Tell Your Senator to Pass the PRO Act

Tell Your Senator to Pass the PRO Act

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Tell Your Senator to Pass the PRO Act

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Most American workers want to join a union but can’t. The PRO Act will help fix that.

Nearly 60 percent of American workers would join a union if they had the opportunity to do so. American workers almost universally support pensions that provide a secure income after retirement. Yet, the percentage of Americans with an actual, defined benefit pension is as low as 17%. Meanwhile, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, fully 79% of union members do. Union wages and overall compensation for workers in the trades are on par with white-collar jobs that require a bachelor’s degree. Finally, union workers can only be fired for “Just Cause,” meaning that if they show up to work and do their jobs well – they can count on staying employed. Non-union workers, on the other hand, can be fired at any time for any reason. A majority of workers do not want to be fired capriciously.  

So, if the pensions, pay, and job protections that unions (and only unions) can bring are so popular, why is union membership less than 11% of the workforce? Vast majorities of Americans want a pension. Vast majorities want union wages. Vast majorities want their jobs protected by a legally binding contract that they helped negotiate, could vote for, and directly enforce. And vast majorities of American workers have none of these things. What gives?

The answer is obvious. Huge majorities of workers may want to join a union, but they can’t. The PRO Act will allow those who wish to join a union workplace the opportunity to do so. 

The PRO Act will accomplish this, in part, by allowing workers to vote for a union and have their employer recognize that union through a much simpler process. Currently, employees who want to join a union must vote at least twice, and some must vote to join a union over and over again. To make matters worse, the same voters may need to vote by phone one time, by petition another. The rules are different each time, and there are no consequences for employers who illegally interfere with this already fragile process. 

Although the PRO Act applies to the National Labor Relations Act, the changes made will help workers in many industries organize. All workers  – even in the airline industry, are supporting this very important legislation.  (Airline workers fall under the Railway Labor Act which is outside the scope of the NLRA.)

The PRO Act will also protect workers who ask to join a union by bringing accountability to employers who break the law. Current laws do not provide meaningful penalties to employers that violate the rights of their workers and ignore the law.

The PRO Act will end “Right to Work” laws, which seek to bankrupt unions by forcing them to provide services, work, and marketable skills to non-paying consumers for free. The PRO Act will also prevent union members from being forced to pay for political activities they do not support.

 Put simply, existing labor laws are outdated and easily gamed. The PRO Act will modernize American labor law and allow union membership to those who want it, a large majority of workers. 

Union organizing once created the wealthiest and largest middle class that had ever existed. This middle class was union made, right here in the USA. That was no accident. Unions are people that care about the work they do and do it better than anyone else. Unfortunately, since then, anti-worker laws have been written with help from companies whose only goal was to exploit their workforces. These laws did their job and did it well. These corrupt laws have strangled the once-mighty American workforce into a complacent, disposable, and perpetually intimidated group of separated individuals. 

The PRO Act is the most critical labor legislation since the Great Depression. It is a vital part of how our nation will (or will not) rebuild following the Pandemic and nearly a century of neglect.  

The PRO Act is now in the hands of your Senator. Get in touch with them today and tell them how vital American workers are. 

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Primer on Inside Organizing Committees

Primer on Inside Organizing Committees

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Primer on Inside Organizing Committees

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Inside Organizing Committees, often referred to as “Inside Committees” are a key part of organizing a workplace. Here’s a little more information about how they work.

Got Union questions? Call or text a Union Representative at (954) 298-9138. JetBlue Ground Operations workers can authorize a union vote at the Justice at JetBlue page.

Unions do virtually all their work through committees. Typically, committees are formed by the President of the Local Lodge, following rules that are clearly laid out in the Lodge’s By-Laws. Some committees are mandatory, such as the committee that polices company efforts to violate agreements with the union, called a Grievance Committee. 

Other committees are formed to ensure that a particular goal is met. For example, most Machinists and Aerospace Lodges will maintain Retirees, Community Service, and public outreach committees, among others. The President has the authority to form a committee to tackle any task that might arise. 

