Machinists Unions Applauds Passage of Inflation Reduction Act

Machinists Unions Applauds Passage of Inflation Reduction Act

Machinists Unions Applauds Passage of Inflation Reduction Act

16 August 2022

The Inflation Reduction Act will lower costs for families, combat the climate crisis, reduce the deficit, and finally ask the largest corporations to pay their fair share. This historic legislative achievement deals a blow to special interests, delivers for American families, and grows the economy from the bottom up and middle out.

In response to the earlier Senate passage of this critical legislation, Robert Martinez, Jr, International President of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers released the following statement.

“The Machinists Unions applauds the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 by the U.S. Senate. Our union considers this legislation, which now moves to the House, critical to helping fight inflation, lower costs for America’s working families, and create millions of good-paying manufacturing and construction jobs in the clean energy sector. Our nation has a clear path to a clean energy future while ensuring fairness in our tax code by making the extremely wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share of taxes.  

“The Inflation Reduction Act adds fairness to our tax code by ensuring that the extremely wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share of taxes while making historic investments in clean energy manufacturing, production, and deployment. Workers will benefit from the bill’s tax credits, including labor protections that strengthen and enforce prevailing wage requirements, apprenticeship programs and Buy American domestic content standards, ensuring these investments will create high-quality jobs here at home. 

“The healthcare provisions included in this legislation will cap seniors’ out-of-pocket spending on prescription drugs and reduce health insurance premiums for millions across the country.

“The IAM will push to ensure that this bill that creates high-quality jobs and increases domestic manufacturing passes the House.”

White House Sends Message of Unity to IAMAW 141

White House Sends Message of Unity to IAMAW 141

[supsystic-social-sharing id='3']The letter, addressed to IAMAW District 141 Communications Coordinator Dave Lehive, is a welcome reminder that the American worker is once again an important part of public policy. It joins several other outreach efforts that the Biden...

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August Helping Hands: Wellness

August Helping Hands: Wellness

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August Helping Hands: Wellness

IAM EAP Peer Volunteers:

     I hope everyone is surviving the crippling heat of the past few weeks! The weather does drive a lot of behavior! Hot weather usually leads to more conflict between people – including while at work. Thank you for being there to help your co-workers when they need your help! 
     This month we address wellness – there are many types of wellness. Physical, emotional (which we address directly on page 2), social, financial, environmental and spiritual wellness are all important areas of focus. Wellness is defined and emotional wellness is addressed this month. 

     Please remember to take good care of yourselves – to be able to take good care of others. Thank you for all you are doing! 



Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.
EAP Director

Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.
EAP Director
Cell: 303-229-5117

District 141 EAP Expands American Airlines Services With Two New Appointments

District 141 EAP Expands American Airlines Services With Two New Appointments

District 141 EAP Expands American Airlines Services With Two New Appointments

District 141 of the Machinists Union is expanding its Employee Assistance Program with two new regional appointments. Effective August 1, Kendall Tuckett and Maria Davis have accepted positions as Regional EAP Coordinators for Union Members at American Airlines.

“These are two of the most talented and experienced advocates in our system,” said American-side EAP Chairman Chris Davis. “They both have long standing reputations as patient listeners and have provided a strong voice for those around them who might need someone in their corner,” he said. “Nobody is perfect all the time,” he continued, “and sometimes things aren’t ok. Kendall and Maria have proven to me that they can be there when it counts.”

“The EAP isn’t just there to help people deal with drug and alcohol issues,” he explained, pointing out that the EAP is set up to help connect union members to a wide range of professional services. The experience Kendall Tuckett and Maria Davis have developed over the years in dealing with the full range of challenges members may face helped guide his decision to recommend them for regional coordinators for the East and West Coast Employee Assistance Program. “We’re here to try and change lives,” he said. 

Maria Davis is no stranger to advocacy work. Before being named East Coast Regional EAP Coordinator, she served as EAP Representative at American Airlines for her home Local, Liberty Lodge 1776 in Philadelphia. There, she honed her skills as a kind and patient advocate, helping her fellow union members as they dealt with mental health issues, substance dependency, and other personal crises that affected their ability to earn a living for their families. 

Her commitment to service has driven her from the start, leading her to become a Union Steward in her first year as a ramp worker at US Airways (later American Airlines), a position she took up in 2005.

