Helping Hands February: Heart Health

Helping Hands February: Heart Health

Because of Valentines Day – we are focusing on heart health. Healthy heart factors and risk factors are addressed. Let’s start some discussions around how your heart health can affect your mental health also. Our physical health has a big effect on our mental health.

The past week has seen bone chilling cold across much of the U.S – Lack of sunshine and warmth also affects mental health – we can offer hope and encourage people to take care of themselves through the winter. Sometimes a kind, encouraging word can be a simple and effective way of helping people get through difficult times.

Thank you for your service to others. I am grateful for each of you!


Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.

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Association Negotiations Update

Association Negotiations Update

American Struggles To Say Yes

Throughout this week, the Association Executive Negotiating Committee members continued to present reasonable proposals in an effort to reach a JCBA. While some conversations discussed across the bargaining table seemed to reach “supposal agreements in principle,” written proposals returned from the Company continued to revert to their take-it or leave-it positions. In other words, the Company could not find their way to “yes” without a caveat giving them unilateral rights to do whatever they want.

At the direction of the mediators, discussions centered largely on the Fleet Service Scope and Classification, M&R/MLS Field Trip Procedures, and the Duration Article. A tentative agreement was reached on the Duration Article; however, pay raises beyond the amendable date were shifted to wage discussions.

We closed the week without significant progress on resolving the Fleet Scope issues. Your negotiating committee remains firm in protecting the work we do in the locations that we do that work. That commitment was strongly conveyed to the Company. We are hopeful the Company recognizes that we need to protect our work and will come prepared to get that done in our next session in Washington, D.C.

The full negotiating committees were in Ft. Lauderdale to support, provide input, and caucus with the Executive Negotiating Committee; including real-time updates throughout the day. The Association remains committed to achieving the compensation, healthcare, retirement, and job security that our members deserve. Your continued support and solidarity are both appreciated and necessary to reach the JCBA you rightfully deserve.


Your Association Negotiating Committees

Future Mediation Sessions scheduled:

  • February 6, 7, 8 DCA
  • February 12, 13, 14 ATL
  • If necessary, additional days in March to be determined

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Union Members at American Airlines Will Keep Their Benefits While They Train to Become Pilots

Union Members at American Airlines Will Keep Their Benefits While They Train to Become Pilots

Baggage handlers who attend flight academy can keep their flight benefits and health insurance. An agreement between two unions and the airline seals the deal.

There aren’t enough pilots for the nation’s airlines.

As the numbers of highly trained pilots take a nosedive, the demand for air travel is soaring. A pilot’s union is predicting that as many as 7.8 Billion passengers will be moving through the nation’s airports in the next few decades. Meanwhile, the number of highly trained and qualified pilots available to work in commercial aviation has been shrinking since the late 1980s. Boeing is predicting that airlines will need to hire an astonishing 635 thousand new pilots to meet the demand.

The shortage of pilots is creating some stormy skies for commercial aviation. But, it also presents a potential advantage for any airline that figures out a way to recruit and retain highly trained pilots that also happen to be committed to their company.

Two major unions at American Airlines, the Machinists Union and the TWU, struck a deal with the carrier that offers one solution. Both unions have an ongoing alliance that includes over 30,000 employees at American.

The plan is simple and has two parts. First, it identifies employees that are interested in becoming pilots. Next, it maintains their flight benefits, pay and health care while they are attending pilot training. Rinse and repeat.

In addition to protecting the pay rates, pass travel and health insurance of pilots in training, the agreement also protects seniority, vacations and other important benefits while the employees participate in one of the airline’s “Pilot Supply” programs.

Acknowledging the need to “ensure a strong supply of qualified pilots,” as well as protecting the benefits and job security of current employees, American signed a Letter of Agreement with the Machinists Union that formalized the deal in January. The agreement was signed by representatives from the Machinists Union, the TWU and American Airlines.

More details of how American will grant the leaves to future pilots will be announced later. In the meantime, check out the American Airlines Cadet Academy website for more information about the company’s flight training programs. That’s where candidates interested in learning to fly can take the first steps towards becoming a pilot. No flight experience needed.

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MLK Was a Union Man

MLK Was a Union Man

The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is recognized around the world as a leader of civil rights. What many people don’t know is that he had strong ties to the American labor movement.

When Dr. King was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee on April 4, 1968, he was there to support sanitation workers who were on their seventh week of a strike for fair wages and to have their union, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) recognized by the city of Memphis.

By that point, Dr. King had forged alliances with several unions and the AFL-CIO. He frequently spoke about the role unions play in securing equality for all workers, and how economic equality is linked to racial equality. “What good does it do to be able to eat at a lunch counter if you can’t buy a hamburger?”, he famously asked. In a speech before the AFL-CIO in 1961, he spoke forcefully about the unity of purpose for all working people facing a common foe: “the labor-hater and the labor-baiter is virtually always a twin-headed creature spewing anti-Negro epithets from one mouth and anti-labor propaganda from the other mouth”, he said.

[gdlr_video url=”” ]

Read the whole speech here

At the core of Dr. King’s philosophy is the concept that a person’s worth is not measured by his or her color, culture or class, but by their commitment to make a better life for all. The best way to celebrate Dr. King’s 90th birthday is to honor his call to service. Many of you will be doing that today, like you often do, and for that I am deeply grateful.

“Everybody can be great because everybody can serve…you only need a heart full of grace, a soul generated by love.”

Let’s work to make Dr. King’s dream a reality.

In unity and solidarity,

Michael Klemm
President & Directing General Chairperson
IAMAW District Lodge 141

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