Hurry! There’s Still Time to Enter The 2021 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest

Hurry! There’s Still Time to Enter The 2021 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest

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Hurry! There’s Still Time to Enter The 2021 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest

Dear Member of IAM District Lodge 141:

We are writing to inform you about a special benefit offered by IAM District Lodge 141: the Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship. Each year, our District awards several scholarships to qualified and deserving members — or their children, grandchildren, or spouses 

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Dear Member of IAM District Lodge 141:

We are writing to inform you about a special benefit offered by IAM District Lodge 141: the Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship.

Each year, our District awards several scholarships to qualified and deserving members — or their children, grandchildren, or spouses — who are pursuing a college education. The scholarship awards range from $1,000 to $2,000. An independent committee selects the scholarship winners on the merits of the essay submitted by each applicant. The topic for this year’s scholarship essay competition is “COVID-19 has affected societies and economies around the world. Where do we go from here? What should the priorities be for mankind?”

The rules of the competition are attached with an application. We urge you to take advantage of this outstanding opportunity for you or someone in your family. The scholarship money can be used to help pay for tuition, fees, books, living expenses — it’s up to you, as long as it makes your life as a student easier!

Our union’s mission has always been to lift working people so they can build better lives for themselves and their loved ones. We are proud to offer the Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship as one way our District helps members and their families achieve their dreams.

In Solidarity,

President & Directing General Chair,
District 141,
International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers

Machinists Union Raises $100K for Southern Maryland Veterans Home

Machinists Union Raises $100K for Southern Maryland Veterans Home

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Dozens of Machinist members gathered in Maryland for an annual IAM-sponsored charity golf tournament. This year’s fundraising recipient is the Charlotte Hall Veterans Home which is located about 30 minutes from the IAM Grand Lodge in Maryland.

Machinists Union Raises $100K for Southern Maryland Veterans Home

The IAM’s commitment to military veterans was on full display at the 2021 IAM International President’s Capital Classic Golf Tournament.

More than 130 golfers and 50 sponsors joined together on Monday, May 3 at Breton Bay Golf and Country Club in Leonardtown, MD. The tournament raised approximately $100,000 for capital improvement projects for U.S. military veterans at Charlotte Hall Veterans Home in Southern Maryland.

WATCH: International President’s Capital Classic Gives Back to Southern Maryland Veterans Home

“The Machinists Union has a special bond with the military and the men and women who serve in our armed forces,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr., a U.S. Navy veteran. “Many of our members are veterans themselves and help support the mission of service men and women every day. This is just one more way we can give back to our community here in Maryland and to our nation’s heroes.”

IAM Local 4 (District 4) is proud to represent caregivers at Charlotte Hall Veterans Home, which has been proudly “serving those who served” since 1985. Its mission is to continually develop and deliver a safe, dignified and compassionate health care system; and provide a nurturing and engaging home environment for Maryland’s veterans and eligible spouses.

WATCH: IAM Veterans Home Caregivers: ‘We’re Their Family Right Now’

“I’d like to especially thank all the players, sponsors and volunteers who made the 2nd annual International President’s Capital Classic possible,” said Martinez. “It means so much to be able to give back here in the backyard of IAM Headquarters and the Winpisinger Center.”

The IAM represents 600,000 active and retired members across North America, many of whom are U.S. military veterans who work in the defense, aerospace and federal sectors, supporting the mission of our service members every day.

READ: When getting teed off is a good thing Southern Maryland News

Dave wraps up the interview recognizing the work that Local 1759 members do in community service. In 2018, they held a golf outing honoring the late District 141 AGC and Local 1759 member Rich Pascarella, which raised $70,000 for Guide Dogs of America. As we resume in-person events after COVID, Bill is looking forward to planning events like that one.  


Machinists Union Advocacy Grows Bipartisan Support for F-35 Program

Machinists Union Advocacy Grows Bipartisan Support for F-35 Program

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Machinists Union Advocacy Grows Bipartisan Support for F-35 Program

The IAM’s advocacy on Capitol Hill is paying dividends with growing bipartisan support for the F-35 program, which is proudly built by Machinists Union members.

As Congress begins consideration of their Fiscal Year 2022 defense authorization and spending bills, the Machinists Union is working to ensure that Congress continues their investment in this vitally important defense program.

A bipartisan group of 132 House Representatives and 20 U.S. Senators recently penned their support of the F-35 program to House and Senate heads of the Appropriations and Armed Services committees.

IAM members work up and down the supply chain to build the F-35, which strengthens national security, enhances global partnerships, and powers economic growth.

The IAM and allies in Congress are emphasizing the critical need to maintain course towards the F-35’s full rate of production and increased investment in modernization and sustainment in order to improve readiness and repair capacity as the program continues to grow.

“Machinists Union members take great pride in building the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter for three U.S. military services,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “The F-35 program creates a powerful economic impact for our nation and it produces a game-changing aircraft that keeps our fighter pilots safe. Now is the time to invest in the best air-to-air fighter by ramping up the production line to reduce unit costs and continue to handle the world’s current and emerging threats.”

READ: Our national security depends on a strong F-35 program built by American workers The Hill

The F-35 industrial base consists of more than 1,800 suppliers and more than 254,000 direct and indirect jobs across the country.