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2019 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Winners

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By 2007, she had begun working as an educator, able to patiently guide coworkers through FAA-mandated online trainings. That same year, she expanded her work to include safety activism. By 2017, she had been elected to the position of Recording Secretary and served on the Grievance Committee of Liberty Lodge.

“There is no greater feeling than knowing that you can be relied on and make a difference in someone else’s life,” Davis said. “Not everyone knows what or which direction to turn, and that’s ok. All of us can need a little help, and I’m honored to be trusted with this responsibility.”


Kendall Tuckett has used her skills as a “people person” to offer friendly, supportive assistance to those who come to her for help, dating back to the late nineties when she worked at Southwest Airlines. In 2005, she carried these skills to America West Airlines (later American Airlines) when she was hired as a fleet service worker.

Naturally fearless, Tuckett did not hesitate to step up when she determined there was a need for more EAP assets at her Local Lodge. Well known as an energetic and professional Local, Sky Harbor Lodge 2559 in Phoenix, Arizona, immediately found a way for her to get involved; by becoming an EAP Representative herself. “When I first heard about the EAP program, we did not have an active Volunteer,” Tuckett said. “I decided to get involved and help the members.” 

She began helping connect members of Sky Harbor Lodge with referrals, explaining how to obtain treatment options, and quickly built a reputation as a compassionate listener and a reliable advocate. “A lot of people just needed someone to hear them,” she said. “I enjoy being helpful,” she said, “and cheering people on as they return to work and recovery.”

Davis and Tuckett were recommended for the Regional positions by American-side EAP Chairman Chris Davis. The Programs District Director, Bryan Hutchinson, forwarded the recommendation to District 141 President Mike Klemm, who made the appointments official as of August 1. 

“These new Regional Coordinators have been a powerful voice for those in need for years,” Klemm said. “I’m honored to have the opportunity to appoint them to these positions, where I know they will add incredible value to Bryan’s team of EAP Representatives.” 



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At United, Greed Leads the Way

At United, Greed Leads the Way

At United, Greed Leads the Way

9 August 2022

As you are aware, we did not reach an expedited agreement on a new contract with United management by our self-imposed deadline of August 1, 2022. In the July 18, 2022 negotiations update, I stated that “unless United management changes course, reworks its current proposals, and offers IAM members at United a fair contract that recognizes our value to our airline, it is highly unlikely that we can reach an agreement in the expedited process.”

During the week of July 25, 2022, your Negotiations Committee met and discussed the path forward. After that, our Assistant General Chairpersons fanned out across the system to conduct station visits and update the membership on negotiations. That same week, United management gave us a modified proposal. That proposal was as insulting as their initial “comprehensive framework. Which, as I stated previously, would provide less job security than we have today and wage rates that were wholly unacceptable based on IAM members’ surveys and priorities.

Today, the IAM 141 Negotiations Committee forwarded to United management a set of very fair proposals that, if agreed to, would recognize the value of IAM members to United Airlines’ success. Remember, the Company just recorded record revenue in the second quarter and a return to robust profitability. Once we receive their response, we will report back to you.

Given the Company’s dismissive attitude and outright refusal to accept the new realities in the airline industry regarding wages, job security, scope of work, and other critical issues, I am pessimistic that an agreement can be reached anytime soon.

Because of the dedication, sacrifice, and professionalism of the women and men of United Airlines, our airline produced record revenue for the second quarter and a massive profit of over $300 million. Yet, United management simply says no when it comes to providing us reasonable job security that currently exists at other carriers and wage rates befitting the new airline industry realities. I want to thank our front-line members for their solidarity actions around the nation. Your continued support is absolutely necessary for the success of this effort.

It appears at Scott Kirby’s United, Greed Leads the Way.

Your Negotiating Committee

Olu Ajetomobi
Joe Bartz
Victor Hernandez
Barb Martin
Andrea’ Myers
Terry Stansbury
Faysal Silwany
Erik Stenberg
Sue Weisner

Mike Klemm

President and Directing General Chair,

IAMAW District 141

Recording Secretaries: Please print and post on all Union Bulletin Boards.

The JetBlue / Spirit Merger and the Threat to Job Security

The JetBlue / Spirit Merger and the Threat to Job Security

The JetBlue-Spirit Merger and the Risk to Job Security

9 August 2022

The JetBlue and Spirit merger presents a significant risk to the job security of those workers who do not have contractual employment protections. Why?

