Controversy as Airline Workers Lose Critical Protections

Controversy as Airline Workers Lose Critical Protections

Controversy as Airline Workers Lose Critical Protections

How a Court Ruling Undermines Massachusetts Sick Leave Law for Airline Workers

New details are emerging in the struggle to preserve aspects of the Massachusetts Sick Leave law that would have protected airline workers facing significant personal challenges, including health crises, domestic abuse, and the need to care for family members. 

A court recently ruled that the state could not enforce its sick leave law for airline workers because, in part, “sick leave abuse is common in the airline industry.” Powerful industry lobbyists showed a handful of examples of individual cases of misuse of the law, including a pair of flight attendants that went “sightseeing” after calling out sick and spikes in call-outs following the law’s implementation.

In effect, U.S. District Judge Allison D. Burroughs ruled that airlines should be exempt from state sick leave laws because airline workers will likely need them. 

In reaching its conclusion, the court listed examples of “abuse” that included only a few actual examples from the thousands of legitimate uses of the states’ protections.

Moreover, the court found that airline employees’ misuse of sick leave isn’t limited to the Massachusetts law. In her ruling, Judge Burroughs found that airline employees also abuse company sick leave rules, particularly by calling out sick on holidays and immediately before and after scheduled days off. In one such example, lobbyists pointed to a Logan-based ramp worker who called out sick during the Christmas Holiday in 2016, 2017, and 2019 and another Logan-based ground worker who allegedly used the Massachusetts law to call out on Thanksgiving and during the Superbowl. 

In another example, American Airlines Flight Service Base Manager at Logan, Elena Salinas, recounted an instance where two Boston-based flight attendants traveled to New Zealand and used one day under the Massachusetts Sick Leave law. Salinas then claimed that an “investigation” into their sick calls found the pair “had gone sightseeing on one of the days they called in sick using (Massachusetts Sick Leave.).”

None of the witnesses offered proof that the alleged sick leave misuse cases involved calling out for reasons not covered under the state sick leave law, which covers more than just illness. 

The Massachusetts Earned Sick Time Law (MESTL) gives employees the flexibility to use their accrued sick leave for a range of situations. These situations include times when the employee or a close family member, such as a spouse, child, or parent, needs home care or professional medical care. The law also applies when an employee needs to attend their regular medical check-ups or those of their family members. Furthermore, the law includes protections for circumstances involving domestic violence. Under MESTL, employers must not view an employee’s sick leave negatively due to these situations when making employment-related decisions like evaluations, promotions, discipline, or termination.

None of the cherry-picked examples industry lobbyists cited included evidence that the laws were actually misused. Despite the insinuations, the company lawyers did not show that the holiday sick leaves, for example, were not related to the home care of a close family member. In the case of the flight attendants allegedly misusing sick leave, lawyers did not testify whether they became sick on the day they went “sightseeing,” from food poisoning, for example, and used the subsequent call-outs to recover. In each instance, company lawyers assumed the leave options were being misused and did not consider the possibility the leave was taken for legitimate reasons.

The isolated examples used to justify denying state-provided sick leave are part of a larger trend that, airlines claim, shows their employees are particularly likely to misuse any leave of absence. This includes day trades and company-offered leaves. American Airlines’ lawyers pointed to high absenteeism in 2021 after the carrier paused its attendance policies as evidence that sick time abuse is rampant. Yet, no mention was made that this “absenteeism” was happening at the height of a global pandemic that took an estimated 5.1 million people out of the workforce.

Likewise, United’s Director of Airport Operations, Christopher Painter, testified about a specific instance on December 17, 2020, where so many

ground employees called out sick that he had to cancel four flights because there were not enough employees to complete the necessary services. Painter further testified about flight delays on February 27, 2021, also attributed to ground employee sick calls. His testimony was substantiated by an email from one of the United supervisors he manages, Richard Freddura, stating that the delays resulted from ground employees calling out sick due to mass COVID infections and otherwise arriving late. In these instances, United’s mitigation measures, including overtime and staffing employees to its resource pool, did not prevent these flight delays and cancellations. The airline then blamed the outages on relaxed sick leave policies like Massachusetts’s and completely ignored the then-raging COVID pandemic. 

The recent court decision that Massachusetts cannot enforce its sick leave law for airline workers is a dangerous precedent that could endanger similar state laws across the country. The decision was based on the flawed argument that sick leave abuse is common in the airline industry, but the evidence presented to support this claim was weak and anecdotal. In fact, there is no evidence that sick leave abuse is any more common in the airline industry than in other industries. The industry lobbyists were disingenuous when they used Pandemic related outages to make the case that sick leave was being abused by airline workers. 

The Massachusetts Sick Leave law was designed to protect airline workers facing personal challenges. The evidence presented at trial, rather than proving the law was being abused by lazy airline employees, demonstrated the law was a necessary tool benefiting Massachusetts workers. The lawyers representing airlines ignored the fact that non-punitive sick leave taken during the pandemic undoubtedly saved lives. This decision, which is widely expected to be used in other states with similar workplace protections, will do nothing to prevent absenteeism; instead, it reinforces the crucial importance of worker rights and underscores the pivotal role these laws play in safeguarding public health and individual well-being in times of crisis.

The full decision can be read here.

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Stay up to date with all the latest news and information from the Machinists Union

Controversy as Airline Workers Lose Critical Protections

June 14, 2023

How a Court Ruling Undermines Massachusetts Sick Leave Law for Airline Workers

New details are emerging in the struggle to preserve aspects of the Massachusetts Sick Leave law that would have protected airline workers facing significant personal challenges, including health crises, domestic abuse, and the need to care for family members. 

A court recently ruled that the state could not enforce its sick leave law for airline workers because, in part, “sick leave abuse is common in the airline industry.” Powerful industry lobbyists showed a handful of examples of individual cases of misuse of the law, including a pair of flight attendants that went “sightseeing” after calling out sick and spikes in call-outs following the law’s implementation.

In effect, U.S. District Judge Allison D. Burroughs ruled that airlines should be exempt from state sick leave laws because airline workers will likely need them. 

In reaching its conclusion, the court listed examples of “abuse” that included only a few actual examples from the thousands of legitimate uses of the states’ protections.

Moreover, the court found that airline employees’ misuse of sick leave isn’t limited to the Massachusetts law. In her ruling, Judge Burroughs found that airline employees also abuse company sick leave rules, particularly by calling out sick on holidays and immediately before and after scheduled days off. In one such example, lobbyists pointed to a Logan-based ramp worker who called out sick during the Christmas Holiday in 2016, 2017, and 2019 and another Logan-based ground worker who allegedly used the Massachusetts law to call out on Thanksgiving and during the Superbowl. 

