IAM District 141, United Airlines Confirm Dates to Begin the Expedited Collective Bargaining Process.

IAM District 141, United Airlines Confirm Dates to Begin the Expedited Collective Bargaining Process.

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IAM District 141, United Airlines Confirm Dates to Begin the Expedited Collective Bargaining Process.


In December, we reported that, based on input from the membership, we could reach an agreement with United through expedited negotiations, as was done in 2016.

We expect to reach an agreement that delivers the improvements demanded in the surveys and the contractual gains you deserve.

IAM members at United stepped up to help our airline navigate through some of the toughest years in airline industry history. Throughout these negotiations, you can rest assured that we will reiterate this fact to United Airlines management.

We will meet with the Company starting the week of February 14. We will then follow up with meeting dates for the weeks of February 28, March 14, March 28, and April 11. We will provide weekly updates following these meetings.

Thank you for your incredible support as we negotiate a contract worthy of your hard work and dedication.

In Solidarity,

Your District 141 Negotiating Committee

Olu Ajetomobi
Joe Bartz
Victor Hernandez
Barb Martin
Andrea’ Myers
Terry Stansbury

Faysal Silwany
Erik Stenberg
Sue Weisner

Michael G. Klemm

President & Directing General Chair,
IAMAW District 141

Recording Secretaries: Please print and post on all IAMAW bulletin boards.

Machinists Union Members at United Begin Contract Talks

Machinists Union Members at United Begin Contract Talks

Machinists Union Members at United Begin Contract Talks

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers began contract negotiations with United Airlines on Tuesday at the unions’ district headquarters in Chicago. The union is negotiating seven separate contracts at the airline, which will cover approximately 23,000 workers.

Both parties are working to return to the process of expedited negotiations, which had originally been scheduled to begin sometime in early 2020, but were postponed due to the pandemic. “The possibility that we could come to an agreement sooner rather than later is definitely on the table,” said Machinists Union District President Mike Klemm, who is involved in the talks. 

While the prospect of producing an agreement in the near term is appealing, Klemm cautioned that the union and company were still in the very early stages of drafting a new agreement, and that no solid deal had been worked out yet.

Under the Railway Labor Act, the set of laws that governs labor unions in the transportation sector, workers and employers can engage in an expedited collective bargaining process that would not renegotiate every aspect of an existing contract, but would instead update only the provisions that the union members target. 

The expedited process will give IAM members at United the opportunity to improve wages, benefits, and working conditions in the very near future,” Klemm told union members in the lead-up to the negotiations. “We used a similar model back in 2016 with great success, and both IAM District 141 and United agreed to discuss trying it again. Our hope is we can replicate that success, which brought us industry-leading contracts at the time.”

The IAM and United agreed in November 2015 to open existing collective bargaining agreements early and enter “limited issue, expedited negotiations” to take advantage of favorable industry conditions. The process concluded after four months of intense bargaining and led to industry-best contracts for IAM-represented workers at United Airlines.

At the time, the pact between United and the Machinists Union created some of the highest wages for fleet and customer service agents, instructors, and other unionized workgroups in the history of American commercial aviation. That deal produced wage increases of just over 18%, and overall compensation levels that delivered more than $3 billion for US-based airline workers. 

In 2019, an alliance between the Machinists Union and the Transport Workers Union at American Airlines produced another historic agreement. Once again, union members saw historic wage increases, this time accompanied by some of the most ironclad job protections the industry had ever seen. That agreement was ratified by an incredible 95% of fleet service workers – an almost impossible feat for a group the size of the unionized workers at American. In all, more than 30,000 workers at American Airlines are members of either the Machinists or Transport Workers Union. 

The personnel that drafted those historic agreements are returning once again to the bargaining table to hammer out the contract at United. Among them, Tom Regan, a veteran negotiator working on the United contract, has become legendary for his ability to close a deal. Regan, along with Assistant Airline Coordinator at the Machinists Union’s Transportation Territory, James Carlson, will be joining the negotiating team. 

“The main thing I want our members to know is that, yes, we want to bring a deal home as soon as possible,” Klemm said of the negotiations. “But, speed cannot come at the risk of losing things like job security. It won’t matter if our members are making $35 an hour if they don’t have strong job security protections,” he said. “The job protections we won in the 2016 United agreement and at American are the best our industry has ever seen,” he said. “And these protections are non-negotiable unless they improve.”

