Machinists Union Member Meets President Biden

Machinists Union Member Meets President Biden

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Machinists Union Member Meets President Biden

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IAM District Lodge 66 member Mike Davis recently got the chance of a lifetime to meet President Biden. After the president gave a speech pushing his $1 trillion infrastructure plan at the La Crosse Municipal Transit Utility in Wisconsin, Davis was one of a select few union leaders chosen to meet the president backstage.

“This is the first time I have ever met any president so the whole experience was very exciting to see and take in,” said Davis, a Local 1115 member who works at Crown Cork and Seal and is also President of the Western Wisconsin AFL-CIO. “I was able to be backstage and up close to the president so it made for an even more thrilling day. I couldn’t have been more proud to represent the IAM and our local unions.” 

“Mike was a very deserving member to be selected with the honor of representing the IAM at President Biden’s visit to La Crosse,” said IAM District 66 Directing Business Representative Jana Kirch. “He is not only a respected leader in our union, but also fights for the rights of all workers in Wisconsin.”

President Biden told Wisconsinites the proposed infrastructure plan will create millions of good paying jobs. The president was joined by U.S. Rep. Ron Kind (D-WI), U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Gov. Tony Evers (D) in talking about the ways the package would also improve Wisconsin infrastructure.

“It’s refreshing to see and experience a White House now focused on unions and working Americans,” said IAM Midwest Territory General Vice President Steve Galloway. “In just his first 150 days, President Biden and his administration have already spearheaded a number of legislative actions, appointments and bills the Machinists Union have been fighting for, for so many years.”

“President Biden thanked me for all our union has done and said he truly appreciated our support,” added Davis. “It’s a moment I will cherish, honor and never forget.”

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IAM Activism Pays Off with Minimum Wage Increase at Minneapolis Airport

IAM Activism Pays Off with Minimum Wage Increase at Minneapolis Airport

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IAM Activism Pays Off with Minimum Wage Increase at Minneapolis Airport

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On July 1, IAM District 77 joined a coalition of unions and workers at Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport in a press conference commemorating the airport’s minimum wage increase to $14.25 an hour. The raise is the second of three that will bring thousands of workers from $11 an hour in October 2020 to $15 an hour in July 2022. The IAM was the first union in Minnesota to support the fight for better wages at MSP.

Many thanks to the Machinists & Aerospace journalists at who wrote and originally published this story. 

“When we started this campaign, people thought we were crazy to demand those kind of wages, but through solidarity and collective action we not only moved the needle of public opinion, but here we are today celebrating yet again another big raise,” said IAM District 77 Directing Business Representative John Steigauf.

Airport workers from SEIU Local 26, UNITE-HERE Local 17 and Teamsters Local 120 also spoke about how the raises make a drastic difference in their ability to provide for their families and feel dignity in their work.

“The Machinists Union was again at the forefront of the fight to better workers’ lives,” said IAM Midwest Territory General Vice President Steve Galloway. “I commend District 77 for helping to achieve this historic win for airport workers in Minneapolis. The IAM will continue to lead the labor movement in its quest to better the livelihoods of all workers.”

Kip Hedges, a Delta baggage handler and leader of an organizing effort to join the Machinists Union, was fired in late 2014 for speaking out about the plight of low wage workers at the airport. Hedges, Richard Ryan, who was then Assistant Directing Business Representative, and many other local Machinists worked together to pass resolutions through the Minnesota State Council of Machinists, the Minnesota AFL-CIO Convention and dozens of other unions.

Initially, the resolutions only pertained to wages at MSP, but activists quickly built momentum to win support for a $15 an hour minimum wage for all workers in Minnesota.

“Our union is proud to have supported this essential fight with our pocketbooks and by putting our feet on the street,” added Steigauf. “They call us the Fighting Machinists and we won’t stop fighting until every worker has a living wage, no matter what we look like, where we come from, or how we pray.”

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Do You Qualify for Monthly Child Tax Credit Payments? FACT SHEET

Do You Qualify for Monthly Child Tax Credit Payments? FACT SHEET

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Do You Qualify for Monthly Child Tax Credit Payments? FACT SHEET

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The Machinists Union fought hard for the passage of the American Rescue Plan to bring relief to working families. One piece of relief coming soon for most IAM families will be the increased Child Tax Credit.

