This is why we're Fighting

District 141 Dept info

Find department-specific information and news here. 


Find digital copies of all District 141 Contracts and follow ongoing negotiations here.

Contact Information

Get contact information for all District 141 Officers and lookup Local Lodge Information here. 

Democracy in Action

Find governing body rules, election information, and District By-Laws here. 

District 141 Events

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Union Forms Library

Download Lost Time Forms, Grievance Documents, Steward Notes and many other official union forms here. 

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Spotlight Interview: National Group Protection

Spotlight Interview: National Group Protection

Protecting Airline Workers: Lou Raymond and Patrick Elias of National Group Protection discuss some of the ways that airline workers can be better protected during the pandemic.  For more than 40 years, National Group Protection has offered insurance programs for the...

Allocator Arbitration

Allocator Arbitration

[supsystic-social-sharing id='4']Allocator Arbitration February 23, 2021 Sisters and Brothers, This communication is being shared to address the concerns that will arise from the fact that the Fleet Service “Allocator” Arbitration was not heard today.  We are all well...


IAMAW District 141 Newsletter