Thousands of United workers across different classifications from all over the nation participated in a pre-negotiations survey which shaped the topics of discussion for improvement in the upcoming contract.

Recent Articles

IAM District 141, United Airlines Confirm Dates to Begin the Expedited Collective Bargaining Process.

IAM District 141, United Airlines Agree to Expedited Contract Talks

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IAM District 141, United Airlines Agree to Expedited Contract Talks


Good morning Sisters and Brothers,                                                                               

IAM District 141 and United Airlines met this week in Chicago, IL, and agreed to enter into an expedited collective bargaining process that, if successful, would lead to seven new contracts covering approximately 23,000 IAM-represented workers at the carrier. 

The expedited process, which was utilized in 2016 and led to industry-leading contracts for IAM-represented workers at United at the time, is structured to narrow the scope of issues to be negotiated, based on membership priorities. The goal is to reach industry-best contracts in a condensed period of time. In 2016, the expedited negotiations process took only five months, compared to the industry average of about 15 months. Traditional negotiations between the IAM and United have historically exceeded the 15-month industry average. 

“District 141 is pleased to report that all priorities identified in the recent survey by IAM-represented workers at United are on the list to be negotiated with the Company,” said IAM District 141 President and Directing General Chairman Mike Klemm. “We are excited to get this process going and bring back the improvements that IAM members at United Airlines fully deserve. IAM members at United continue to answer the bell, day in and day out, to ensure that United Airlines remains atop the airline during the most difficult and uncertain times the US aviation industry has ever known. Simply put, IAM-represented workers at United Airlines deserve to be compensated as the industry’s best.”

Both IAM District 141 and United Airlines reserve the right to terminate the expedited contract negotiations process and enter traditional collective bargaining under what is known as Section Six of the Railway Labor Act, the federal law that governs contract negotiations in the airline and railroad sectors.

The two sides are in the process of scheduling future negotiations dates and the membership will be advised of those dates when they are finalized.

In Solidarity,

Your District 141 Negotiating Committee

Olu Ajetomobi
Joe Bartz
Victor Hernandez
Barb Martin
Andrea’ Myers 
Terry Stansbury

Faysal Silwany
Erik Stenberg

Michael G. Klemm

President & Directing General Chair,
IAMAW District 141

Recording Secretaries: Please print and post on all IAMAW bulletin boards.

Front Line Input “Crucial to the Success” of Contract Negotiations, says IAMAW District President, Mike Klemm

Front Line Input “Crucial to the Success” of Contract Negotiations, says IAMAW District President, Mike Klemm

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Front Line Input “Crucial to the Success” of Contract Negotiations, says IAMAW District President, Mike Klemm

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Input and solidarity from front-line union members are “crucial to the success” of contract negotiations at United and Hawaiian Airlines, according to IAMAW District 141 President Mike Klemm. Klemm is helping to oversee ongoing negotiations at Hawaiian and will lead the efforts to negotiate seven separate contracts at United. 

Input and solidarity from front-line union members are “crucial to the success” of contract negotiations at United and Hawaiian Airlines, according to IAMAW District 141 President Mike Klemm. Klemm is helping to oversee ongoing negotiations at Hawaiian and will lead the efforts to negotiate seven separate contracts at United. 

Klemm made the statements in a wide-ranging interview that aired Wednesday on the My Labor Radio Podcast with host Mark Gevaart.

Stressing the importance of member participation in contract negotiations, Klemm asked union workers to keep sending in their thoughts. “It’s actually crucial to the success of the negotiations process,” he said. “A lot of people are under the false premise that Mike Klemm or ‘The Union’ negotiates whatever they want… but that’s not the case.” 

“What we do is, we canvass our members, broken down by contract,” he explained, adding that union negotiators will get a clearer picture of the most critical priorities in the workplace if front-line participation is high. While pointing out a few obvious goals, such as better pay and key benefit improvements, which will always be part of contract negotiations, Klemm said he is particularly interested in more personal items, such as work rules.  

“It’s the work rules I really want to hear about,” he told show host Mark Gevaart.  