Committees operate as a team of union members who can agree among themselves on every aspect of the committee. Members will determine when they will meet, how and whether to accept new members and if they will need to raise money to meet their goals. 

This brings us to the Inside Organizing Committee. This committee is unique because it actually has to predate the formation of the union itself. It’s a case of which comes first; the chicken or the egg? Organizing Committees have to form without the structures of By-Laws, without experienced union officers among its members. Inside Organising Committees, called “Inside Committees,” must start before a Local Lodge even exists for that workplace.  

Another unique aspect of Inside Committees is that they may not be made up of union members (yet!). Inside Committees are created from the employees within the organizing workplace itself. These people then work with Union Organizers who are part of a nearby Local Lodge. 

The first people who approach a union organizer are likely to participate in an Inside Committee in some capacity. Sometimes this activity is informal and just consists of offering advice to the organizers. Other Insiders will take a much more active role. These activists will become the backbone of the union at that workplace. Every Local Lodge has high-ranking officers who once served together on an Inside Committee. This is especially true at newer Local Lodges that can still recall what life was like before they were union. Veterans of organizing campaigns will be widely known at their workplaces as a trusted source of union information. Many Inside Committee members will hold elected union positions and permanent committee assignments once a Local Lodge is formed or joined. 

Union Organizers who work for other employers will want to know more about the workplace; Inside Committees are experts on such topics. 

Joining or starting an Inside Committee requires contacting an Organizer. Very often, Inside Committees conduct their operations in secret, especially at the beginning of campaigns. Therefore, an interested party might not know how to contact them directly. The Union Organizers can help get everyone connected without potentially exposing them to company retaliation. Company intimidation is unlawful but remains a concern at some workplaces that do not have experience with a union. 

The first task of an Inside Committee should be to develop a close working relationship with Union Organizers. Organizers can provide you with the tools you need; handouts, union authorization cards, and training. But, they cannot do the actual work of organizing your workplace. No outsider can possibly know the intricate relationships and personal networks at your job as well as you do. As critical as Union Organizers will be, they will depend on you and your Inside Committee to be effective. They are not “in charge.” The Union Organizers are your reinforcements and sponsors and will follow your directives. Their role is to provide you with the tools that you require to run a successful organizing campaign. Remember, your Inside Committee is not a part of a Local Lodge yet. Therefore, you probably won’t have easy access to printers, meeting locations, and office supplies. Your Union Organizers can connect you to a sponsor Local Lodge and ensure that your campaign has access to its assets. 

Throughout the organizing effort, the Inside Committee will be running the show.

As a member of an Inside Committee, you will discuss workplace issues and concerns with other trusted committee members. You will begin laying the groundwork for the formation of the committee itself. You will decide on meeting times and locations, develop formal points of contact with Union Organizers, and appoint a chairperson. If you have a healthy workplace culture, you may even decide that you want to create a liaison between your committee and management. 

Once you create clear lines of communication with Union Organizers and get plugged into a sponsor Local Lodge, the real work of your committee can begin. Organizing a workplace isn’t easy. As every activist knows, the first thing to do when you need to accomplish something difficult is to get help. 

The second phase of your campaign, therefore, should center around outreach. Your members should find other pro-union workers and develop plans to advance the cause. Ideally, your committee will expand to include representatives from every shift and work area at your station. 

Outreach can include:

  • Social media groups and chat rooms.
  • Casual conversations with coworkers.
  • Posting meeting information on bulletin boards.

As union power grows, you may decide to conduct formal studies of your work area, such as tracking terminations, incidents, and injuries and making this information available. You can also run regular text and email blasts and conduct polls and surveys. 

This work will provide your committee with an unparalleled view of the workforce. You will know what the priorities of your workplace are, what problems may exist, and determine how unification can advance your interests. 

