American Employees
Hawaiian Employees

Welcome to the IAMAW District 141 Employee Assistance Program
You’re doing the right thing.
The Employee Assistance Program is here to help you navigate insurance and find the help you need, confidentially, and at no cost.
American Airlines
The link below has the names and contact information of Employee Assistance Representatives at American Airlines.
Hawaiian Airlines
The link below has the names and contact information of Employee Assistance Representatives at Hawaiian Airlines.
United Airlines
The link below has the names and contact information of Employee Assistance Representatives at United Airlines.
February Helping Hands: Relationships
Mensaje en Español ///EAP Peer Volunteers: Helping Hands focuses on relationships for February. Relationships have been strained during covid for a variety of reasons. Home isolation due to working at home, home schooling, stay at home orders as well as people...
January Helping Hands: Gambling
Mensaje en Español ///EAP Peer Volunteers: With the beginning of a new year and signs of hope that we at at the beginning of a return to normalcy, we need to turn to a problem that is becoming as large as the substance abuse and mental health issues that are...
December Helping Hands Newsletter
EAP Coordinators, Covid numbers are up in every community in the U.S. People are fatigued dealing with the outbreak and the holidays that usually bring hope and positive attitudes may be blunted because of "stay at home" orders being implemented by communities on the...