In another example, American Airlines Flight Service Base Manager at Logan, Elena Salinas, recounted an instance where two Boston-based flight attendants traveled to New Zealand and used one day under the Massachusetts Sick Leave law. Salinas then claimed that an “investigation” into their sick calls found the pair “had gone sightseeing on one of the days they called in sick using (Massachusetts Sick Leave.).”

None of the witnesses offered proof that the alleged sick leave misuse cases involved calling out for reasons not covered under the state sick leave law, which covers more than just illness. 

The Massachusetts Earned Sick Time Law (MESTL) gives employees the flexibility to use their accrued sick leave for a range of situations. These situations include times when the employee or a close family member, such as a spouse, child, or parent, needs home care or professional medical care. The law also applies when an employee needs to attend their regular medical check-ups or those of their family members. Furthermore, the law includes protections for circumstances involving domestic violence. Under MESTL, employers must not view an employee’s sick leave negatively due to these situations when making employment-related decisions like evaluations, promotions, discipline, or termination.

None of the cherry-picked examples industry lobbyists cited included evidence that the laws were actually misused. Despite the insinuations, the company lawyers did not show that the holiday sick leaves, for example, were not related to the home care of a close family member. In the case of the flight attendants allegedly misusing sick leave, lawyers did not testify whether they became sick on the day they went “sightseeing,” from food poisoning, for example, and used the subsequent call-outs to recover. In each instance, company lawyers assumed the leave options were being misused and did not consider the possibility the leave was taken for legitimate reasons.

The isolated examples used to justify denying state-provided sick leave are part of a larger trend that, airlines claim, shows their employees are particularly likely to misuse any leave of absence. This includes day trades and company-offered leaves. American Airlines’ lawyers pointed to high absenteeism in 2021 after the carrier paused its attendance policies as evidence that sick time abuse is rampant. Yet, no mention was made that this “absenteeism” was happening at the height of a global pandemic that took an estimated 5.1 million people out of the workforce.

Likewise, United’s Director of Airport Operations, Christopher Painter, testified about a specific instance on December 17, 2020, where so many

ground employees called out sick that he had to cancel four flights because there were not enough employees to complete the necessary services. Painter further testified about flight delays on February 27, 2021, also attributed to ground employee sick calls. His testimony was substantiated by an email from one of the United supervisors he manages, Richard Freddura, stating that the delays resulted from ground employees calling out sick due to mass COVID infections and otherwise arriving late. In these instances, United’s mitigation measures, including overtime and staffing employees to its resource pool, did not prevent these flight delays and cancellations. The airline then blamed the outages on relaxed sick leave policies like Massachusetts’s and completely ignored the then-raging COVID pandemic. 

The recent court decision that Massachusetts cannot enforce its sick leave law for airline workers is a dangerous precedent that could endanger similar state laws across the country. The decision was based on the flawed argument that sick leave abuse is common in the airline industry, but the evidence presented to support this claim was weak and anecdotal. In fact, there is no evidence that sick leave abuse is any more common in the airline industry than in other industries. The industry lobbyists were disingenuous when they used Pandemic related outages to make the case that sick leave was being abused by airline workers. 

The Massachusetts Sick Leave law was designed to protect airline workers facing personal challenges. The evidence presented at trial, rather than proving the law was being abused by lazy airline employees, demonstrated the law was a necessary tool benefiting Massachusetts workers. The lawyers representing airlines ignored the fact that non-punitive sick leave taken during the pandemic undoubtedly saved lives. This decision, which is widely expected to be used in other states with similar workplace protections, will do nothing to prevent absenteeism; instead, it reinforces the crucial importance of worker rights and underscores the pivotal role these laws play in safeguarding public health and individual well-being in times of crisis.

The full decision can be read here.


The Dawn of the Machinists Union

The Dawn of the Machinists Union

The Dawn of the Machinists UnionIn the smoky workshops of late 19th century America, a revolution was brewing. The Industrial Age, with its booming factories and powerful railroads, had brought both progress and hardship.The Dawn of the Machinists 14...

Corporate Judge Blocks Paid Sick Leave Law

Corporate Judge Blocks Paid Sick Leave Law

Corporate Judge Blocks Paid Sick Leave Law

Federal Judge Strikes Down Massachusetts’ Paid Sick Leave Law for Airline Workers, Leaving Thousands of Workers Without a Vital Benefit

A federal judge has ruled in favor of a group of major airlines, blocking the enforcement of Massachusetts’ paid sick leave law for their flight and ground crewmembers. The ruling is a blow to thousands of workers who are denied the right to earn sick time and take care of their health and families.

The lawsuit was filed in 2018 by Airlines for America (A4A), a trade association that represents American Airlines, United, Southwest, JetBlue, and other carriers. A4A argued that the state law, which requires employers to provide one hour of sick leave for every 30 hours worked, up to 40 hours per year, was unconstitutional and preempted by federal law.

The judge agreed with A4A, saying that the law would impose an undue burden on interstate commerce and interfere with the airlines’ prices, routes, and services. The judge also said that the law would cause flight delays and cancellations and create a patchwork of different state sick leave requirements.

The ruling ignores the benefits of the law for workers and public health, especially during a pandemic. The law, which took effect in 2015, was passed by voters as a ballot initiative with overwhelming support. The law aims to protect workers from losing their jobs or wages when they are sick or need to care for a family member. The law also helps prevent the spread of illnesses and infections in workplaces and communities.

The ruling also disregards the evidence that paid sick leave laws do not harm businesses or the economy. According to a report by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, paid sick leave laws have not led to job losses, reduced hours, or lower wages in states and cities that have adopted them. On the contrary, paid sick leave laws have been associated with improved productivity, reduced turnover, and increased consumer spending.

The ruling is a victory for powerful corporations and industry lobbyists who put profits over people. A4A has been fighting against paid sick leave laws across the country, including in Washington state, where it filed a similar lawsuit in 2018. A4A has also opposed other measures that would benefit workers and passengers, such as increasing the minimum wage, enhancing safety standards, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The ruling in Massachusets is expected to weaken similar rulings in every state that has enacted them. 

The ruling is a setback for working people and their advocates, who have been fighting for fair and humane labor standards. The Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office, which defended the law in court, said it was disappointed with the decision and is considering its options. The office said it remains committed to protecting workers’ rights and enforcing the law.

The ruling is not final and could be appealed or overturned by Congress or the Supreme Court. In the meantime, airline workers in Massachusetts will continue to face uncertainty and hardship when they get sick or need to care for their loved ones.

