Chicago 1487 Golfers Tee Off to Aid Guide Dogs of America

Chicago 1487 Golfers Tee Off to Aid Guide Dogs of America

Chicago 1487 Golfers Tee Off to Aid Guide Dogs of America

Morning thunderstorms did little to quell the enthusiasm of the 144+ golfers at the annual Golf Outing to benefit Guide Dogs of America. The event, hosted each year by Chicago’s Local Lodge 1487, raised an estimated $20,000 for the charity. 

The outing brought together a diverse collection of union members from the airline industry, including Ramp and Gate Agents and Ticket counters, Stores Workers, and Instructors. Summer thunderstorms created a wet start for the event, but the gloomy skies had given way to a clear sunny day by mid-morning. 

According to Local President Tony Licciardi, the effort raised about $17,000 from registrations alone, plus several thousand more from raffle tickets, games, and other fundraisers. Also finding support at the event was the Machinists Non-Partisan Political League, which fights for the interests of airline and union members on Capitol Hill. 

“This is wonderful,” expressed Licciardi. “I am so grateful for the overwhelming support we got from the membership and the local community,” he said. “A ton of work goes into this event,” he continued. “It would be completely impossible without this support.” 

“I want to sincerely thank all our volunteers, and eveyone who came in from accross the sytem,” he added. 

Also lending support to the effort was Air Transport General Vice President, Richie Johnsen, who helps oversee the more than 100,000 union workers in the American Civil Air Transport industry.

The money went to Guide Dogs of America, a four-star charity that provides service dogs free of charge to visually-impaired persons, veterans dealing with PTSD, and children on the autism spectrum. 

Guide Dogs of America’s Four-Star Rating

Guide Dogs of America holds a coveted four-star rating from Charity Accountability Groups such as Charity Navigator.

Guide Dogs of America provides life-changing service dogs to people in need. The organization breeds and trains dogs for blind people, veterans, and children with autism. Additionally, they place specialized dogs in institutions such as hospitals and schools. These trained dogs help those in need gain confidence and enhance their mobility. Volunteers also help recipients learn how to use their service dog and are given full access to valuable ongoing support and resources from the charity. 

Remarkably, all services, including training and accommodation, are offered at no cost to recipients. 

Behind the Scenes: Puppy Raising Program

One of the standout features of Guide Dogs of America is its Puppy Raising Program. Puppies are placed with dedicated “puppy raisers” when they are eight weeks old. These volunteers play a pivotal role in the pups’ early life, teaching them house manners and basic obedience. 

The numbers speak for themselves. At any given time, Guide Dogs of America has between 150 to 200 puppies placed in homes, all made possible through selfless volunteers and the generosity of donors.

A System of Support

The organization ensures that its volunteers are always supported at every point. Guide Dogs of America offers structured training sessions with its professional staff, behavioral support, and on-site veterinary care, underlining its commitment to each puppy’s success. In essence, the entire GDA team backs every puppy and its raiser.

Those interested in being part of this transformative journey or want more information on regional meetings can visit the Guide Dogs of America website, which can be found here.  

The help from donors and volunteers is vital to the success of Guide Dogs of America. If you would like to donate or volunteer, please click here. 

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Pre-Negotiation Surveys at American Airlines are Now Open

Pre-Negotiation Surveys at American Airlines are Now Open

To all Fleet Service Association Members employed at American Airlines:We are contractually permitted to begin Section 6 Negotiations with American Airlines in September of this year. In preparation for those negotiations, we will be surveying all Association Members...

Stay up to date with all the latest news and information from the Machinists Union

Chicago 1487 Golfers Tee Off to Aid Guide Dogs of America

August 17, 2023

Morning thunderstorms did little to quell the enthusiasm of the 144+ golfers at the annual Golf Outing to benefit Guide Dogs of America. The event, hosted each year by Chicago’s Local Lodge 1487, raised an estimated $20,000 for the charity. 

The outing brought together a diverse collection of union members from the airline industry, including Ramp and Gate Agents and Ticket counters, Stores Workers, and Instructors. Summer thunderstorms created a wet start for the event, but the gloomy skies had given way to a clear sunny day by mid-morning. 

According to Local President Tony Licciardi, the effort raised about $17,000 from registrations alone, plus several thousand more from raffle tickets, games, and other fundraisers. Also finding support at the event was the Machinists Non-Partisan Political League, which fights for the interests of airline and union members on Capitol Hill. 

“This is wonderful,” expressed Licciardi. “I am so grateful for the overwhelming support we got from the membership and the local community,” he said. “A ton of work goes into this event,” he continued. “It would be completely impossible without this support.” 

“I want to sincerely thank all our volunteers, and eveyone who came in from accross the sytem,” he added. 

Also lending support to the effort was Air Transport General Vice President, Richie Johnsen, who helps oversee the more than 100,000 union workers in the American Civil Air Transport industry.

The money went to Guide Dogs of America, a four-star charity that provides service dogs free of charge to visually-impaired persons, veterans dealing with PTSD, and children on the autism spectrum. 

Guide Dogs of America’s Four-Star Rating

Guide Dogs of America holds a coveted four-star rating from Charity Accountability Groups such as Charity Navigator.

