Machinists Union Postpones 40th Grand Lodge Convention to 2022

Machinists Union Postpones 40th Grand Lodge Convention to 2022

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Machinists Union Postpones 40th Grand Lodge Convention to 2022

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The IAM Executive Council has voted unanimously to postpone the 40th IAM Grand Lodge Convention, previously scheduled for September 12-17, 2021 in San Diego. The IAM will immediately begin planning for a 2022 Convention and communicate details as soon as possible.

Many thanks to the Machinists & Aerospace journalists at who wrote and originally published this story. 

A letter will be sent to Local Lodges soon with further information on delegates and constitutional proposals.

The decision to postpone the Convention was made to protect the safety and health of Convention delegates and guests. Further reasons include:  

  • The IAM’s Canadian delegation would almost certainly be unable to attend the Convention due to current pandemic conditions and restrictions in Canada. Current quarantine requirements for Canadians entering and leaving the United States makes it nearly impossible to seat the Canadian delegation.
  • Holding a virtual Convention is not an appropriate substitute and deprives delegates of essential events held with an in-person Convention. A virtual Convention also does not support our Brothers and Sisters in the airline and railroad sectors.
  • Adequate social distancing will not allow us to physically seat every eligible delegate.   
  • California has suggested that a convention of our size may require everyone to be vaccinated or show a negative test. The financial costs and logistics of testing every delegate and guest would be significant. 

“Even as we start to return to some level of normalcy, this worldwide pandemic is unprecedented in our lifetimes,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “I am incredibly grateful to the Western Territory Host Committee for all they have done and continue to do to plan for a successful Grand Lodge Convention. While this decision was not made lightly, the safety and health of all the delegates and guests must be first and foremost. We will continue to work toward rescheduling the Convention in 2022.”  

“It is unfortunate that the pandemic has prevented us from having a Grand Lodge Convention this year,” said IAM Western Territory General Vice President Gary R. Allen. “However, we value first and foremost the safety of our Brothers and Sisters. The Western Territory looks forward to hosting a tremendous Grand Lodge Convention in 2022.”

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Tell Your Senators to Support the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (PRO Act) Now! 

///The PRO Act will make it easier for working people to bargain together and win good contracts because it will: Empower workers to exercise our freedom to organize and bargain. Repeal “right to work” laws. Ensure that workers can reach a first contract quickly after a union is recognized.

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Machinists Union Applauds USTR Calls to Stop Labor Violations at Mexico Plant

Machinists Union Applauds USTR Calls to Stop Labor Violations at Mexico Plant

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Machinists Union Applauds USTR Calls to Stop Labor Violations at Mexico Plant

Robert Martinez Jr., International President of the 600,000-member International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), released the following statement regarding the U.S. Trade Representative’s call for Mexican authorities to investigate alleged labor violations under the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement at a General Motors Plant in Silao, Mexico:

“The IAM applauds U.S. Trade Representative Ambassador Katherine Tai for seeking review under USMCA for what appears to be egregious violations of labor standards at a General Motors plant in Mexico. The action by USTR signifies that the United States will not sit idly by while basic labor standards are violated in Mexico. We look forward to many more self-initiated actions by the U.S. under the USMCA.”

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) is among the largest industrial trade unions in North America and represents nearly 600,000 active and retired members in the manufacturing, aerospace, defense, airline, railroad, transportation, shipbuilding, woodworking, health care, and other industries.

Action Alerts

TAKE ACTION: Scholarships Available Now!

/// The Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest is Now Accepting Applications

Tell Your Senators to Support the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (PRO Act) Now! 

///The PRO Act will make it easier for working people to bargain together and win good contracts because it will: Empower workers to exercise our freedom to organize and bargain. Repeal “right to work” laws. Ensure that workers can reach a first contract quickly after a union is recognized.

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Remembering Our Heroes

Remembering Our Heroes

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Remembering Our Heroes

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A Memorial Day message from the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers’ International President, Robert Martinez.

Sisters and Brothers,

This Memorial Day weekend, we remember military service members who have fought and died for our freedom. They were willing to put their lives on the line, at home and abroad, to defend us against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. These heroes died protecting the many freedoms we enjoy today from the comfort of our own homes.

This year’s holiday seems very significant, as our country is wrapping up the mission in Afghanistan and bringing our troops home.

Since the horrible terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, nearly 1 million U.S. service members have deployed to Afghanistan to take the fight to the enemy, with more than 2,300 of them paying the ultimate price. Americans have been kept safe from Al Qaeda terrorists because of their service, and ultimately their sacrifice.

We also owe a great debt of gratitude to our Sisters and Brothers in Canada who have given their lives protecting the values we share.

As we spend this weekend remembering those who lost their lives for our country, I ask all of you to think about how we can honor them through our own actions. Focus on what we can do as individuals, and collectively, to make their families even more proud of the freedoms they gave their lives for.

