EAP Peer Volunteers: February is the month to focus on relationships. A definition of relationship is included as well as how to enhance relationships, how to keep a healthy relationships and how to handle conflict in a relationship. Communication is of...

141 Report: Inspiration from Black History
141 Report: Inspiration From Black History
18 February 2022
This week on the 141 Report, we have two Machinist Union Brothers, Justin Wadlington from Philadelphia, PA, and Mike Knoble from Charlotte, NC, to discuss the importance of understanding Black History. We hear how important Brother Justin’s IAM union contract supports his love for art and the Local 1776 Brothers and Sisters who support his passion in Philly.
Brother Mike Knobel speaks about how he rose through the ranks in Charlotte, culminating in his becoming a Grievance Committee Chair. Brother Mike talks about the many friends and family who guided and encouraged him along the way. Mike also speaks about Labor History and Black History, which give him the determination to help the 1800 members he represents.
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