IAM, United Negotiations Continue in Chicago

IAM, United Negotiations Continue in Chicago

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IAM, United Negotiations Continue in Chicago


29 April 2022

Your IAM District 141 Negotiations Committee and United Airlines management representatives continued negotiations this week for over 25,000 workers covered by seven different contracts.

Negotiations progressed nicely this week, as both parties worked diligently towards realizing our shared goal of reaching acceptable tentative agreements by our self-imposed deadline of August 1, 2022.

United management committed to the Union that IAM members’ priorities will be addressed during our next session the week on May 16th in a comprehensive fashion. The Union reiterated to the Company what is needed to successfully conclude these expedited talks, which is industry-best agreements.

While we do not know how the Company will address IAM members’ stated priorities in its comprehensive proposal, we are cautiously optimistic that the Company fully understands IAM members’ needs. Our expectation is that understanding translates into Company proposals that further push this expedited process forward.

As was announced earlier this month, United expects its strongest second-quarter revenue performance in company history, and to be profitable for 2022. United CEO Scott Kirby said the following to investors:

“Our team continues to do an outstanding job of caring for our customers. The demand environment is the strongest it’s been in my 30 years in the industry – and United and its customers will benefit more than any other airline. We’re now seeing clear evidence that the second quarter will be an historic inflection point for our business. It leaves me more optimistic than ever about United’s future.”

CEO Kirby’s statements are welcome news for every dedicated and hardworking United Airlines employee. However, I would add that not only will United and its customers benefit more than any other airline due to the strongest demand environment in Mr. Kirby’s 30 year career, but so will IAM-represented United employees.

You can rest assured that your negotiations committee will remind United management that we are the reason United is in the position to return to profitability.

Negotiations will continue the week of May 16th.

In solidarity,

Your District 141 Negotiating Committee

Olu Ajetomobi
Joe Bartz
Victor Hernandez
Barb Martin
Andrea’ Myers
Terry Stansbury

Faysal Silwany
Erik Stenberg
Sue Weisner

Michael G. Klemm

President & Directing General Chair,
IAMAW District 141

Recording Secretaries: Please print and post on all IAMAW bulletin boards.

IAM, United Negotiations Continue in Chicago

Negotiations Continue in Houston

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Negotiations Continue in Houston


16 April 2022

This week, the IAM District 141 Negotiations Committee and United Airlines continued negotiations in Houston, Texas. Both parties exchanged proposals and responded to open items regarding issues in Articles 1, 4, and 10 in the collective bargaining agreements.

While we hoped to be much further along in this expedited negotiations process, we achieved incremental progress this week. We again reiterated to the Company that IAM-represented workers at United Airlines deserve the industry’s best agreements.

Negotiations will continue the week of April 25th.

In Solidarity,

Your District 141 Negotiating Committee

Olu Ajetomobi
Joe Bartz
Victor Hernandez
Barb Martin
Andrea’ Myers
Terry Stansbury

Faysal Silwany
Erik Stenberg
Sue Weisner

Michael G. Klemm

President & Directing General Chair,
IAMAW District 141

Recording Secretaries: Please print and post on all IAMAW bulletin boards.

United Stores Key Focus at Quarterly Meeting

United Stores Key Focus at Quarterly Meeting

Machinists Union Meets With United Management to Discuss Stores’ Operations at the Airline

United Airlines
11 April 2022

The Machinists Union and United Airlines met last week to discuss issues related to the airline’s warehousing operation, known as “Storekeeping,” or “Stores.”

The meeting is a quarterly event that both sides have participated in for the past ten years. At this quarters’ meeting were company managers and executives with oversight over the airline’s Stores workplaces and union representatives, including Assistant General Chairs and Stores Grievance Committee members.

“These meetings are essential because they allow us to have face-to-face discussions with key company decision-makers,” said Joe Bartz. Bartz is an Assistant General Chairman for District 141 of the Machinists Union and helped host the meeting with fellow AGC Troy Rivera. “We can get together and resolve workplace issues on the spot,” he said. “It’s extremely helpful for us to maintain these points of contact, so that we have the situational awareness we need to represent our membership on the front lines,” he continued. 