Guide Dogs of America provides life-changing service dogs to people in need. The organization breeds and trains dogs for blind people, veterans, and children with autism. Additionally, they place specialized dogs in institutions such as hospitals and schools. These trained dogs help those in need gain confidence and enhance their mobility. Volunteers also help recipients learn how to use their service dog and are given full access to valuable ongoing support and resources from the charity. 

Remarkably, all services, including training and accommodation, are offered at no cost to recipients. 

Behind the Scenes: Puppy Raising Program

One of the standout features of Guide Dogs of America is its Puppy Raising Program. Puppies are placed with dedicated “puppy raisers” when they are eight weeks old. These volunteers play a pivotal role in the pups’ early life, teaching them house manners and basic obedience. 

The numbers speak for themselves. At any given time, Guide Dogs of America has between 150 to 200 puppies placed in homes, all made possible through selfless volunteers and the generosity of donors.

A System of Support

The organization ensures that its volunteers are always supported at every point. Guide Dogs of America offers structured training sessions with its professional staff, behavioral support, and on-site veterinary care, underlining its commitment to each puppy’s success. In essence, the entire GDA team backs every puppy and its raiser.

Those interested in being part of this transformative journey or want more information on regional meetings can visit the Guide Dogs of America website, which can be found here.  

The help from donors and volunteers is vital to the success of Guide Dogs of America. If you would like to donate or volunteer, please click here. 


Pre-Negotiation Surveys at American Airlines are Now Open

Pre-Negotiation Surveys at American Airlines are Now Open

To all Fleet Service Association Members employed at American Airlines:We are contractually permitted to begin Section 6 Negotiations with American Airlines in September of this year. In preparation for those negotiations, we will be surveying all Association Members...

$500 Fine for Employer Behind Gruesome Teenage Amputation Incident

$500 Fine for Employer Behind Gruesome Teenage Amputation Incident

Owner of US Guys Processing, Darin Wilbur. Wilbur was found guilty in a criminal case of child endangerment at his business which resulted in a teenager losing his right hand in a meat grinder. He was fined $500 plus costs for the violations. 

$500 Fine for Employer Behind Gruesome Teenage Amputation Incident

On August 8, 55-year-old Darin Wilbur was fined $1,143 for hiring a minor to perform a hazardous job, leading to the young worker’s hand being lost in a meat grinder, according to Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel.

The amputation happened on November 19, 2019. According to a state filing, a 17-year-old employee of US Guys Processing in Iona County, Michigan, was operating a meat grinder when his right hand was pulled into the machine.

Soon after the injury, the Michigan Wage and Hour Division took Wilbur, who was supervising him at the time of the accident, to court. The investigation found that Wilbur had illegally ordered the teen to perform work listed as “hazardous” by the State of Michigan. Investigators also found that he failed to secure a work permit for the minor, as required by Michigan law.

The Division’s findings were submitted to the State Department of the Attorney General to pursue a criminal complaint. In August, Wilbur pleaded guilty to the charges.

After the guilty plea, Ionia County District Judge Raymond Voet fined Wilbur $500, plus an additional $148 in fees owed to the teen. Wilbur was also responsible for a “costs” payment to the court.

In passing the sentence, Judge Voet said there was no compelling reason for jail time or probation. He added that child welfare laws clashed with the views of many area residents.

“Ionia County is a farming county, and I know a lot of people in this county view children working, sometimes around dangerous machinery, as part of growing up,” Judge Voet said of the case. He added that the minor would have turned 18 anyway, saying, “Two months later, we wouldn’t even be here.” Additionally, Judge Voet found that Wilbur had told him to “be careful” working with the meat grinder and was unaware of the need to secure work permits for young workers.

“Our labor laws were written to protect children from dangerous workplaces; however, they lack the teeth needed to properly hold bad employers accountable for violations,” said Nessel at the time of Wilbur’s plea. “This case highlights the need to strengthen these protections, as well as the consequences for violations, and I look forward to working with the legislature on this critical work to protect the state’s youth.”

Nessel called on the legislature to re-evaluate the fines for employing minors without the requisite permits and the current statutes and penalties surrounding using children in hazardous occupations, a misdemeanor.

US Guys Processing workers are not unified and do not possess union rights to file grievances when their employer violates the terms of their employment. They also cannot file actionable safety reports or request regular inspections of the facilities, as union members can do.

Front-line workers can file a safety report anytime in the heavily-unified airline industry. These reports are known as Ground Safety Action (GSAP) or Air Safety Action (ASAP) reports, effectively make every employee a fully-deputized safety inspector. The reports are non-punitive, meaning that union members will not face discipline if they report a safety violation or close calls involving their airport duties.

Non-Union employees often have no legal recourse if exposed to unsafe conditions at work. For most, taking a matter to court is too expensive and time-consuming to be a realistic option.

In 2022, a spate of state legislatures enacted measures to roll back child labor laws. Many would make the violations that led to the Michigan teens injuries legal by removing penalties such as fines and jail time for offenders.

Federal regulations ensuring basic safeguards for child workers were established almost a hundred years ago. The child labor regulations have led many to believe that placing teens and children in unsafe working conditions was a thing of the past. In fact, there has been a surge in breaches of child labor laws, even as state legislators are increasingly trying to dilute the criteria safeguarding children at work.

