IAM members at Spirit beat the heat with lump sum payments

IAM members at Spirit beat the heat with lump sum payments

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IAM members at Spirit beat the heat with lump-sum payments


Brothers and Sisters, 

District 141 members at Spirit Airlines will receive a bonus paycheck after we signed a Letter of Agreement with the carrier this week. The lump-sum payment will go to 305 fleet service members working at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport. The payments will be based on members’ seniority to give the company temporary relief of Article 3.E and 3.I until September 8, 2021. 

District Lodge 141 takes the protection of scope language very seriously. However, Spirit, like many carriers, has had a tough time ratcheting up their manpower to meet flight demand as we come out of the pandemic. 

We believe workers deserve a fair balance between life and their jobs. Members expressed concerns about working too much overtime that could lead to fatigue and errors which often cause accidents and injuries. 

Congratulations and thanks go to Assistant General Chairman Tony Gibson for his efforts in getting this deal done. I’d also like to commend Spirit Airlines for recognizing the fleet service workers had reached maximum working limits. This Letter of Agreement brings relief to both sides.

Payments will be as follows, payable to eligible employees in September 2021. 

Years of Service / Payment

0 / $1,120
1 / $1,270
2 / $1,470
3 / $1,670
4 / $1,870
5 / $2,120
6 / $2,370
7 / $2,620
8 / $2,870
9 / $3,120
10+ / $3,370

In Unity, 

Mike Klemm
President and Directing General Chair,
IAMAW District 141

United Adds Nearly 150 New Flights to Winter Schedule

United Adds Nearly 150 New Flights to Winter Schedule

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United Adds Nearly 150 New Flights to Winter Schedule

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United Airlines, the largest employer of Machinists and Aerospace Union Members in District 141, is adding nearly 150 flights to its winter schedule. 

As demand for travel continues to build, United Airlines is expecting the resurgence to continue for winter holiday travel and is planning ahead by increasing service to cities in the U.S., Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central America. The airline will add nearly 150 flights to warm-weather destinations across the U.S and is increasing service to Latin beach and leisure markets by 30% compared to 2019. The airline will fly 137 more flights than it did in 2019 to places like Florida, California, Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada starting this November through next March.

Mike Klemm, the District President for the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, praised the decision for its potential to increase job opportunities for union members, but cautioned that the airline needs to urgently address current staffing shortages. “We’re very happy to hear news about this new growth at United,” he said. “This means more jobs for our members, and that’s a good thing. At the same time, a lot of our members are worried that adding new flights might make staffing shortages worse,” he said. He pointed out that the new flights would begin operating in the winter, after the airline has had time to attract more new hires. Klemm also underscored the work that was going on to improve staffing, saying that union leadership had a solid commitment from United to hire additional workers faster.

“We’re working with United to develop incentive programs to attract more new hires to the airline right now,” he continued. Klemm was optimistic that more incentive programs would help to alleviate staffing shortages well before the new flights would begin.

In June, United announced plans to hire an additional 25,000 new employees over the next ten years. Additionally, the airline has committed to purchase nearly 500 new Boeing aircraft, built primarily by IAMAW Members in the Western Territory. After losing $7 million last year, CEO Scot Kirby announced separately that he expects the company to show a pre-tax earnings profit in July 2021.

“Celebrating the holidays with family and loved ones in 2020 was a challenge, and we know our customers are already eager to plan winter vacations and gatherings in person this year to make up for time that they lost,” said Ankit Gupta, vice president of network planning at United. “As pandemic restrictions ease, people are becoming more confident in planning travel further in advance, so we want to make sure to offer our customers as much choice as possible.”

The influx of returning customers, aircraft purchases, and new flights is good news for union members, who are preparing to update the historic agreement between United and the Machinists and Aerospace Union members employed at the airline.

Photo Credit: United Airlines

Machinists Union Member Meets President Biden

Machinists Union Member Meets President Biden

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Machinists Union Member Meets President Biden

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IAM District Lodge 66 member Mike Davis recently got the chance of a lifetime to meet President Biden. After the president gave a speech pushing his $1 trillion infrastructure plan at the La Crosse Municipal Transit Utility in Wisconsin, Davis was one of a select few union leaders chosen to meet the president backstage.

“This is the first time I have ever met any president so the whole experience was very exciting to see and take in,” said Davis, a Local 1115 member who works at Crown Cork and Seal and is also President of the Western Wisconsin AFL-CIO. “I was able to be backstage and up close to the president so it made for an even more thrilling day. I couldn’t have been more proud to represent the IAM and our local unions.” 

“Mike was a very deserving member to be selected with the honor of representing the IAM at President Biden’s visit to La Crosse,” said IAM District 66 Directing Business Representative Jana Kirch. “He is not only a respected leader in our union, but also fights for the rights of all workers in Wisconsin.”