This Stores meeting focused on various issues, including new hire and transfer integration and seniority concerns. The safety of Stores workers was also a key topic, emphasizing possible risks associated with landing gears and the enormous aircraft tires that Stores workers have to handle. 

This quarters’ meeting was hosted by the unions’ District 141 Assistant General Chairs Joe Bartz and Troy Rivera. It included a delegation of Stores union representatives from major United Airlines operations across the country. 

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Negotiations Crawl Along in Chicago

Negotiations Crawl Along in Chicago

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Negotiations Crawl Along in Chicago This Week


1 April 2022

This week, the IAM District 141 Negotiations Committee and United negotiators met in Chicago to continue bargaining for new contracts covering over 25,000 United Airlines ground workers. We reported last week that we were not pleased with the pace of negotiations. This week was mostly more of the same, with some small progress made as the week came to a close.

Both the Union and the Company agreed to expedite these talks with a deadline of August 1st to conclude negotiations. At this pace, we will be hard-pressed to meet that deadline. The Union has made several proposals and counter-proposals to the Company regarding issues we view as being simple to resolve. Still, the Company is dragging its feet, and it doesn’t seem they possess the same urgency to produce industry-leading contracts as we do.

In a recent interview with the Center for Strategic and International Studies, United CEO Scott Kirby stated, “I think the most enduring change that’s going to come from COVID that’ll be most obvious to people is the customer service culture change that’s happened. We had over a 40-point improvement in our net promoter scores. I hear it, like, everywhere I go.” CEO Kirby went on to say, “I actually have the easiest job of anyone at United because I really only have one responsibility, which is to make our employees proud.”

Every IAM member at United Airlines deserves to lead the industry in all aspects of our terms of employment. It’s very obvious that CEO Kirby believes United is the leading global airline. It is also clear that CEO Kirby believes that United employees have led the way in providing United’s top-notch service improvements, which have added value to United’s brand and bottom line.

It’s time for United management to get serious about these expedited negotiations, put their money where their mouths are, and make us proud.

The Union and the Company will meet next the week of April 11th.

In Solidarity,

Your District 141 Negotiating Committee

Olu Ajetomobi
Joe Bartz
Victor Hernandez
Barb Martin
Andrea’ Myers
Terry Stansbury

Faysal Silwany
Erik Stenberg
Sue Weisner

Michael G. Klemm

President & Directing General Chair,
IAMAW District 141

Recording Secretaries: Please print and post on all IAMAW bulletin boards.

United Airlines Safety Bulletin

United Airlines Safety Bulletin

GSAP Event Review Committee (ERC) team members

Rachel Shultz – Management AO
Ashley Maddox – Management AO
William Salo – IAM District 141
Brian Leifker – IAM District 141
John Woodring – FAA
David Lilja – Program Mgr/Sr. Analyst

 ERC upcoming events 

 The ERC meets Wednesdays from 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. 

Ground Safety Action Program News is cooperatively published by United Airlines, IAM, and the FAA. The Ground Safety Action Program (GSAP) is a joint partnership designed to improve the safety of United’s operations by offering the IAM, management, and administrative employees the ability to report safety concerns and/or self-disclose inadvertent Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) and company policy violations.

File a GSAP at ASAP.UAL.COM OR call the GSAP Hotline at 844-280-ASAP

Scan me to download the My Safety App to your smartphone

My Safety App (MSA): Available now!

We’re excited to introduce the My Safety app (MSA) – a mobile solution for Safety reporting available to AO frontline employees and M&A employees across the company.

MSA is available across all mobile platforms, including MAP devices, TC75 handheld scanners, and all personal mobile devices.

The app provides a user-friendly experience for the submission of GSAP and AO IOR reports directly from your work or personal mobile device. Airport Operations Safety listened to your feedback about the limitations and frustrations associated with the completion of safety reports on desktop computers. We addressed this feedback by partnering with the Digital Technology team to bring mobile safety reporting to the Airport Ops team.