To get to a union vote, a majority of your coworkers must authorize it. This is done by petition. Workers sign specific cards called “Authorization Cards.” Once most of your coworkers have signed and return authorization cards, a formal vote will be held to determine if you have successfully organized your workgroup into a union. 

Your committee can get these cards from your Union Organizer. Once they are filled out, you can return them to your organizer, who will deliver them to the Federal Government on your behalf. Organizers will take care of all the legal work using experts who work in other union areas. 

Campaigns like the ongoing effort at JetBlue can also share online links that allow cards to be obtained away from work.  

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United Airlines’ Chicago Hub is Renewing Travel Restrictions

United Airlines’ Chicago Hub is Renewing Travel Restrictions

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United Airlines’ Chicago Hub is Renewing Travel Restrictions

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Exploding Delta Variant case numbers in several regions of the US has caused the City of Chicago to impose a new round of travel restrictions.

Starting last Friday, people traveling into the city from Missouri and Arkansas will have to provide a negative COVID-19 test or quarantine for ten days after arriving in Chicago. 

The restrictions are important to airline workers because Chicago’s O’Hare airport is a central hub for several airlines and the headquarters for United Airlines.

The restrictions began over the weekend. 

City officials said the restrictions will be imposed when a state has more than 15 daily infections per 100,000 people. Other states with climbing infection rates could also be added, including Nevada, Utah, Louisiana, and Florida. 

As of Friday, the city’s public health department began sending warning letters to violators, but no fines have been imposed so far. The department stated travelers who continue to ignore the restrictions will face significant penalties.

On Monday, airline stocks worldwide fell as fears that the Delta variant could trigger renewed travel restrictions. 

The airline industry was among the hardest-hit sectors of the economy in 2020 as the COVID-19 pandemic ravaged global markets. The Delta variant is proving that the sector remains uniquely vulnerable. 

Demand for air travel has exploded since spring, completely reversing the near shut-down of 2020. Staffing shortages and signing bonuses have largely replaced layoffs and retirement packages for most airline workers. However, it is dawning on a growing number of investors that the pandemic isn’t over – and could be about to take a very dark turn thanks to vaccine hostility and rising case counts.

Shares of United stock fell 5.5% on Monday, and American dropped by 4.1%. Boeing shares fell by nearly 5%. Together, these three aviation-sector companies employ the largest share of Machinists and Aerospace Union members. 

Meanwhile, concerns related to the Delta variant are delaying plans to release restrictions on international travel, a significant source of revenue for airlines. The Centers for Disease Control recommends that travelers avoid flights to the UK. Plans to remove similar restrictions for the European Union and India have stalled, worrying airlines further. 

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Help Us Protect Critical Service Contract Jobs That Support Our Military

Help Us Protect Critical Service Contract Jobs That Support Our Military

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Help Us Protect Critical Service Contract Jobs That Support Our Military

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The IAM is continuing to urge the Biden administration to protect Service Contract Act (SCA) workers’ jobs by reinstating critical job security protections. 

Many thanks to the Machinists & Aerospace journalists at who wrote and originally published this story. 

Service Contract workers are private-sector employees who work under federal contracts, primarily at military bases and other federal installations. The IAM represents nearly 40,000 Service Contract Workers in various industries, spread across more than 800 locations.


In 2019, former President Trump rescinded Executive Order 13495, which President Obama implemented to provide essential job security to service contract workers. The order, known as “Nondisplacement of Qualified Workers Under Service Contracts,” granted workers the right of first refusal for continued employment when an SCA government contractor or employer is replaced by a new successor contractor at the same location. This policy benefited both the government and the workers by ensuring workforce stability as government contracts change hands.

IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. wrote a letter to President Biden in February urging him to restore Service Contract Workers job protections. 

“Not only is President Trump’s petty rebuke of President Obama’s policy bad for government contracting efficiency, it is also disastrous for the workers who are displaced, along with their families and the communities where they reside,” wrote Martinez “We respectfully ask that you swiftly reinstitute EO 13495 for the sake of efficient government procurement and fairness to these workers and their families.”

