IAM141 Safety Directors Meet in Chicago to Review GSAP Program

IAM District 141 Safety Reps from United Airlines and American Airlines met at Chicagos Willis Tower on Monday. The Safety Reps and company management went to discuss the GSAP Safety Program United Airlines uses in cooperation with the FAA and the IAM. American Airlines management went to see how the ERC board works to resolve Safety related issues…This video report from IAM Local 1776 Dennis Spencer gives more detail of the very productive meeting.

The IAM Disaster Relief Fund Needs Your Support

The IAM Disaster Relief Fund is seeking donations to help those impacted by natural disasters such as wildfires, drought and storms.

The program has helped provide fast financial assistance to hundreds of members in the wake of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria. In almost all cases, the IAM Disaster Relief Fund has been able to provide monetary aid to recipients faster than FEMA, Insurers or other aid programs.

Currently, more than 600 IAM members throughout East Texas, Florida, Louisiana and Puerto Rico have collected relief checks through the program, with more on the way.

The request for donations follows a year that saw multiple natural disasters in 20 states as well as the Caribbean and the US Virgin Islands. Notable on the list are the ongoing crises in Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria and severe flooding in East Texas and Louisiana caused by Hurricane Harvey. In addition to storms, wildfires are sweeping across several states, including California.

The IAM Disaster Relief Fund is providing IAM members invaluable assistance with food, bills and medical expenses – things that are not normally provided for with insurance policies. IAM Members may apply for assistance by contacting any Local Lodge officer, then filling out a quick form and supplying photos of any relevant damages. If approved, checks are usually available within two weeks. For those experiencing difficulties with postal service, the checks can be hand-delivered by an IAM representative.

The IAM Disaster Relief Fund is made possible thanks entirely to generous donations from the membership; nothing is funded with dues. Those who can donate to the program may do so by visiting GoIAM.org online.

Administered by General Secretary Treasurer Dora Cervantes, IAM Chief of Staff Joe Tiberi, and General Vice President Sito Pantoja, among others, the IAM Disaster Relief Fund is one of the best run financial aid programs in the labor movement.

In addition to the IAM Disaster Relief Fund, IAM members may also seek help through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). The EAP provides confidential help to those who are struggling with personal issues such as stress, financial turmoil and substance abuse, among a wide range of other services. If you or someone you love needs help from the EAP, please contact any shop steward or member of your Local Lodge. IAM141 members may find an EAP Representative at IAM141.org. EAP information can be found at “EAP” under the “Departments” tab.

Solidarity on Display as Machinists Band Together for Harvey Relief

As East Texas rebuilds after Hurricane Harvey, three IAM Districts and three Local Lodges have banded together to help make life a little easier for residents in hard-hit areas of Houston.

Moved by the images of destruction and the needs of those impacted by the floodwaters, IAM Local 2385 in Fayetteville, Tennessee, began organizing a more than 1200-mile round trip to Houston to cook meals for impacted communities. IAM District 711 immediately began assisting the effort, and together the two organizations then started coordinating with IAM activists in Houston.

Jerry Benson, the Directing Business Rep from District 711, said, “We saw the devastation here in Houston, and we wanted to do something. So we hit the road.”

Once in Houston, Local 2385 and District 711 set up a staging area in the parking lot of the Texas Gulf Coast Area Labor Federation, where they were soon joined by Houston’s IAM Locals 811 and 2198. Together, the groups cooked and delivered more than 750 meals to area labor unions, FEMA relief centers and religious institutions who then provided them to individual communities.

“They were so gracious to drive all the way from Nashville, Tennessee, and come and help us,” said Linda Morales, the Organizing Coordinator of the Texas Gulf Coast Labor Federation. “And, we certainly appreciate that. That is the brotherly and sisterly thing to do, and the IAM has taken a leadership role in that effort.”

IAM District 141 Vice President, Victor Hernandez and Winpisinger Center Instructor, Jorge Bonilla, both residents of Houston, also helped organize the effort and deliver the meals.

“It was an impressive display of solidarity to see our Sisters and Brothers from across this great Union come together to help communities in need.” Bonilla said. “It goes to show – yet again – that when the Fighting Machinists are there, you are never alone.”