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Wendy Goodell is on a mission to modernize the communications strategy of Local 1782, encourage more participation and activism, and help demystify unionism at a local lodge that includes five airports and thousands of members.

141 Report: Local 1782, A Powerhouse in the Bay Area and Beyond

Jan 15, 2021

This week we had a conversation with Wendy Goodell, President of IAM Local 1782, based in Burlingame, California 

Sister Wendy, a 24-year veteran at United Airlines in SFO, became a Shop Steward 10 years ago at the urging of Greg Brown, a past Local 1782 president who recently retired after a long career as a union activist in the Bay Area. Her experience working in all areas of airport customer service helped her become a caring and effective representative for her co-workers. Her talent and abilities were strengthened by the knowledge and skills she gained in Leadership courses at the Winpisinger Education and Technology Center.

Wendy leads a diverse group of Machinists that includes over 1,700 members from 3 airlines in 5 California cities, in Air Transport Districts 141 and 142. Shortly after taking office, Wendy and Vice President Wallace Chew had a plan to visit every station to familiarize themselves with their members’ work environment, but the coronavirus pandemic forced them to change the outreach using online tools instead. They have spent the last few months updating the local’s website, so it contains up-to-date information and useful links. They are also more active in social media and are conducting training sessions via Zoom, which Wendy said allows some members to participate more easily from their homes.  

Local 1782 President Wendy Goodell is a leader who recognizes the importance of communication and member education to support the various activities that are important to our union’s mission: Justice on the Job, Service to the Community.



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