May 11, 2020 | EAP, Featured, Helping Hands, Uncategorized |
EAP Peer Coordinators:
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. In this standard monthly issue, we address several issues about Mental Illness including “What is Mental Illness?,” “Why Mental Health is Important,” “Can Your Mental Health Change Over Time?,” and What Are the Causes of Mental Illness?” Finally, page two addresses resources for mental illness.
It has been a rough week or two – thank you for helping each other to deal with some adverse circumstances. Several states are relaxing restrictions on staying at home. Anxiety may increase as people return to being exposed to the risk of the coronavirus. More to come.
Thank you for continuing to be there through trying times!
Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.
Apr 23, 2020 | COVID, EAP, Featured, Front Page, Helping Hands, Home, Uncategorized |
EAP Peer Coordinators:
This issue addresses how to protect your finances from the impact of corona virus. There is a special addendum with specific steps to help with handling budgets. This information is from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, ( This is a very informative web site with lots of great free financial information.
The entire issue has many hyperlinks to relevant web sites. The issue is best distributed electronically, so the hyperlinks can be accessed. If you can’t send it electronically, you may want to be able to share the links with your co-workers as they express interest in a specific topic. I am happy to help if you have any trouble accessing any of the links.
It is important to anticipate what might happen after the CARES act funds end, September 30. We have a few months for everyone to look at their financial situation and to prepare for tough times. We can refer co-workers to the web sites within the issue. Let’s be there to help when questions arise and financial information can be beneficial.
Thank you for getting this information out. I appreciate your efforts as we step up getting information out to our membership.
Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.
Apr 17, 2020 | COVID, EAP, Featured, Front Page, Helping Hands, Home, Home |
EAP Peer Coordinators:
We focus on resilience this week. The “stay in place” orders have been in place for anywhere from 3-6 weeks. The Coronavirus has taken a large toll on everyone. We may not realize how deeply it has affected us for quite a while.
People are starting to get anxious about when “normalcy” will be restored. Surviving all of this will require us to be resilient. We address what resiliency is and how to build resilience in this issue.
Many of you have had coronavirus impact your workplace. Because of the social distancing rules and quarantine guidelines, most of the ways in which we respond to the needs of our co-workers is not possible. Please know those simple conversations on the phone, kind texts or e-mails or other appropriate ways of communicating your concern are very impactful in our current situation.
I am grateful for all of you and your empathy and compassion in the workplace. All of this builds resiliency.
Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.
Apr 3, 2020 | EAP, Featured, Front Page, Helping Hands, Home, Home |
EAP Peer Coordinators:
This month’s focus is on how to support yourself during social distancing, isolation, and quarantine. There are ideas about how to survive this extended period in which we find ourselves.
The recent legislation supporting workers has been some welcome relief. It assures us of some security through the summer, if the coronavirus health situation continues. We must also anticipate the consequences of the situation lasting longer then we all hope it will.
Thank you for your service to your co-workers, and for taking good care of each other. this is the most difficult situation we have ever faced -and – we are making it through!
Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.
Mar 27, 2020 | EAP, Featured, Front Page, Helping Hands, Home, Home |
Peer EAP Coordinators:
Continuing our effort to anticipate the needs of our members, this special edition focuses on finances. Specifically, prioritizing how you spend money during critical situations and being able to survive a crisis. There is a list of governmental resources that can help increase awareness of special orders to financial institutions that may help with the mortgage, rent, IRS income tax deferrals, and the possibility of checks mailed to everyone making less than $100,000 last year.
Finally, there are a few ideas on financial preparedness and decisions to avoid that could make your situation worse.
All of these ideas came from one web site: Normally, I would not promote a financial web site, but this site is dedicated to helping people weather difficult financial situations and helping people become finically savvy. It is good information. The underlined text in the body of the newsletter can serve as a link to some of the site’s resources – if you have an electronic copy. Use your cursor to “hover” over the underlined text until your cursor becomes a pointer – then click on the link.
We are several weeks into the coronavirus crisis, most metropolitan areas are under some kind of “stay in place” orders (not including transportation workers) and there is some reason for hope. China and South Korea appear to have effectively dealt with the outbreak and are beginning to restart businesses. We have a long road ahead, I believe we will get through this – it’s going to take all of us believing in each other.
I hope each of you and your families are safe and free of the virus. Please know how much I appreciate everything you are doing! I am grateful to have such a dedicated and talented group of people focused on helping others through the most difficult and challenging time we have faced in a decade.
Bryan Hutchinson,
IAMAW District 141 EAP Director
Mar 19, 2020 | Community Service Page, COVID, EAP, Featured, Front Page, Helping Hands, Home, Home, Uncategorized |
EAP Peer Coordinators:
Coronavirus has changed everything. All Airlines have experienced a severe drop off of load factors associated with reduced flying due to governmental flying restrictions.
This special edition addresses the situation by looking at how to cope with stress in this specific situation. I ask you to distribute the issue everywhere you believe it would benefit from the content.
We are facing unprecedented events – you are on the front lines and getting the brunt of this most difficult situation. Know that all of us – the regional representative, the airline coordinators and me are all available to talk through any situation. That is why we are here – to support you.
Thank you for supporting your co-workers while you and your family are facing the same uncertainty. One thing I do know – we will get through this – together. There has never been anything we have not been able to respond to and to find our way through! I am confident we will get through this.
Bryan Hutchinson, M.S.