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Action Alerts

TAKE ACTION: Scholarships Available Now!

/// The Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest is Now Accepting Applications

Tell Your Senators to Support the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (PRO Act) Now! 

///The PRO Act will make it easier for working people to bargain together and win good contracts because it will: Empower workers to exercise our freedom to organize and bargain. Repeal “right to work” laws. Ensure that workers can reach a first contract quickly after a union is recognized.
How secure are our jobs?

Former IAM Legal Fellow Deirdre Hamilton Nominated to National Mediation Board

Former IAM Legal Fellow Deirdre Hamilton Nominated to National Mediation Board

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Former IAM Legal Fellow Deirdre Hamilton Nominated to National Mediation Board

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President Biden has appointed longtime labor lawyer and former IAM Legal Fellow Deirdre Hamilton to the National Mediation Board (NMB). The NMB helps smooth out disputes in the rail and airline industries.

“We are very happy to see Ms. Hamilton appointed to the NMB,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “It’s refreshing to have worker friendly members appointed to these very important positions in the U.S. Government. Ms. Hamilton will serve rail and airline workers well, and protect the interests of all those in the sector to protect and grow these great middle-class jobs.”

In January, the IAM joined 18 unions representing rail and aviation workers in sending a letter the Biden administration asking for some immediate attention to the National Mediation Board, which included the nomination of Hamilton.

Since 2014, Hamilton has served as a panelist at meetings of the American Bar Association’s Labor and Employment Law Committee and Railway and Airline Labor Law Committee. Hamilton also serves as a Senior Editor for the ABA Railway Labor Act Treatise, Fourth Edition.

Hamilton received her J.D. from the University of Michigan in 2000 and her B.A. from Oberlin College.

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Action Alerts

TAKE ACTION: Scholarships Available Now!

/// The Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest is Now Accepting Applications

Tell Your Senators to Support the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (PRO Act) Now! 

///The PRO Act will make it easier for working people to bargain together and win good contracts because it will: Empower workers to exercise our freedom to organize and bargain. Repeal “right to work” laws. Ensure that workers can reach a first contract quickly after a union is recognized.

Recent Articles

Machinists Union Applauds Appointment of Celeste Drake to Head President Biden’s Made in America Office

Machinists Union Applauds Appointment of Celeste Drake to Head President Biden’s Made in America Office

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Machinists Union Applauds Appointment of Celeste Drake to Head President Biden’s Made in America Office

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WASHINGTON, April 27, 2021 — Robert Martinez Jr., International President of the 600,000-member International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), released the following statement:

“The IAM could not be more pleased with President Biden’s appointment of Celeste Drake as head of the Buy American/Made in America Office. Simply stated, Celeste is the best candidate for the job. She is a tireless worker for America’s middle class. With Celeste at the head of this very important office, America’s workers can rest assured that the administration will be doing everything it possibly can to bring supply chains home and to make it in America. The IAM looks forward to working with Celeste to make sure that we build back better.”

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) is among the largest industrial trade unions in North America and represents nearly 600,000 active and retired members in the manufacturing, aerospace, defense, airline, railroad, transportation, shipbuilding, woodworking, health care, and other industries.

Action Alerts

TAKE ACTION: Scholarships Available Now!

/// The Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest is Now Accepting Applications

Tell Your Senators to Support the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (PRO Act) Now! 

///The PRO Act will make it easier for working people to bargain together and win good contracts because it will: Empower workers to exercise our freedom to organize and bargain. Repeal “right to work” laws. Ensure that workers can reach a first contract quickly after a union is recognized.

Recent Articles

141 Report: Doug Kohler, President of Air Transport Local 1885

141 Report: Doug Kohler, President of Air Transport Local 1885

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A 24-year veteran at United Airlines, Brother Doug Kohler began his career in Eugene, Oregon before he transferred to PDX in 2000. Doug was a strong supporter of the organizing effort for Customer Service agents at the airline in 1999, and he credits the IAM with the elimination of “C scale” wages and bringing pay equity and fair representation for all workers.

141 Report: Doug Kohler, President of Air Transport Local 1885

This week Dave heads up to the Pacific Northwest to catch up with Doug Kohler, President of Air Transport Local 1885 in Portland, Oregon.

A 24-year veteran at United Airlines, Brother Doug Kohler began his career in Eugene, Oregon before he transferred to PDX in 2000. Doug was a strong supporter of the organizing effort for Customer Service agents at the airline in 1999, and he credits the IAM with the elimination of “C scale” wages and bringing pay equity and fair representation for all workers. He became active in the union as a Shop Steward in 2003 and was elected CS Grievance Committee Representative in 2013. Doug served as Local 1885 Vice President before becoming President of the local this year. 

IAM Air Transport Local 1885 represents 500 members working in Customer Service at United, Southwest, Alaska, and Hawaiian Airlines, Fleet Service at American, and Stores and Ramp Service employees at United, all based at PDX.

Doug is especially proud of the solidarity and the work the IAM is doing to protect the jobs, wages, and benefits of workers during the pandemic, and how union resources like the EAP help support lives and livelihoods. He is focusing on developing a Women’s Committee at the local level and continuing to work collectively to preserve the dignity of work.