Negotiations Update

Negotiations Update

Negotiations continued in Washington, DC this week. Some progress continues to be made and the negotiating committees were briefed. Your Executive Negotiators remain committed to achieving the best contract in the industry.

Additional dates are scheduled for next week. We are hopeful progress continues and increases at the next meeting.

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Negotiations Update

Negotiations Update

Negotiations continued in Washington, DC this week. Some progress continues to be made and the negotiating committees were briefed. Your Executive Negotiators remain committed to achieving the best contract in the industry.

Additional dates are scheduled for next week. We are hopeful progress continues and increases at the next meeting.

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Negotiations Update

The Association Negotiations Update

Negotiations continued at the National Mediation Board offices in Washington, DC this week. Some progress on issues other than Scope, Retirement, Healthcare and Wages was made. Your Executive Negotiators remain committed to achieving the best contract in the industry.

The Mediators scheduled additional dates at the Mediation Board offices October 8 through October 10. We are hopeful progress continues and increases at the next meeting.

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Negotiations Update

The Association Negotiations Update

Federally-mediated negotiations between the TWU-IAM Association and American Airlines continued this week in Washington, D.C. At the request of the NMB, the parties have agreed to keep details of our discussions confidential.

The National Mediation Board scheduled negotiations to continue next week in Washington, and we are hopeful that progress is made then.

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Negotiations Update

Association Safety Statement

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Negotiations Update

TWU-IAM Association Contract Talks with American to Resume

WASHINGTON, Sept. 4, 2019 — The TWU-IAM Association today announced that mediation for negotiations in the American Airlines/TWU-IAM Association contract talks will restart on Monday, Sept. 16, at 1 p.m. ET and continue through Thursday, Sept. 19. The sessions will be held in Washington, D.C. at the National Mediation Board (NMB).

Association principals Sito Pantoja, Director (IAM General Vice President) and Alex Garcia, Vice Director (TWU International Executive Vice President) met with the NMB on Thursday, Aug. 29 to outline the Association’s views on negotiations and to insist that negotiations resume.

“Our meeting with the NMB was positive and we are optimistic that resumption of negotiations will be productive,” said TWU-IAM Association Director Sito Pantoja. “It’s now time for the company to keep its word and give our members the industry-leading contract they promised. I thank our members for their incredible patience during this process.”

“The delays in this process have been frustrating for our members but they have remained fully supportive of the Association,” said TWU-IAM Association Vice Director Alex Garcia. “We will use this opportunity to finally close these negotiations, if American Airlines is a willing partner.”

The TWU-IAM Association represents nearly 30,000 ground workers at American Airlines and is the largest union at the carrier.

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