Many thanks to the Machinists & Aerospace journalists at who wrote and originally published this story. 

The Child Tax Credit in the American Rescue Plan provides the largest Child Tax Credit ever and will make a big difference for many working Americans.

Starting on July 15, nearly all IAM members with children will receive an increased Child Tax Credit. The Child Tax Credit will deliver $300 per child each month for families with a shared income of $150,000 or $112,5000 for a single-parent household. So, in its simplest terms, help is on the way for IAM working families.

“The IAM continues to push for legislation that benefits IAM members and their families,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “During the pandemic, it was workers and their families who made it possible for this country to survive and heal. The Child Tax Credit gives those hardworking families a benefit they truly deserve.”

Do you qualify for monthly child tax credit payments? 

The Machinists Non-Partisan Political League fights to advance the interests of front-line workers at the legislative level. This work is funded solely through voluntary contributions from members like you. If you support this work, please consider signing up for regular, recurring donations of any amount today. Every dollar helps. THANK YOU.

Action Alerts

TAKE ACTION: Scholarships Available Now!

/// The Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest is Now Accepting Applications

Tell Your Senators to Support the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (PRO Act) Now! 

///The PRO Act will make it easier for working people to bargain together and win good contracts because it will: Empower workers to exercise our freedom to organize and bargain. Repeal “right to work” laws. Ensure that workers can reach a first contract quickly after a union is recognized.

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IAM Calling on Congress for Rail Safety and Job Creation

IAM Calling on Congress for Rail Safety and Job Creation

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IAM Calling on Congress for Rail Safety and Job Creation

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The Machinists Union is strongly urging Congress to help secure the livelihood of the nearly 40,000 IAM members working in the rail industry by passing the INVEST in America Act.

Many thanks to the Machinists & Aerospace journalists at IAM Transportation Newswire who wrote and originally published this story. 

This legislation will improve safety, create thousands of good-paying union jobs, and provide much-needed stability and growth to the freight and passenger rail industry.
“This legislation improves safety and creates thousands of good-paying union jobs, while providing much-needed security, stability and growth to the freight and passenger rail industry” said Chief of Staff to the International President Richard Johnsen. “The INVEST in America Act is a great first step forward in protecting and securing the livelihood of the members we represent.”
The Act addresses a wide variety of issues, including responding to dangerous changes and the deployment of new technologies in freight railroad operations, ensuring that the Federal Railroad Administration is a safety-first agency that works in tandem with rail workers, and requiring the necessary presence of a certified engineer and certified conductor on most freight trains.
The bill also includes significant investments in passenger rail, including historic funding levels for Amtrak and its operational and capital needs. It supports the growth of new rail operations, including high-speed rail.
Earlier this month, The IAM along with a coalition of rail labor organizations wrote a letter to House leadership expressing strong support for the INVEST in America Act.

Action Alerts

TAKE ACTION: Scholarships Available Now!

/// The Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest is Now Accepting Applications

Tell Your Senators to Support the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (PRO Act) Now! 

///The PRO Act will make it easier for working people to bargain together and win good contracts because it will: Empower workers to exercise our freedom to organize and bargain. Repeal “right to work” laws. Ensure that workers can reach a first contract quickly after a union is recognized.

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Have a Joyous Juneteenth!

Have a Joyous Juneteenth!

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Have a Joyous Juneteenth!

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A Proclamation on Juneteenth Day of Observance, 2021

On June 19, 1865 — nearly nine decades after our Nation’s founding, and more than 2 years after President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation — enslaved Americans in Galveston, Texas, finally received word that they were free from bondage.  As those who were formerly enslaved were recognized for the first time as citizens, Black Americans came to commemorate Juneteenth with celebrations across the country, building new lives and a new tradition that we honor today.  In its celebration of freedom, Juneteenth is a day that should be recognized by all Americans. And that is why I am proud to have consecrated Juneteenth as our newest national holiday.

Juneteenth is a day of profound weight and power.

A day in which we remember the moral stain and terrible toll of slavery on our country –- what I’ve long called America’s original sin.  A long legacy of systemic racism, inequality, and inhumanity.

But it is a day that also reminds us of our incredible capacity to heal, hope, and emerge from our darkest moments with purpose and resolve.