Thousands of IAMAW members at United Airlines recently participated in a three-week survey period where they were asked to submit contract proposals and describe their workplace priorities. The results have been tabulated and used to create a set of opening proposals during upcoming contract talks at the airline. At a recent Union Conference, Klemm said that expedited negotiations could be possible, but this would depend on how many aspects of the current agreements will need to be amended. The expedited negotiation process could produce an updated contract much sooner than a complete contractual overhaul.

Klemm urged members to keep sending their thoughts, even after the survey and canvassing process has completed. “I love it when people write in and explain why they want this or that change to the contract,” he said. “That’s a true service to other members, and provides much needed context and background.” Union Members can send in messages at IAM141.org/Contact. Each email will be seen by Klemm personally.  

Union Negotiators come from all over the nation, Klemm said, to produce a representative sample of the entire membership. “Obviously, you can’t have a 50-person Negotiating Committee,” he said. “But we’ve enlisted leaders from San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Newark… and so we have people from all over.”  

Along with the United talks, Klemm is also completing an updated agreement at Hawaiian Airlines. Those talks are happening with help from District 142, which like District 141, also represents workers at the airline.

While making significant progress at Hawaiian, a few outstanding issues remain, items that Klemm is optimistic can be reconciled at a joint meeting scheduled to take place on December 10.  

Under the Railway Labor Act, which governs airline unions, contracts with workers never expire. Instead, they become “amendable” after a specific date. 

The award-winning, Indiana-basedMy Labor Radio’ Podcastis the only broadcast promoting labor voices in the state. It is also part of the Labor Radio Network, which can be found at www.LaborRadioNetwork.org. The full interview with Mike Klemm originally aired on www.WELTFM.org, and will be rebroadcast on Wednesday, December 8th, from 1:00 – 2:00 pm EST.  

A link to the full interview can be found here.



Klemm made the statements in a wide-ranging interview that aired Wednesday on the My Labor Radio Podcast with host Mark Gevaart.

Stressing the importance of member participation in contract negotiations, Klemm asked union workers to keep sending in their thoughts. “It’s actually crucial to the success of the negotiations process,” he said. “A lot of people are under the false premise that Mike Klemm or ‘The Union’ negotiates whatever they want… but that’s not the case.” 

“What we do is, we canvass our members, broken down by contract,” he explained, adding that union negotiators will get a clearer picture of the most critical priorities in the workplace if front-line participation is high. While pointing out a few obvious goals, such as better pay and key benefit improvements, which will always be part of contract negotiations, Klemm said he is particularly interested in more personal items, such as work rules.  

“It’s the work rules I really want to hear about,” he told show host Mark Gevaart.  

Thousands of IAMAW members at United Airlines recently participated in a three-week survey period where they were asked to submit contract proposals and describe their workplace priorities. The results have been tabulated and used to create a set of opening proposals during upcoming contract talks at the airline. At a recent Union Conference, Klemm said that expedited negotiations could be possible, but this would depend on how many aspects of the current agreements will need to be amended. The expedited negotiation process could produce an updated contract much sooner than a complete contractual overhaul.

Klemm urged members to keep sending their thoughts, even after the survey and canvassing process has completed. “I love it when people write in and explain why they want this or that change to the contract,” he said. “That’s a true service to other members, and provides much needed context and background.” Union Members can send in messages at IAM141.org/Contact. Each email will be seen by Klemm personally.  

Union Negotiators come from all over the nation, Klemm said, to produce a representative sample of the entire membership. “Obviously, you can’t have a 50-person Negotiating Committee,” he said. “But we’ve enlisted leaders from San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Newark… and so we have people from all over.”  

Along with the United talks, Klemm is also completing an updated agreement at Hawaiian Airlines. Those talks are happening with help from District 142, which like District 141, also represents workers at the airline.

While making significant progress at Hawaiian, a few outstanding issues remain, items that Klemm is optimistic can be reconciled at a joint meeting scheduled to take place on December 10.  

Under the Railway Labor Act, which governs airline unions, contracts with workers never expire. Instead, they become “amendable” after a specific date. 

The award-winning, Indiana-basedMy Labor Radio’ Podcastis the only broadcast promoting labor voices in the state. It is also part of the Labor Radio Network, which can be found at www.LaborRadioNetwork.org. The full interview with Mike Klemm originally aired on www.WELTFM.org, and will be rebroadcast on Wednesday, December 8th, from 1:00 – 2:00 pm EST.  