In solidarity,

Robert Martinez Jr.
International President


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///The PRO Act will make it easier for working people to bargain together and win good contracts because it will: Empower workers to exercise our freedom to organize and bargain. Repeal “right to work” laws. Ensure that workers can reach a first contract quickly after a union is recognized.

Recent Articles

Winpisinger Center’s Chuck Lowe: A Lifetime of Service to Military Veterans

Winpisinger Center’s Chuck Lowe: A Lifetime of Service to Military Veterans

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Winpisinger Center’s Chuck Lowe: A Lifetime of Service to Military Veterans

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The motto of the Machinists Union, forever emblazoned on its flag, is “justice on the job, service to the community.”

That’s not just a catchy phrase. In the Machinist Union family, those are words to live by.

Many thanks to the Machinists & Aerospace journalists at who wrote and originally published this story. 

IAM member Chuck Lowe, the lead groundsperson at the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center (W3 Center), exemplifies the true meaning of what it means to be guided by these values.

“Our flag says it all. The IAM can be an example to other unions and to the public and lead the way,” said Lowe. “We can start something that other people may want to copy.”

In 2001, when Lowe was hired as a full-time groundskeeper at the W3 Center, he had already lived a life to be proud of. Serving in the U.S. Army as a corporal, with time in Saudi Arabia during Desert Storm, he arrived understanding the values of what it means to be a veteran and how important it is that we take care of these heroes when they return home.

“It’s very easy in this country to forget about things that happened in the past,” explained Lowe. “That’s why we have days like Memorial and Veterans Day, to take time out of your schedule to think about all the people who put their lives on the line for the freedoms that we all enjoy now. But that also needs to happen when it’s not a holiday.”

So, he put his words into action, in more ways than one, to be of service to the veteran community. As a 30-plus year member of the American Legion, Lowe spends much of his free time volunteering in schools across St. Mary’s county, teaching elementary kids the importance and meaning of the American flag and sharing his story of being a veteran with high school students.

But for Lowe, that wasn’t enough – he wanted to do more to honor those who had served in the armed forces. Something even closer to home. The IAM was more than happy to assist. 

That’s when the idea for a luncheon at the W3 Center came to life. A day to honor, recognize and thank the people in the community who ensured the freedoms we all enjoy today. So, in 2013, Lowe began organizing and coordinating a twice-yearly luncheon at the W3 Center for the men and women who live at Charlotte Hall Veterans Home in St. Mary’s Country, an assisted living facility where the IAM proudly represents the caregivers who take care of these veterans.

“On the day of the luncheon, we just sit around and talk and the employees and participants will come up and thank them for their service. We share stories and camaraderie,” said Lowe with a laugh. “And we always serve crab cakes that day because that’s something they don’t get at Charlotte Hall.”

But to the men and women living at Charlotte Hall who served in both the Korean and Vietnam wars, this day means so much more. The same can be said of the IAM members there to witness the event.

“The first time we held the luncheon, as these veterans were leaving the dining hall after lunch, the entire room full of IAM members and staff stood up and started clapping in their honor. It was not planned or prompted, it just happened and I really lost it because it was so amazing,” remembered Lowe.

“Chuck has worked hard to ensure that those who have sacrificed much on behalf of our country are not forgotten, but acknowledged and honored,” said W3 Center Director Chris Wagoner. “His activism on behalf of veterans exemplifies the IAM’s motto perfectly. I am incredibly proud of Chuck – he does a great job here as a Master Groundskeeper – and beyond that, a great job being an activist for veterans in our community”

Outside the dining hall, Lowe organized the planting of a tree and the placement of a plaque to honor these men and women who have made the world a better place for us all. It remains there today.

A few weeks ago, the IAM held the 2021 International President’s Capital Classic Golf Tournament, which raised nearly $100,000 for capital improvement projects for those who live at the Charlotte Hall Veterans Home. Lowe will be at the event when the check is presented. He can’t wait for another opportunity to let these veterans know how much they mean to this country.

“That will be an awesome day to be a Fighting Machinist,” said Lowe.

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Tell Your Senators to Support the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (PRO Act) Now! 

///The PRO Act will make it easier for working people to bargain together and win good contracts because it will: Empower workers to exercise our freedom to organize and bargain. Repeal “right to work” laws. Ensure that workers can reach a first contract quickly after a union is recognized.

Recent Articles

Winpisinger Center to Welcome In-Person Learning with Safety Protocols on August 1, 2021

Winpisinger Center to Welcome In-Person Learning with Safety Protocols on August 1, 2021

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Winpisinger Center to Welcome In-Person Learning with Safety Protocols on August 1, 2021

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The Machinists Union is proud to announce the return of in-person learning at the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center (W3 Center) in Hollywood, MD beginning August 1, 2021. For the safety of the membership and staff, the flagship union training facility was forced to suspend classes in March 2020.