According to a study by the Economic Policy Institute, there’s been a 37% increase in minors working in contravention of child labor laws over the past year alone. Furthermore, in the last two years, a minimum of 10 states have either introduced or approved laws that diminish child labor protections. These efforts to undermine state-level child labor regulations are driven by a concerted push from industry factions aiming to weaken nationwide federal standards. Even worse, the level of child endangerment is likely much higher, as most cases go unreported or even unrecognized as instances of child abuse. As Judge Voet points out, many victims of such abuse consider their mistreatment a normal part of growing up.

Tougher penalties for child labor violations could help reduce the number of children and teens hurt and killed by abusive and exploitative employers. Still, these measures are unlikely to become law anytime soon.

As the Economic Policy Institute study points out, seven bills that will weaken protections for children in workplaces have been introduced in six states. These include Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, and South Dakota.) Arkansas has repealed protections for 14-year-olds, and Minnesota allows teens to work on construction sites. These policies are in addition to already-lax investigations and enforcement of child labor laws, which rely on small fines such as that levied by Judge Voet in the criminal complaint against Daren Wilbur – and those fines are only applied to reported cases. Child labor fines can be calculated as a regular cost of doing business.

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Pre-Negotiation Surveys at American Airlines are Now Open

To all Fleet Service Association Members employed at American Airlines:We are contractually permitted to begin Section 6 Negotiations with American Airlines in September of this year. In preparation for those negotiations, we will be surveying all Association Members...

Stay up to date with all the latest news and information from the Machinists Union

Owner of US Guys Processing, Darin Wilbur. Wilbur was found guilty in a criminal case of child endangerment at his business which resulted in a teenager losing his right hand in a meat grinder. He was fined $500 plus costs for the violations.

$500 Fine for Employer Behind Gruesome Teenage Amputation Incident

August 10, 2023

On August 8, 55-year-old Darin Wilbur was fined $1,143 for hiring a minor to perform a hazardous job, leading to the young worker’s hand being lost in a meat grinder, according to Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel.

The amputation happened on November 19, 2019. According to a state filing, a 17-year-old employee of US Guys Processing in Iona County, Michigan, was operating a meat grinder when his right hand was pulled into the machine.

Soon after the injury, the Michigan Wage and Hour Division took Wilbur, who was supervising him at the time of the accident, to court. The investigation found that Wilbur had illegally ordered the teen to perform work listed as “hazardous” by the State of Michigan. Investigators also found that he failed to secure a work permit for the minor, as required by Michigan law.

The Division’s findings were submitted to the State Department of the Attorney General to pursue a criminal complaint. In August, Wilbur pleaded guilty to the charges.

After the guilty plea, Ionia County District Judge Raymond Voet fined Wilbur $500, plus an additional $148 in fees owed to the teen. Wilbur was also responsible for a “costs” payment to the court.

In passing the sentence, Judge Voet said there was no compelling reason for jail time or probation. He added that child welfare laws clashed with the views of many area residents.

“Ionia County is a farming county, and I know a lot of people in this county view children working, sometimes around dangerous machinery, as part of growing up,” Judge Voet said of the case. He added that the minor would have turned 18 anyway, saying, “Two months later, we wouldn’t even be here.” Additionally, Judge Voet found that Wilbur had told him to “be careful” working with the meat grinder and was unaware of the need to secure work permits for young workers.

“Our labor laws were written to protect children from dangerous workplaces; however, they lack the teeth needed to properly hold bad employers accountable for violations,” said Nessel at the time of Wilbur’s plea. “This case highlights the need to strengthen these protections, as well as the consequences for violations, and I look forward to working with the legislature on this critical work to protect the state’s youth.”

Nessel called on the legislature to re-evaluate the fines for employing minors without the requisite permits and the current statutes and penalties surrounding using children in hazardous occupations, a misdemeanor.

US Guys Processing workers are not unified and do not possess union rights to file grievances when their employer violates the terms of their employment. They also cannot file actionable safety reports or request regular inspections of the facilities, as union members can do.

Front-line workers can file a safety report anytime in the heavily-unified airline industry. These reports are known as Ground Safety Action (GSAP) or Air Safety Action (ASAP) reports, effectively make every employee a fully-deputized safety inspector. The reports are non-punitive, meaning that union members will not face discipline if they report a safety violation or close calls involving their airport duties.

Non-Union employees often have no legal recourse if exposed to unsafe conditions at work. For most, taking a matter to court is too expensive and time-consuming to be a realistic option.

In 2022, a spate of state legislatures enacted measures to roll back child labor laws. Many would make the violations that led to the Michigan teens injuries legal by removing penalties such as fines and jail time for offenders.

Federal regulations ensuring basic safeguards for child workers were established almost a hundred years ago. The child labor regulations have led many to believe that placing teens and children in unsafe working conditions was a thing of the past. In fact, there has been a surge in breaches of child labor laws, even as state legislators are increasingly trying to dilute the criteria safeguarding children at work.

According to a study by the Economic Policy Institute, there’s been a 37% increase in minors working in contravention of child labor laws over the past year alone. Furthermore, in the last two years, a minimum of 10 states have either introduced or approved laws that diminish child labor protections. These efforts to undermine state-level child labor regulations are driven by a concerted push from industry factions aiming to weaken nationwide federal standards. Even worse, the level of child endangerment is likely much higher, as most cases go unreported or even unrecognized as instances of child abuse. As Judge Voet points out, many victims of such abuse consider their mistreatment a normal part of growing up.