The Judge Who Oversaw the Case

The judge who oversaw the case was U.S. District Judge Allison D. Burroughs. She was appointed by President Barack Obama in 2014 and confirmed by the Senate in 2015. She is one of only two women judges on the U.S. District Court that includes Massachusetts.

Judge Burroughs has a record of ruling against workers’ rights and in favor of corporate interests. In 2019, she dismissed a class action lawsuit by former employees of Dunkin’ Donuts who alleged that they were misclassified as independent contractors and denied overtime pay and other benefits. 

In contrast, Judge Burroughs has sided with big businesses in several cases involving antitrust claims, patent disputes, and trademark infringement. She has also granted injunctions to prevent state regulations from affecting corporate operations.

Judge Burroughs’ ruling in favor of A4A is consistent with her pro-business bias and her disregard for workers’ welfare. She ignored the testimony of experts who testified that paid sick leave laws do not cause significant disruptions or costs for airlines. She also failed to consider the impact of her ruling on public health and social justice.

Judge Burroughs’ ruling is an example of how corporate power seems to reliably influence judicial decisions and undermine democracy. It shows why workers need to organize and fight for their rights at every level of government.

The Impact of the Ruling on Working People in Massachusetts

The court ruling that exempts airline workers from Massachusetts’ paid sick leave law has serious consequences for working people in the state. The ruling deprives thousands of workers of a basic benefit that is essential for their well-being and economic security.

Paid sick leave is a vital protection for workers who face health challenges, either for themselves or their family members. Without paid sick leave, workers may have to choose between going to work while sick or staying home without pay, risking their health, income, and job security. This choice can have negative effects on workers’ physical and mental health, as well as their financial stability.

Paid sick leave also benefits public health and the economy. By allowing workers to stay home when sick, paid sick leave helps prevent the spread of contagious diseases, such as COVID-19, influenza, and other infections. This reduces the burden on the healthcare system and saves lives. According to various studies, paid sick leave also boosts worker productivity, reduces turnover, and increases consumer spending.

Despite these benefits, many workers in the U.S. lack access to paid sick leave, especially low-wage workers, women, people of color, and part-time workers. The U.S. is the only developed country that does not guarantee paid sick leave to all workers at the national level. While some states and cities have passed their own paid sick leave laws, these laws vary widely in terms of coverage, eligibility, and generosity.

Massachusetts’ paid sick leave law is one of the most progressive in the country. It covers nearly all workers in the state, regardless of employer size or industry. It allows workers to earn up to 40 hours of paid sick leave per year at their regular rate of pay. It also protects workers from retaliation or discrimination for using their sick time.

The court ruling that blocks the enforcement of this law for airline workers undermines the intent and purpose of the law. It creates a two-tier system of workers’ rights, where some workers have access to the states’ paid sick leave, and others do not. It also creates confusion and inconsistency for employers and employees who operate in multiple states with different laws.

The court ruling also sets a dangerous precedent for other industries that may seek to challenge state-paid sick leave laws on similar grounds. It opens the door for more lawsuits that could erode workers’ rights and benefits across the country.

The court ruling is a reminder that working people need stronger federal protections for paid sick leave. While some temporary measures were enacted during the pandemic, such as the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, they have since expired or been scaled back. A permanent national paid sick leave policy is needed to ensure that all workers have access to this essential benefit, regardless of where they work or what they do.

Working people deserve dignity and respect in their jobs. They deserve to be able to take care of themselves and their loved ones without fear of losing their livelihoods. They deserve paid sick leave.

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The Dawn of the Machinists Union

The Dawn of the Machinists UnionIn the smoky workshops of late 19th century America, a revolution was brewing. The Industrial Age, with its booming factories and powerful railroads, had brought both progress and hardship.The Dawn of the Machinists 14...

Stay up to date with all the latest news and information from the Machinists Union

Corporate Judge Blocks Paid Sick Leave Law

June 5, 2023

Federal Judge Strikes Down Massachusetts’ Paid Sick Leave Law for Airline Workers, Leaving Thousands of Workers Without a Vital Benefit

A federal judge has ruled in favor of a group of major airlines, blocking the enforcement of Massachusetts’ paid sick leave law for their flight and ground crewmembers. The ruling is a blow to thousands of workers who are denied the right to earn sick time and take care of their health and families.

The lawsuit was filed in 2018 by Airlines for America (A4A), a trade association that represents American Airlines, United, Southwest, JetBlue, and other carriers. A4A argued that the state law, which requires employers to provide one hour of sick leave for every 30 hours worked, up to 40 hours per year, was unconstitutional and preempted by federal law.

The judge agreed with A4A, saying that the law would impose an undue burden on interstate commerce and interfere with the airlines’ prices, routes, and services. The judge also said that the law would cause flight delays and cancellations and create a patchwork of different state sick leave requirements.

The ruling ignores the benefits of the law for workers and public health, especially during a pandemic. The law, which took effect in 2015, was passed by voters as a ballot initiative with overwhelming support. The law aims to protect workers from losing their jobs or wages when they are sick or need to care for a family member. The law also helps prevent the spread of illnesses and infections in workplaces and communities.

The ruling also disregards the evidence that paid sick leave laws do not harm businesses or the economy. According to a report by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, paid sick leave laws have not led to job losses, reduced hours, or lower wages in states and cities that have adopted them. On the contrary, paid sick leave laws have been associated with improved productivity, reduced turnover, and increased consumer spending.

The ruling is a victory for powerful corporations and industry lobbyists who put profits over people. A4A has been fighting against paid sick leave laws across the country, including in Washington state, where it filed a similar lawsuit in 2018. A4A has also opposed other measures that would benefit workers and passengers, such as increasing the minimum wage, enhancing safety standards, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The ruling in Massachusets is expected to weaken similar rulings in every state that has enacted them. 

The ruling is a setback for working people and their advocates, who have been fighting for fair and humane labor standards. The Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office, which defended the law in court, said it was disappointed with the decision and is considering its options. The office said it remains committed to protecting workers’ rights and enforcing the law.

The ruling is not final and could be appealed or overturned by Congress or the Supreme Court. In the meantime, airline workers in Massachusetts will continue to face uncertainty and hardship when they get sick or need to care for their loved ones.

The Judge Who Oversaw the Case

The judge who oversaw the case was U.S. District Judge Allison D. Burroughs. She was appointed by President Barack Obama in 2014 and confirmed by the Senate in 2015. She is one of only two women judges on the U.S. District Court that includes Massachusetts.

Judge Burroughs has a record of ruling against workers’ rights and in favor of corporate interests. In 2019, she dismissed a class action lawsuit by former employees of Dunkin’ Donuts who alleged that they were misclassified as independent contractors and denied overtime pay and other benefits. 