President Biden told Wisconsinites the proposed infrastructure plan will create millions of good paying jobs. The president was joined by U.S. Rep. Ron Kind (D-WI), U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Gov. Tony Evers (D) in talking about the ways the package would also improve Wisconsin infrastructure.

“It’s refreshing to see and experience a White House now focused on unions and working Americans,” said IAM Midwest Territory General Vice President Steve Galloway. “In just his first 150 days, President Biden and his administration have already spearheaded a number of legislative actions, appointments and bills the Machinists Union have been fighting for, for so many years.”

“President Biden thanked me for all our union has done and said he truly appreciated our support,” added Davis. “It’s a moment I will cherish, honor and never forget.”

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141 Report: Daryl Current, Taking Care of Business and People

141 Report: Daryl Current, Taking Care of Business and People

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After laboring through four airline mergers and doing his fair share of moving around to keep his airline job over 37 years, Daryl Current has a deep appreciation for what a good union contract can do for workers. 

141 Report: Daryl Current, Taking Care of Business and People

141 Report host Dave Lehive catches up with his former coworker Daryl Current, the Grievance Committee Chair at Victory Local Lodge 1725 in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Dave and Daryl reminisce about their days working together in Newark, New Jersey before Daryl settled in Charlotte in 2006. He was a Shop Steward when District 141 AGCs encouraged him to run for a position in the Grievance Committee in 2015. He has served as Committee Chair since 2017.

As a leader in one of the largest locals in District 141, Daryl Current wants to make sure the 1,8000 members of Victory Lodge 1725 have easy access to their union representatives. For this reason, he and fellow Committee Reps John Wilkinson, Mike Noble, and Lou Gilmore keep staggered hours in their office at the airport. “Our door is always open,” says Daryl, stating how there is a Committee Rep available to members, in person, for 15 hours a day, on average.

Daryl makes sure union stewards receive training and support to help them perform at their best, often taking on training responsibilities “in-house.” He also finds the skills he learned in EAP training helpful to recognize cases when members need help beyond the bounds of the union contract.

Communication at every level is a key element of effective representation, and Daryl works to maintain open channels with district representatives and committee reps in many cities. He mentions the close relationship CLT reps have with their counterparts in Phoenix, which was profiled in a 141 Report when they hosted them at the airport to exchange ideas and best practices on the field.

Maintaining these relationships helps union representatives know well the issues that are important to every member, and are the best way to build solidarity and power.

Two Machinists Union Members Graduate Thanks to IAM-SUNY Empire State College Partnership

Two Machinists Union Members Graduate Thanks to IAM-SUNY Empire State College Partnership

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Two Machinists Union Members Graduate Thanks to IAM-SUNY Empire State College Partnership

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Two Machinists Union members have successfully completed the bachelor’s degree program in Labor Studies through the IAM’s partnership with the State University of New York’s Empire State College (ESC).

Many thanks to the Machinists & Aerospace journalists at GOIAM.org who wrote and originally published this story. 

Since 2014, the IAM has partnered with ESC to offer associates and bachelor’s degrees in labor studies through the Harry Van Arsdale Jr. Center for Labor Studies in New York City. The partnership also offers a master’s degree in work and labor policy. Degree programs are conducted online, with week-long residencies that occur once a semester at the IAM’s William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center in Hollywood, MD.

Midwest Territory Grand Lodge Representative Rick Mickschl graduated summa cum laude with a bachelor of science in labor studies, and Matthew Hanson, a Seattle IAM Local 289 member, graduated summa cum laude with a bachelor of arts in labor studies.

“Congratulations to Grand Lodge Representative Rick Mickschl,” said IAM Midwest Territory General Vice President Steve Galloway. “Educating our staff, officers, members and activists is the IAM’s top priority. We are proud of all this year’s graduates.”

“Congratulations to our graduates,” said IAM Western Territory General Vice President Gary R. Allen. “As union leaders, it is our calling to continue to grow and learn to enhance our union and our communities.”

“This program makes higher education possible for working families,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “Equipping activists and leaders with tools and knowledge is one of the ways we strengthen the IAM for the future. My sincere thanks and congratulations go to Brothers Mickschl and Hanson for their hard work and dedication in serving our members and the IAM.” 

“This is truly a great day for these two members and the IAM-ESC partnership,” said Douglas Williams, IAM-ESC Partnership Coordinator. “I have watched Rick and Matthew dedicate themselves to their studies with the same diligence that they have applied to their union work, and I could not be prouder that they have completed this program with the highest distinction.” 

If you are an IAM member, retiree or relative, you can go to college, free of charge, and you can learn more about the program here. You can also reach out to Douglas Williams, IAM-ESC Partnership Coordinator, at dwilliams@iamaw.org.

