This week’s 141 Video Report features C.A. “Obie” O’Brien, President of the Pennsylvania State Council of Machinists, and VP Rich Howell
Brother O’Brien is a legendary figure in the Machinists Union, whose activism during his 56-year career has inspired countless others, including Howell. They are the driving force behind the Pennsylvania State Council, representing 9,000 active Machinists Union members in 52 locals and 5 districts in the state.
Obie also serves as Vice President of the Pennsylvania State AFL-CIO and is a member of the New Jersey State Council of Machinists. He has received numerous awards, including the Frank Darcy Award from the NJ State Council. His home Local 1776 in Philadelphia, where he has served in several capacities, bears his name.
Rich is a tireless organizer who served as Local 1776 President for 19 years and continues to advocate for Pennsylvania’s working men and women. The coronavirus pandemic has not stopped him from finding ways to contact members to organize and direct phone banks and other activities to get out the vote during this important election year.
“This is not a drill,” says Rich when asked about what is at stake during this election. Pennsylvania is a key battleground state in which both presidential candidates are spending a lot of time and resources and is considered a “must win” in order to win the presidency. In the interview, Rich mentions the labor-friendly candidates on this year’s ballot who have earned the endorsement of the PASCM and the productive relationships the council has cultivated with them.
Together, these Machinists Union leaders have 97 years of experience representing the interests of union members and working families in the Keystone State and we are proud to recognize the work they do.
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