In contrast, Judge Burroughs has sided with big businesses in several cases involving antitrust claims, patent disputes, and trademark infringement. She has also granted injunctions to prevent state regulations from affecting corporate operations.

Judge Burroughs’ ruling in favor of A4A is consistent with her pro-business bias and her disregard for workers’ welfare. She ignored the testimony of experts who testified that paid sick leave laws do not cause significant disruptions or costs for airlines. She also failed to consider the impact of her ruling on public health and social justice.

Judge Burroughs’ ruling is an example of how corporate power seems to reliably influence judicial decisions and undermine democracy. It shows why workers need to organize and fight for their rights at every level of government.

The Impact of the Ruling on Working People in Massachusetts

The court ruling that exempts airline workers from Massachusetts’ paid sick leave law has serious consequences for working people in the state. The ruling deprives thousands of workers of a basic benefit that is essential for their well-being and economic security.

Paid sick leave is a vital protection for workers who face health challenges, either for themselves or their family members. Without paid sick leave, workers may have to choose between going to work while sick or staying home without pay, risking their health, income, and job security. This choice can have negative effects on workers’ physical and mental health, as well as their financial stability.

Paid sick leave also benefits public health and the economy. By allowing workers to stay home when sick, paid sick leave helps prevent the spread of contagious diseases, such as COVID-19, influenza, and other infections. This reduces the burden on the healthcare system and saves lives. According to various studies, paid sick leave also boosts worker productivity, reduces turnover, and increases consumer spending.

Despite these benefits, many workers in the U.S. lack access to paid sick leave, especially low-wage workers, women, people of color, and part-time workers. The U.S. is the only developed country that does not guarantee paid sick leave to all workers at the national level. While some states and cities have passed their own paid sick leave laws, these laws vary widely in terms of coverage, eligibility, and generosity.

Massachusetts’ paid sick leave law is one of the most progressive in the country. It covers nearly all workers in the state, regardless of employer size or industry. It allows workers to earn up to 40 hours of paid sick leave per year at their regular rate of pay. It also protects workers from retaliation or discrimination for using their sick time.

The court ruling that blocks the enforcement of this law for airline workers undermines the intent and purpose of the law. It creates a two-tier system of workers’ rights, where some workers have access to the states’ paid sick leave, and others do not. It also creates confusion and inconsistency for employers and employees who operate in multiple states with different laws.

The court ruling also sets a dangerous precedent for other industries that may seek to challenge state-paid sick leave laws on similar grounds. It opens the door for more lawsuits that could erode workers’ rights and benefits across the country.

The court ruling is a reminder that working people need stronger federal protections for paid sick leave. While some temporary measures were enacted during the pandemic, such as the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, they have since expired or been scaled back. A permanent national paid sick leave policy is needed to ensure that all workers have access to this essential benefit, regardless of where they work or what they do.

Working people deserve dignity and respect in their jobs. They deserve to be able to take care of themselves and their loved ones without fear of losing their livelihoods. They deserve paid sick leave.


The Dawn of the Machinists Union

The Dawn of the Machinists Union

The Dawn of the Machinists UnionIn the smoky workshops of late 19th century America, a revolution was brewing. The Industrial Age, with its booming factories and powerful railroads, had brought both progress and hardship.The Dawn of the Machinists 14...

Dragonomics: Unmasking the Dragon of Inequality

Dragonomics: Unmasking the Dragon of Inequality

Dragonomics: Unmasking the Dragon of Inequality

When a provocative question posed in a viral social media post recently caught the public’s attention, it sparked a broader conversation on wealth distribution. 

The question was simple yet powerful: “What does it mean when real people are wealthier than a notorious, gold-hoarding dragon?”

According to Francis Woolley, who started off the debate over whether or not economies are better or worse off with a dragon hoarder like Smaug, the conclusion is simple: Nope.

“It is clear from a simple inspection of these two figures that the amount of gold coinage Smaug withdrew from circulation represents a significant volume of currency,” Wolley says in their post. “This would, inevitably, lead to deflation and depressed economic activity,” she concludes.

Frances Wooley is a Professor of Economics at Carlton University.

Let’s look at the argument. 

Once upon a time, in the fiery depths of the Lonely Mountain, a dragon named Smaug reclined on his mountain-sized hoard of gold. According to Forbes, Smaug was the second wealthiest fictional character, with an estimated worth of $15.4 billion. Smaug, however, wasn’t an innovative tech mogul, nor was he a benevolent job creator. He was a self-serving creature, accumulating his wealth at the expense of others and hoarding it away from the economy of Middle Earth.

What’s alarming is that this tale isn’t restricted to the realm of fiction. It mirrors an unsettling reality in our society – a stark economic disparity where an exclusive group of individuals possesses wealth far exceeding the dragon’s golden fortune. Fourteen Americans, in fact, have more wealth than Smaug. Put another way, there are 15 near-limitless mountains of gold taken from American workers, removed from the American economy, and locked away. 

Yes, you read it right. We live in a world where real people are wealthier than an evil gold-hoarding dragon – and they will protect with fire-breathing rage each and every one of the millions of coins they wallow in.

Wealth is not evenly distributed in the United States. According to economist Edward N. Wolff at New York University (2017), the upper class (the wealthiest 1% of households) owned more than a third (36.7%) of all private wealth in 2013. The next 19% of households (the managerial, professional, and small business stratum) owned more than half (52.2%) of all private wealth. This means that the wealthiest 20% of the people owned almost all (89%) of the personal wealth in the nation, leaving only a tenth (11%) of the wealth for the rest of the population (the wage and salary workers). The gap was even wider when it came to financial wealth (the value of one’s assets minus the value of one’s home). The upper class had almost half (42.8%) of all financial wealth, while the rest of the population had much less – only 7%.

80% of all Americans share only 5% of the nation’s wealth. Put another way, Americans are being hit by inflation because 15 people took almost all the money away. There’s virtually nothing left in the rest of the (non-billionaire) economy. In another era, that would be called “Communism,” where everyone makes basically the same income no matter how hard they work or what they do for a living. And, if you were lucky enough to be working in that bygone age (the ’60s, ’70s, and ’80s), you probably paid less than half a million dollars for your home. 

Many of today’s younger working people would be lucky to upgrade their apartment to a Buik with that kind of money (okay, dark humor, but.) 

For the record, the Soviet Union never achieved that level of income equality. They collapsed first.

