JetBlue’s VP of Airport Experiences tried to convince Ground Ops Crewmembers to give the airline another year to fix things.
JetBlue Lies Exposed in MCO
4 November 2022
Vice President of Airports Experience, Dana Shapir, has been hitting the road since GO Crewmembers filed for a union representation election. Over the last couple of weeks, Dana has been visiting GO Crewmembers and trying to convince us that the “direct relationship” is better than GO Crewmembers gaining union representation and a legally enforceable contract.
She’s having a tough time telling the truth and she had an even tougher time dealing honestly with the questions MCO Crewmembers asked her on Wednesday. VP Shapir parroted what JetBlue’s high-priced, union-busting attorneys trained her to say about the “direct relationship.” While she was begging for one more year to fix all the things that she admitted are wrong for Crewmembers at JetBlue, she claimed that “together we can fix these things through the direct relationship.”
Really? The “direct relationship” is a stone cold sham. The same “direct relationship” that took away profit sharing? The “direct relationship” that took away monetary lifts and performance bonuses? The same wonderful “direct relationship” that took away the lead program? The same “direct relationship” that lied about Labor Day being a paid holiday? The “direct relationship” that took $2 BILLION in federal aid from the federal government to maintain our salaries, benefits and jobs during the pandemic and then cut our hours and stole our pay? Do you mean that “direct relationship”?
VP Shapir also either lied or had no knowledge of the NMB voting process, which in either case is pretty bad. While attempting to explain the National Mediation Board (NMB) process to conduct union representation elections, VP Shapir said, “The IAM will mail out the ballots. They have your addresses.”
Huge lie. The NMB mails out the ballots to all eligible voters to the addresses supplied to the NMB by JetBlue. The IAM does not get the addresses, nor does the IAM have anything to do with the mailing of the ballots.
She also feigned ignorance, or admitted wrongdoing, regarding other questions. When asked why it’s ok for JetBlue to spend millions of dollars a year on dues to belong to a union of airlines, Airlines for America, Ms. Shapir wouldn’t even answer the question. She claimed she has no knowledge of Airlines for America and just moved on. Visit https://www.airlines.org/who-we-are/ for more information.
When asked about JetBlue management cutting the pay and hours of Crewmembers during the pandemic, contrary to federal law, Ms. Shapir just shrugged and said “we did what we had to do…”
The IAM will update all Crewmembers on the status of holding JetBlue management accountable for violating the terms of the Payroll Support Program (PSP) by cutting the hours and pay, which was not permitted by the PSP component of the Cares Act.
It’s time for all Crewmembers to unify, to VOTE YES when the time comes, and speak our minds. We have a federally protected right to join a union, and to show our support for unionizing! We are on our way sisters and brothers!
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JetBlue Management Lies Exposed at MCO
4 November 2022
JetBlue’s VP of Airport Experiences tried to convince Ground Ops Crewmembers to give the airline another year to fix things.
Vice President of Airports Experience, Dana Shapir, has been hitting the road since GO Crewmembers filed for a union representation election. Over the last couple of weeks, Dana has been visiting GO Crewmembers and trying to convince us that the “direct relationship” is better than GO Crewmembers gaining union representation and a legally enforceable contract.
She’s having a tough time telling the truth and she had an even tougher time dealing honestly with the questions MCO Crewmembers asked her on Wednesday. VP Shapir parroted what JetBlue’s high-priced, union-busting attorneys trained her to say about the “direct relationship.” While she was begging for one more year to fix all the things that she admitted are wrong for Crewmembers at JetBlue, she claimed that “together we can fix these things through the direct relationship.”
Really? The “direct relationship” is a stone-cold sham. The same “direct relationship” that took away profit sharing? The “direct relationship” that took away monetary lifts and performance bonuses? The same wonderful “direct relationship” that took away the lead program? The same “direct relationship” that lied about Labor Day being a paid holiday? The “direct relationship” that took $2 BILLION in federal aid from the federal government to maintain our salaries, benefits and jobs during the pandemic and then cut our hours and stole our pay? Do you mean that “direct relationship”?
VP Shapir also either lied or had no knowledge of the NMB voting process, which in either case is pretty bad. While attempting to explain the National Mediation Board (NMB) process to conduct union representation elections, VP Shapir said, “The IAM will mail out the ballots. They have your addresses.”
Huge lie. The NMB mails out the ballots to all eligible voters to the addresses supplied to the NMB by JetBlue. The IAM does not get the addresses, nor does the IAM have anything to do with the mailing of the ballots.
She also feigned ignorance, or admitted wrongdoing, regarding other questions. When asked why it’s ok for JetBlue to spend millions of dollars a year on dues to belong to a union of airlines, Airlines for America, Ms. Shapir wouldn’t even answer the question. She claimed she has no knowledge of Airlines for America and just moved on. Visit https://www.airlines.org/who-we-are/ for more information.
When asked about JetBlue management cutting the pay and hours of Crewmembers during the pandemic, contrary to federal law, Ms. Shapir just shrugged and said “we did what we had to do…”
The IAM will update all Crewmembers on the status of holding JetBlue management accountable for violating the terms of the Payroll Support Program (PSP) by cutting the hours and pay, which was not permitted by the PSP component of the Cares Act.
It’s time for all Crewmembers to unify, to VOTE YES when the time comes, and speak our minds. We have a federally protected right to join a union, and to show our support for unionizing! We are on our way sisters and brothers!
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