Tougher penalties for child labor violations could help reduce the number of children and teens hurt and killed by abusive and exploitative employers. Still, these measures are unlikely to become law anytime soon.

As the Economic Policy Institute study points out, seven bills that will weaken protections for children in workplaces have been introduced in six states. These include Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, and South Dakota.) Arkansas has repealed protections for 14-year-olds, and Minnesota allows teens to work on construction sites. These policies are in addition to already-lax investigations and enforcement of child labor laws, which rely on small fines such as that levied by Judge Voet in the criminal complaint against Daren Wilbur – and those fines are only applied to reported cases. Child labor fines can be calculated as a regular cost of doing business.




Pre-Negotiation Surveys at American Airlines are Now Open

Pre-Negotiation Surveys at American Airlines are Now Open

To all Fleet Service Association Members employed at American Airlines:We are contractually permitted to begin Section 6 Negotiations with American Airlines in September of this year. In preparation for those negotiations, we will be surveying all Association Members...

Summer Storms and Short-Staffing Cause Massive Travel Disruptions

Summer Storms and Short-Staffing Cause Massive Travel Disruptions

Summer Storms and Short-Staffing Cause Massive Travel Disruptions

On Monday, storms impacting the East Coast, stretching from Tennessee to New York, led to nearly 9,000 flights being delayed and an additional 1,768 cancellations across the U.S., as reported by FlightAware. A significant portion of these disruptions took place at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, one of the world’s busiest airports. It witnessed over 590 delays for departing flights, making up almost half of its daily roster, and more than 500 arriving flights were delayed, representing about 41% of its planned schedule.

Atlanta-based Delta Air Lines was particularly hard hit, which saw more than 1,300 delays and 440 flights canceled, or 11% of its entire schedule. “Due to continued severe weather that impacted our Atlanta hub, Delta teams are working hard to recover the operation and we apologize to our customers who’ve experienced delays to their travel plans,” a spokesperson from the airline said in a statement aired on CNN.

The havoc continued into Tuesday, with another 1,400 delays and over 300 cancellations reported by noon, striking close to 17% of 10,060 daily scheduled commercial flights. The storms will impact an estimated 120 million travelers.

In response to the storms, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced plans to reduce or slow flights in the New York, Philadelphia, and Washington D.C. regions. It warned that weather-related delays might strike as far south as Florida. It is estimated that up to 120 million travelers will be affected.

The storms are not solely responsible for the mass delays and cancellations. Since the end of the Pandemic, airlines have been slow to hire enough employees to cover their operations. United Airlines, for example, used COVID Aid funding designed to retain its workforce to instead lure employees into early retirement. Like other airlines, United is now struggling to find new employees soon enough to handle summer and post-pandemic demand.

In July, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said his department is investigating several airlines, including United, for “unrealistic scheduling.” According to Secretary Buttigieg, airlines were selling more tickets than they could reasonably expect to accommodate. According to Buttigieg, this practice was directly responsible for delays and cancellations during peak travel periods.

Commercial airlines urgently need to hire 32,000 new pilots, ramp and gate agents, and air traffic controllers, among other critical staff. The Department of Transportation says airlines are falling further behind each year, meaning the airline staffing crisis could stretch out over the next decade.

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Pre-Negotiation Surveys at American Airlines are Now Open

Pre-Negotiation Surveys at American Airlines are Now Open

To all Fleet Service Association Members employed at American Airlines:We are contractually permitted to begin Section 6 Negotiations with American Airlines in September of this year. In preparation for those negotiations, we will be surveying all Association Members...

Stay up to date with all the latest news and information from the Machinists Union

Summer Storms and Short-Staffing Cause Massive Travel Disruptions

August 8, 2023

On Monday, storms impacting the East Coast, stretching from Tennessee to New York, led to nearly 9,000 flights being delayed and an additional 1,768 cancellations across the U.S., as reported by FlightAware. A significant portion of these disruptions took place at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, one of the world’s busiest airports. It witnessed over 590 delays for departing flights, making up almost half of its daily roster, and more than 500 arriving flights were delayed, representing about 41% of its planned schedule.

Atlanta-based Delta Air Lines was particularly hard hit, which saw more than 1,300 delays and 440 flights canceled, or 11% of its entire schedule. “Due to continued severe weather that impacted our Atlanta hub, Delta teams are working hard to recover the operation and we apologize to our customers who’ve experienced delays to their travel plans,” a spokesperson from the airline said in a statement aired on CNN.

The havoc continued into Tuesday, with another 1,400 delays and over 300 cancellations reported by noon, striking close to 17% of 10,060 daily scheduled commercial flights. The storms will impact an estimated 120 million travelers.

In response to the storms, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced plans to reduce or slow flights in the New York, Philadelphia, and Washington D.C. regions. It warned that weather-related delays might strike as far south as Florida. It is estimated that up to 120 million travelers will be affected.

The storms are not solely responsible for the mass delays and cancellations. Since the end of the Pandemic, airlines have been slow to hire enough employees to cover their operations. United Airlines, for example, used COVID Aid funding designed to retain its workforce to instead lure employees into early retirement. Like other airlines, United is now struggling to find new employees soon enough to handle summer and post-pandemic demand.

In July, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said his department is investigating several airlines, including United, for “unrealistic scheduling.” According to Secretary Buttigieg, airlines were selling more tickets than they could reasonably expect to accommodate. According to Buttigieg, this practice was directly responsible for delays and cancellations during peak travel periods.