Yet, aren’t these real-life wealth accumulators’ job creators’? Let’s delve deeper into the numbers and examine the dragon-sized footprint of such wealth. For all his worth, Smaug didn’t create jobs or drive the economic engine of Middle Earth. He just slept on his gold, causing suffering and despair for those around him. 

Similarly, when wealth is concentrated at the top, it doesn’t always trickle down to stimulate the economy or provide better wages for workers. It often remains dormant, like Smaug’s pile of gold, leading to stagnating wages, exploding inflation, and growing inequality. Fiefdoms don’t make great economies. 

According to a report from the Institute for Policy Studies, the wealth of U.S. billionaires surged by over 70% during the first year of the pandemic while the country grappled with economic devastation. Yet, the federal minimum wage has remained unchanged since 2009, rendering many hardworking Americans unable to afford basic needs, let alone build savings. For millions of working people, costs are at 2023 levels, and wages are stuck in the 2010s.

How does one justify this increasing gap? Some argue that these billionaires earned their wealth fair and square, similar to the mythical dragon who ‘earned’ his gold by destroying the dwarves who created it. But at what point does the hoarding of wealth at the expense of others become an issue of moral and economic justice? Is it really “fair” to ask everyone else to reach deeper and deeper into their pockets to keep 15 people in the U.S. flush with limitless, unused fortunes?

In J.R.R. Tolkien’s story, Smaug is the antagonist, symbolizing greed and destruction. He did not have the best interests of those he took the wealth from in mind as he hoarded it. Similarly, in our world, a system that allows few to hoard enormous wealth while many struggle to survive should make us question: are we putting people or profit first?

It’s high time we reconsider our perspectives on wealth and how much we deserve to make from our work. Let’s think critically about who ‘deserves’ such vast fortunes, especially when such wealth is accumulated at the cost of a fair wage and crushing inflation. 

Let us not glorify our real-life ‘Smaugs’ as heroes while overlooking the workers who create that wealth. Remember, every dragon’s hoard is a mountain of gold that isn’t paying a living wage. It’s time we ensure that wealth does more than just gleam in a dragon’s lair. It should fuel economies, create jobs, and ensure fair pay for everyone in our society. It can only do those things if it’s in the hands of the people who will spend it that way – working people.

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The Dawn of the Machinists Union

The Dawn of the Machinists Union

The Dawn of the Machinists UnionIn the smoky workshops of late 19th century America, a revolution was brewing. The Industrial Age, with its booming factories and powerful railroads, had brought both progress and hardship.The Dawn of the Machinists 14...

Stay up to date with all the latest news and information from the Machinists Union

Dragonomics: Unmasking the Dragon of Inequality

MAY 29, 2023

When a provocative question posed in a viral social media post recently caught the public’s attention, it sparked a broader conversation on wealth distribution. 

The question was simple yet powerful: “What does it mean when real people are wealthier than a notorious, gold-hoarding dragon?”

According to Francis Woolley, who started off the debate over whether or not economies are better or worse off with a dragon hoarder like Smaug, the conclusion is simple: Nope.

“It is clear from a simple inspection of these two figures that the amount of gold coinage Smaug withdrew from circulation represents a significant volume of currency,” Wolley says in their post. “This would, inevitably, lead to deflation and depressed economic activity,” she concludes.

Frances Wooley is a Professor of Economics at Carlton University.

Let’s look at the argument. 

Once upon a time, in the fiery depths of the Lonely Mountain, a dragon named Smaug reclined on his mountain-sized hoard of gold. According to Forbes, Smaug was the second wealthiest fictional character, with an estimated worth of $15.4 billion. Smaug, however, wasn’t an innovative tech mogul, nor was he a benevolent job creator. He was a self-serving creature, accumulating his wealth at the expense of others and hoarding it away from the economy of Middle Earth.

What’s alarming is that this tale isn’t restricted to the realm of fiction. It mirrors an unsettling reality in our society – a stark economic disparity where an exclusive group of individuals possesses wealth far exceeding the dragon’s golden fortune. Fourteen Americans, in fact, have more wealth than Smaug. Put another way, there are 15 near-limitless mountains of gold taken from American workers, removed from the American economy, and locked away. 

Yes, you read it right. We live in a world where real people are wealthier than an evil gold-hoarding dragon – and they will protect with fire-breathing rage each and every one of the millions of coins they wallow in.

Wealth is not evenly distributed in the United States. According to economist Edward N. Wolff at New York University (2017), the upper class (the wealthiest 1% of households) owned more than a third (36.7%) of all private wealth in 2013. The next 19% of households (the managerial, professional, and small business stratum) owned more than half (52.2%) of all private wealth. This means that the wealthiest 20% of the people owned almost all (89%) of the personal wealth in the nation, leaving only a tenth (11%) of the wealth for the rest of the population (the wage and salary workers). The gap was even wider when it came to financial wealth (the value of one’s assets minus the value of one’s home). The upper class had almost half (42.8%) of all financial wealth, while the rest of the population had much less – only 7%.

80% of all Americans share only 5% of the nation’s wealth. Put another way, Americans are being hit by inflation because 15 people took almost all the money away. There’s virtually nothing left in the rest of the (non-billionaire) economy. In another era, that would be called “Communism,” where everyone makes basically the same income no matter how hard they work or what they do for a living. And, if you were lucky enough to be working in that bygone age (the ’60s, ’70s, and ’80s), you probably paid less than half a million dollars for your home. 

Many of today’s younger working people would be lucky to upgrade their apartment to a Buik with that kind of money (okay, dark humor, but.) 

For the record, the Soviet Union never achieved that level of income equality. They collapsed first.

Yet, aren’t these real-life wealth accumulators’ job creators’? Let’s delve deeper into the numbers and examine the dragon-sized footprint of such wealth. For all his worth, Smaug didn’t create jobs or drive the economic engine of Middle Earth. He just slept on his gold, causing suffering and despair for those around him. 

Similarly, when wealth is concentrated at the top, it doesn’t always trickle down to stimulate the economy or provide better wages for workers. It often remains dormant, like Smaug’s pile of gold, leading to stagnating wages, exploding inflation, and growing inequality. Fiefdoms don’t make great economies. 

According to a report from the Institute for Policy Studies, the wealth of U.S. billionaires surged by over 70% during the first year of the pandemic while the country grappled with economic devastation. Yet, the federal minimum wage has remained unchanged since 2009, rendering many hardworking Americans unable to afford basic needs, let alone build savings. For millions of working people, costs are at 2023 levels, and wages are stuck in the 2010s.