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Machinists Strength on Display for Transportation Workers

Machinists Strength on Display for Transportation Workers

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Machinists Strength on Display for Transportation Workers

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Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, our lives as a country and a union have adjusted on the fly to a new way of living. Each day seems to bring a new experience as we’ve grown accustomed to having the unpredictable be the norm.

Many thanks to the Machinists & Aerospace journalists at GOIAM.org who wrote and originally published this story. 

The one constant in our lives is the support Machinists have given fellow Machinists.

The IAM membership and our Political and Legislative Department immediately responded to the unprecedented global economic collapse and societal constraints by engaging in an intense lobbying effort to lead the labor movement’s quest to have the airline Payroll Support Program (PSP) included in the CARES Act.

Machinists from every territory and job classification banded together and made tens of thousands of calls and wrote thousands of letters to their Senators and Representatives, imploring them to provide relief for America’s frontline workers. Through this collective effort, the Machinists were able to have the Payroll Support Program (PSP) included in the CARES Act.

Airline employees continued to work and receive salaries and benefits along with the condition that collective bargaining agreements would be honored and carriers would not be allowed to invoke involuntary furloughs.

“I was thrilled with the passing of PSP,” said Southwest Airlines Customer Service Representative Judy Leckie. “After being with Southwest Airlines for 33 years and so close to retirement, I was devastated when I received my warning letter. Because of all the lobbying my Brothers and Sisters at the IAM did, I never missed a day of work. I am grateful to be a part of a union with members who always fight for each other.”

While many members with decades of service, like Leckie, were emotionally affected by the uncertainty of possibly not being able to retire on their own terms, there was also another group who were just beginning their careers who were in a more tenuous predicament during the outbreak of the pandemic.

“As someone newly hired by American Airlines as the pandemic took full effect last year, I have a slightly different story than most of the senior IAM members,” said Charlotte Local Lodge 1725 Fleet Service worker Nathaniel Fink. “For starters, I was in training doing the usual 40-hour per week class, and being on probation, I was uncertain if the company would terminate me and the rest of the class. That’s when I realized how important it was to be a member of the IAM.

“Our union and my reps fought around the clock to ensure that we would not be laid off and continue working part-time, added Fink. “They even worked with the company to adjust our schedules so we could work our allotted 15 hours per week over three days instead of working three hours a day over five days. This helped me a lot with my travel.”

Rail employees were granted a waiver of waiting periods for benefits and enhanced unemployment benefits under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act.

More Lobbying Work Needed

While securing the PSP granted much-needed economic relief for airline and rail employees through September 2020, another round of stimulus relief was needed when our air and rail sectors didn’t rebound before the CARES Act expired.

Machinists again were at the forefront of the fight on Capitol Hill. We responded and after weeks of intense lobbying, secured a clean extension of the critical PSP through March 31, 2021. 

This clean extension again prohibited any airline accepting additional PSP funds from involuntarily furloughing employees for the duration of the program. It also required participating airlines to recall the tens of thousands of airline employees furloughed following the expiration of the original PSP program on September 30, 2020.

“Without my IAM Brothers and Sisters fighting relentlessly for each other and the Legislative team’s work on Capitol Hill, my family and I would have exhausted most of our savings while I waited to be recalled,” said Local Lodge 2559 American Airlines Mechanic Chuck Cox. “I, like many others in my position, were able to overcome and limit any hardships because the IAM has an army of Machinists willing to battle for one another and iron-clad contacts that protect us in good and bad times.”

The legislation mandated an extension and enhancement of unemployment benefits for railroad employees, plus an extension of waiver of the 7-day waiting period. Amtrak was also restricted from furloughing additional employees. The passenger rail carrier is also required to recall workers to their former position when rail service is restored and prevents Amtrak from contracting out the work of furloughed employees.

 In March, Congress passed the American Rescue Plan Act, a $1.9 trillion bill which provided $14 billion in additional aid to the airline industry, including an extension of the Payroll Support Program (PSP). The PSP, extended for a second time since the initial passage of the CARES Act in late March 2020, mandated that as a condition of accepting tax payer funded aid, air carriers will not be permitted to lay off any workers through September 30, 2021.

“Over the last year, I had a lot of anxiety from receiving warning letters and, obviously, about my job security,” said Fink. “But through it all, I had my union fighting for me and everyone else at the IAM. I couldn’t be more appreciative of Shop Steward Allen Drennen and District Lodge 141 for everything they did for me.”

The Act also provides $30.5 billion in emergency aid for the passenger rail and transit sectors. Amtrak received $1.7 billion and is required to recall laid-off workers. The emergency funds will be distributed across the country and act as a lifeline for essential workers in the rail and transit sectors.

“Thanks to the efforts of IAM members and our Legislative team, we have led the fight on Capitol Hill from the beginning and made sure that the Machinists’ family will always look out for the welfare of one another,” added Chuck Cox.

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