Commercial airlines urgently need to hire 32,000 new pilots, ramp and gate agents, and air traffic controllers, among other critical staff. The Department of Transportation says airlines are falling further behind each year, meaning the airline staffing crisis could stretch out over the next decade.




Pre-Negotiation Surveys at American Airlines are Now Open

Pre-Negotiation Surveys at American Airlines are Now Open

To all Fleet Service Association Members employed at American Airlines:We are contractually permitted to begin Section 6 Negotiations with American Airlines in September of this year. In preparation for those negotiations, we will be surveying all Association Members...

More Info About the ‘That MF’s Not Real’ Airplane Incident

More Info About the ‘That MF’s Not Real’ Airplane Incident

“The Full Story Behind the Viral ‘That MF’s Not Real’ Airplane Incident”

By now, everyone in the airline industry knows about the “That MF’s Not Real” Incident that happened on a 2 July American Airlines flight headed to Orlando from Fort Worth.

Here’s a recap:


The Dallas Airport Police have now made public the report filed after the meltdown, revealing more of the story. 

The woman experiencing the mental health crisis is 38-year-old Tiffany Gomas, a marketing executive and head of Uppercut Marketing. According to a now-removed LinkedIn page, Gomas is a “Top-performing sales leader, Fortune 50 Account Manager & Project Management Executive.”

The meltdown was filmed by several passengers on American Airlines flight 1009 from Fort Worth, some of which have been viewed millions of times. One of the passengers aboard the flight was comedian Carrot Top, who also posted his commentary about the incident on one of his social media accounts.

In the video, Gomez says, “I’m telling you, I’m getting the f*** off, and there’s a reason why I’m getting the f*** off and everyone can either believe it or they can not believe it.”

“I don’t give two f****, but I am telling you right now – that m*****f***** back there is NOT real,” she continued, pointing toward the back of the airplane. “And you can sit on this plane and you can die with them or not. I’m not going to.”

The police report says two officers responded to the disturbance to find Gomas standing in the jet bridge. However, she refused to speak to officers and left the area. 

The report indicates that Gomas seemed very upset, tearfully stating the flight wouldn’t safely reach Florida. The officer informed her she couldn’t board the plane and issued her a trespass notice before escorting her out of the secure areas of the airport. 

She has removed her presence from social media platforms, with her Facebook and Pinterest accounts no longer available. Additionally, her Instagram profile has been set to private.

Gomas told police the incident “was sparked by an argument over wireless headphones.”

A report by journalist Bree Dail says that an American Airlines supervisor said, “The female passenger was arguing with a family accusing them of stealing her air pods. The female then started claiming that the aircraft was not safe and did not want the aircraft to leave due to her believing it would not make it to its destination.” A report by the Daily Mail claims her home is valued at around $2 million.

Despite having her ticket revoked, she later returned to TSA and cleared screening before being escorted out of the secured areas a second time. According to the police report, she could pass TSA screening because her boarding pass was still showing as valid in the TSA database. Since she technically cleared all the steps of the screening process, no breach of security occurred. 


Your Employee Assistance Program (EAP) has your back.

Navigating life’s challenges, from mental health struggles to substance abuse, becomes easier with our dedicated EAP. As valued union members, you’re entitled to free, confidential, and compassionate support. Beyond personal care, we help demystify insurance and company policies, ensuring you access the best care possible. Remember, your well-being is our priority. Reach out to EAP whenever you need; we’re here to guide and stand by you.

Help can start today: CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

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Pre-Negotiation Surveys at American Airlines are Now Open

Pre-Negotiation Surveys at American Airlines are Now Open

To all Fleet Service Association Members employed at American Airlines:We are contractually permitted to begin Section 6 Negotiations with American Airlines in September of this year. In preparation for those negotiations, we will be surveying all Association Members...

Stay up to date with all the latest news and information from the Machinists Union

More Info About the Viral ‘That MF’s Not Real’ Airplane Incident

August 8, 2023

By now, everyone in the airline industry knows about the “That MF’s Not Real” Incident that happened on a 2 July American Airlines flight headed to Orlando from Fort Worth.

Here’s a recap:

The Dallas Airport Police have now made public the report filed after the meltdown, revealing more of the story. 

The woman experiencing the mental health crisis is 38-year-old Tiffany Gomas, a marketing executive and head of Uppercut Marketing. According to a now-removed LinkedIn page, Gomas is a “Top-performing sales leader, Fortune 50 Account Manager & Project Management Executive.”

The meltdown was filmed by several passengers on American Airlines flight 1009 from Fort Worth, some of which have been viewed millions of times. One of the passengers aboard the flight was comedian Carrot Top, who also posted his commentary about the incident on one of his social media accounts.

In the video, Gomez says, “I’m telling you, I’m getting the f*** off, and there’s a reason why I’m getting the f*** off and everyone can either believe it or they can not believe it.”

“I don’t give two f****, but I am telling you right now – that m*****f***** back there is NOT real,” she continued, pointing toward the back of the airplane. “And you can sit on this plane and you can die with them or not. I’m not going to.”

The police report says two officers responded to the disturbance to find Gomas standing in the jet bridge. However, she refused to speak to officers and left the area. 