How does one justify this increasing gap? Some argue that these billionaires earned their wealth fair and square, similar to the mythical dragon who ‘earned’ his gold by destroying the dwarves who created it. But at what point does the hoarding of wealth at the expense of others become an issue of moral and economic justice? Is it really “fair” to ask everyone else to reach deeper and deeper into their pockets to keep 15 people in the U.S. flush with limitless, unused fortunes?

In J.R.R. Tolkien’s story, Smaug is the antagonist, symbolizing greed and destruction. He did not have the best interests of those he took the wealth from in mind as he hoarded it. Similarly, in our world, a system that allows few to hoard enormous wealth while many struggle to survive should make us question: are we putting people or profit first?

It’s high time we reconsider our perspectives on wealth and how much we deserve to make from our work. Let’s think critically about who ‘deserves’ such vast fortunes, especially when such wealth is accumulated at the cost of a fair wage and crushing inflation. 

Let us not glorify our real-life ‘Smaugs’ as heroes while overlooking the workers who create that wealth. Remember, every dragon’s hoard is a mountain of gold that isn’t paying a living wage. It’s time we ensure that wealth does more than just gleam in a dragon’s lair. It should fuel economies, create jobs, and ensure fair pay for everyone in our society. It can only do those things if it’s in the hands of the people who will spend it that way – working people.


The Dawn of the Machinists Union

The Dawn of the Machinists Union

The Dawn of the Machinists UnionIn the smoky workshops of late 19th century America, a revolution was brewing. The Industrial Age, with its booming factories and powerful railroads, had brought both progress and hardship.The Dawn of the Machinists 14...

New FAA Policies Could Ease Chaotic Summer Travel Season for Airlines

New FAA Policies Could Ease Chaotic Summer Travel Season for Airlines

New FAA Policies Could Ease Chaotic Summer Travel Season

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The FAA has introduced 169 new routes along the East Coast that are more direct and will save time for passengers and fuel for airlines while increasing safety. Tim Arel, the COO of the FAA’s Air Traffic Organization, stated that “these improvements will help travelers get to their destinations more efficiently and reduce complexity in the national airspace system.”

Annually, these direct routes will save 40,000 miles and 6,000 minutes of travel time. They will also help prevent delays by giving the FAA more capacity to direct traffic based on the aircraft’s destination. In the case of weather events, controllers will have more flexibility and safety will be enhanced due to fewer converging points and simpler flows.

The new routes operate primarily above 18,000 feet along the East Coast and offshore over the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. The FAA replaced the old routes built when aircraft relied on ground-based radar instead of GPS. The FAA worked with the industry for over seven years to develop these high-altitude highways in the sky.

The new policies could help ease what is shaping up to be a chaotic summer travel season for airlines. 

Pilots at American Airlines have voted in favor of authorizing a strike. While this is unlikely to result in an immediate walkout, it does increase pressure on the airline to reach a new contract with the Pilots’ Union.

The Allied Pilots Association announced that over 96% of its 15,000 members participated in the vote, and 99% of those who voted were in favor of authorizing the union to call for a strike.

“The summer travel season is almost here, and we’re all wondering whether this will be another summer of uncertainty for American Airlines,” said Capt. Ed Sicher, APA President. “Fortunately, there is an alternative. By embracing the win-win scheduling and work rule improvements APA has presented at the bargaining table, management can take steps to improve the airline’s operational reliability and efficiency.”

Capt. Sicher noted that APA has provided airline management with detailed data illustrating how the union’s proposals will drive improved reliability.

Strike authorization voting began on April 1 and ended at midnight Central on April 30. With more than 96 percent of the APA membership participating, more than 99 percent voted in favor of authorizing a strike.

“The APA membership has spoken. We will strike if necessary to secure the industry-leading contract that our pilots have earned and deserve – a contract that will position American Airlines for success,” Capt. Sicher said. “With more than 99 percent of participating pilots voting in favor of authorizing a strike, our pilots’ resolve is unmistakable. We will not be deterred from our goal of an industry-leading contract.”

In a demonstration of their resolve, APA members will be conducting informational picketing today from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. local time at all 10 of the airline’s major hubs: Boston (BOS), Charlotte (CLT), Chicago (ORD), Dallas/Fort Worth (DFW), Los Angeles (LAX), Miami (MIA), New York (LGA), Philadelphia (PHL), Phoenix (PHX), and Washington, D.C. (DCA).

Airline unions are prohibited by federal law from striking without the approval of a U.S. Mediation Board. The Federal Agency has yet to indicate that such a move is being considered.

The American Pilots’ Union is seeking changes to their scheduling that will improve efficiency and prevent the widespread delays and cancellations that occurred last summer, similar to the new FAA proposals. 

There was some good news at United Airlines, however. Nearly 30,000 union members at the airline, including five separate workgroups, voted to ratify new agreements with the carrier. The contracts will provide industry-best compensation and new job protections and insource new work for union members at United. 

With the new agreements, United can now focus on negotiating an updated contract with the carrier’s 12,000 pilots, who have been in talks for the past four years. 

United stocks finished the day higher on Monday, the day of the Machinists Union contract Ratifications, out-performing an otherwise gloomy day of trading. Shares of United Airlines Holdings Inc. UAL, -1.87% rallied 1.39% to $44.41 in afternoon trading. United Airlines Holdings Inc. ended the day $10.63 under its 52-week high of $55.04, which the company reported on March 7th.


Related News

The Dawn of the Machinists Union

The Dawn of the Machinists Union

The Dawn of the Machinists UnionIn the smoky workshops of late 19th century America, a revolution was brewing. The Industrial Age, with its booming factories and powerful railroads, had brought both progress and hardship.The Dawn of the Machinists 14...

Stay up to date with all the latest news and information from the Machinists Union

New FAA Policies Could Ease Chaotic Summer Travel Season


MAY 3, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The FAA has introduced 169 new routes along the East Coast that are more direct and will save time for passengers and fuel for airlines while increasing safety. Tim Arel, the COO of the FAA’s Air Traffic Organization, stated that “these improvements will help travelers get to their destinations more efficiently and reduce complexity in the national airspace system.”

Annually, these direct routes will save 40,000 miles and 6,000 minutes of travel time. They will also help prevent delays by giving the FAA more capacity to direct traffic based on the aircraft’s destination. In the case of weather events, controllers will have more flexibility and safety will be enhanced due to fewer converging points and simpler flows.

The new routes operate primarily above 18,000 feet along the East Coast and offshore over the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. The FAA replaced the old routes built when aircraft relied on ground-based radar instead of GPS. The FAA worked with the industry for over seven years to develop these high-altitude highways in the sky.

The new policies could help ease what is shaping up to be a chaotic summer travel season for airlines. 

