2017 IAM Health and Safety Conference

The IAM Health and Safety Department with the IAM Crest and Union Members gathered at the Winpisinger Center for the 2017 IAM Health and Safety Conference. The International President Robert Martinez opened the Conference. Other Speakers at the Conference included the IAM Crest Team and the IAMAW Director of Safety and Health Jim Reid. Members learned more about handling active shooter and the opioid crisis sweeping the country.

IAM141 EAP Reps Attend the Labor Assistance Professionals Conference

IAM141 EAP Representative J.R. Richardson at the Labor Assistance Professionals Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada.

The Labor Assistance Professionals Conference is an annual event dedicated to the creation of comprehensive alcohol and drug treatment and mental health services for members, as well as promoting Employee Assistance efforts.

This year’s conference was attended by EAP Representatives from IAM141 and 142, as well as about 450 other EAP reps from around the United States and Canada.

The IAM141 EAP Program can help those who need anonymous, compassionate assistance in dealing with a wide range of personal issues, including substance abuse and mental health challenges. The program is free and confidential. To learn more, visit the IAM141 EAP Page.

The Liberty Bell Lodge is taking action.

The members of Local 1776 (PHL) are holding advanced Shop Steward training classes today, with a special focus on improving workplace safety. With the tools that IAM141 activists are building, every airline worker can double as an independent safety inspector, making their workplaces safer and holding their companies accountable.

Legal experts also explained the impact that worker’s compensation and workplace injury laws can have on the PHL station.

EAP Rep Joe Washburn was available to explain how the IAM141 EAP Program works, and the various services that they provide to members who need help. The EAP provides free and anonymous assistance to IAM141 members who need expert guidance on a wide range of issues, including substance abuse challenges, mental health concerns and more.

IAM141 Legislative Director Dave Roderick explained how recent public policy decisions may affect airline workers, and how all IAM141 members can get involved in political action with the IAM141 MNPL.

To find out if there is an upcoming advanced training class at your Local, get in touch with your Local Lodge President. To find out more about the IAM141 Education Department, check out the Education Page.