As I said on the 100th Anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre, great nations don’t ignore the most painful chapters of their past. Great nations confront them.  We come to terms with them.

On Juneteenth, we recommit ourselves to the work of equity, equality, and justice.  And, we celebrate the centuries of struggle, courage, and hope that have brought us to this time of progress and possibility.  That work has been led throughout our history by abolitionists and educators, civil rights advocates and lawyers, courageous activists and trade unionists, public officials, and everyday Americans who have helped make real the ideals of our founding documents for all.

There is still more work to do.  As we emerge from the long, dark winter of the COVID-19 pandemic, for example, racial equity remains at the heart of our efforts to vaccinate the Nation and beat the virus.  We must recognize that Black Americans, among other people of color, have shouldered a disproportionate burden of loss — while also carrying us through disproportionately as essential workers and health care providers on the front lines of the crisis.

Psalm 30 proclaims that “weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.”  Juneteenth marks both the long, hard night of slavery and discrimination, and the promise of a brighter morning to come.  My Administration is committed to building an economy — and a Nation — that brings everyone along, and finally delivers our Nation’s founding promise to Black Americans.  Together, we will lay the roots of real and lasting justice, so that we can become the extraordinary country that was promised to all Americans.

Juneteenth not only commemorates the past.  It calls us to action today.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 19, 2021, as Juneteenth Day of Observance.  I call upon the people of the United States to acknowledge and celebrate the end of the Civil War and the emancipation of Black Americans, and commit together to eradicate systemic racism that still undermines our founding ideals and collective prosperity.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this eighteenth day of June, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-one, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-fifth.

                             JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR.

Action Alerts

TAKE ACTION: Scholarships Available Now!

/// The Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest is Now Accepting Applications

Tell Your Senators to Support the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (PRO Act) Now! 

///The PRO Act will make it easier for working people to bargain together and win good contracts because it will: Empower workers to exercise our freedom to organize and bargain. Repeal “right to work” laws. Ensure that workers can reach a first contract quickly after a union is recognized.

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U.S. Secretaries Walsh And Raimondo Visit IAM Members

U.S. Secretaries Walsh And Raimondo Visit IAM Members

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U.S. Secretaries Walsh And Raimondo Visit IAM Members

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U.S. Labor Secretary Marty Walsh and U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo recently visited Machinists Union members at General Dynamics Electric Boat in Groton, CT. The cabinet officials witnessed firsthand how federal registered apprenticeship programs have strengthened eastern Connecticut’s manufacturing workforce.

Many thanks to the Machinists & Aerospace journalists at who wrote and originally published this story. 

The U.S. Secretaries, who were part of a group led by U.S. Rep. Joe Courtney (D-CT), went on a tour of the busy shipyard and discussed how Electric Boat has utilized federal registered apprenticeship programs like the Eastern Connecticut Manufacturing Pipeline Initiative (MPI) to help train and grow their workforce.

“I want to thank Congressman Courtney for facilitating the visit of U.S. Secretaries Walsh and Raimondo to meet our members at Electric Boat,” said IAM Eastern Territory General Vice President Jimmy Conigliaro Sr. “The IAM is grateful for their continued support of legislation like the MPI that will help provide jobs for future generations of Machinists.”

“We are very fortunate to have a congressional delegation here in Connecticut and also the Secretaries of Labor and Commerce that see the value in supporting programs like apprenticeships,” said IAM District 26 Directing Business Representative Mike Stone. “These programs further our members’ education and, in turn, make for a smarter, stronger workforce to perform the work our companies do such as the growing submarine construction programs at Electric Boat, currently and into the future.”

The National Apprenticeship Act of 2021 would expand access to Registered Apprenticeships, youth apprenticeships and pre-apprenticeship programs. It would also yield a projected $10.6 billion in net benefits to U.S. taxpayers in the form of increased tax revenue and decreased spending on public-assistance programs and unemployment insurance.

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Action Alerts

TAKE ACTION: Scholarships Available Now!

/// The Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest is Now Accepting Applications

Tell Your Senators to Support the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (PRO Act) Now! 

///The PRO Act will make it easier for working people to bargain together and win good contracts because it will: Empower workers to exercise our freedom to organize and bargain. Repeal “right to work” laws. Ensure that workers can reach a first contract quickly after a union is recognized.

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