Association Negotiations Update

Association Negotiations Update

Association Negotiations Update Download


Brothers and Sisters,

THE TWU/IAM Association executive negotiating committee participated on a conference call conducted by National Mediation Board mediators yesterday, December 14, 2018. Negotiators from American Airlines also participated.

The mediators recapped the remaining open items to be negotiated. They also set the agenda and negotiating schedule for the beginning of 2019. The Association presented a proposal covering Field Trips for M&R and MLS members.

The next face-to-face negotiations are scheduled for January 15-17 in San Francisco. Topics to be discussed are open economic pay elements, health & welfare (insurance), duration of the agreement, field trips and other open contract language items.

We were successful in obtaining additional negotiating dates on the calendar. Scheduled negotiating dates are:

• January 15, 16, 17
• January 29, 30, 31
• February 6, 7, 8
• February 12, 13, 14
• And an additional week in March – specific dates to be determined

Our objective is to reach agreement as soon as possible without having to use all of our scheduled dates. However, this Association is committed to achieving the compensation, healthcare, retirement and job security that our members have earned and deserve. Your continued support and solidarity is both appreciated and necessary to reach these goals.

We wish all of our members a safe and happy holiday season.


Your Association Executive Negotiating Committee

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