Stand up and be counted.

$8,000 in Scholarships are Now Available!

$8,000 in Scholarships are Now Available!

$8,000 in Scholarships are Now Available!District Lodge 141 is excited to announce the commencement of its 2024 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest!$8,000 in Scholarships are Now Available! 6 February 2024District Lodge 141 is excited to announce...

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What’s the holdup on airline relief? ‘It’s mind-boggling,’ says IAMAW Union Leader

/// Forbes

Airline CEO's make final plea to White House for additional aid

/// CNBC

White House backs $25 billion in airline relief

/// Roll Call

VIDEO: Passenger shoves gate agent to ground


Help Prevent Furloughs this Fall: Tell Lawmakers to Send Immediate Paycheck Assistance to Airlines

/// Machinsits & Aerospace Union MNPL Action Alerts

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