A link to the full interview can be found here.



Recent Articles

141 Report: UA 914 Committee is the Cornerstone of the Union

141 Report: UA 914 Committee is the Cornerstone of the Union

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This week the 141 Report is speaking to Committee Chair Karl Thomas, (ATW) Committee Elizabeth Groner, (BTW) Committee Faysel Silwany, (Stores) Committee Richard Roberts, Maintenance Instructor Committee Michael Carbone, and Committee Secretary Will Josey.

141 Report: UA 914 Committee is the Cornerstone of the Union

The IAM Grievance committee is a cornerstone of the union, and Newark New Jersey Local 914 has one powerful team. This week the 141 Report is speaking to Committee Chair Karl Thomas, (ATW) Committee Elizabeth Groner, (BTW) Committee Faysel Silwany, (Stores) Committee Richard Roberts, Maintenance Instructor Committee Michael Carbone, and Committee Secretary Will Josey. The six Committee members brief the viewers about their backgrounds and experience in their respective departments and talk about their current positions.

The main focus of this week’s report was the pre-contract negotiations survey for IAMAW Members at United Airlines, released online Monday. Sister Elizabeth speaks about the usefulness of the QR code added, thanks in part to the recommendation of Sister Nakia Simmons from the Local 914 UA Move team at last week’s conference in Las Vegas. 

Dave asked brother Karl about the importance of completing the survey. Karl responded by saying, “We’re getting everyone fully ready to understand what’s going on by using the QR code.”  

The committee is mobilizing the stewards going from breakroom to breakroom to advise the members of the importance of the survey. Karl closed by saying about the committee that “this is a large group of people – and great to work with. Everyone is on top of their game, and we have good relations with management to get things done.”

IAM District 141, United Airlines Confirm Dates to Begin the Expedited Collective Bargaining Process.

United Airlines Negotiations Update

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United Airlines Negotiations Update


Good morning Sisters and Brothers,                                                                               

I’m excited to share with you today that IAM District 141 and United Airlines have agreed to begin the process of negotiating seven contracts covering approximately 28,000 IAM members and discuss entering expedited negotiations. 

The expedited process will give IAM members at United the opportunity to improve wages, benefits, and working conditions in the very near future. We used a similar model back in 2016 with great success, and both IAM District 141 and United agreed to discuss trying it again. Our hope is we can replicate that success, which brought us industry-leading contracts at the time.

As always, IAM members at United will decide which issues we bargain, just as we did in the 2016 expedited process, via a survey and contract proposal process. On Monday, November 1, 2021, the survey and request for proposals will be available for all IAM-represented United Airlines workers via the IAM141.org website. The survey will be available for 21 days, until November 22, 2021. Shortly thereafter, the IAM District 141 Negotiations Committee will convene and compile the survey and proposal information and identify membership priorities.

In early December, IAM District 141 will meet with United Airlines to discuss the issues that may be bargained in an expedited process. It is important to understand that if United Airlines refuses to agree to bargain any issues that IAM members have identified as priorities, IAM District 141 will not proceed with expedited negotiations and instead initiate the traditional collective bargaining process.

It is of utmost importance that all IAM members employed at United Airlines engage in the survey/proposal process. The issues that the membership identifies as priorities will be addressed in these negotiations and guide your Negotiating Committee. The goal is to achieve well-deserved improvements in identified priorities. IAM members at United have been a major part of the very positive change and success at United Airlines over the last five years.

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of all IAM members at United to participate in the survey and submit contract proposals. Successful collective bargaining is best achieved when it is member-driven from the bottom up. Our power lies in our unity and participation in every aspect of collective bargaining.

As is always the case, whatever way we reach a potential agreement with  United Airlines, IAM members will have the final say and vote on any tentative agreements that are reached.

In Solidarity,

Your District 141 Negotiating Committee

Olu Ajetomobi
Joe Bartz
Victor Hernandez
Barb Martin
Andrea’ Myers 
Terry Stansbury

Faysal Silwany
Erik Stenberg

Michael G. Klemm

President & Directing General Chair,
IAMAW District 141

Recording Secretaries: Please print and post on all IAMAW bulletin boards.