“Asset divestitures can smooth the way to antitrust approval.We have a path to close this deal,”
-CEO Robin Hayes

The JetBlue-Spirit merger will have to receive approval from the federal government to be finalized. With airfares soaring and countless operational problems, it is expected that the Biden Administration will be VERY apprehensive to approve any airline merger. This is especially true for the JetBlue-Spirit merger, as the Biden Administration has already sued JetBlue and American, alleging the airlines’ Northeast Alliance is a de facto merger that hurts competition in the New York and Boston markets. So what will JetBlue have to do to gain regulatory approval for its merger with Spirit?

Two words: Divest operations to address the issue of competition. So, for example, where JetBlue and Spirit both have significant operations—think FLL, MCO and other locations—to gain approval for the merger JetBlue will have to give up a portion of its flight schedule to other airline/s. That means JetBlue is bound to divest in many locations, which means a reduction of the current combined flights of Spirit and JetBlue. And that affects jobs. 

And, if the merger is ultimately approved, a big if, it will not happen until the first half of 2024. A lot can happen in 15-18 months. There can be an economic slowdown, happening now as the GDP has decreased in the last two quarters, or a significant change in the leadership philosophy of the combined carrier. 

JetBlue management’s objective, as stated in its latest second-quarter earnings report, is to get the merger with Spirit approved and to implement a severe cost containment strategy with its newly announced “Enterprise Planning Team.” 

What does that mean for outsourcing and general job security? Future wage and benefit improvements? Work rule enhancements? 

The only way that JetBlue GO Crewmembers will be able to have a say in their future is by having a seat at the table. Not by being on the menu.

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2022 Stutz Memorial Scholarship Winners Announced!

2022 Stutz Memorial Scholarship Winners Announced!

Congratulations to the 2022 Stutz Memorial Scholarship Winners!

To: District Lodge 141 Scholarship Competition Applicants
Subject: Scholarship Awards

On behalf of the District Lodge 141 Scholarship Committee, I am pleased to announce the results of the Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Award competition for 2022.

Top Prize: $2,000


The top award of $2,000 goes to Jaxson Mercer of Hutto, Texas. Jaxson is the son of Kristian Mercer, a Ramp Service employee at United Airlines and a member of Local Lodge 2210. He is an incoming freshman at Texas A&M University.


Six runner-up awards of $1,000 will be presented to (listed in alphabetical order):

Ted Enolva of Elk Grove Village, Ill. Ted is the son of Emmanuel Enolva, a Lead Ramp Service employee at United Airlines and a member of Local Lodge 1487. He is a student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.


Ayanna Monderoy of Spring, Texas. Ayanna is the daughter of Sarah Monderoy Garcia, a Ramp Service employee at United Airlines and a member of Local Lodge 811. She is a student at Stephen F. Austin State University.


Hailey Peck of Kansas City, Mo. Her father, Todd Peck, is a Fleet Service Clerk at American and a member of Local Lodge 561. Hailey is a student at the University of Missouri at Columbia.


Awitar Shakro of Morton Grove, Ill. Awitar is the son of Nadim Shakro, a Customer Service employee at United Airlines and a member of Local Lodge 1487. Awitar is an incoming freshman at Oakton Community College.


Francesca Trajana of Arlington Heights, Ill. Francesca’s father, Joseph G. Trajana, is a Lead Ramp Service employee at United Airlines and a member of Local Lodge 1487. Francesca is a student at Loyola University in Chicago.


Lauren Wehr of East Stroudsburg, Penn. Laura is the daughter of Allan Wehr, a Specialist at United Airlines and a member of Local Lodge 914. She is an incoming freshman at Northampton Community College.


To the winners: Congratulations! To receive your award, you must send to me, either by email to or by regular mail to the address on the bottom of this letter, confirmation of your enrollment at an accredited college or university for the Fall 2022 term and that you are taking a minimum of six credits. A copy of a signed, valid registration or class schedule confirmation will be satisfactory. Once this confirmation has been received, the AGC in your area will notify you when you can receive your check at a Local Lodge meeting.

To those who did not win: The Scholarship Commends your interest  in the 2022 competition. We encourage you to try again next year!


Daniel J. Brin
Chair, District Lodge 141 Stutz Memorial Sholarship Committee

Recording Secretaries: Please print and post on all union bulletin boards.

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