Pilots at American Airlines have voted in favor of authorizing a strike. While this is unlikely to result in an immediate walkout, it does increase pressure on the airline to reach a new contract with the Pilots’ Union.

The Allied Pilots Association announced that over 96% of its 15,000 members participated in the vote, and 99% of those who voted were in favor of authorizing the union to call for a strike.

“The summer travel season is almost here, and we’re all wondering whether this will be another summer of uncertainty for American Airlines,” said Capt. Ed Sicher, APA President. “Fortunately, there is an alternative. By embracing the win-win scheduling and work rule improvements APA has presented at the bargaining table, management can take steps to improve the airline’s operational reliability and efficiency.”

Capt. Sicher noted that APA has provided airline management with detailed data illustrating how the union’s proposals will drive improved reliability.

Strike authorization voting began on April 1 and ended at midnight Central on April 30. With more than 96 percent of the APA membership participating, more than 99 percent voted in favor of authorizing a strike.

“The APA membership has spoken. We will strike if necessary to secure the industry-leading contract that our pilots have earned and deserve – a contract that will position American Airlines for success,” Capt. Sicher said. “With more than 99 percent of participating pilots voting in favor of authorizing a strike, our pilots’ resolve is unmistakable. We will not be deterred from our goal of an industry-leading contract.”

In a demonstration of their resolve, APA members will be conducting informational picketing today from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. local time at all 10 of the airline’s major hubs: Boston (BOS), Charlotte (CLT), Chicago (ORD), Dallas/Fort Worth (DFW), Los Angeles (LAX), Miami (MIA), New York (LGA), Philadelphia (PHL), Phoenix (PHX), and Washington, D.C. (DCA).


Airline unions are prohibited by federal law from striking without the approval of a U.S. Mediation Board. The Federal Agency has yet to indicate that such a move is being considered.

The American Pilots’ Union is seeking changes to their scheduling that will improve efficiency and prevent the widespread delays and cancellations that occurred last summer, similar to the new FAA proposals. 

There was some good news at United Airlines, however. Nearly 30,000 union members at the airline, including five separate workgroups, voted to ratify new agreements with the carrier. The contracts will provide industry-best compensation and new job protections and insource new work for union members at United. 

With the new agreements, United can now focus on negotiating an updated contract with the carrier’s 12,000 pilots, who have been in talks for the past four years. 

United stocks finished the day higher on Monday, the day of the Machinists Union contract Ratifications, out-performing an otherwise gloomy day of trading. Shares of United Airlines Holdings Inc. UAL, -1.87% rallied 1.39% to $44.41 in afternoon trading. United Airlines Holdings Inc. ended the day $10.63 under its 52-week high of $55.04, which the company reported on March 7th.


The Dawn of the Machinists Union

The Dawn of the Machinists Union

The Dawn of the Machinists UnionIn the smoky workshops of late 19th century America, a revolution was brewing. The Industrial Age, with its booming factories and powerful railroads, had brought both progress and hardship.The Dawn of the Machinists 14...

Florida Bill Gives Politicians Power to Disband Unions

Florida Bill Gives Politicians Power to Disband Unions

Florida Bill Gives Politicians Power to Disband Unions

Lawmakers in the Florida House have advanced a bill that would decertify teachers’ unions if they fall below a 60% membership rate within their workplaces.

The bill has already cleared the State Senate, and now it is headed to Governor Ron DeSantis, who is expected to sign it into law.

Progressive lawmakers and labor groups have criticized the legislation as a political move to weaken teachers’ unions and other labor organizations that typically support the Democratic Party. The bill would make it more difficult for unions representing government employees to collect dues. The law would also allow the state to decertify them and revoke union/employer agreements.

Lawmakers added a clause to the bill that would exempt labor organizations that typically support Republican candidates, such as police unions and Corrections Officers.

Similar legislation was introduced in the Florida Senate last month, overcoming objections from both Republicans and Democrats.

The legislation cuts off automatic paycheck deductions for union dues. Unions pay to negotiate and enforce collective bargaining agreements with the funding. While the law would still allow unions to set up new methods to collect dues, the workarounds would represent new funding obstacles for public sector unions that have fallen out of favor with Tallahassee politicians.

Most worryingly, the bill, titled S.B. 256, will give political elites in Florida the power to disband many unions unilaterally.

The law requires that 60% of workers in a given bargaining unit be dues-paying union members. If the union falls below that threshold, the state could move to force the union to recertify. Unions that cannot meet the 60% standard will be forced to re-organize their workplaces and potentially lose their collective bargaining agreements. Nullified agreements could give the state near-limitless power to slash teacher pay and other benefits that may be part of those agreements.

The bill would also force time-consuming and expensive yearly audits, which could cripple many sanitation workers’ unions with very few members.

Andrew Spar, President of the Florida Education Association, vowed that the new law would not silence union members. “Today the Florida House passed SB 256, a bill written by Gov DeSantis, which aims to silence workers in Florida,” he said in a post. “We speak out, so just like Disney and others, we are a target of the Gov. We will not be silenced.”

“If Gov. DeSantis thinks he will silence us, he’s dead wrong,” he continued.

Teachers in Florida are among the worst-paid in the United States. According to a recent study published by the National Education Association, the state ranks an abysmal 48th in the nation for teacher pay.

The state is losing teaching staff to neighboring states, such as Alabama, which ranks 33 in teacher pay. And, Georgia, which pays its teachers enough to earn a 21st place ranking.


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The Dawn of the Machinists Union

The Dawn of the Machinists Union

The Dawn of the Machinists UnionIn the smoky workshops of late 19th century America, a revolution was brewing. The Industrial Age, with its booming factories and powerful railroads, had brought both progress and hardship.The Dawn of the Machinists 14...

Stay up to date with all the latest news and information from the Machinists Union

Florida Bill Gives Politicians Power to Disband Unions

April 27, 2023

Lawmakers in the Florida House have advanced a bill that would decertify teachers’ unions if they fall below a 60% membership rate within their workplaces.

The bill has already cleared the State Senate, and now it is headed to Governor Ron DeSantis, who is expected to sign it into law.

Progressive lawmakers and labor groups have criticized the legislation as a political move to weaken teachers’ unions and other labor organizations that typically support the Democratic Party. The bill would make it more difficult for unions representing government employees to collect dues. The law would also allow the state to decertify them and revoke union/employer agreements.

Lawmakers added a clause to the bill that would exempt labor organizations that typically support Republican candidates, such as police unions and Corrections Officers.

Similar legislation was introduced in the Florida Senate last month, overcoming objections from both Republicans and Democrats.

