Brothers and Sisters,

The Association Executive Committee met with the assigned mediators and a member of the National Mediation Board to gain a better understanding of the remaining open items. The robust dialogue was productive and ensured the meetings would continue throughout the week.

We were able to resolve and TA the M&R/MLS Field Trip guidelines. We addressed the Fleet Crew Chief duties as part of our Classifications and Scope discussions. That section is settled, leaving the remainder of these Articles to be resolved.

In Atlanta next week, we will continue to seek a resolution to the Fleet Service Classifications and Qualifications Articles. We will also refocus next week’s discussions in Atlanta on the open Scope items for all groups.

The Executive Negotiating Committee continues to update the full negotiating committee each step of the way and, foolishly, the Company believes that our members are willing to make Scope concessions that will pay for the pay raises and other gains in this contract. American Airlines must recognize that this membership will not fall for fool’s gold just to reach an agreement and that we have every intention of achieving the best contract in the industry.

Our membership sacrificed through bankruptcies and concessions in order for American to become the world’s largest and most successful airline. The time is now for this membership to be recognized and rewarded for those sacrifices. American Airlines must understand: if it takes a fight to get there, it is a fight they shall have.

Company Executives have spent billions on stock buybacks that enrich themselves and Wall Street. It is an insult they are not willing to spend what it takes to protect our work, health care, retirement benefits and increase our pay.

Company negotiators made it as clear as they could – they want us to concede the work we do. Their proposals and positions at the bargaining table attack every Association classification. They want to eliminate massive numbers of jobs in overhaul maintenance, increase the amount of line maintenance that can be performed by others internationally, decimate the skill and amount of facilities maintenance performed in-house, and vendor out any Fleet work they see fit. Every classification is affected by these draconian Company proposals.

While all the other benefits of our contracts are important, none is more important than the guarantee that our work will be here for us. If you are an Association member reading this message, you are part of this fight. Standing together, we shall prevail!

Future mediation dates scheduled:

  • The week of February 11- ATL
  • The week of March 18- DFW
  • The week of April 22- FLL


Your Association Executive Negotiating Committee

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Association Negotiations Update

American Struggles To Say Yes

Throughout this week, the Association Executive Negotiating Committee members continued to present reasonable proposals in an effort to reach a JCBA. While some conversations discussed across the bargaining table seemed to reach “supposal agreements in principle,” written proposals returned from the Company continued to revert to their take-it or leave-it positions. In other words, the Company could not find their way to “yes” without a caveat giving them unilateral rights to do whatever they want.

At the direction of the mediators, discussions centered largely on the Fleet Service Scope and Classification, M&R/MLS Field Trip Procedures, and the Duration Article. A tentative agreement was reached on the Duration Article; however, pay raises beyond the amendable date were shifted to wage discussions.

We closed the week without significant progress on resolving the Fleet Scope issues. Your negotiating committee remains firm in protecting the work we do in the locations that we do that work. That commitment was strongly conveyed to the Company. We are hopeful the Company recognizes that we need to protect our work and will come prepared to get that done in our next session in Washington, D.C.

The full negotiating committees were in Ft. Lauderdale to support, provide input, and caucus with the Executive Negotiating Committee; including real-time updates throughout the day. The Association remains committed to achieving the compensation, healthcare, retirement, and job security that our members deserve. Your continued support and solidarity are both appreciated and necessary to reach the JCBA you rightfully deserve.


Your Association Negotiating Committees

Future Mediation Sessions scheduled:

  • February 6, 7, 8 DCA
  • February 12, 13, 14 ATL
  • If necessary, additional days in March to be determined

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Association Negotiations Update

Brothers and Sisters,

The TWU/IAM Association Executive Negotiating Committee this week met in full session with American Airlines under the auspices of National Mediation Board Mediators, Jim Mackenzie and Eva Durham, in San Francisco, CA. In addition to the executive committee, the full negotiating committees were also in San Francisco to support and caucus with the executive committee.

All members of the negotiating committees had the opportunity to meet with the mediators and were fully engaged in the process. We had input on all discussions and received real-time activity reports from the negotiating table. The previously agreed to agenda set forth the goals for the week.

The first day of the session was dedicated to presenting the Association’s entire position for all groups on all open economic pay elements to both the mediators and the company.

The second day was dedicated to presenting the Association’s entire position for all groups on all facets of health & welfare (insurance of all types) to the mediators and the company.

