Have You Voted Yet?

Have You Voted Yet?

We wanted to check in to make sure you have voted or have a plan to vote in this very important election. Visit iam2020.org to get all the information you need to vote. You may remember that IAM members voted to endorse Joe Biden in a first-of-its-kind membership vote...

VOTE! Only One Week Left

VOTE! Only One Week Left

There are seven days left before Election Day and we want to make sure every Machinists Union member has a plan to vote. There is too much at stake to sit this election out. Visit iam2020.org today to find your polling place, see early voting locations, locate a...

Big Money is Buying an Anti-Union Supreme Court

Big Money is Buying an Anti-Union Supreme Court

When it comes to who is chosen to fill an open seat on the highest court in the United States, the process isn’t just a matter of picking a well-known judge from the lower courts. It’s a multi-million-dollar industry-funded from hard to trace origins. Former U.S....

Broken Promises: Aerospace Workers on the Line

Broken Promises: Aerospace Workers on the Line

United Technologies in California In July of 2018, United Technologies Corporation (UTC) informed IAM Local 755 they were going to lay off approximately 300 members from their Chula Vista, CA facility. IAM members have been making aerospace components at that location...

Machinists Prepare to Fight For a Pro-Work Agenda in Georgia

Machinists Prepare to Fight For a Pro-Work Agenda in Georgia

No one shook hands.  Everyone wore masks.  They practiced social distancing.  But that didn’t stop the participants who attended this year’s Georgia State Council of Machinists (GSCM) Conference which was held Oct. 11 – 13, 2020 in Macon, GA to accomplish some...

Power The Polls: Essential Workers Needed

Power The Polls: Essential Workers Needed

Election officials around the country are dealing with the challenges of running an election unlike any they’ve run before. What was considered a healthy turnout of voters in a regular year could become a COVID superspreader event in 2020. One of the biggest problems...

Aviation Supports 46 Million Jobs. Congress Must Act.

Aviation Supports 46 Million Jobs. Congress Must Act.

The severe downturn in air traffic caused by Covid-19, followed by a slow recovery, will result in a loss of up to 46 million aviation-dependent jobs. The findings come from an industry study by Air Transport Action Group, released this week. Airlines directly support...

Airlines Post First Million-Passenger Day Since Pandemic Began

Airlines Post First Million-Passenger Day Since Pandemic Began

Over one million air travelers passed through TSA checkpoints on Sunday. The figure is the highest passenger count since the pandemic began hitting the airline industry in March, but is still just under half of 2019 levels. Airlines still need immediate aid from...