Apr 23, 2020 | COVID, Featured, Front Page, Home, Home, MNPL, Safety, Safety, Uncategorized |
The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) today demanded that Delta Air Lines and JetBlue Airways, who received taxpayer-funded federal funds, reverse course and restore airline workers’ pay.
“The payroll support component for air carriers in the CARES Act requires that taxpayer-funded grant dollars be used to maintain the pay and benefits of the dedicated JetBlue and Delta workers who have made your airlines successful and who are risking their lives every day by providing essential services to the American public,” said IAM District 141 and 142 Presidents Mike Klemm and Dave Supplee in a letter to the two airlines’ CEOs. “It is our understanding that tens of thousands of Delta and JetBlue workers have taken unpaid voluntary leaves in order to aid the carriers in reducing labor costs, yet you have implemented unconscionable policies to reduce the pay of those workers that remain. At Delta, thousands of workers are being forced to work fewer hours per week without pay. At JetBlue, workers have been forced to take 24 days of unpaid leave from now until September 30, 2020. The grant money that you demanded and received was calculated using these workers’ compensation and is meant to maintain their salaries and benefits through this crisis.”
Both Delta Air Lines and JetBlue Airways applied for and received direct, taxpayer-funded federal grants under the CARES Act. As a condition of taking the direct grant federal funds, air carriers are prohibited from cutting airline workers’ pay and benefits and from laying off workers until September 30, 2020.
“Hundreds of thousands of IAM members in every sector of our union proudly called elected officials and demanded action to protect the industries in which we work,” continued Klemm and Supplee. “Now, opportunist corporate actors such as yourselves are using that good faith support of airline workers around the country and at every carrier to screw your own workforces and greedily undermine the intent of the federal stimulus funds that you demanded.”
READ THE ENTIRE LETTER HERE. The IAM is the world’s largest airline union and represents over 600,000 members. More information about the IAM and our campaigns to organize Delta and JetBlue workers is available at www.iamdelta.net, www.iamjetblue.com and IAMDeltaworkersunite.
Apr 17, 2020 | COVID, Featured, Front Page, Home, Home, MNPL, Uncategorized, Video |
Explaining the Political Priorities of the Machinists and Aerospace Union, Dist. 141
IAMAW District 141 Legislative Director, Dave Roderick sits down with Dave LeHive to explain how important the work of the Machinists Non-Partisan Political League is during the COVID-19 Crisis and beyond.
Apr 17, 2020 | COVID, EAP, Featured, Front Page, Helping Hands, Home, Home |
EAP Peer Coordinators:
We focus on resilience this week. The “stay in place” orders have been in place for anywhere from 3-6 weeks. The Coronavirus has taken a large toll on everyone. We may not realize how deeply it has affected us for quite a while.
People are starting to get anxious about when “normalcy” will be restored. Surviving all of this will require us to be resilient. We address what resiliency is and how to build resilience in this issue.
Many of you have had coronavirus impact your workplace. Because of the social distancing rules and quarantine guidelines, most of the ways in which we respond to the needs of our co-workers is not possible. Please know those simple conversations on the phone, kind texts or e-mails or other appropriate ways of communicating your concern are very impactful in our current situation.
I am grateful for all of you and your empathy and compassion in the workplace. All of this builds resiliency.
Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.
Apr 15, 2020 | COVID, Featured, Front Page, Home, Home, MNPL, Uncategorized, Video |
Legislative Update from IAMAW 141 MNPL Director, David Roderick
District 141 MNPL Director offers several updates on efforts by the IAMAW to support airline workers through legislation and public policy through the COVID-19 Crisis.
IAM Veterans Home Caregivers: ‘We’re Their Family Right Now’
IAM to Hold Virtual Workers’ Memorial Day on April 28
Union-Busting Cases Against Boeing in South Carolina Move Forward
Apr 15, 2020 | COVID, Featured, Front Page, Home, Home, Organizing, Safety, Safety, United |
District 141 has just been informed that United Airlines, in an effort to reduce the risk of possible transmission of any virus to our agents who interact with customers, will be installing personal barriers made of Plexiglas in the areas where our agents are most vulnerable.
The following test locations have been chosen based on flight schedule: IAD, ORD, SFO, LAX, DFW, PDX, and MCO. Twenty (20) podium guards and two (2) gate reader guards will be overnighted to each location and installed tomorrow. DEN will have its guards in place today, as they don’t need to be shipped.
Once in place, the company will immediately look for feedback on the effectiveness of the guards. When a decision is reached the company will start ordering the guards for all remaining stations. They will advise us of the rollout schedule as the guards are being manufactured. The company said they would like a test phase that enables them to get good feedback while still being able to expedite the process of installation.
The company has begun temperature checks for employees prior to starting their shift. EWR, LGA, MSY, IAH and SFO Base have started. Other locations will be coming online as they get the procedures and staff in place to ensure everyone’s safety. You will be receiving information from your specific locations station leadership prior to it being implemented. When the District is informed of stations beginning more checks we will post it.
Apr 15, 2020 | COVID, EAP, Education, Featured, Front Page, Home, Home, MNPL, Organizing, Safety, Safety, Uncategorized |
A Message to The Membership of the IAMAW
IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. brings members up to date on the union’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resources available to the membership.
IAM Veterans Home Caregivers: ‘We’re Their Family Right Now’
IAM to Hold Virtual Workers’ Memorial Day on April 28
Union-Busting Cases Against Boeing in South Carolina Move Forward