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141 Report: DEN Local 1886 Committee for American Airlines

141 Report: DEN Local 1886 Committee for American Airlines

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Brothers Nic Haberman (Secretary), Mark Chavez (Chairman), and Ed Horvath (Assistant Committee Chair) show that while they represent a smaller group of members at DEN when compared with their counterparts at United, their commitment, activism, and dedication are strong.

141 Report: DEN Local 1886 Committee for American Airlines

Dave returns to Denver International Airport to speak via Zoom with Local 1886 Grievance Committee members from American Airlines.

Brothers Mark Chavez, Chairman, Nic Haberman, Secretary, and Ed Horvath, Assistant Committee Chair show that while they represent a smaller group of members at DEN when compared with their counterparts at United, their commitment, activism, and dedication are strong. One of the larger field stations in the American system, DEN has a very active group of union representatives.  

These three union brothers are veterans of airline mergers, and as a result, have worked in other cities during their careers. Their experiences have shown them the importance of having a sense of ownership of work and how this builds solidarity and pride amongst unionized workers.

Besides the essential work of identifying and resolving grievances, each one of these Committee members also takes part in other aspects of union work. Committee Chair Chavez also serves as a Safety Rep, Secretary Haberman is a local Trainer, and Horvath is an EAP Representative. They incorporate these skills into their leadership roles to solve problems at the lowest level. “If the problem never happens, that’s the lowest level,” says Haberman, stressing the value of a proactive approach. 

The conversation covers many areas of interest, including how the GSAP program is proving to be an effective tool to promote safety. Mark points out how the program provides for training and non-punitive solutions to problems and incidents that members report voluntarily. 

American Airlines is expanding operations in DEN, and Nic states that with transfers and new hires, the station has surpassed the pre-COVID number of employees. The station has a mixed IAM/TWU Association membership, with a majority as IAM and about 9% members of TWU. He proudly stated that out of a recent group of preferential hires who had the option, all chose to remain members of the IAM. 

Always a trainer, Nic never misses an opportunity to educate airport workers who approach him to ask questions about the IAM. He specifically calls out workers from jetBlue who claim they are too busy to learn about the union and sign an authorization card. He also engages in inside organizing and mentions the dangers of internal divisions that give company executives opportunities to take advantage of workers.   

Mark speaks about the importance of communication between stations to ensure consistency in the way issues are handled. This is another way we can build strength in numbers and solidarity within our union. 


IAM members at Spirit beat the heat with lump sum payments

IAM members at Spirit beat the heat with lump sum payments

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IAM members at Spirit beat the heat with lump-sum payments


Brothers and Sisters, 

District 141 members at Spirit Airlines will receive a bonus paycheck after we signed a Letter of Agreement with the carrier this week. The lump-sum payment will go to 305 fleet service members working at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport. The payments will be based on members’ seniority to give the company temporary relief of Article 3.E and 3.I until September 8, 2021. 

District Lodge 141 takes the protection of scope language very seriously. However, Spirit, like many carriers, has had a tough time ratcheting up their manpower to meet flight demand as we come out of the pandemic. 

We believe workers deserve a fair balance between life and their jobs. Members expressed concerns about working too much overtime that could lead to fatigue and errors which often cause accidents and injuries. 

Congratulations and thanks go to Assistant General Chairman Tony Gibson for his efforts in getting this deal done. I’d also like to commend Spirit Airlines for recognizing the fleet service workers had reached maximum working limits. This Letter of Agreement brings relief to both sides.

Payments will be as follows, payable to eligible employees in September 2021. 

Years of Service / Payment

0 / $1,120
1 / $1,270
2 / $1,470
3 / $1,670
4 / $1,870
5 / $2,120
6 / $2,370
7 / $2,620
8 / $2,870
9 / $3,120
10+ / $3,370

In Unity, 

Mike Klemm
President and Directing General Chair,
IAMAW District 141