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Brother Gary Welch worked for over a decade to get a union in his workplace on the ramp at IAH. He began his airline career with Continental Airlines in 1996 and quickly became an IAM Shop Steward after the merger of Continental and United Airlines in 2011. Four years later, he was elected Ramp Services Committee Representative. 

Gary Welch Appointed DL141 Vice President at Large

Apr 11, 2021

Mensaje en Español  ///

Gary Welch, an experienced organizer and Grievance Committee Chair from Local 811 in Houston, Texas, was named District 141 Vice President at Large by a unanimous vote of the district’s Executive Board. He had previously served as a District 141 Trustee.

Brother Gary Welch worked for over a decade to get a union in his workplace on the ramp at IAH. He began his airline career with Continental Airlines in 1996 and quickly became an IAM Shop Steward after the merger of Continental and United Airlines in 2011. Four years later, he was elected Ramp Services Committee Representative. 

His steady and effective leadership has protected the rights, working conditions, and benefits of the members of IAM Local 811, one of the largest and most active locals in District 141. Using his excellent negotiation and communication skills, Gary has helped preserve the health and safety of workers and has saved the jobs and livelihoods of dozens of Machinists Union members.

Gary was elected District 141 Trustee and also Local 811 Grievance Committee Chair in 2018. He is serving a second term as Committee Chair after his reelection in January 2021.

“I am pleased to announce the promotion of Gary Welch to Vice President at Large for District 141,” said Mike Klemm, President and Directing General Chair. “Gary’s organizing skills and his passion for democracy and justice on the job set an example for all of us. I am excited to work more closely with Gary so our contracts are respected and we continue to build power for working people,” said Klemm.


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