2017 IAM Photography Contest

2017 IAM Photography Contest

To all IAM members,

Just a reminder for any member interested in entering 2017 IAM Photography Contest. It is open to all IAM members in good standing. Entries should catch IAM members at work in unposed photos. Winning entries will win a cash prize and will appear in the 2018 IAM Calendar. Two dollars from each calendar sale is donated to Guide Dogs of America. The cut off date for contest entries is July 23rd.

You can also visit the IAM Communications Department Contest site for additional information.

Download Contest Rules and Entry Form

Essential Leadership Training for IAM Members at W3 IAM Training Center

This past week, IAM members from various Districts and Locals including locals of District 141 went thru Leadership II training at the W3 IAM Training center. The successful Spanish and English groups had 4 days of classroom training and 1 day practical training going to Capitol Hill in D.C. This video has 3 interviews which explains that trip and what the members learned.

Critical Incident Response training for EAP representatives from IAM Districts 141 and 142

IAM Districts 141 and 142 had IAM EAP Reps from American, Alaska, Southwest, Hawaiian, United and Express Jet went to the W3 = William W Winpisinger Educational Center to be trained in Critical Incident Response … This is a extremely useful class for our EAP reps to have taken and with this knowledge will be prepared to help members in distress….

Marcus Shelton and IAM141 members are ensuring that homeless mothers are not forgotten on Mothers Day

Happy Mother’s Day!
Remembering Mom: IAM141 member Marcus Shelton, his friends and his local lodge’s Human Rights Committee are all turning to social activism to ensure that homeless mothers in his community aren’t forgotten. Free Mother’s Day lunches and flowers for some very special moms.