The 3rd day was dedicated to the duration of the agreement, field trip guidelines and other open JCBA language items.

Some progress was made, however, significant work remains.

Scheduled negotiating dates are:

  • January 29, 30, 31 FLL
  • February 6, 7, 8 DCA
  • February 12, 13, 14 ATL
  • And an additional week in March – specific dates to be determined

The Association is committed to achieving the compensation, healthcare, retirement and job security that our members have sacrificed for and deserve. Your continued support and solidarity are both appreciated and necessary to reach these goals.


Your Association Executive Negotiating Committee

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Association Negotiations Update

Association Negotiations Update Download


Brothers and Sisters,

THE TWU/IAM Association executive negotiating committee participated on a conference call conducted by National Mediation Board mediators yesterday, December 14, 2018. Negotiators from American Airlines also participated.

The mediators recapped the remaining open items to be negotiated. They also set the agenda and negotiating schedule for the beginning of 2019. The Association presented a proposal covering Field Trips for M&R and MLS members.

The next face-to-face negotiations are scheduled for January 15-17 in San Francisco. Topics to be discussed are open economic pay elements, health & welfare (insurance), duration of the agreement, field trips and other open contract language items.

We were successful in obtaining additional negotiating dates on the calendar. Scheduled negotiating dates are:

• January 15, 16, 17
• January 29, 30, 31
• February 6, 7, 8
• February 12, 13, 14
• And an additional week in March – specific dates to be determined

Our objective is to reach agreement as soon as possible without having to use all of our scheduled dates. However, this Association is committed to achieving the compensation, healthcare, retirement and job security that our members have earned and deserve. Your continued support and solidarity is both appreciated and necessary to reach these goals.

We wish all of our members a safe and happy holiday season.


Your Association Executive Negotiating Committee

Please Post On All TWU- IAM Bulletin Boards


Association, American Hold Joint Conference Call

Brothers and Sisters,

As previously announced, the Association leadership and American Airlines Management participated in a joint conference call with the NMB mediators assigned to assist in our JCBA negotiations. The mediators are now responsible for setting the agenda, including dates for the mediated sessions.

The mediators opened the call requesting the parties discuss the differences between our proposals on the duration article of the agreement. The Association proposed early openers in our next contracts and a methodology that includes wage increases past the amendable date if we do not reach agreement on a new contract by that time. The Company expressed opposition to both of these membership protection items.

A second discussion involved Health & Welfare provisions. In addition to the cost of medical benefits, we must negotiate the many other components that affect the value of our insurance. Other Health and Welfare items include dental, life, vision, accidental death and dismemberment, short term and long term disability, and more. The Association is prepared to negotiate these important membership benefits. The mediators have set Health & Welfare as an agenda item for the next face-to-face negotiating session in January.

The final item discussed on this call by the mediators involved the M&R and Stores “Field Trip Procedures” that need to be reviewed and negotiated to a final conclusion.

Your leadership understands that Health & Welfare and Retirement are just as important as Wages. And without proper Scope language that protects our work and seniority, benefits and pay mean very little.

The NMB mediators have scheduled another conference call for December 14th. Membership updates will follow.

Your Association leadership remains committed to meeting anytime, anywhere in order to reach the JCBA our members have earned and deserve. So far, the company has not agreed to meet in between mediated sessions. Help us tell the Company not to hide. Tell them to agree to negotiate between scheduled sessions so we can get this deal done.


Your Association Executive Negotiating Committee

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Association Participates in Mediated Negotiations

Brothers and Sisters,

The TWU-IAM Association met with American Airlines October 30 in Dallas, TX for mediated negotiations under the supervision of the National Mediation Board. The purpose of this first mediated session was to bring the Federal mediators up to speed on the status of our negotiations.

Areas covered were compensation, healthcare, retirement, work protections (scope) and the remaining open language issues. The Association clearly restated our demands that our work is protected in any final agreement. We also reiterated our positions on the other economic issues. The meeting was cordial and produced final TAs on MLS and Fleet holidays as well as M&R Qualifications.

The Association held firm that the number of negotiating sessions was inadequate and that we need more frequent meetings. The Company did not object and the mediators set forth the following schedule:

  • By conference call November 15 and December 14.
  • Face to face meetings January 15-17, January 29-31, February 6-8 and February 12-14.

Our objective has been and remains to bring to the membership the best contract in the airline industry.

Anything less is unacceptable!


Your Association Executive Negotiating Committee

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