The report indicates that Gomas seemed very upset, tearfully stating the flight wouldn’t safely reach Florida. The officer informed her she couldn’t board the plane and issued her a trespass notice before escorting her out of the secure areas of the airport. 

She has removed her presence from social media platforms, with her Facebook and Pinterest accounts no longer available. Additionally, her Instagram profile has been set to private.

Gomas told police the incident “was sparked by an argument over wireless headphones.”

A report by journalist Bree Dail says that an American Airlines supervisor said, “The female passenger was arguing with a family accusing them of stealing her air pods. The female then started claiming that the aircraft was not safe and did not want the aircraft to leave due to her believing it would not make it to its destination.” A report by the Daily Mail claims her home is valued at around $2 million.

Despite having her ticket revoked, she later returned to TSA and cleared screening before being escorted out of the secured areas a second time. According to the police report, she could pass TSA screening because her boarding pass was still showing as valid in the TSA database. Since she technically cleared all the steps of the screening process, no breach of security occurred. 

Your Employee Assistance Program (EAP) has your back.

Navigating life’s challenges, from mental health struggles to substance abuse, becomes easier with our dedicated EAP. As valued union members, you’re entitled to free, confidential, and compassionate support. Beyond personal care, an EAP Representative can help demystify insurance and company policies, ensuring you access the best care possible. Remember, your well-being is our priority. Reach out to EAP whenever you need; we’re here to guide and stand by you.

Help can start today: CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE


Pre-Negotiation Surveys at American Airlines are Now Open

Pre-Negotiation Surveys at American Airlines are Now Open

To all Fleet Service Association Members employed at American Airlines:We are contractually permitted to begin Section 6 Negotiations with American Airlines in September of this year. In preparation for those negotiations, we will be surveying all Association Members...

Meet the Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Winners of 2023

Meet the Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Winners of 2023

Meet the Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Winners of 2023

The District Lodge 141 Scholarship Committee, in partnership with Bleiweiss Communications Inc., is proud to announce the 2023 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Competition winners. 

The Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship is held each year to celebrate and reward academic excellence and community commitment among children, spouses, and dependent grandchildren of Local Lodge members.

“The essays were of high quality, which we take as evidence that these young scholars take their education seriously,” shared Daniel Brin, the independent Scholarship Committee chairperson. “It is inspiring to see the dedication these students and our members demonstrate toward their academic pursuits.”

Connor Dalgaard, a Coraopolis, Pennsylvania resident and a student at Vassar College, bagged this year’s top award of $2,000. Maura Dalgaard, his mother and a Passenger Service Employee at United Airlines, is a member of Local Lodge 1044.

Six exceptional students were also recognized with awards of $1,000 each.

Kembrie Blackmon of Clearfield, Utah 

Layly Kalfaian of Washington Township, New Jersey 

Collin Krasnai of Exton, Pennsylvania

Therese Layacan of Auburn, Washington

Jacques Speyrer of Kissimmee, Florida

Linamercela Yanes of Houston, Texas

All the winners demonstrated a clear understanding of this year’s essay subject: “Public approval of labor unions among the U.S. public is at its highest level since 1965, according to a new Gallup poll. Are U.S. labor unions making a comeback? Yes or no? Why?” 

Their compelling essays, ranging between 700 to 1,000 words, stood out in a pool of submissions from high school seniors and full-time college or trade school enrollees.

Winners will receive their awards at a Local Lodge ceremony and their achievements will be acknowledged by the Machinists Union District 141.

“We encourage every student who didn’t get the award this time to participate in next year’s competition. Your perseverance and efforts deserve commendation,” said Brin. 

For winners, the next step involves emailing confirmation of enrollment at an accredited institution for the Fall 2023 term to

Read the official announcement HERE+

Read the Winning Essay by Connor Dalgaard HERE +

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Pre-Negotiation Surveys at American Airlines are Now Open

Pre-Negotiation Surveys at American Airlines are Now Open

To all Fleet Service Association Members employed at American Airlines:We are contractually permitted to begin Section 6 Negotiations with American Airlines in September of this year. In preparation for those negotiations, we will be surveying all Association Members...

Stay up to date with all the latest news and information from the Machinists Union

Meet the Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Winners of 2023

August 1, 2023

The District Lodge 141 Scholarship Committee, in partnership with Bleiweiss Communications Inc., is proud to announce the 2023 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Competition winners. 

The Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship is held each year to celebrate and reward academic excellence and community commitment among children, spouses, and dependent grandchildren of Local Lodge members.

“The essays were of high quality, which we take as evidence that these young scholars take their education seriously,” shared Daniel Brin, the independent Scholarship Committee chairperson. “It is inspiring to see the dedication these students and our members demonstrate toward their academic pursuits.”

Connor Dalgaard, a Coraopolis, Pennsylvania resident and a student at Vassar College, bagged this year’s top award of $2,000. Maura Dalgaard, his mother and a Passenger Service Employee at United Airlines, is a member of Local Lodge 1044.

Six exceptional students were also recognized with awards of $1,000 each.

Kembrie Blackmon of Clearfield, Utah 

Layly Kalfaian of Washington Township, New Jersey 

Collin Krasnai of Exton, Pennsylvania

Therese Layacan of Auburn, Washington

Jacques Speyrer of Kissimmee, Florida

Linamercela Yanes of Houston, Texas

All the winners demonstrated a clear understanding of this year’s essay subject: “Public approval of labor unions among the U.S. public is at its highest level since 1965, according to a new Gallup poll. Are U.S. labor unions making a comeback? Yes or no? Why?” 

