The Associations Update

The Associations Update

The Associations Update

September 12, 2016

Dear Association member,

As you know, in May, 2013, following the merger of American Airlines and US Airways, the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (lAM) and the Transport Workers Union (TWU) formed the TWU-IAM Associations. The Associations were subsequently certified as the bargaining representatives at American Airlines by the National Mediation Board (NMB) in May, 2015 after the NMB determined that American Airlines was a single transportation system.

The representation structure of the Associations is based on the relative active membership size of the IAM and TWU at specific locations. For example, since the TWU has a larger membership in Dallas, the TWU will assume representation responsibilities for all Association members at that location once a joint contract is ratified by all Association members. The same is true for the IAM in Charlotte, since the IAM has more active members at that particular location.

Boston, however, has presented a very unique issue. Active membership size for both the IAM and TWU in all covered classifications at that location is essentially equal. Initially, representation at BOS was assigned to the IAM. However, due to the long traditions, strong fraternal bonds and unique history of the TWU and IAM locals in that city, the Association leadership-as required by Association agreement language-engaged in discussions regarding modifying the representation structure in Boston.

The Association Chair and Vice Chair have voluntarily resolved this issue without the need for third party adjudication. Effective on membership ratification of joint collective bargaining agreements, representation responsibilities for all Association classifications at the Boston location will remain the same, with the IAM maintaining representation of the pre-merger US Airways workforce and the TWU maintaining representation of the pre-merger American workforce. New members will be split one for one.

Further, it has been agreed that for efficiency of representationthat the IAM will assume principal representation responsibilities for all Tower Planners throughout the American Airlines system, including those previously unrepresented Tower Planners at pre-merger American Airlines.

This agreement is yet another example of the mutual respect that permeates our Association and our commitment to fostering a collaborative and strong partnership so we can maintain our focus on our only goal: bettering the lives of all Association members and their families.

Sincerely and fraternally,

Timothy J. Klima

Airline Coordinator


Mike Mayes

Air Division Director – TWU

The Associations Update

Fleet Service Negotiations Update

Fleet Service Negotiations Update

September 2, 2016

Sisters and brothers,

The Association Fleet Service Negotiating Committee met with American Airlines this week in Washington D.C. to continue joint contract negotiations. During this week’s sessions, your Negotiating Committee exchanged and discussed the following articles:

  • Part Time Employees – We exchanged our proposal with the company and had discussions on the part time ratio that was part of this article.
  • Temporary Assignments – We exchanged our proposal with the company and following lengthy discussions, we have narrowed down this article to two major issues.
  • Overtime – We received the company’s counter proposal, which inadequately addressed our members’ concerns. The committee discussed the proposal and composed a response to be finalized and passed at the next session.
  • Holidays – Sick Leave – Vacations – We did not receive counter proposals on these articles from the company this week.

While we have not come to any tentative agreements during the last sessions, we have significantly narrowed and resolved many of the important issues expressed by the membership to the Association. We remain united, committed, and resolute in negotiating the JCBAs we deserve. The Interim Letter of Agreement regarding wages does not change our approach to negotiating a JCBA. Our negotiations will continue and we are committed to fighting for a strong contract.

The next sessions are scheduled for the week of September 19th in Washington, D.C. and the week of September 26th in Dallas/Fort Worth.


Mark Baskett, Mike Fairbanks, Pete Hogan,

Tim Hughes, Steve Miller, Brian Oyer,

Pat Rezler, Art Risley, Andre Sutton,

Rodney Walker, Bill Wilson, Tim Murphy


The Associations Update

Fleet Service Negotiations Update

Fleet Service Negotiations Update

August 26, 2016

Sisters and brothers,

The Association Fleet Service Negotiating Committee met with American Airlines this week in New York to continue joint contract negotiations.

First, we welcomed our new Fleet Service Association Negotiating Committee member, Tim Murphy, from TWU Local 512 located in Chicago. Tim was brought on to the team to replace Mike Mayes, who was promoted to TWU interim Air Division Director.

We began this week’s negotiations by reviewing the company’s counter proposal for vacations. While their proposal did address some of our concerns, it did not meet our expectations. After a lengthy discussion, we drafted our counter proposal and passed it back to the company.

Later in the week, both parties discussed overtime and we answered some questions the company had related to this important article. We await their counter proposal. We also received the company’s counter proposal on temporary assignments. The committee is currently evaluating it and will draft a counter proposal during our next negotiations session.

The following are our upcoming negotiations sessions:

  • Week of August 29th – Washington, DC
  • Week of September 19th – Washington, DC
  • Week of September 26th – Dallas/Fort Worth


Mark Baskett, Mike Fairbanks, Pete Hogan,

Tim Hughes, Steve Miller, Brian Oyer,

Pat Rezler, Art Risley, Andre Sutton,

Rodney Walker, Bill Wilson, Tim Murphy

The Associations Update

Association Negotiation Update and Q and A for Interim Agreement

Association Negotiation Update and Q and A for Interim Agreement

August 12, 2016

Sisters and Brothers,

The Association Fleet Service Negotiating Committee met with American Airlines this week in Dallas/Fort Worth to continue joint contract negotiations.