Many thanks to the Machinists & Aerospace journalists at who wrote and originally published this story. 

“Education of officers, members and staff has always been an imperative focus of the Machinists Union, and nowhere does it better than the William W. Winpisinger Center,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “Their health is the priority and we will go above and beyond to ensure a safe learning environment for participants and staff. Our union has excelled for 133 years by adjusting to changing conditions, and this is no different. We are all excited to welcome members back to the Winpisinger Center.”

“We are incredibly excited to be re-opening for in-person education,” said Winpisinger Center Director Chris Wagoner. “We are committed to re-opening in a way that ensures the safety and health of member participants and everyone who works at the Winpisinger Center as our highest priority. Our movement requires collective action and meaningful collective action requires solidarity. Solidarity requires the kind of trust that face-to-face interaction creates – so we are looking forward to again providing in-person education. We are committed to continuing a tradition of providing meaningful education that responds to the real and practical needs of members, officers, activists, and staff.”

Because the safety of member participants and staff is of the utmost importance, the W3 Center will return with a phased reopening schedule and a strict set of protocols and procedures. The W3 Center will continuously reassess all safety measures in accordance with CDC, state, and local guidelines—and where appropriate, make necessary changes.

  • All participants are required to provide proof of vaccination prior to purchase of travel to attend class.
  • All participants will be required to mask and socially distance while at the W3 Center.
  • All W3 Center employees will be fully vaccinated.
  • Leadership programs are limited to 50 percent enrollment.
  • Guest rooms will not exceed 50 percent capacity. Each will be cleaned and sanitized daily and will not be used for one week after use.
  • Classrooms and dining rooms will be cleaned and sanitized throughout each day and set up to allow for social distancing.
  • Participants will not be allowed to bring guests at this time.
  • The W3 Center will carefully and fully follow CDC recommendations and fully comply with State of Maryland laws and the St. Mary’s County Department of Health guidelines.

A full schedule with the complete set of guidelines will be sent to local and district lodges in the upcoming weeks.

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TAKE ACTION: Scholarships Available Now!

/// The Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest is Now Accepting Applications

Tell Your Senators to Support the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (PRO Act) Now! 

///The PRO Act will make it easier for working people to bargain together and win good contracts because it will: Empower workers to exercise our freedom to organize and bargain. Repeal “right to work” laws. Ensure that workers can reach a first contract quickly after a union is recognized.

Recent Articles

Machinists Union Raises $100K for Southern Maryland Veterans Home

Machinists Union Raises $100K for Southern Maryland Veterans Home

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Dozens of Machinist members gathered in Maryland for an annual IAM-sponsored charity golf tournament. This year’s fundraising recipient is the Charlotte Hall Veterans Home which is located about 30 minutes from the IAM Grand Lodge in Maryland.

Machinists Union Raises $100K for Southern Maryland Veterans Home

The IAM’s commitment to military veterans was on full display at the 2021 IAM International President’s Capital Classic Golf Tournament.

More than 130 golfers and 50 sponsors joined together on Monday, May 3 at Breton Bay Golf and Country Club in Leonardtown, MD. The tournament raised approximately $100,000 for capital improvement projects for U.S. military veterans at Charlotte Hall Veterans Home in Southern Maryland.

WATCH: International President’s Capital Classic Gives Back to Southern Maryland Veterans Home

“The Machinists Union has a special bond with the military and the men and women who serve in our armed forces,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr., a U.S. Navy veteran. “Many of our members are veterans themselves and help support the mission of service men and women every day. This is just one more way we can give back to our community here in Maryland and to our nation’s heroes.”

IAM Local 4 (District 4) is proud to represent caregivers at Charlotte Hall Veterans Home, which has been proudly “serving those who served” since 1985. Its mission is to continually develop and deliver a safe, dignified and compassionate health care system; and provide a nurturing and engaging home environment for Maryland’s veterans and eligible spouses.

WATCH: IAM Veterans Home Caregivers: ‘We’re Their Family Right Now’

“I’d like to especially thank all the players, sponsors and volunteers who made the 2nd annual International President’s Capital Classic possible,” said Martinez. “It means so much to be able to give back here in the backyard of IAM Headquarters and the Winpisinger Center.”

The IAM represents 600,000 active and retired members across North America, many of whom are U.S. military veterans who work in the defense, aerospace and federal sectors, supporting the mission of our service members every day.

READ: When getting teed off is a good thing Southern Maryland News

Dave wraps up the interview recognizing the work that Local 1759 members do in community service. In 2018, they held a golf outing honoring the late District 141 AGC and Local 1759 member Rich Pascarella, which raised $70,000 for Guide Dogs of America. As we resume in-person events after COVID, Bill is looking forward to planning events like that one.