Their compelling essays, ranging between 700 to 1,000 words, stood out in a pool of submissions from high school seniors and full-time college or trade school enrollees.

Winners will receive their awards at a Local Lodge ceremony and their achievements will be acknowledged by the Machinists Union District 141.

“We encourage every student who didn’t get the award this time to participate in next year’s competition. Your perseverance and efforts deserve commendation,” said Brin. 

For winners, the next step involves emailing confirmation of enrollment at an accredited institution for the Fall 2023 term to

Read the official announcement HERE+
Read the Winning Essay by Connor Dalgaard HERE +


Pre-Negotiation Surveys at American Airlines are Now Open

Pre-Negotiation Surveys at American Airlines are Now Open

To all Fleet Service Association Members employed at American Airlines:We are contractually permitted to begin Section 6 Negotiations with American Airlines in September of this year. In preparation for those negotiations, we will be surveying all Association Members...

United CEO Scott Kirby Takes a Private Jet Amid Thousands of Flight Cancellations

United CEO Scott Kirby Takes a Private Jet Amid Thousands of Flight Cancellations

United CEO Scott Kirby Takes a Private Jet Amid Thousands of Flight Cancellations

Scott Kirby, the CEO of United Airlines, issued an apology on Friday for his decision to board a private aircraft amidst the flight cancellation chaos that left thousands of United’s passengers stranded around the nation earlier this week.

Kirby did not know that chartering a private jet because he could not depend on his airline would outrage stranded passengers. Once informed of the backlash, he issued a characteristically tone-deaf statement of remorse. “Taking a private jet was the wrong decision because it was insensitive to our customers who were waiting to get home,” Kirby said in response. “I sincerely apologize to our customers and our team members who have been working around-the-clock for several days — often through severe weather — to take care of our customers.”

Kirby ended his statement with a vow to better embody his respect for his team’s dedication and the customers’ unwavering loyalty.

The private flight taken by Kirby was from Teterboro, New Jersey, to Denver on Wednesday. This was the same day United canceled a staggering 750 flights, accounting for one-fourth of the day’s entire schedule. This count doesn’t include the cancellations related to United Express flights. Over the week, United canceled approximately 3,000 flights, with the highest number reported at its hub, Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey, which has been wracked by chronic staffing issues. The lack of adequate staffing left the airline helpless in the face of typical if heavy, mid-summer thunderstorms.

Kirby blamed the disruption in Newark over the previous weekend to a shortage of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) air traffic controllers. In an internal communication, he told employees the FAA had “let us down” by restricting the frequency of landings and departures at the airport, where United is a significant presence.

In response to Kirby’s accusations, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) were quick to call out the United CEO.

Buttigieg pointed out that every airline in the region experienced the same weather as United. But only Scott Kirby’s airline saw such mass cancellations and delays. “Look, United Airlines has some internal issues they need to work through,” the Transportation Secretary said in an interview with CNN. “They’ve really been struggling this week, even relative to other U.S. airlines,” he continued.

“I want to be very clear, air traffic control issues are not the number one issue causing cancellations and delays. They’re not even the number two issue. All the data, including industry’s own data is very clear on that,” he said.

Pilots at United echoed the criticisms of the Department of Transportation. “United’s travel disruptions this week stem from one source; Company senior management’s inadequate planning and insufficient investment in the airline infrastructure,” the Union said.

“Our pilots agree with our passengers that this lack of foresight and disregard of warning signs is unacceptable. It’s time for United leadership to change their thinking and invest in its labor, staff support, and facilities with updated contracts instead of ensuring our CEO has the highest salary.”

Pilots at United have been locked in seemingly endless contract negotiations at United. Talks are now in the fifth year as United management refuses to modernize the routing systems that organize flight schedules. According to airline pilots, this failure is resulting in too many pilots “timing out” during their schedules. (For safety reasons, pilots are legally barred from flying too many hours without rest breaks.) When pilots are required by law to stop flying, the airline often has to scramble to find new flight crews who can legally fly.

The high number of canceled flights led to the displacement of United’s planes and crews, severely impeding the airline’s functioning when adverse weather conditions struck on Sunday, as explained by Kirby. As the operational difficulties continued throughout the week, Pete Buttigieg, the Transportation Secretary whose department includes the FAA, noted on Twitter that, barring United, other airlines had bounced back from the storm’s impact. To emphasize this point, he shared a bar graph that compared United’s cancellation rate with the rest of the industry.

There has been some improvement in United’s operations since the middle of the week. FlightAware, a flight tracking service, indicated that the percentage of canceled flights dropped from 26% on Wednesday to 18% on Thursday and further down to 8% by Friday evening. However, even on Friday, United was still leading all U.S. carriers in the number of canceled flights for the seventh consecutive day.

United has committed to rectifying its operations before the anticipated busy July 4 holiday weekend. On Thursday alone, the Transportation Security Administration screened more than 2.7 million people, and a similar or larger crowd was expected on Friday.

The frustration of United passengers was made public via social media and interviews, with many talking about long queues at the airport and being forced to sleep in the terminals after flights were canceled. Unions representing United’s pilots and flight attendants joined in the criticism, accusing the management of inadequate planning, crew scheduling, and operating excessive flights.