As you likely know, the interim wage agreement that was reached last week on August 5th provides our membership with wage and pension increases (the TWU 5.5% 401(k) company match increases in value and the IAM pension fund contribution increases), and job security enhancements. The negotiating committees met with the company this week to address specifically additional job security articles, cross utilization procedures, and to finalize the full text interim wage agreement that was released to the membership on August 10th.

In response to your questions about the agreement, we developed a joint Q&A with the company to help clarify the interim agreement, and have now resumed contract negotiations. As we explained, we remain united and committed to negotiate the JCBAs we deserve. The Interim Letter of Agreement regarding wages does not change our aggressive approach to negotiating this joint contract.

This week, with the task of finalizing separate interim agreements and Q&As for the different classes and crafts, we were able to pass our counter proposal back to the company on temporary assignments, and also worked on counter proposals for hours of service and part time ratio. The other current articles we’re currently negotiating include vacations, holidays, sick leave, overtime, and recognition and rights. These are all in the company’s possession and we are eagerly awaiting their responses when we resume our next negotiation session.

The following are our upcoming negotiations sessions:

  • Week of August 22nd – New York
  • Week of August 29th – Washington, D.C.
  • Week of September 19th – Dallas/Fort Worth
  • Week of September 26th – New York


Mark Baskett, Mike Fairbanks, Pete Hogan,

Tim Hughes, Mike Mayes, Steve Miller,

Brian Oyer, Pat Rezler, Art Risley,

Andre Sutton, Rodney Walker, Bill Wilson

The Associations Update

Association, American LOA’s and Transitiion Agreements Now Available to View

Association, American LOA’s and Transition Agreements Now Available to View

August 10, 2016

As previously communicated last Friday, the TWU-IAM Association and American Airlines reached an interim wage agreement to provide Association members wage and pension increases and job security enhancements while we continue negotiating joint collective bargaining agreements.

Below are links to each Letter of Agreement (LOA) for every Association class and craft and the transition LOAs for each of the previously unrepresented (accreted) groups.

As part of the plan to communicate these significant enhancements, Association representatives will be available to meet with members—as always—to answer any questions you may have.

Interim Wages LOAs:

Mechanic and Related Employees (including Planners, Maintenance Control Technicians, Stores/Material Logistics Specialists, Quality Assurance, Technical Document Specialists and Maintenance Training Specialists)

Fleet Service Clerk Employees ( including Tower Planners and Weight and Balance Planners)

Transition LOAs for previously unrepresented/accreted groups:

Quality Assurance Auditors/Quality Assurance Consultants Transition Agreement

Maintenance Planners and Technical Documentation Specialists Transition Agreement

Tower Planners Transition Agreement

Maintenance Training Instructors and Maintenance Training Specialists Transition Agreement

Weight and Balance Planners and Central Load Planners Transition Agreement

The Associations Update

Fleet Service and Mechanic and Related/Stores Negotiations Update

Fleet Service and Mechanic and Related/Stores Negotiations Update

August 05, 2016

Sisters and Brothers,

The TWU-IAM Association today announced we have reached an interim agreement with American Airlines to provide all members industry-leading wage rates, a lump sum payment and retirement improvements. Your committee will continue joint contract negotiations with American to resolve all outstanding issues, including bargaining additional wage and retirement improvements.

Association members will receive the industry-best wages we deserve effective November 2016 and not have to wait as we continue to bargain the other parts of our joint contracts. A lump sum payment will be made to members to bridge the gap until the November 2016 effective date. The process of bargaining joint contracts after a mega airline merger like American and US Airways is complex and, as you very well know, time consuming.

The interim wage adjustment agreement provides average wage hikes of approximately 22 percent. Mechanic and Related workers will elevate three percent above similarly classified workers at Delta Air Lines and Fleet Service, Stores/Material Logistic Specialists and Maintenance Training Specialists’ wages will increase one percent ahead of their counterparts at United Airlines. . The agreement also calls for enhancements to defined benefit and defined contribution pension plans. And, while not required under this agreement, the Company’s presentation to the Association included the possibility of insourcing some maintenance work that had previously been outsourced. These are important gains for our Association.

We’d like to thank Association Chair and Vice Chair Sito Pantoja and Harry Lombardo for listening to the entire Association membership, and taking our voice to American’s executive leadership to make this happen. We would also like to thank the membership for its support and solidarity, and for making your voices heard loud and clear and American Airlines for being a willing partner. We look forward to continuing these joint contract negotiations to achieve improvements in all areas of our contracts, including pressing for additional gains in wages and retirement security.

Both the Fleet Service and the Mechanic and Related/Stores Negotiating Committees unanimously voted in favor of the interim improvements.

The full text of the interim wage adjustment will be posted as soon as possible.


Fleet Service Committee:

Mark Baskett, Mike Fairbanks, Pete Hogan,

Tim Hughes, Mike Mayes, Steve Miller,

Brian Oyer, Pat Rezler, Art Risley,

Andre Sutton, Rodney Walker, Bill Wilson

Mechanic and Related Committee:

Jason Best, Mike Bush, Ken Coley, John Coveny,

Dale Danker, Mark Huffman, Bennie Martino, Gary Peterson,

Larry Pike, Sean Ryan, Jay Sleeman, Mark Strength