141 Report: Joe Lanasa President of IAM Air Transport Local 1731

141 Report: Joe Lanasa President of IAM Air Transport Local 1731

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Joe Lanasa has been president of IAM Local 1731 since 2020, just seven years after a friend who was a committee member urged him to get more involved in the union.

141 Report: Joe Lanasa President of IAM Air Transport Local 1731

In recent years, and especially since the mega-merger of United and Continental Airlines in 2011, few stations have seen the turmoil Cleveland has. 

Joe Lanasa has been president of IAM Local 1731 since 2020, just seven years after a friend who was a committee member urged him to get more involved in the union. United Airlines workers founded the local in 1946, and while small today, under Joe’s leadership, it remains a strong and active group in the IAM.  

Air Transport Local 1731 currently represents 272 members working at United Customer Service, Ramp, and Stores in CLE, and Customer Service workers at Southwest Airlines in Columbus, Ohio (CMH). Just five months ago, the local had close to 400 members, but the COVID pandemic caused many members to take options for retirement and extended leaves of absence. This last wave of retirements comes after the local lost close to 300 members after United decided to downgrade CLE’s status as a hub airport for the airline.   

Throughout it all, Joe Lanasa remains optimistic. “CLE would have been outsourced if we didn’t have contract protections. The company wanted to downgrade every worker to part-time status,” he says, stressing how a legally binding union contract can make all the difference in workers’ lives and livelihoods. 

Joe is relentless in his mission to educate members on how union solidarity strengthens workers so they can navigate the fluctuations in the airline industry and control their future. “You wouldn’t be talking to me right now if we didn’t have a union,” says Joe, who began his airline career 33 years ago. 

Joe speaks about the City of Cleveland and his own family’s history in organized labor. What started as curiosity developed into a calling to address needs that he discovered as he became more involved in the union. He jokes how he was told when he ran for vice president that his primary responsibility was to order the pizza for the local’s meeting. He ended up leading his first meeting as vice president when the president could not attend. 

“I never thought I would be this involved with the union. But it escalated quickly.” 


Solidarity In Action

Solidarity In Action

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An alliance between Victory Lodge 1725 in Charlotte, North Carolina, and Sky Harbor Lodge 2559  in Phoenix, Arizona is offering a glimpse of what may be the future of unionism: Peer-to-peer training, tighter communications, and joint action are helping create more effective union networks. Recently, CLT opened its doors to representatives of the PHX Local for a frontline tour, demonstrating just how similar airline workplaces are.

Solidarity In Action

PHX and CLT Committees Work Together for Fairness and Consistency.

In the course of performing their duties, every union representative has at one time or another heard a member of management present a new policy or procedure as something that was tested in another station with good results. A manager may boast that “the Union in station X signed off on it and they love it.” As is the case with all aspects of effective union representation, it is really up to the union reps to take nothing at face value and do a proper investigation before reaching a conclusion.

“These kinds of tactics only work if we don’t communicate with each other, which is why CLT and PHX communicate at the very least once a week, often more,” said Brian Harrison, Chair of the Sky Harbor Lodge 2559 Grievance Committee.  

After the signing of a new Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement between the IAM/TWU Association and American Airlines in the Spring of 2020, IAM Grievance Representatives in PHX became full-time union reps. They decided it was time to engage in some real hands-on experience and again relied on their Brothers and Sisters at Victory Lodge 1725 in CLT for support. “We couldn’t think of a better group to shadow for a few days to see what they have learned; what works, what doesn’t work,” said Brian. 

COVID restrictions delayed the trip, but last month, PHX Committee Chair Brian Harrison joined Representatives Trina David and Dominic Pochiro to visit Douglas International Airport in CLT. 

“We expected the trip to be productive, but those three days blew away our expectations. The back and forth of ideas between the two committees, walking the break rooms, and the ramp, and seeing the different ramp culture was eye-opening,” said Brian.

The PHX reps were struck by how despite differences in climate, facilities, and culture, the questions and complaints the CLT reps receive are almost identical to the ones they hear at their home station.  

While the trip strengthened the bonds between the two locals, Brian pointed out that when American initiated shift bidding online, it was the committee members from FLL who advised PHX reps on the pitfalls and what to expect, based on their experience. The PHX committee was happy to pay it forward by advising CLT on the system when the company introduced it there later. “Now the roles are reversed, with CLT helping us navigate the new “Scripted Turns” policy here in PHX,” said Brian.

“The experience, knowledge, and above all else the perspective we gained from our field trip to CLT was invaluable. The hospitality we were shown by the CLT Grievance Committee, and [District 141 AGCs] Mike Fairbanks and Mark Baskett are unparalleled and we can’t wait to repay the favor when they come to visit PHX. Hopefully, this is just the first of many trips and exchanges of its kind.”


United Airlines Negotiations Update

United Airlines Negotiations Update


IAM District 141, United Airlines Agree to Expedited Contract Talks

2 July 2023

IAM District 141 and United Airlines met this week in Chicago, IL, and agreed to enter into an expedited collective bargaining process that, if successful, would lead to seven new contracts covering approximately 23,000 IAM- represented workers at the carrier.

The expedited process, which was utilized in 2016 and led to industry-leading contracts for IAM-represented workers at United at the time, is structured to narrow the scope of issues to be negotiated, based on membership priorities. The goal is to reach industry-best contracts in a condensed period of time. In 2016, the expedited negotiations process took only five months, compared to the industry average of about 15 months. Traditional negotiations between the IAM and United have historically exceeded the 15-month industry average.

