

Sisters and Brothers: We will begin negotiations with Hawaiian Airlines in January 2020. The first step is for the members to submit proposals for changes to our collective bargaining agreement. Submitting contract proposals is open to ALL Hawaiian Airlines IAM...

Don’t Be Greedy: Buddy Passes are Not a Side Hustle

Don’t Be Greedy: Buddy Passes are Not a Side Hustle

As airline employees, one of the best perks of our jobs is the ability to fly everywhere for free or cheap. If we mention the type of work we do in a casual conversation, it will surely prompt an enthusiastic response, even from complete strangers. A popular t-shirt...

Association Update

Association Update

[gdlr_stunning_text background_color="#f3f3f3" button="Download PDF" button_link="" button_background="#184ab9" button_text_color="#ffffff" button_border_color="#0d2a6b" title="Association...

IAM141 Airmail: Summer 2019

IAM141 Airmail: Summer 2019

[gdlr_stunning_text background_color="#f3f3f3" button="Download PDF" button_link="" button_background="#184ab9" button_text_color="#ffffff" button_border_color="#0d2a6b" title="IAM141...

Helping Hands July: Parenting

Helping Hands July: Parenting

This month's focus is on parenting. There are many parenting tips in the "Toolbox for Parents" There are also "steps to creating effective rules and consequences". Rules and consequences can also be thought of as boundaries, which could apply to adult relationships....

On the Cutting Edge: Spotlighting Front-Line Union Communications

On the Cutting Edge: Spotlighting Front-Line Union Communications

The world’s largest aerospace and transportation union is redefining the way unions communicate. Machinists Union International President Robert Martinez, Jr. proudly showcased the work that union communicators are doing to advance the cause of workers’ rights last...