The legislation cuts off automatic paycheck deductions for union dues. Unions pay to negotiate and enforce collective bargaining agreements with the funding. While the law would still allow unions to set up new methods to collect dues, the workarounds would represent new funding obstacles for public sector unions that have fallen out of favor with Tallahassee politicians.

Most worryingly, the bill, titled S.B. 256, will give political elites in Florida the power to disband many unions unilaterally.

The law requires that 60% of workers in a given bargaining unit be dues-paying union members. If the union falls below that threshold, the state could move to force the union to recertify. Unions that cannot meet the 60% standard will be forced to re-organize their workplaces and potentially lose their collective bargaining agreements. Nullified agreements could give the state near-limitless power to slash teacher pay and other benefits that may be part of those agreements.

The bill would also force time-consuming and expensive yearly audits, which could cripple many sanitation workers’ unions with very few members.

Andrew Spar, President of the Florida Education Association, vowed that the new law would not silence union members. “Today the Florida House passed SB 256, a bill written by Gov DeSantis, which aims to silence workers in Florida,” he said in a post. “We speak out, so just like Disney and others, we are a target of the Gov. We will not be silenced.”

“If Gov. DeSantis thinks he will silence us, he’s dead wrong,” he continued.

Teachers in Florida are among the worst-paid in the United States. According to a recent study published by the National Education Association, the state ranks an abysmal 48th in the nation for teacher pay.

The state is losing teaching staff to neighboring states, such as Alabama, which ranks 33 in teacher pay. And, Georgia, which pays its teachers enough to earn a 21st place ranking.


The Dawn of the Machinists Union

The Dawn of the Machinists Union

The Dawn of the Machinists UnionIn the smoky workshops of late 19th century America, a revolution was brewing. The Industrial Age, with its booming factories and powerful railroads, had brought both progress and hardship.The Dawn of the Machinists 14...

Disruptive Passenger Causes United Flight to Return to Newark

Disruptive Passenger Causes United Flight to Return to Newark

Disruptive Passenger Causes United Flight to Return to Newark

A United flight bound for Israel was forced to turn around and return to Newark airport early Sunday morning due to a disruptive passenger. The flight, which had already been delayed by two hours, had only been in the air for three hours before the incident occurred.

According to Local News Outlets, the passenger sat in a seat reserved for flight attendants while waiting to use the bathroom. When asked to move by a crew member, the man refused and began arguing with flight attendants.

Upon arrival back in Newark, law enforcement escorted the man off the plane. United Airlines released a statement saying, “United Flight 90 traveling from Newark to Tel Aviv returned to Newark shortly after takeoff due to a disruptive passenger. Law enforcement met the aircraft and removed the passenger. A new flight was scheduled to depart Sunday evening.”

The flight, originally scheduled to depart at 10:55 p.m., left Newark at 12:48 a.m. and arrived at the airport at 6:28 a.m., according to Passengers were booked onto a new flight for late Sunday.

In response to the growing number of air rage incidents, unions, including the Machinists Union and other airline workers, have called on the government, airlines, and airports to take stronger measures to reduce the number of unruly passenger incidents. Some of their proposals include banning to-go alcohol sales at airports, sharing internal no-fly lists between airlines so that banned passengers cannot disrupt another flight, and increasing fines and other penalties for disruptive and abusive behavior

Additionally, U.S. Senate and House members have proposed a new no-fly list for unruly passengers that would allow the Transportation Security Administration to ban people convicted or fined for assaulting or interfering with airline crew members.

U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) and U.S. Representatives Eric Swalwell (D-CA) and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) have introduced new bipartisan legislation that could stiffen penalties against offenders convicted of assaulting flight crew aboard an aircraft and place them on a commercial no-fly list. 

 The proposed legislation, called the Protection from Abusive Passengers Act, is aimed at protecting travelers and frontline aircrew members from physical abuse that has become more frequent during flightsThe lawmakers say the enhanced penalty will serve as a strong deterrent against combative passengers and is needed to improve the safety of frontline aviation crews, attendants, and passengers.


Related News

The Dawn of the Machinists Union

The Dawn of the Machinists Union

The Dawn of the Machinists UnionIn the smoky workshops of late 19th century America, a revolution was brewing. The Industrial Age, with its booming factories and powerful railroads, had brought both progress and hardship.The Dawn of the Machinists 14...

Stay up to date with all the latest news and information from the Machinists Union

Disruptive Passenger Causes United Flight to Return to Newark

April 26, 2023

A United flight bound for Israel was forced to turn around and return to Newark airport early Sunday morning due to a disruptive passenger. The flight, which had already been delayed by two hours, had only been in the air for three hours before the incident occurred.

According to Local News Outlets, the passenger sat in a seat reserved for flight attendants while waiting to use the bathroom. When asked to move by a crew member, the man refused and began arguing with flight attendants.

Upon arrival back in Newark, law enforcement escorted the man off the plane. United Airlines released a statement saying, “United Flight 90 traveling from Newark to Tel Aviv returned to Newark shortly after takeoff due to a disruptive passenger. Law enforcement met the aircraft and removed the passenger. A new flight was scheduled to depart Sunday evening.”

The flight, originally scheduled to depart at 10:55 p.m., left Newark at 12:48 a.m. and arrived at the airport at 6:28 a.m., according to Passengers were booked onto a new flight for late Sunday.

In response to the growing number of air rage incidents, unions, including the Machinists Union and other airline workers, have called on the government, airlines, and airports to take stronger measures to reduce the number of unruly passenger incidents. Some of their proposals include banning to-go alcohol sales at airports, sharing internal no-fly lists between airlines so that banned passengers cannot disrupt another flight, and increasing fines and other penalties for disruptive and abusive behavior

Additionally, U.S. Senate and House members have proposed a new no-fly list for unruly passengers that would allow the Transportation Security Administration to ban people convicted or fined for assaulting or interfering with airline crew members.

U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) and U.S. Representatives Eric Swalwell (D-CA) and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) have introduced new bipartisan legislation that could stiffen penalties against offenders convicted of assaulting flight crew aboard an aircraft and place them on a commercial no-fly list. 

 The proposed legislation, called the Protection from Abusive Passengers Act, is aimed at protecting travelers and frontline aircrew members from physical abuse that has become more frequent during flightsThe lawmakers say the enhanced penalty will serve as a strong deterrent against combative passengers and is needed to improve the safety of frontline aviation crews, attendants, and passengers.



The Dawn of the Machinists Union

The Dawn of the Machinists Union

The Dawn of the Machinists UnionIn the smoky workshops of late 19th century America, a revolution was brewing. The Industrial Age, with its booming factories and powerful railroads, had brought both progress and hardship.The Dawn of the Machinists 14...