“District 141 is pleased to report that all priorities identified in the recent survey by IAM-represented workers at United are on the list to be negotiated with the Company,” said IAM District 141 President and Directing General Chairman Mike Klemm. “We are excited to get this process going and bring back the improvements that IAM members at United Airlines fully deserve. IAM members at United continue to answer the bell, day in and day out, to ensure that United Airlines remains atop the airline during the most difficult and uncertain times the US aviation industry has ever known. Simply put, IAM-represented workers at United Airlines deserve to be compensated as the industry’s best.”

Both IAM District 141 and United Airlines reserve the right to terminate the expedited contract negotiations process and enter traditional collective bargaining under what is known as Section Six of the Railway Labor Act, the federal law that governs contract negotiations in the airline and railroad sectors.

The two sides are in the process of scheduling future negotiations dates and the membership will be advised of those dates when they are finalized.


Michael G. Klemm
President and Directing General Chair,
IAMAW District 141 

Helping Hands May: Starting Family Conversations

Helping Hands May: Starting Family Conversations

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Helping Hands May: Starting Family Conversations

IAM Peer Volunteers:

     Because of the pandemic, we are seeing in up tic in anxiety, depression and substance abuse disorders (SUD). SAMHSA, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Agency, has some great resources for families who have someone experiencing a mental health concern or SUD.This month shares resources for families, and some ideas about how to start a difficult conversation with some specific questions. 
     As always, count on your Regional Representatives, your Airline Coordinators and me to help with any issue. Thank you for all you are doing to help your co-workers get through this very difficult period.   


Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.

Keepers of the Flame: Don Villar and the Chicago Federation of Labor

Keepers of the Flame: Don Villar and the Chicago Federation of Labor

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Don V VillarDon Villar was born into the labor movement and spirit of social justice.

Keepers of the Flame: Don Villar and the Chicago Federation of Labor

Dave talks with Don V. Villar, Secretary-Treasurer of the Chicago Federation of Labor about the city’s important role in labor history and how it drives their commitment to today’s working people.

The Chicago Federation of Labor is the third-largest central labor council in the United States, an umbrella organization with 300 union affiliates representing over half a million members from Chicago and Cook County, Illinois. 

Don Villar was literally born into the union movement – his mom gave birth to him while his father was on strike, fighting for better wages and benefits for workers in the Philippines. After his family moved to the United States, his mom worked at the flight kitchen in O’Hare and was a member of UNITE-HERE Local 1. 

Don earned his bachelor’s degree while working a building security job as a member of SEIU and went to work for the ABC affiliate TV station in Chicago. He worked there for 25 years and won an Emmy award. 

In 2007, he joined the negotiating committee of NABET-CWA Local 41 with ABC, which made clear to him how systemic inequality for workers could only be overcome through union power and activism. That experience inspired him to apply to law school, and he completed his law degree while working full time.

He is dedicated to civil rights advocacy and labor law. “We see a lot of injustice out there, the devaluing of our labor, workers being disrespected,” said Don, which gets him “fired up” to make things right.

The discussion turns to the important role the city of Chicago has played in labor history. Many labor unions were born out of street actions in Chicago, and many unions “Local 1” and “Local 2” are still based there. During the interview, Don says he is sitting only a few blocks away from Haymarket Square, where at least 8 workers died in 1886 when a labor protest for an 8-hour workday turned into a riot. Today, workers around the world honor their sacrifice on May Day every year. 

Don also speaks about the commitment that the CFL has with workers who have suffered job loss during the coronavirus pandemic, and how their community service events have served as a lifeline for many union members. In partnership with their affiliates, they conducted a food drive the day before Mothers’ Day in the parking lot of IAM Local 1487 near O’Hare Airport. 

Dave Roderick and Ann Clifford from District 141 helped coordinate the event with Machinists and members of many CFL affiliates, from Bricklayers to Musicians. “Union members helping union members,” distributed 1,600 pounds of food to 400 needy families that day. 

Don is deeply grateful to Local 1487 and District 141 for their dedication and solidarity. “Machinists have always been a big part of the CFL; Chicago can’t move without our Machinists Brothers and Sisters.” 

Learn More about the Chicago Federation of Labor >>


Hurry! There’s Still Time to Enter The 2021 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest

Hurry! There’s Still Time to Enter The 2021 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest

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Hurry! There’s Still Time to Enter The 2021 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest

Dear Member of IAM District Lodge 141:

We are writing to inform you about a special benefit offered by IAM District Lodge 141: the Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship. Each year, our District awards several scholarships to qualified and deserving members — or their children, grandchildren, or spouses 

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Dear Member of IAM District Lodge 141:

We are writing to inform you about a special benefit offered by IAM District Lodge 141: the Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship.

Each year, our District awards several scholarships to qualified and deserving members — or their children, grandchildren, or spouses — who are pursuing a college education. The scholarship awards range from $1,000 to $2,000. An independent committee selects the scholarship winners on the merits of the essay submitted by each applicant. The topic for this year’s scholarship essay competition is “COVID-19 has affected societies and economies around the world. Where do we go from here? What should the priorities be for mankind?”

The rules of the competition are attached with an application. We urge you to take advantage of this outstanding opportunity for you or someone in your family. The scholarship money can be used to help pay for tuition, fees, books, living expenses — it’s up to you, as long as it makes your life as a student easier!

Our union’s mission has always been to lift working people so they can build better lives for themselves and their loved ones. We are proud to offer the Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship as one way our District helps members and their families achieve their dreams.

In Solidarity,

President & Directing General Chair,
District 141,
International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers

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