The app was designed from the ground up, using feedback from CS, Ramp, MoveTeam, and IAM union leaders. The same groups were involved in testing the mobile app to ensure proper functionality. Some of the exciting features of the app include voice dictation and photo and video attachments. ETQ (the web-based tool you’ve traditionally accessed through Flying Together) or asap.ual.com will remain fully functional to users and will continue to serve as the database for safety reports.

Employees may file new reports or access old reports on the desktop platform or via the new mobile app.

As a reminder, the use of hand-held electronic devices while operating any motorized vehicle is strictly prohibited.

Ground Safety Action Program News is cooperatively published by United Airlines, IAM, and the FAA. The Ground Safety Action Program (GSAP) is a joint partnership designed to improve the safety of United’s operations by offering the IAM, management, and administrative employees the ability to report safety concerns and/or self-disclose inadvertent Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) and company policy violations.

Your feedback is welcome:




File a GSAP at ASAP.UAL.COM OR call the GSAP Hotline at 844-280-ASAP

Scan me to download the My Safety App to your smartphone

14 CFR Part 5 Requirement

Thank you for doing your part in creating a safer environment and helping United comply with 14 CFR Part 5, which requires employees of every Part 121 carrier to communicate hazards and/ safety concerns they identify at work. Your reporting has led to many improvements to policies and procedures, and much-needed technology updates. Keep up the good work!

Current NLC items under review by the Safety Review Committee

1. Flights Departing without Final Weights

Current phase: Investigation

Updated 2/25/22

Flights Departing without Final Weights have been reported and are being processed through the Flight Operations Safety Action Program (FSAP) along with a review by United’s FAA Principal Operations Inspectors (POI) for resolution.

2. PRC Weight Change Errors

Current phase: HI Draft Updated 3/1/22

As a result of multiple GSAP reports related to ATW Weight Changes, AO Safety is currently drafting a passenger weight error discrepancy Hazard ID. The goal of the Hazard Identification is to take a closer look at the errors and determine appropriate mitigations such as adding controls or technology that may help alleviate passenger weight change errors.

3. Difficulty Contacting Stations

Current phase: Project Planning Updated 3/1/22

Both GSAP and DSAP reports have identified occasions where contact information for stations is inaccurate or unavailable. As a result, a project team of subject matter experts is currently looking at a replacement for, or a rebuild of the AGH and Airport Database that is more accurate. The team will also create a process to correct station information in a timely manner. In the meantime, a quarterly audit of the AGH is being conducted to ensure the phone data is updated appropriately.

Negotiations Crawl Along in Chicago

IAM Negotiators, United Meet at IAM141 District Headquarters

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18 February 2022

IAM Negotiators, United Meet at IAM141 District Headquarters

The IAM District 141 negotiating committee and representatives from United Airlines met this week in Chicago, IL, and engaged in another round of meaningful talks under the expedited negotiation process. The Union and the Company discussed specific quality of life issues identified by IAM members in the contract survey and proposal process and explained our concerns surrounding each issue.

The Union once again emphasized to the Company the need to compensate IAM-represented United Airlines members at the top of the industry, provide employment security provisions that provide all IAM members and their families the job protections they need and deserve, and fix the issues that degrade IAM United members quality of life on and off the job.

The negotiating committee also spent time honing contract language that will be proposed to the company.

We are cautiously optimistic that the expedited contract process is on track. Our hope is that the Company recognizes the importance and value of IAM members at United Airlines and how bargaining a fair and just contract is not only the right thing to do but also vital to United Airlines’ future success.

Due to some scheduling conflicts our next negotiating session with the Company will be the week of March 21st. However, your negotiating team will be getting together in the meantime to work on fine-tuning your proposals in preparation for the upcoming meetings.

In Solidarity,

Michael G. Klemm

President & Directing General Chair,
IAMAW District 141

Recording Secretaries: Please print and post on all IAMAW bulletin boards.