The Chicago-based United clarified that it did not pay for Kirby’s private flight on Wednesday. Kirby, who has a net worth of at least $45 million, can more than cover the costs of private charter jets. The airline refused to comment whether Kirby often uses private planes for travel.

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Pre-Negotiation Surveys at American Airlines are Now Open

Pre-Negotiation Surveys at American Airlines are Now Open

To all Fleet Service Association Members employed at American Airlines:We are contractually permitted to begin Section 6 Negotiations with American Airlines in September of this year. In preparation for those negotiations, we will be surveying all Association Members...

Stay up to date with all the latest news and information from the Machinists Union

United CEO Scott Kirby Takes a Private Jet Amid Thousands of Flight Cancellations

July 1, 2023

Scott Kirby, the CEO of United Airlines, issued an apology on Friday for his decision to board a private aircraft amidst the flight cancellation chaos that left thousands of United’s passengers stranded around the nation earlier this week.

Kirby did not know that chartering a private jet because he could not depend on his airline would outrage stranded passengers. Once informed of the backlash, he issued a characteristically tone-deaf statement of remorse. “Taking a private jet was the wrong decision because it was insensitive to our customers who were waiting to get home,” Kirby said in response. “I sincerely apologize to our customers and our team members who have been working around-the-clock for several days — often through severe weather — to take care of our customers.”

Kirby ended his statement with a vow to better embody his respect for his team’s dedication and the customers’ unwavering loyalty.

The private flight taken by Kirby was from Teterboro, New Jersey, to Denver on Wednesday. This was the same day United canceled a staggering 750 flights, accounting for one-fourth of the day’s entire schedule. This count doesn’t include the cancellations related to United Express flights. Over the week, United canceled approximately 3,000 flights, with the highest number reported at its hub, Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey, which has been wracked by chronic staffing issues. The lack of adequate staffing left the airline helpless in the face of typical if heavy, mid-summer thunderstorms.

Kirby blamed the disruption in Newark over the previous weekend to a shortage of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) air traffic controllers. In an internal communication, he told employees the FAA had “let us down” by restricting the frequency of landings and departures at the airport, where United is a significant presence.

In response to Kirby’s accusations, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) were quick to call out the United CEO.

Buttigieg pointed out that every airline in the region experienced the same weather as United. But only Scott Kirby’s airline saw such mass cancellations and delays. “Look, United Airlines has some internal issues they need to work through,” the Transportation Secretary said in an interview with CNN. “They’ve really been struggling this week, even relative to other U.S. airlines,” he continued.

“I want to be very clear, air traffic control issues are not the number one issue causing cancellations and delays. They’re not even the number two issue. All the data, including industry’s own data is very clear on that,” he said.

Pilots at United echoed the criticisms of the Department of Transportation. “United’s travel disruptions this week stem from one source; Company senior management’s inadequate planning and insufficient investment in the airline infrastructure,” the Union said.

“Our pilots agree with our passengers that this lack of foresight and disregard of warning signs is unacceptable. It’s time for United leadership to change their thinking and invest in its labor, staff support, and facilities with updated contracts instead of ensuring our CEO has the highest salary.”

Pilots at United have been locked in seemingly endless contract negotiations at United. Talks are now in the fifth year as United management refuses to modernize the routing systems that organize flight schedules. According to airline pilots, this failure is resulting in too many pilots “timing out” during their schedules. (For safety reasons, pilots are legally barred from flying too many hours without rest breaks.) When pilots are required by law to stop flying, the airline often has to scramble to find new flight crews who can legally fly.

The high number of canceled flights led to the displacement of United’s planes and crews, severely impeding the airline’s functioning when adverse weather conditions struck on Sunday, as explained by Kirby. As the operational difficulties continued throughout the week, Pete Buttigieg, the Transportation Secretary whose department includes the FAA, noted on Twitter that, barring United, other airlines had bounced back from the storm’s impact. To emphasize this point, he shared a bar graph that compared United’s cancellation rate with the rest of the industry.

There has been some improvement in United’s operations since the middle of the week. FlightAware, a flight tracking service, indicated that the percentage of canceled flights dropped from 26% on Wednesday to 18% on Thursday and further down to 8% by Friday evening. However, even on Friday, United was still leading all U.S. carriers in the number of canceled flights for the seventh consecutive day.

United has committed to rectifying its operations before the anticipated busy July 4 holiday weekend. On Thursday alone, the Transportation Security Administration screened more than 2.7 million people, and a similar or larger crowd was expected on Friday.

The frustration of United passengers was made public via social media and interviews, with many talking about long queues at the airport and being forced to sleep in the terminals after flights were canceled. Unions representing United’s pilots and flight attendants joined in the criticism, accusing the management of inadequate planning, crew scheduling, and operating excessive flights.

The Chicago-based United clarified that it did not pay for Kirby’s private flight on Wednesday. Kirby, who has a net worth of at least $45 million, can more than cover the costs of private charter jets. The airline refused to comment whether Kirby often uses private planes for travel.


Pre-Negotiation Surveys at American Airlines are Now Open

Pre-Negotiation Surveys at American Airlines are Now Open

To all Fleet Service Association Members employed at American Airlines:We are contractually permitted to begin Section 6 Negotiations with American Airlines in September of this year. In preparation for those negotiations, we will be surveying all Association Members...